God of Destruction

Chapter 4623: Jiebuzhou Mountain

Chapter 4629 Buzhou Mountain

Facing the eyes of everyone, Ancestor Ming He did not have any strangeness. He faced it calmly, without any pressure at all, as if all the pressure did not exist at all, but everyone knew that the pressure had always existed. Ancestor Ming He dared to do so. If you do, you must have your own support. Without enough confidence, it is impossible to behave so naturally. Ancestor Ming He is not an arrogant person!

Many people don't know what the source of Ancestor Ming He's confidence comes from, but Daoist Yin-Yang thought of the key to the problem, and that Qiaqia is what Daoist Yin-Yang desires to appear, but everything can't be discussed here, it's a secret , secrets that cannot be spoken, secrets that cannot be known to more people, and more people who know them will cause unnecessary trouble.

"What do you want to know, fellow Daoists?" The Master Tongtian didn't want to waste his time and energy, and he didn't want to intrigue with everyone.

Emperor Yan Luo did not evade the direct gaze of Tongtian Cult Master, and said calmly: "We want to know the origin of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, and we want to know what Hongjun Daozu is calculating. You all know before that Hongjun Daozu once came to the nether world, Tell me some secrets, but now we have some doubts about these secrets, I hope to get the answer from you, only by understanding the real situation of the enemy, we can seize a chance of life in this outbreak of the catastrophe!"

The four words "The Great Tribulation of the World", Emperor Yan Luo's voice is very heavy, this is to tell Sanqing, Jie Yin and Zhun mention the seriousness of the matter. Death, they can not escape the catastrophe!

At this time, Tongtian Sect Master smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid we will disappoint you, we don't know much about these, although as disciples, we don't know more about the teacher than you. Understand, if I have to say something, I can only say it is Buzhoushan, Hongjun teacher attaches great importance to Buzhoushan, as for heaven, earth, and humanity, we don't know much!"

"Buzhou Mountain, it seems that Buzhou Mountain really has a big secret. Since the great calamity of World Destruction, Hongjun Daozu also attached great importance to Buzhou Mountain. Later generations of Buzhou Mountain were also toppled. Pangu Yuanshen may really exist, but what exactly did he do? Exist?" The Yin-Yang Taoist muttered in his heart, Buzhoushan is the key, but what is the focus?

If it is normal, you can go to Buzhou Mountain to check the truth in person, but now that the world is destroyed, the Buzhou Mountain is in danger. If you go at this time, you are afraid that there will be death and no life. It is impossible for Daozu Hongjun to be unprepared. And if the secret really lies in Buzhou Mountain, it is impossible for the Great God Pangu to be completely unprepared.

When Emperor Yan Luo and others fell into contemplation, Taishang Laojun stood up and said, "Fellow Daoists want to stop the spread of the world-annihilation catastrophe, and want to start from the root cause, if this is the case, maybe we can Providing you with a direction is also the secret of our Sanqing, and it may be helpful to you!"

"Oh, ask fellow Daoists to speak bluntly!" Emperor Yan Luo stared straight at Taishang Laojun!

"Do you fellow Taoists know that the treasure of our Sanqing Taoism comes from Buzhou Mountain, or more precisely from a 'Twelfth Grade Chaos Qinglian'. If Buzhou Mountain has a big secret, it may be related to Buzhou Mountain. It's about!"

"Hey! How could I forget this secret, Buzhou Mountain can breed the 'Twelve-Rank Chaos Qinglian', and Pangu Great God is also bred from the Thirty-sixth Grade Chaos Qinglian, if Pangu Yuanshen really exists, it must be in Buzhou Mountain, Could it be that Hongjun Daozu did not deceive me, Pangu Yuanshen really exists in the prehistoric world, and Buzhou Mountain is the backbone of Pangu. If this is true, it means that Pangu Yuanshen may be hidden in Buzhou Mountain. Explain the problem of Gonggong knocking down Buzhou Mountain in later generations, but maybe there is a concealment in it, the existence of Pangu Yuanshen may be a little small, but Pangu's will definitely exists!"

Through the words of Taishang Laojun, Taoist Yin-Yang thought a lot, but everything is still his own guess, there is no fact to prove it, and everyone has no ability to prove all this, we can't mobilize the twelve ancestors to collide with the problem. Even if they can make such an opinion, the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan will not agree to destroy the Buzhou Mountain. They are not fools. They naturally know the importance of the Buzhou Mountain and know how amazing the karma behind it!

Is it possible that a trace of the origin of the 'Thirty-six-Rank Chaos Qinglian' still exists in Buzhou Mountain? After thinking about the key to Buzhou Mountain, Taoist Yin-Yang couldn't help but think of this treasure of chaos. If there is such a source in Buzhou Mountain, perhaps the return of the great **** Pangu will not be a difficult task. Not superfluous!

Although there are many ideas and speculations in his heart, Taoist Yin-Yang has no time to study them one by one. Time waits for no one. The current environment does not give him so much time to think. The crisis of extinction is just around the corner. To settle it, it will not take long for the entire prehistoric world to be destroyed. Whether the Netherworld can exist is still unknown. As the three worlds who dare to attack like this, they cannot be unprepared. If the tunnel dares to do this, there must be a way Take down the Netherworld, take down the Witch World, firmly hold the initiative in your own hands, and even grasp the power of world authority!

Taking a deep breath, the Yin-Yang Taoist said in a deep voice, "I wonder if the Taoist Supreme Taoist can know if there is Pangu Primordial Spirit in Buzhou Mountain. Based on your background, you should be able to sense the reality of Buzhou Mountain. If Pangu Primordial Spirit exists. It really exists in Buzhou Mountain, you should be able to sense it, please also ask fellow Daoists to give us an accurate answer!"

auzw.com Taishang Laojun gently shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoists overestimate our strength, although we are the evolution of Pangu Yuanshen and Kaitian Qingqi, our strength cannot be sensed at all. The real situation of Buzhou Mountain, there is too strong Pangu aura in Buzhou Mountain, our strength is unable to shake it, if we have to say what we feel, it is like returning home!"

At this time, Daoist Yin-Yang already understood the problem of Buzhoushan. Daozu Hongjun had concealed the information he gave, and there were also a lot of wrong information. If the information of Daozu Hongjun was used to target this world-destroying catastrophe, there would definitely be some problems. Without life, Buzhou Mountain can't move, at least these people can't move, and can't move, anyone who moves may fall into a desperate situation, and even the yin and yang Taoist suspects that Buzhou Mountain is now a trap, whoever steps in will be unlucky!

Of course, all of this is still the yin and yang Taoist's own speculation, and it is impossible to be sure, unless someone is willing to take their own life and death as a bet and risk their own life to experiment, and no one here would do such a stupid thing, no one dares to take their own Life and death are a joke, this is not a game, you can't do it all over again, if something happens, you will die!

While the Yin-Yang Taoist was contemplating, Emperor Yan Luo, the Twelve Ancestors, Old Ancestor Styx, and Empress Nuwa were communicating with each other. From their eyes, they could see their true thoughts and decide whether to invite Sanqing and Zhunti. , Acceptance and introduction into this big plan requires their vote. Although everyone did not get more information from Sanqing, everyone agreed to accept Sanqing, Zhun mention and acceptance. Sanqing's aura can be concealed. He has surpassed others, but he can't hide from Emperor Yan Luo, Patriarch Ming He, and Empress Nuwa, who have already proven Dao Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Priest. For Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, they can complete the Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Golden Immortal—very silently, and make them double Feel the pressure, this is something neither of them can do, but the other party has done it, this is the gap!

"Fellow Daoists, you all know about us, now that we want to stop the continuation of the world-annihilation catastrophe, we need like-minded people to unite against this world-annihilation catastrophe, and this requires three shots against heaven, earth and people. We need your strength, I wonder if you are willing to join our alliance and work together to resist this crazy natural and man-made disaster!"

There is nothing wrong with what Emperor Yan Luo said. This world-destroying disaster is a natural and man-made disaster. The natural disaster is not too big, it is more of a man-made disaster. The evolution of the world is an attempt to keep all karma out of the door and bring all the benefits into your arms!

"Oh! We Sanqing (Zhunti, Xieyin) are willing, but we don't know what price we have to pay?" In an instant, Sanqing, Xieyin, and Zhunti all agreed with Emperor Yama's suggestion and were all willing to join this big event. Come smart.

"To prevent the full-scale outbreak of the world-annihilating catastrophe, we have only one way, that is, use violence to suppress violence, use the fastest speed, use the strongest bet, and directly crush all the enemies who dare to resist, no matter where they are, As long as it threatens our safety and threatens the life and death of the prehistoric world, it is the target of our attack. In the nether world, there are me and you ancestors, and the ancestors of Minghe help. The problem is not too big, even if the tunnel is full of strength If we take action, we can also fight against it, but the human world is completely different from the heavenly world, especially the heavenly world. After losing the identity of the world's master, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, it will not change the life and death crisis in front of you, let alone change it. The big environment in front of you, in front of the general situation, is just 'ants'!"

"Using violence to control violence, according to Daoist friend, means that we people directly send troops to make peace, seal each other in the fastest way, and suppress each other, but Daoist friend has thought about the strength gap between us, Daoist friend and Twelve Ancestral Witch. , Old Ancestor Ming He can indeed fight against the tunnel, but we will also pay a heavy price, is it worth it?"

"It's worth it, nothing is not worth it, there will be gains only if you pay, it just depends on whether everyone is determined to fight to the death, everyone knows the horror and danger of the world-destroying catastrophe, everyone wants to avoid it, and everyone wants to take advantage of the fisherman. But the more you do, the faster you die, and we are all targeted by the three worlds, as well as Hongjun Daozu, don't forget that Haotian and Yaochi are dead, if we don't do anything will follow in their footsteps."

When he said this, Emperor Yan Luo paused, swept his eyes from everyone's faces, then landed on Taishang Laojun again, and continued: "This is not an ordinary catastrophe, but a real calamity. I don’t know how you all feel about the great calamity of the world, but as far as I am concerned, as the master of the underworld, I can deeply feel the division of the origin of the prehistoric world, but once the enemy’s conspiracy succeeds, the heaven and the earth The division of the three worlds, perhaps there is only a dead end waiting for us, and you will also completely lose everything that is Pangu authentic, without the prehistoric world, all your pride will fall to the dust!"

The words of Emperor Yan Luo shocked Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian sect master, and deeply made them understand how powerful their connection with the prehistoric world is, and it is not something they can cut off if they want.

"How do you want us to cooperate, what do you need us to do?" After understanding their own situation, Sanqing looked at each other, and they exchanged their thoughts, or the Taishang Laojun stood up and asked.

"The situation in the heavens has become so bad that none of us can intervene. At this time, no matter what we do, we can't stop the changes in the heavens. The only thing we can do is to suppress the prehistoric land, and this requires the cooperation of all Taoists. Only You can only do it if you can unite, and as Sanqing, Pangu authentic, you need to ensure the safety of Buzhou Mountain, and you must not let Buzhou Mountain suffer any damage, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

After some deliberation, Emperor Yan Luo felt that he should give up his illusions about the heaven. No matter who is in the hands of the heaven today, no matter what direction it will develop, he needs to give up. First stabilize the prehistoric land. If Sanqing, Zhunti, If they can cooperate with them, and they can attack with all their strength, they will have the opportunity to accomplish this goal!

At the same time, they need to pay a huge price. In the face of terrifying danger, once they take action, they will be enemies with all beings in the entire prehistoric land. They will use the most cruel means to forcibly suppress all chaos and use the bloodiest method. The means to restore the prehistoric land to calm, and also to disintegrate the strange changes in Buzhou Mountain today!

Once such a decision is made, there will be great pressure and danger for Sanqing, quasi-promotion and reception. They all understand that this is not an easy choice, but a life-and-death struggle, and the winner lives. The loser dies!

In the face of such pressure, in the face of such danger, no matter whether it is Sanqing, receiving and citing and judging, they all need to carefully consider the gains and losses, and consider everything, so facing the eyes of Emperor Yama, they can only treat them silently, and They didn't stand up directly to take on this responsibility and bear the karma that they should bear. Perhaps this is their selfishness, and it is also a manifestation of a normal intelligent creature!

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