God of Destruction

Chapter 4499: Anger

Chapter 4505 Anger

"Asshole, stop me!" Being added by the robbery and touching the left hand of Hongjun Daozu, the old guys became crazy about it. They felt the breath of death and felt the endless cause and effect. Just when the Yin and Yang Taoists’ heart tribulations broke out, they all deeply felt the malice from the nether world, from the authentic malice, which made them fear and uneasy about it. They wanted to get out, just now. Trapped in the nether world!

"It's too late to leave now. When you agree to Hongjun and want to be my enemy, your destiny is already doomed. It is not me who harmed you, but Hongjun. You were left behind by him. After the backhand, it drew an undesirable power. Whether you know it or not, this cause and effect have fallen on you, and you have to pay for it!" The words of Taoist Yin Yang were very calm, without any anger. , As if these people are not aiming at themselves, but in this calm, there is endless fear for those old guys, they all understand the magnitude of this cause and effect!

"Damn Hongjun, I knew that this **** didn't have a good heart at the beginning. He was calculating us, using us as pawns and cannon fodder. Now that we have such a big cause and effect on our backs, it is him!" These old men The guy resented Hongjun Daozu once again, and put all the responsibility on Hongjun, as if he had made no mistake at all. In fact, if they don’t accept it, there will be no cause and effect. If they accept it, they will have to Bear the consequences, this is a fact that no one can change!

"Daoist Yin and Yang, let us go. We are innocent. We have a common enemy. We are all victims. There is no need to beat you to death!" Some people began to beg the Taoist Yin and Yang to be merciful, wanting to use this ridiculous reason. To impress the yin and yang Taoists, we can only say that they are too self-righteous and too underestimate the yin and yang Taoists.

Taoist Yin and Yang snorted disdainfully, and said: "Since you are here, don't leave. When you make a decision, you should think that there is such a moment, no one can calculate me without paying the price, whether it is you or not. Voluntary, all the same, you have to pay a price, do it, don’t waste time, don’t say I don’t give you a chance, otherwise you won’t even have the last chance to struggle, you will be directly destroyed by the catastrophe, directly The dead soul disappeared under the catastrophe!"

Letting go of these enemies, how is this possible? In the eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoists, these people are their own nourishment. Devouring the origin of these **** can enhance their own heritage and allow them to go further on the road of cultivation in Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. , Let them go, this is something fools can do. Under the catastrophe, it will destroy all the breath of these people, and it is also the easiest opportunity to swallow.

"Asshole, this **** asshole, we all bow our heads like this, he still refuses to let us go. He really regards us as ants that can be easily destroyed. We have to teach him a lesson and let him know that we are not easy to provoke!" After being repeatedly rejected by the Taoist Yin and Yang, the anger in the hearts of these old guys soared, and they all wanted to deprive the Taoist Yin and Yang alive.

Of course, many old guys just act like a look. It is almost impossible to expect them to work hard. They just want to use other people, and they want to use the hands of others to contain the Yin and Yang Taoists, so that they have the opportunity to break free. The old guys who survived the ancient times have unimaginable powers in their bodies. This is also the way they dare to enter the Netherworld!

"Yes, we should unite, and with the strength of all of us, we can definitely destroy the yin and yang Taoist **** and tear down the barriers of the nether world, but before acting, I need to warn everyone not to be clever. There is only one chance. If someone thinks I am powerful, I can deceive everyone, I can take the opportunity to escape, you can give it a go and see who will die the fastest!"

"Well said, we must work together at this time. No one can stay behind. Our opponent is not the Yin and Yang Taoist, but the Nether World. It is authentic. There is only one chance to resist. If anyone dares to play tricks and ruin everyone Don’t blame us for hating our hands, but before we act, we have to draw those ants over, let them be cannon fodder, and let them contain the king of cause and effect. After all, there is no such **** of the Wu clan, cause and effect. There is no one to check the King!"

"Okay, just do it, no one can hold back this time, or else it will be everyone's common enemy!"

When these old guys were about to unite again, the look of the twelve ancestral witches among the six reincarnations became extremely solemn. They had never thought of the situation now. They did not expect that the Yin and Yang Taoists were calculating everything, let alone the heavens. Daozu and Hongjun are also calculating everything, they are a group of clowns, between being played and held by others!

"This group of **** **** is so insidious that they planted such a trap and let us jump in. This time we not only failed in the plan, but also got such terrible cause and effect, and even offended the tunnel and the nether world. Now, this is very troublesome for our entire witch tribe. If this cause and effect cannot be eliminated early, then our entire witch tribe will be suppressed from the prehistoric world, and then the luck of the witch tribe will be suppressed. Unimaginable point!" As the leader of the Witch Clan, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu is most sensitive to the Witch Clan’s luck, and he knows best how dangerous the Witch Clan’s situation is now!

"It’s difficult, it’s easy to accumulate this cause and effect, but it’s not easy to resolve it. What’s more, since the beginning, our witches are in danger and are not liked by heaven and humanity, but we are not aware of it. Until now, we have betrayed our allies again, attacked the King of Causality, and corrupted the Netherworld and tunnels. Under such circumstances, it is not easy to resolve the cause and effect!" When he said this, the Houtu Zuwu couldn't help but sighed. The mood is extremely heavy.

auzw.com Greedy means that I and the Witch are too greedy. I am lost by the temptation in front of me. I only see the ridiculous benefits, but I don’t see the terrifying danger behind the benefits. These ignorant actions were made on impulse, which not only caused great cause and effect on their own, but also caused the Wu Clan's situation to be extremely dangerous, and its luck was seriously affected!

Regarding the worries of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu and Hou Tu Zu Wu, Zhu Rong Zu Wu did not take it seriously. He sneered and said: "We have the Wu Clan world, even if we carry this cause and effect on our back, as long as we hide in the Wu Clan world, the king of cause and effect is good. No matter what the Yin and Yang Taoists can do to us, no matter how great the cause and effect are, it can destroy the world of the Wu clan in which we stand!"

"Yes, we have the Witch World. As long as the Witch World is there, the foundation of the Witch Clan will not be shaken. At most, we hide in the Witch World. Even if we are burdened with cause and effect, it is impossible for the tunnel to attack us. After all, The Wu Clan world is also part of the tunnel. The Wu Clan has fallen, and it has a huge impact on the tunnel, and the same is true of the Six Paths of Samsara!

These words sound very reasonable, as if they can make sense and work, but in fact, both the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu and the Hou Tu Zu Wu understand that this is only the surface. If the cause and effect continue to accumulate, even if there is The protection of the witch world is protected by the great **** Pangu’s luck, but the witch people will also be damaged and their luck will be suppressed. Their practice will end here, and the strength of the entire witch people will end here, no matter how many years have passed. , The witches don’t want to improve their strength!

"Don't have this ridiculous thought. Karma will lock our cultivation base tightly, weaken the luck of the Wu clan, and weaken the luck of the Wu clan, and the future of the Wu clan will be restrained. Under such circumstances, do you think we Is it acceptable? Can you bear it?" Dijiang Zuwu stared at the other ancestor witches, waiting for their answers.

The Houtu Zuwu sighed: "Don't fight for the sake of face. This is not good for us and the Wu Clan. This will only make the Wu Clan step into the footsteps of the Monster Clan. Don't think that there is a Wu Clan. The world, our entire witch race, really has no worries. The world is not our support. If the world keeps standing still, everything is weakened, there will be the possibility of destruction, not to mention how many enemies are beating us in the entire prehistoric world. When we are strong, those enemies are not terrible, but as our own strength weakens, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Compromise, what do you mean is that we have to compromise with the yin and yang Taoists, to the'ants' like the King of Cause and Effect, and be soft to them?" Zhu Rongzu, the most grumpy witch of the twelve ancestor witches, couldn't accept it, his eyes reflected Endless anger.

"Zhu Rong, then what do you think we should do? According to your opinion, we will continue to fight against the Yin and Yang Taoists, still fight the king of cause and effect, continue to seize the power of the nether world, we continue to step into the catastrophe, and we will continue to be trapped by the catastrophe. Falling into a place where there is no return?" When talking about this, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu's face was already angry, and he was very dissatisfied with Zhu Rong Zu Wu.

"I have not said that we will continue to fight with the King of Cause and Effect, but we should not compromise with an'ant'. If our Wu clan fears even a big Luo Jinxian, what power do we have to face the primordial beings, we It will only become the laughingstock of the prehistoric sentient beings, and will only become the object of contempt by the other party. At that time, the reputation of the entire witch clan will be ruined!" Facing the anger of the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Zhu Rong Zu Wu still insisted on his own opinions. Not willing to compromise.

"Stupid, when are you going to be stupid, do you think that your persistence is self-confidence, that is not self-confidence, that is stupid,'ant' you are also worthy to say that the king of cause and effect is'ant', you must know that our twelve ancestors and witches have joined forces. I didn’t take down this “ant”. Can such people call it “ant”? Does this mean that we are not as good as “ant”!” At this time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu stared at Zurong Zhu Rong stubbornly. , The anger in his eyes seemed to melt Zhu Rong Zuwu.

"The king of cause and effect is indeed a Daluo Jinxian, and Yin and Yang Taoist is also a Daluo Jinxian, but Daluo Jinxian is not weaker than us. Let alone such a Daluo Jinxian, we can't despise it. Even Hongjun Daozu dare not despise it. Who does this exist? Dare to regard it as an "ant"? Even Hongjun Daozu had to use external forces to calculate the Yin and Yang Taoists, the king of cause and effect, what qualifications do we have to despise each other, if we do not even know this, we are not qualified to go again Engaging in the prehistoric world, even less qualified to fight for the hegemony of the predominant world, that will only make us die faster and let the witch race into the footsteps of the demon race, so be sober, don’t be distracted by the robbery, and don’t be disturbed by anger. Own mind!" At this moment, the Houtu Zuwu was also staring at Zhurong Wu Clan, dissatisfied with his stupid notion, and dissatisfied with his persistence. Now the Wu Clan's situation is very bad, and he can't make any serious mistakes.

"I'm afraid that we want to compromise. We don't have a chance to resolve this cause and effect. We are willing to compromise, but the king of cause and effect may not accept it, and the Taoists of Yin and Yang may not accept it. Everyone has seen the previous situation. Whether it’s the king or the yin-yang Taoist, they didn’t treat us as the same thing and didn’t care about our existence! If it weren’t for our witch clan to be part of the tunnel, if it wasn’t for the Yin-Yang Taoist and the king of cause and effect to be affected by the tunnel, I’m afraid we There is not even a chance to retreat from this battle!" As the master of witch humanity, Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming also felt the toughness of the king of cause and effect!

Wrong step, wrong step! The previous greed has plunged the Wu tribe into such a crisis. If it weren't for them to be too greedy, the Wu tribe would not have fallen into this kind of field, nor would they be subjected to this pressure. It is truly a dilemma!

The price, if you want to resolve this huge cause and effect, the Twelve Ancestor Witches need to pay a price, and the entire Wu clan needs to pay a price, and they don't know what the price is, but the price will definitely exceed their imagination.

"Authority, we acted on the King of Causality because of the authority of the Netherworld. Since it is because of the power of authority, then the authority will end this cause and effect. We can give part of the power of the six reincarnations to the king of cause and effect. The King of Cause and Effect, the Lord of the Netherworld, is here to determine the reincarnation of all beings in the heavens and the earth!"

"No, it's impossible. In any case, we can't trade the power of the six reincarnations. We can't give the king of cause and effect such a chance!" When he heard the words of the Houtu Zu Wu, Di Jiang Zu Wu didn't think much about it. , Directly opposed, unwilling to continue to make the Houtu ancestor witch pay the price, unwilling to let the Houtu ancestor witch sacrifice his own interests, this cause and effect cannot be carried down by the Houtu ancestor witch alone, this pair of Houtu ancestor witches It’s fair, and it’s not the Houtu ancestor witch who made the big mistake, but himself. If he hadn’t repeatedly insisted on a decisive battle, there would not be such a big trouble, and the witches would not fall into a dilemma. Everyone You don't have to have such a headache, even if you have to bear the price, you should bear it yourself!

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