God of Destruction

Chapter 442: Different knots

Four hundred and forty-two ways are different

As the Empress Pangu, the witch clan cannot let the prehistoric world be occupied by outsiders, even if the immeasurable calamity is about to come, this cannot be changed, even if it is paid no matter how high the price is, the ancestor witch will stop it. The thing happened, this is the obsession in the bones of the Wu clan, an unshakable obsession.

For the Houtu ancestor witch and a group of witch races, they can be desperate, but for Xing Tian, ​​it is completely different. A world that is about to be destroyed, a world that has little to do with him, Xing Tian is unwilling to do so. And paying a heavy price, his goal is only one, and that is detachment. He is unwilling to pay a heavy price for that little vanity, which will affect his plan, which he does not want to see.

The Houtu Zuwu took a deep breath and said, "Xing Tian, ​​although Dao Zu Hongjun is calculating us, but you have to understand that this majestic world is my home after all, even if Dao Zu Hongjun did too much. We are all You can't let your homeland be invaded by outsiders. This is the bottom line, a bottom line that cannot be trampled upon. I hope you can understand this!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said: "Houtu Zuwu, you have your bottom line, I have my bottom line, you can give everything for the prehistoric world, and the Wu clan is also willing to fight for the prehistoric world, but Xingtian cannot do this. One point, it is impossible for me to give up my future in this prehistoric world that is about to be destroyed, and it is impossible for the Wu clan to pay a heavy price for it. I am different from you. I have selfish intentions, so we can't get together. !",...,

When she heard Xing Tian’s words, Hou Tu Zuwu’s face could not help but change. Although she understood that Xing Tian was not so easy to persuade, she still could not suppress her anger at this moment. In her opinion, Xing Tian’s choice was The betrayal of the prehistoric world is the betrayal of Pangu!

auzw.com Houtu Zuwu said in a deep voice: "Xing Tian. Don't you understand the consequences of doing this. Do you know..."

Before Houtu Zuwu could finish speaking, Xing Tian interrupted her. Shen Sheng said: "Everyone has his own ambitions. The Houtu ancestor witch still should not impose his will on others. What's more, how do you know that the other party has invaded the prehistoric world instead of communicating with us, even if the other party is Invading the prehistoric world, do you think they are willing to pay a heavy price for a prehistoric world that is about to be destroyed? I don’t want to be used as a piece of chess. I have had enough of being used by others. The battle between heaven and earth is your own business. Don't drag me up. I don't want to take this responsibility!"

Seeing that Xing Tian and Hou Tu Ancestral Witch had a dispute because of their different concepts, Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch could not help but sigh in secret. Although she is an ancestral witch, Xuanming Ancestral Witch’s heart is the same as Xing Tian. She also does not want to see the Witch Clan’s prehistoric world that is about to be destroyed and pay a heavy price, but Xuanming Ancestral Witch understands that she even wants to. It is useless to stop, because she knows the pride in the bones of the Witch clan! ,...,

However, Ancestral Witch Xuanming did not want to see Xing Tian and the Ancestral Witch Houtu clashed again. Once again, the relationship between the two parties changed. The Ancestral Witch Xuanming quickly said: "Sister Houtu. Since Xingtian is not If you are willing to participate, then we shouldn’t force it, after all, this hasn’t happened yet. We also need to confirm the truth of the matter!"

When Xuanming Ancestral Witch spoke, Houtu Ancestral Witch sighed secretly in her heart again. She knew very well that her reaction was a little agitated. Xing Tian was no longer the great witch of the witch clan before, and he had nothing to do with the witch clan. , The reason why the two sides can still communicate is mainly because of their past feelings. If you insist on your own opinions, it will only break the relationship between the two parties again. This is not a good thing for the Wu clan. …,

Just as Xing Tian said, he could not do this, not only Xing Tian could not do this, but many people in the prehistoric world could not do this. Those many casual cultivators heard about Hongjun Daozu’s When summoning, the first thought of many people is not to fight for the prehistoric world, but how to avoid this crisis and how to avoid participating in this upcoming battle. They don't want to ruin their lives, and in their opinion, there are the existence of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, this battle does not need them at all! …,

Perhaps Xing Tian’s thoughts are a little gloomy and not generous enough, but this kind of change is related to one’s own wealth and life. You must be cautious in everything, not the slightest carelessness, or your own will only be a dead end and you will live. Then there are all possibilities. Even if you are dead, it is useless, because you can't feel it anymore. Xing Tian doesn't want to ruin his life, at least now he doesn't want to, so he is! ,

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