God of Destruction

Chapter 4501: Fit the world

Chapter 4507: Fit the World with Your Body

"Feasible is feasible, but I don’t think we can hold too much hope, and we can’t pin all hopes on the King of Cause and Effect. We need to plan for the worst. After all, we are already in the game, and we have to face more than just Only the king of cause and effect, the Taoist of Yin and Yang, and the Tao of Heaven, Hongjun! Only by preparing for the worst, can you make the most suitable counterattack when the final disaster strikes, and be able to seize the gleam of life! Fate should be in control In our own hands, not in the hands of the enemy!"

Destiny must be in your own hands. This is easy to say, but very difficult to do. How could these old guys who survived the ancient times not know it, but they selectively forget at this time, because at this time they all understand that they can’t A little discouraged, or else they are really dead, they need to convince themselves, even if it is cheating, they must do it!

Just when these old guys were ready to take action, the accident happened again. The King of Karma did not stay in place as they thought. He did not continue to preside over the overall situation of the Nether World and stabilize the situation in the Nether World. The power of the Great Dao poured into the Nether World, and its own cause and effect Dao merged with the Nether World, and merged into the source of the Nether World by itself, and instantly disappeared into the Nether World. At this time, what the Nether World needs is not to stabilize the creatures in the world. The mentality is a barrier to stabilize the Netherworld, which requires the King of Cause and Effect to make sacrifices.

Fitting with the origin of the world, this is the authority and power of the Lord of the World, as well as the power of the Lord of the World. If the world is damaged by the origin of the world, it will inevitably reflect on the Lord of the world, and the Lord of the world bears a damage. Of course, the Lord of the World can also use the origin of the world to experience the Great Dao of the World, understanding the movement of the world, and understanding the Great Dao has tremendous benefits.

Fitting with the world can not only perceive one's own avenues, but also 3,000 avenues, especially now that the Netherworld is being eroded by external forces. The damage to the barriers of the world can clearly make the king of cause and effect feel the destruction of the world. Even with the power of the Dao of Destruction, you can also feel the changes in the Dao of the World, which is of great benefit to your own practice!

Dumbfounded, those old guys were dumbfounded for a moment, and the plan was not as fast as the change. Before they could find the king of cause and effect, the king of cause and effect fits into the source of the netherworld, which makes many old guys wonder what to do for a while. There are no goals anymore. What countermeasures and discussions will be discussed. Everything is in vain. Everyone's previous ideas will fall to no avail!

"Damn it, how could this be? How dare the lunatic king of cause and effect dare to fit the way, he is not afraid of himself being affected by the origin of the world, and he is not afraid of damage to his origin. This is a natural punishment. Once the origin of the Nether world is severely damaged, he Oneself will inevitably be severely damaged, even if it is the Lord of the world, there is no need to take risks at this time and under such circumstances!"

For these old guys, in their eyes, this is risking their own future, but for the King of Cause and Effect, this is not the case. This is their own responsibility, the responsibility of being the lord of the world, not the lord of the world. Those old guys don't know the weight of the responsibility of the world lord at all, and accept the power of the world's authority, and they must assume their own responsibilities.

Although the tunnel shelters the Netherworld, the transformation of the Yin-Yang Taoist deity has caused damage to the barriers of the Netherworld. This is cause and effect, and the cause and effect owes to the tunnel and the Netherworld. If the king of cause and effect does nothing, this cause and effect will accumulate in the deity. The body of the deity will even become a big trouble for the deity’s practice. Therefore, the king of cause and effect as the lord of the nether world must resolve this cause and effect to the deity, and must face the damage of the god’s punishment to the nether world. This is the responsibility. Unshirkable responsibility!

Those old guys want to find the king of cause and effect for consultation, and want to get out of the nether world. They don’t know how many mistakes they have made or how much cause and effect they are carrying. They are stepping into the nether world. From a moment on, they were entangled in cause and effect, and wanted to retreat from the nether world, unless they could repay the cause and effect that they owed, and they had the back hand of Hongjun Dao ancestor, it was this back hand that triggered the punishment of heaven and inspired After the heart of Yin and Yang Taoists, it can be said that they have to bear no less cause and effect than the Yin and Yang Taoists. The Yin and Yang Taoists have the king of cause and effect to bear the consequences, but these old guys have to bear it by themselves, and their fate can be. I can imagine that if the power of God’s Punishment is not too strong, and it is not necessary to watch the changes of the deity, at this time the King of Causality has already used the origin of the cause and effect to induce the causal karma of these old guys, kill them, and remove them. A body is transformed into the nutrients of the nether world to restore the damage of the nether world.

Yes, these old guys have been targeted by the king of causality, but now the king of causality can’t deal with them. Once the king of causation has survived the most dangerous moment, these old guys will die. It seems that these old guys are Hongjun Daozu's backs, but in Hongjun Daozu's eyes, they are nothing more than chess pieces, even cannon fodder!

When the king of cause and effect fits into the source of the nether world, the originally fragile barriers of the world are once again restored. The power of the avenue of cause and effect is repairing the damage of the nether world, and the king of causality is taking his own responsibility and guarding the nether world. , And at this time the Yin-Yang Taoist is also fully erupting, facing the punishment of heaven, his body is full of aura, the Yin-Yang Dao is constantly condensing the origin of chaos, exuding a terrible chaotic aura, like thousands of chaotic swords Mang also wants to hack all enemies.

This is the transformation of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon. Although this transformation consumes a lot of itself, the Yin and Yang Taoists have no intention to stop, and continue to frantically. No matter how strong the punishment is that day, they will not retreat. The entire void is Being ignited by his terrible blood, as if to transform all the thunder punishment into his own origin.

"Yin-yang transforms the Dao, devours the world, and destroys it for me!" When the Yin-Yang Dao's origin is constantly tempered and the body is constantly changing, the Yin-Yang Daoist's aura reaches its limit, and he saw his five fingers into claws, swinging down against the punishment, In an instant, the void in front of me seemed to be squeezed, with endless pressure blooming from all directions, and the invisible thunder sea was directly squeezed and turned into a pure and incomparable heavenly thunder origin, the origin of Tao. , And then was swallowed by the Yin and Yang Taoist to nourish himself!


"Crazy, this is really crazy, such a posture of crossing the tribulations is really unheard of, unseen, this is the transformation of the chaos **** and demon's real body, this is the evolution of the chaos **** and devil's physical body, terrible, it is really terrible."

"Yeah, this is really crazy. It directly squeezed the Thunder Sea of ​​Heaven's Punishment, directly swallowed the origin of thousands of Thunder Sea, and integrated into himself. How powerful is his physique? Could it be that the Chaos Gods and Demons are really powerful? At this point, the original Donghuang Taiyi didn't seem to have such a terrifying real body. How powerful is the physical body of the Yin and Yang Taoist, is this really a big Luo Jinxian?"

"He is indeed a great Luo Jinxian, and his realm cannot be wrong, but his body is far beyond the scope of Da Luo Jinxian. Even a saint is afraid that he does not have such a powerful flesh. Maybe the Wu Clan should learn a lesson. Daoists of Yin and Yang, this is the path they should take, proving the Dao in the flesh, and achieving the true body of the Chaos God and Demon!"

For those strong men who watched the battle, they were all shocked by what they saw in front of them, and they were full of emotion. This is the transformation and evolution of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon. Such a powerful body shocked them and made it difficult for them to accept. , With such a strong body, even if only the realm of Da Luo Jinxian is enough to fight the saint head-on, he can retreat all over!

Proof in the flesh! This is indeed a correct path. At this time, the twelve ancestor witches among the six reincarnations were also enthusiastic and shocked by it. If Zhu Rongzu witch was still dissatisfied before, now he sees the overbearing Daoist of Yin and Yang. After crossing the catastrophe, he lowered his head completely. If he were to confront the Yin and Yang Taoist, he didn't think he had the ability to resist the overbearing physical power of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and even the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu couldn't resist it. It is a real physical testimony!

"Is our practice wrong? Our practice in the flesh is wrong, otherwise we haven't really transformed on the flesh in the endless years, but the younger generation of Taoist Yin and Yang has done everything in a short time. , The nine-turn profound art left by the Father God is not the real physical body to prove Dao, the real physical body to prove Dao is the real body of Chaos God and Demon?” At this time, Di Jiang Zu Wu’s mind was greatly impacted, and he began to doubt Start the nine-turn profound arts of self-cultivation.

The ancestor Houtu nodded and said, "Perhaps there is a real problem with our path of cultivation, but it is not that the inheritance left by God the Father has a problem, but that we have a problem. The Taoist Yin and Yang had also communicated with us at the beginning, but Although we all agree with it, we actually didn’t take it to heart. Now it seems that we are really wrong. The Yin and Yang Taoists really have to go out of their own way of realizing the Tao. The real body of the Chaos God and Demon is the correct way of realizing the Tao. It’s just that we lack the core strength!"

What is the core force? Nature is the origin of chaos. Now the yin and yang Taoists exude such a terrifying aura of chaos. No matter how stupid the twelve ancestor witches are, they can understand that the biggest core of the physical transformation is the origin of chaos. This is what they don’t have. their twelve ancestor witches. The body is always tempered with evil spirits, but compared with the origin of chaos, evil spirits cannot be on the table, and the gap is too wide. It is just that the origin of chaos is not so easy to obtain. Although the world of chaos has endless origins of chaos, the twelve ancestral witches cannot absorb chaos. Origin, their physical bodies can hardly bear the true origin of chaos.

"I knew that the Yin and Yang Taoists had such abilities, such terrible strengths, and such attainments on the path of spiritual evolution and transformation. We shouldn't have that greedy heart, otherwise we might still communicate from him. It’s too late for this physical body to prove the Tao. Even if we resolve its cause and effect, we will not be able to restore the previous relationship!"

Regret. At this time, there is endless regret in the heart of Emperor Jiangzu Wu. Obvious opportunity is by his side. Obviously the Wu clan has found a way forward, but because of his ignorance and greed, he pushes this opportunity from his side. Going out, how can this make Di Jiangzu Wu feel regretful in his heart, and how can he keep his heartache.

Houtu Zuwu sighed: "Perhaps this is destiny. We originally found our own right path, but we missed the opportunity due to temporary greed. The Yin and Yang Taoists pointed us in the right direction, but we were gaining powerful strength. Lost ourselves, made stupid decisions, greed let us get the chance and then completely lost it!"

"Yes, we made a big mistake that shouldn't have been made. Although there is the temptation of external forces, the main reason lies in our own. It is that our own will is not firm enough and that we have not withstood the temptation of external forces!"

"But you don’t need to be too nervous, and care too much about the gains and losses this time. Although we have completely lost our chances, in this transformation of the Taoist Yin and Yang, we are not without gains. At least we understand what we are missing. Although we haven’t found a way on the real practice, as long as we clarify our own shortcomings and have enough time, we will definitely be able to find the right way and be able to do this in the same way!” Although Houtu Zuwu said She was very firm, but she was just comforting herself and other ancestral witches. If things were so simple, if they were so easy to prove the Dao in the flesh, they would not be blocked by the Great Dao again and again, understanding that their own lack was one thing. Wanting to make up is another matter!

For those ancient old guys, they have too many experiences, don't they know their own deficiency, but after endless years, they have completed the compensation for their own deficiency? No, they didn't do it, did they not have enough time? No, it is not a matter of time, but the root cause. To understand the lack and understand, it takes great wisdom, great perseverance, and great opportunity to make up for it, and neither is indispensable. Does the Witch family have all of this?

No, the Houtu ancestor witch understands in his heart that today’s witch clan does not have all of this. When it owes great cause and effect, whether it is the witch clan or their twelve ancestor witches, all of their luck will be suppressed. If it can’t be resolved This huge cause and effect, they don’t see any chance or hope at all, even if the cause and effect are finally resolved, but the lost luck is also difficult to find. This also greatly affects their practice, but this All the words Houtu Ancestral Witch can’t say, it will seriously affect the mood of other Ancestral Witches, and even the development of the entire witch clan, so all this can only be carried by the Houtu Ancestral Witch alone. Keep this in mind!

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