God of Destruction

Chapter 4493: Festival Entry

The fourth thousand four hundred and ninety-nine chapters entered

Emperor Jiang Zu Wu didn’t know that when the Wu Clan took the initiative to enter the game, everything could not help them. It seemed that they had always had an active advantage. In fact, they had been in a passive state since the beginning. You must know this catastrophe. , From the beginning, it was the Lich Tribulation. Before, they reluctantly jumped out of the Lich Tribulation because of the intervention of the Yin and Yang Taoists, but now the Tribulation is not over, and the Wu Clan took the initiative to enter the game, so it is natural Inspired the cause and effect that was entangled in them.

In the midst of robbery, you can't help it! The Houtu ancestor witch and the Emperor Jiangzu witch only saw the benefits of the robbery, saw the opportunity of the witch tribe to dominate the prehistoric, but did not see the terrible danger hidden behind it, even the powerful power of the monster tribe was destroyed, the witch Clan deliberately wants to go against the sky, want to dominate humanity and tunnels, want to dominate the prehistoric world, this is not what a joke is, it is not what self-destruction is, the so-called Wu clan world is not their true dependence, nor is it them. The way out!

Although Houtu Ancestral Witch did not want to jump out to bear the anger of the King of Cause and Effect in the first time, but facing the heart of the decisive battle of other Ancestral Witches, Houtu Ancestral Witch could not stop it. After all, in the eyes of other Ancestral Witches, there was no cause and effect. The Kings looked in their eyes, and they believed that as long as they took action, they would surely kill the King of Karma and seize the power of the Netherworld. No one can stop the twelve ancestor witches.

"Brother, can't you bear it for a while, wait for other enemies to enter the arena and test out the truth of the king of cause and effect, it will not be too late for us to make a move!" The Houtu Zuwu still wanted to persuade the Emperor Jiang Zuwu not to be impulsive. For the time being bear with it.

"Little girl, I also understand the danger of doing this, but I feel uneasy. The longer the time is, the more distressed I will be, as if a big danger is about to happen. Only by proactively attacking and seizing the opportunity can we succeed. We will have no chance of winning if we drag on forever. What we have to face is not only the opponent, but also Sanqing, Nuwa, Hongjun Daozu, and even Heaven!"

"The war, at this time, is there anything to take into consideration? Isn't it just a big Luo Jinxian, even if there is world authority, our twelve ancestors and witches will all come out and start the'Twelve Capitals of the Gods and the Great Array' to summon the Father God. The body, let alone a big Luo Jinxian, even a saint, we can directly blow it up!"

"Yes, Zhu Rong makes sense. We don't need to cover up. With the power of our Twelve Ancestral Witch, it is enough to blow up all enemies. What to hide and calculate is just a waste of time. With absolute strength, we don't need to hide. !"

For the other ancestral witches, they are very opposed to the plan of the Houtu ancestral witch, and they are unwilling to hide in the dark forever, waiting for the so-called opportunity to come. In their opinion, they dare not fight decisively against a small big Luo Jinxian. This is right. Their own insult is also an insult to the Wu Clan, they should not be so cautious, the Wu Clan has enough strength to destroy all enemies!

Faced with such a situation, seeing his brother who could no longer suppress the fighting spirit in his heart, the Ancestral Witch Houtu couldn't help but sighed slightly. Although there was still some anxiety in his heart, the Ancestral Witch Houtu couldn't stop it, so he nodded and said: "Well, since everyone is unwilling to continue to be patient, let's take action, but we can't directly attack the King of Cause and Effect. After all, he has great kindness to the Witch Clan, and we can't bear the reputation of ungratefulness. We must first clean up the invasion of the Nether. The enemies of the world, as long as we wipe out these enemies, and then use the general trend to directly oppress the King of Cause and Effect to surrender the power of the Nether World!"

Hearing this, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu frowned, and shook his head lightly and said, "No, we can't do this! I know you are afraid that the reputation of the Wu clan will be damaged in your heart, and you are worried that the Wu clan will bear it. The backlash of cause and effect, but we really can’t do this. We have to kill the king of cause and effect as soon as possible, and directly seize the power of the Netherworld. Otherwise, no matter how careful we are, we will be noticed by the other party. Don’t say what we do first. Explain that they appear together in the nether world. Don’t let your heart down. For the great cause of the Wu Clan, we can’t be soft-hearted, even if it’s notorious. As long as the Wu Clan can master the prehistoric world, master the humanity and the tunnels, and become the overlord of the prehistoric, a little bit His notoriety is nothing!"

In the eyes of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Hou Tu Zu Wu’s hesitation is a soft heart. For the great cause of the Wu family, soft heart is not necessary. But in fact, Hou Tu Zu Wu is not soft in heart, but wants to resolve cause and effect, and wants to do it at the least cost. To seize the power of the Netherworld and make the Witch tribe a prehistoric overlord, it is a pity that her idea is destined to not be recognized by other ancestral witches, because these ancestral witches have never taken the king of cause and effect seriously. Luo Jinxian is just an ant!

Regarding Yin and Yang Taoists as ants, I have to say that the ancestral witches of the Wu Clan are too arrogant. Perhaps it is because they have used the development of the Wu Clan world to increase their strength, so they are all arrogant and forget. Once the danger faced by the Wu Clan, the Yin and Yang Taoists were directly regarded as ants, and even Hongjun Dao Zu did not dare to despise the Yin and Yang Taoists, but the Wu Clan did just that. I have to say that the Wu Clan was really ignorant and righteous. In this way, they fit into the calamity to withstand the impact of the great calamity of heaven and earth!

A person who can’t even see the general situation, how can such a racial civilization be recognized by the prehistoric world? Even if they are the Pangu authentic, they will inevitably be abandoned by the prehistoric world. , But the predecessor of all living beings, the Witches do not know the general situation, so naturally it should be declining!

"Killing intent, such a strong killing intent. It seems that the witches of this group of **** can't bear to attack me, ha ha! I don't know how confident they are, dare to be the lord of the world in the nether world. Confrontation, can they really be able to fight against me, the master of the world in charge of the Netherworld, with a middle-thousand world like the Wuzu world, ridiculous, innocent, and stupid!" Feeling the killing intent from the six reincarnations, the cause and effect Wang sneered again and again with disdain, and endless murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Yes, at this time, the King of Karma also has endless murderous intentions in his heart, and he will never be merciful to the enemy. Since the Witches have betrayed, he must teach them a profound lesson. , Let them know that they can help the Witch race to get rid of the crisis, and can also knock them out of the mortal world in one fell swoop, step into the footsteps of the Monster Race, and can give them opportunities, destroy them, and strangle their vitality.


"Come on, let this storm come more violently, and let everyone know how powerful the real Lord of the World is!" After thoroughly refining the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' and transforming it into its own cause and effect The origin, the king of cause and effect truly controls the power of the nether world, and truly becomes the lord of the nether world, can mobilize all the power of the nether world, and is innately compatible with the nether world. Witch they thought so unbearable.

The war is about to begin, and it is the cruelest war, an endless war. No matter what calculations the Wus have, when they attack, they will start endlessly. Unless one side falls, it will not end. , The King of Cause and Effect is very clear about this, and the Yin and Yang Taoists of the deity are also very clear. They are all making the final preparations, waiting for this moment to come!

When the Wu Clan ancestor witch was arguing, some old guys finally couldn’t bear it. They were not tempted by the world’s karma, but oppressed from the prehistoric world, although they were not willing to participate in the world’s calamity. However, under the oppression of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, they had to go to war. Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for them. Heavenly Dao will destroy these old fellows who have survived since ancient times. This is the difference between Tian Dao and Hongjun Daozu. means.

Although the old guys who survived from the ancient times are hidden deeply, when Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao are willing to pay a certain price, they can still be found, and they can threaten them with death, forcing these old guys to participate in the war. To face the king of cause and effect, to combat the perfection of the nether world, to block the development of the tunnel.

"Damn Hongjun, this is forcing us to enter the game, forcing us to engage with the tunnels, and use us as cannon fodder!" The old guys who were forced to enter the game scolded Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, but there was no way to escape, who Let them have been targeted by the Dao of Heaven and Daozu Hongjun, as long as they don't want to die, they have to participate in this battle and have to enter the catastrophe.

"Do you believe Hongjun's words? After this battle, he will no longer target us, nor will the heavens target us. Even if we attack Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the natural punishment we face will also weaken by three points? "

Yes, Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao not only threatened the lives of these people, but also used the punishment of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian as a temptation. Under the double pressure of the threat of death and the temptation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Forcing the old guys who survived from the ancient times to enter the game, they had to come to attack the perfection of the Netherworld, and be the enemy of the tunnels!

"Huh, believe him, unless you want to die, you dare to take his words seriously. It's ridiculous. If we really dare to attack Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, we will definitely die without life. I won't believe this bastard. Just get through this. Catastrophe, I will leave the prehistoric world the first time, even if I opened up a world by myself, it’s better than staying in this dangerous prehistoric world!"

"Leaving, if we leave, the luck we have accumulated over the years will dissipate, and all our plans will be shattered. Is it worth paying such a high price? We must know that we have seen the hope of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and see the vitality!"

"Hmph, what's not worth it, you never think that **** really can speak his words, in his eyes, we are just pawns, pawns that can be discarded at any time, don't think things too good, or you will suffer. It will only be us. The dragon and phoenix clan back then also obeyed his persuasion, but now what is the situation of the dragon and phoenix clan, don’t say that you don’t know, I don’t want to follow in their footsteps, and I don’t want to fall into a dead end. !"

"Yeah, we can't believe the **** Hongjun. No matter how well he says it, we can't believe it. Don't let it go, just call the idiot Xuangui. He agreed to Hongjun's suggestion and suppressed it by himself. In the wild north, what is the fate of the Black Tortoise clan? The situation is as bad as the dragon clan. Even the dragon clan is not as good as the dragon clan. Now he himself has not much time to wake up, and he is burdened with great cause and effect. I don't want to follow in his footsteps. As long as I survive this catastrophe, no matter how great the price is, I must get rid of the shackles of the heavens, and leave the prehistoric land and be free from the threats of the heavens!"

"I'm afraid that we won't have a chance to get out after we fall into the tribulation. This is the great tribulation of heaven and earth. Don't look at that **** Hongjun said so lightly, saying that the tribulation has eliminated most of the causal karma, and there won't be too much. But if anyone believes, who is a fool, look at the strong calamity now, there are signs of weakening, the demon race has fallen, but the witch race is still there, that group of lunatics can do anything. , We have to be cautious!"

When it comes to the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth and the Wu Clan, these ancient old guys who have been persecuted can't help but sigh in secret. They all understand the danger of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and they all understand their own situation. It's dangerous, no matter how much you talk about it, no matter how good you think, you must have the ability to break free from the tribulation of heaven and earth, and to have the ability to survive the tribulation to have a chance, and everything to die in the tribulation is vain.

"Actually, to say something ugly, when we were in the tribulation, we were afraid that we were already in the midst of a murderous situation. We really had to follow the instructions of the **** Hongjun. Maybe God will let us go, and humanity will let us go? , Will the tunnel let us go? It is also a dead end to forge great cause and effect with humanity and tunnel. Although heaven is strong, humanity and tunnel are not too weak. We need to be cautious, and it is best not to do things absolutely, let alone Trust that **** promise!"

"Yes, it makes sense. We can't believe the **** promise. We want to live and we can rely on ourselves. If we can, we can choose to compromise with the authenticity and the humanity. With the help of the humanity and the authentic power, we may Able to break free from the shackles of the body, to break out of the game, to escape from the catastrophe, to escape from the prehistoric!"

These ancient guys who were forced into the game are discussing countermeasures, discussing how to get out, but no matter how much they say, no matter how good they are, they are all imaginary. They need to have strong power and time to get out. It’s even more demanding for luck. How many of these old guys can survive this catastrophe, it’s hard to say. If they are caught in the catastrophe, they will be entangled in the catastrophe, if it’s just the calamity of this amount of catastrophe. It's nothing to add qi to the body, but they don't only have this qi in their bodies!

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