God of Destruction

Chapter 4487: Festival return

Chapter 4493: Return

To prove Hunyuan Daluojinxian, the weather, the right place, and the harmony of people are indispensable. Without the king of cause and effect, it is difficult to take this crucial step. Even if it is barely successful, it will cost a heavy price. And this is not a result that Yin and Yang Taoists are willing to accept. The most important thing is that you have time to wait and wait patiently, so you don't have to rush for a while.

Once you are proving the Dao, you will inevitably induce the origin of the Netherworld to come. If you do not have the King of Causality to suppress the origin of the Netherworld, it will inevitably have an impact on your own proving. As for leaving the Netherworld and entering the predominant world to prove the Dao, Yin and Yang Taoists have never thought that in the Netherworld, he still has a chance. In the prehistoric world, it is a dead end. No matter whether it is heaven or humanity, he will not give himself this opportunity. Only the Netherworld is the most suitable. Own, or to be more precise, only eighteen levels of **** is the most suitable place for one's own preaching.

Perhaps it was the destruction of the innate Lingbao and the loss of the prehistoric luck. Heaven had to make a choice. The frenzied battle for the purple qi was finally over. Some people got the approval of the purple qi. What surprised the Yin and Yang Taoists the most. , One of them is the ancestor of Bodhi, and he was born in the Western world. When he shot, he quickly received the recognition of the purple qi. If it was not for the scent of the yin and yang Taoist who was very familiar with Zhiti, he would think that the ancestor of Puti was Zhunti, another cosmic purple qi was obtained by a white tiger, and the appearance of the white tiger as a sacred beast also surprised the Taoists of Yin and Yang.

The Taoist Yin and Yang sighed softly: "The two magnum and purple auras left by Zhunti and Jiuying have been obtained by Western creatures. It seems that these two saints belong to the West by nature. The original Zhunti and Jiuying prove that Dao is really by the way of heaven. The ancestor of Hongjun was pitted, and the position of a saint is indeed undesirable. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the most correct way. It is a pity that Sanqing and Nuwa are both bound by the way of heaven. If they can be a little bit cruel to themselves, maybe It won't be what it is now!"

In the eyes of Yin and Yang Taoists, both quasi mentioning and receiving can get rid of the shackles of heaven. There is no reason why Sanqing and Nuwa empress can not do it, but can they be cruel. After all, they all have great merits, great fortune, and heaven. Take into account the three points.

Many people are puzzled as to whose hand the incomplete Hongmeng Ziqi left behind by the red cloud, because it disappeared without a trace in the chaos, as if it had never appeared before, even the saints could not know it. In the minds of many people, the existence of is taken back by Daozu Hongjun, and some people think that this grandeur and purple energy may be hidden by others.

Daoists of Yin and Yang don’t care about everything that happens in the prehistoric world. It has nothing to do with them. No matter how great the predominant world changes, it will not affect oneself. To oneself, proving the Dao is the most important thing. A critical step, one’s own path will go smoothly, and this critical step is not so easy to take. It requires time, location, and harmony, and this step will inevitably lead to a big danger and a big crisis, which will accompany the world. Three calamities of people. Heavenly Tribulation, Earth Tribulation itself can resist, but Human Tribulation needs help. This is why the Yin and Yang Taoists have been patient and waiting.

"The time for Baihu and Puti ancestors to prove the Dao will not be too long. Two saints will reappear in the West to suppress the world. It's just not Dao how much time will they need to break through. I hope everything can return to the King of Cause and Effect. Later, otherwise, I will face the pressure of two saints again. When proving the Tao, I don’t know how many enemies will come to my door. Can the Netherworld be able to withstand their impact!" When I thought of this, Daoist Yin Yang couldn’t help. Di secretly sighed. Originally, he helped the Witch tribe to form an alliance with the Witch tribe. There were twelve ancestors to help the Witch tribe. His own proving was foolproof. Unfortunately, I still underestimated the changes in people's hearts, and the Witch tribe was not as loyal as I thought. , They also have selfish intentions.

A hundred years of time is fleeting for practitioners. In this urgent time, the harvest of the ancestors of Styx is not as good as imagined. Although it is also possible, it is only a lack of opportunity, not a system, and it is not a system. Cultivation can only be used for reference. It is impossible to truly understand the practice system of the Chaos Gods and Demons. This makes the ancestor of Styx very helpless. He also charged forward again and again, wanting to enter. Go to the center of the battlefield to find the true inheritance. It is a pity that the power of this chaotic little world is too strong. The central area is not accessible to him, and even the breath of the central area is beyond his ability. Only from this point. Judging from it, this Fang Xiaotiandi is indeed the final battlefield between the Pangu Great God and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. It was only separated in the evolution of the heaven and the earth, and the entrance fell into the sea of ​​blood!

For the king of cause and effect, there is also a little gain, but it is not as good as he planned, and he did not get everything he wanted. He just hurriedly tempered his body with the chaotic origin. It turned into a chaotic origin, and did not condense into the true body of a real causal **** and demon, after all, the time was too short.

When a hundred years passed, an incomparably powerful force surged out, and the King of Karma was sent out of the Chaos World without a chance to resist directly, and the King of Karma was subconsciously looking for the King of Ending clone, when he found the King of Ending When the king was not sent out of Chaos Xiaotiandi, the king of cause and effect couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Not only did the King of Karma breathe a sigh of relief, but the Daoist Yin and Yang who was far away in the Netherworld also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the King of End is the most suitable for the chaotic world, and his power can be integrated into the chaos. In the world, you can not be limited by time. Perhaps this is your own opportunity, the opportunity of the King of End. In that chaotic little world, the core force is the power of end, the ultimate of Pangu and the three thousand gods and demons. The decisive battle played the power of ending!

Just as the King of Cause and Effect breathed a sigh of relief, the ancestor of the Styx also appeared in the sea of ​​blood and said, "It seems that the Daoist’s gains are not shallow. Maybe the Daoist’s choice is right. Rather than looking for the opportunities that exist in the small world, it is better to take the opportunity to refine yourself and make your foundation stronger!" The ancestor of Styx saw the changes in the King of Cause and Effect at a glance, and felt the changes in the King of Cause and Effect. I couldn't help but feel a little bit distressed. I knew that the opportunity was so rare. I should also use external force to temper my body and make my foundation stronger.

"Didn't the Daoist Styx also get the opportunity he wanted? There are so many opportunities in this chaotic world, and the rewards of the Daoist are the greatest. After all, it is left by the Great God Pangu and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. I just don’t know if this chaotic little world will really disappear into the sea of ​​blood?” When he said this, the king of cause and effect looked up at the ancestor Styx, trying to determine the truth. After all, this chaotic little world is too terrifying, and The chance is too great, and the most important thing is that the King of Ending clone is still in it.

auzw.com Old Ancestor Styx sighed: "I also want to keep it. If this entrance can be locked in a sea of ​​blood, it will naturally be a great thing, but unfortunately I can’t do it. , If I have the power of a saint to mobilize the origin of the entire blood sea, maybe I can barely do it. Now I can only watch him disappear from the blood sea. This time he disappears. No one knows if there will be a chance in the future. Entering it again, as the Taoist said, the opportunities there are so great that no one is willing to give up!"

The King of Cause and Effect condensed, and said in a deep voice, "Oh! So the Styx Taoists have gained a lot from the exploration of this small world. Is it true that, as we have previously guessed, there is a complete inheritance of the Chaos Gods and Demons? "

Old Ancestor Styx shook his head and said: "I don't know if there is a complete inheritance of gods and demons, but there is terrible power in that central area. Even if I dare not approach it, the power of the saint is not worth it in front of it. For a mention, maybe that is the real decisive battle between the Great God Pangu and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. The scars there are too strong!"

The King of Cause and Effect nodded gently and said: "So, I don't know what the Styx Taoists plan to follow, whether to follow the path of proving Dao to sanctification, or to continue the practice of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

The ancestor of Styx sighed: "This time I still have some gains. I need time to digest these gains. As for what path I take, I may have to wait and see. After all, this is related to my future development. I can't be careless. !"

At this time, the ancestor Styx did not say his decision. This trip to Chaos Small World had too much influence on the ancestor Styx, and he did not have enough strength. Even if the opportunity was placed in front of him, he would be powerless. If Before I had the strength of a saint, I would only have such a small gain. I am afraid that most of the imprints left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons will be collected by myself and turned into my own nutrients, but how much do I get now?

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Think about the scary number of Dao marks in Chaos Xiaotiandi, and then look at the gains in your hands. It's really shameful, some can't get it, but this is only obtained by paying a huge price. !

The King of Cause and Effect sighed: "Yes, you need to be cautious and cautious in your practice. It is right for the Styx Taoists to consider more time. After all, this is related to your future development. It is a pity that after this time, you want to find this chaos. It's difficult for Xiaotiandi!"

Seeing the entrance of Chaos Little Heaven and Earth disappearing from the sea of ​​blood little by little, and feeling the departure of the Qi machine, the King of Karma could not help but sigh softly. Although there is the King of Ending clone in it, the deity and himself can Feeling where it is, but wanting to enter it again is not an easy task, unless the King of End clone has completely mastered this chaotic little world, and at that time, he has already used the opportunities inside, all the opportunities have already been melted. It is the foundation of the deity and oneself.

"The deity is still too cautious. If another clone is also placed in the chaotic world, there may be more gains. After all, there is a huge gap between the perception of two people and the perception of one person!"

"Hmph, this **** is really greedy, and he wants to enter the Chaos World again. Unfortunately, you can't do it, but I am different. As long as the original breath of the sea of ​​blood has not completely dissipated, I can determine its location, as long as I can prove it. , There must be a chance to enter it again. The inheritance there is all my Styx, and no one can compete with me!" The ancestor of the Styx sneered in his heart, thinking that he was the master of that chaotic little world, and he was able to do so. Master this chaotic little world and get many inheritances.

"All the cause and effect is over, fellow Styx, the Netherworld still needs me to sit down, let's not pass it!" Seeing the vigilant face of the old ancestor Styx, the king of cause and effect shook his head involuntarily and said to the old ancestor Styx. He was a little disapproved of his caution, but he didn't have the idea to fight him, even if the ancestor Styx had gained a lot, would he be on par with the King of End.

Under the gaze of the ancestors of the river, the king of cause and effect drew the power of the nether world and directly returned to the nether world with the help of the power of the source of the nether world. watching the departure of the king of cause and effect once again had a greater impact on the ancestors of the river. Let the ancestors of Styx once again see that the origin of a big world is powerful, and understand how powerful the power of a world power is. Although the origin of the sea of ​​blood is also very powerful, the difference compared with the origin of the world of the underworld is obvious. My own sea of ​​blood has not condensed into the real power of the world, and there is a qualitative gap between the power of the world and the power of the sea of ​​blood. The people are not above the same level at all!

"What a powerful Netherworld origin power. This is the power of the world. It surpasses other powers. If I also learn to use quasi-lifting and receiving, can I also have this power when I open up my own world?" The ancestor of Styx was tempted once again, tempted to open up the world, after all, the power of the world shocked him too much.

"No, I can't be too eager to make a decision for the time being. I should endure for a while, digest my own gains first, and wait for the end of this great catastrophe. In the midst of a crisis, I don’t have any authentic protection, and I can ignore the threats of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao Ancestor!" When I thought of the existence of Heaven Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, the old ancestor Styx was deeply moved. It is difficult to suppress the anger in my heart. If there is no threat from Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and without their calculations, perhaps I don't need to be so cautious!

I have to say that the ancestor of the Styx River really suffered a great impact. In that chaotic little world, his soul was eroded. If it can’t be solved, it will only leave a huge hidden danger for himself and make his practice fall into a huge. Amidst the disaster, even plunged himself into a desperate situation, the chaotic power is affecting his mind, which seriously threatens the safety of the ancestors of Styx, and affects his life and death!

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