God of Destruction

Chapter 449: Zixiao Palace

A storm ended like this, and this storm had a great impact on the entire prehistoric world, and it was shocking. You must know that there are too many changes under this battle, and many people do it. To the point of shock, Dao Ancestor Hongjun was defeated, and the defeat was very thorough, which made many prehistoric beings worried!

Yes, they are worried. They are all worried that Hongjun Daozu cannot withstand the invasion from another world and will plunge the entire prehistoric world into crisis. While worrying, these people are also resenting Xingtian, and they obviously have powerful force. However, he was so selfish and ignored the life and death of all living beings. So Xingtian's reputation suddenly became stinking in the prehistoric world and became the object of hatred by everyone. If resentment can kill people, I don’t know how many times Xingtian will die. .

Although Daozu Hongjun was defeated by Xingtian, his actions did not stop. After leaving the Lunar Star, Daozu Hongjun was still summoning his great power. In the preparation of formidable force, in just a few days, the Zixiao Palace contained the power of all parties, as well as their many subordinates.

Humans, monsters, witches, asuras and many other races appeared in this purple palace. Originally, the Houtu ancestor witch only wanted to come alone, but in the end she was still a little worried about this battle. After all, Hongjun Daozu was defeated. After all, and the defeat was terrible, the Houtu ancestor witch still showed up in the Zixiao Palace with a dozen great witches. Although there were only a dozen people from the Wu clan, no one dared to ridicule. The strength is there, even if the Witch Clan only comes to Houtu Zuwu alone, it can withstand the power of many races. After all, the Houtu Zuwu is a saint, a saint who truly proves the way with strength. It's not that the hypocritical sanctuary of Taishang Laojun can be compared with this. ,...,

Of course, it's not just the major races appearing in this purple palace. And the disciples of all major sects also appeared in this Zixiao Palace, after all, be careful to make the Wannian Ship, this crisis is related to the life and death of the entire prehistoric. They dare not take the slightest care. Everyone has to be cautious, after all, this is related to their life and death.

auzw.com With the arrival of many people from all sides, Hongjun Daozu finally appeared. After seeing Daozu Hongjun appeared, the people present were relieved, because they did not feel weak in Daozu Hongjun, which shows that Daozu Hongjun has recovered from his injuries. This is for them. It is a great thing.

In the eyes of many people. Dao Zu Hongjun was severely injured in the battle of the Lunar Star. In fact, it was just illusory. Things were not what they thought. Dao Zu Hongjun was not severely injured by Xing Tian. Everything was just used by Dao Zu Hongjun to paralyze. It can be said that this is just a conspiracy.

Daozu Hongjun scanned the people present. Then finally paused on the body of the Houtu Ancestral Witch. Slightly frowned, and then looked away, it seemed that he was dissatisfied with the Witch Clan. After all, the Witch Clan's manpower was too few, and there was a huge gap between Hongjun Daozu's mind. But fortunately, his actions were very quick and didn't make everyone present notice it, otherwise it would cause an unnecessary argument. ,...,

Just listen, Hongjun Daozu whispered to everyone: "You are not short-sighted people who can rush to the Purple Cloud Palace under this kind of crisis. You should be aware of the consequences if the primordial world is occupied by the army of another world. I am very pleased. But to fight against the invaders of other worlds, this battlefield cannot be placed in the prehistoric world, it will cause huge damage to the prehistoric world, so we should guard the enemy outside the house, in the void Stop the invaders and prevent them from having a chance to set foot in our wild world, and do our best to ensure the safety of the wild world!"...,

If things are really as she thought, this so-called defense against foreign knowledge is a conspiracy. When thinking of the conspiracy, the Houtu ancestor witch's mood can not help but become heavy. Regarding the conspiracy, the Houtu ancestor witch itself is powerful. . She doesn't care, even in the face of no matter how dangerous the situation is, she has full certainty that she can retreat all over her body, but the dozen or so great witches she brought with him are afraid that they don't have this ability. Wu couldn't help but regret that he shouldn't have brought these dozens of Wu clan elites to Zixiao Palace on an impulse. Otherwise, she can move forward and retreat freely at any time by herself. …,

As for the Houtu ancestor witch, he sits peacefully in the Zixiao Palace, using his mind to perceive everything in the Zixiao Palace and the power of the great avenue contained in the Zixiao Palace. Realm, it’s very difficult for others to do this, but for the Houtu Ancestral Witch, it couldn’t be easier. After all, the Houtu Ancestral Witch’s powerful strength lies there, and her power to prove Dao with strength It is enough to perceive the avenues in the Zixiao Palace. With the help of Hongjun Daozu’s avenues to strengthen one's own power, it has made great progress, even breaking through the existing realm! (.),

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