God of Destruction

Chapter 4629: Festivals change

Chapter 4635 Heavenly Change

"Hou Tu Zu Wu, do you have any way to restrain the power of curse in your blood? Can you use the mighty power of heaven and earth to clear this power in the Primordial Demonstration?" The Yin-Yang Taoist asked the Hou Tu Zu Wu, although he He was not sure in his heart, but as long as there was a glimmer of hope, the Yin-Yang Daoist hoped to give it a try. After all, only after doing it would there be hope.

"It's very difficult, the power of this curse is deeply lurking in our bloodline and merges with our bloodline. If it wasn't for my brother who survived the Primordial Primordial Tribulation and proved the Primordial Primordial Golden Immortal, we would not know it at all. The existence of it cannot be separated from our blood with the help of the power of heaven, it is completely integrated into our body!"

Hearing this result, Daoist Yin-Yang sighed, this road was completely blocked, and it is unrealistic to expect the Wu people to clear this power by themselves. The power of the Second Ancestor Witch, the possibility of proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is unlikely to succeed. After all, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can transcend the prehistoric world, and there is such a terrible curse power in the blood of the Wu clan. Touch, the consequences will be unwilling to imagine.

"Could it be that it is the origin of your twelve ancestor witches, and condensing the power of Pangu can't remove this power?" The Yin-Yang Taoist thought of the power of Pangu again. As the orthodox Pangu, the inheritor of the blood of Pangu, the Wu people should be able to master the power of Pangu. force!

"No, I can't do it either, condensing the blood of our twelve ancestor witches, we can't mobilize the power of Pangu to clear this power, it has been completely integrated with us, cut out this power, maybe it is our life to come At the end, the witches need to absorb the evil spirit of the earth to cultivate, which is indeed very dangerous, and the slightest mistake will be backlashed by the curse of the blood!"

This doesn't work, that doesn't work either. The Yin-Yang Daoist's mood has also become extremely heavy, and he is not willing to bear such terrifying consequences. Facing this huge pressure, the Yin-Yang Daoist is also powerless to prevent this from happening. To be able to silently watch things happen, to watch the Wu clan go to death and destruction step by step!

"Fellow Daoist, don't use Pangu's merits of opening the sky, don't use the six reincarnation merits you have obtained, if the Wu clan loses the merits of opening the heavens and the six reincarnations, the curse in your bloodline may break out early, and the enemy may be killed early. After all of this, Proving Dao Hunyuan may be his trap, making you a dilemma!"

Yes, it is now a dilemma for the twelve ancestors. If you continue, you will inevitably face the curse of all living beings, which will inevitably cause the curse of blood, and lose the merits of opening the sky and the six reincarnations. It will dissipate, without the protection of merit and luck, what power does the twelve ancestors use to suppress themselves and suppress the luck of the witches! The power of the curse relies on the confinement of merit, and without merit, how did the twelve ancestors survive, and what did the witch clan use to survive!

At this time, Taoist Yin-Yang understood why among the myths and legends they knew, only the Houtu Ancestor Wu of the Twelve Ancestors survived, because she had great merit, and the Wu clan survived because of her great merit.

It's the same sentence, the Yin-Yang Daoist only gave opinions. As for whether the Houtu ancestors and other ancestors are willing to accept it, it is their own business. After all, the Yin-Yang Daoist cannot control the Wu clan, and it is impossible to prohibit the Twelve Ancestors. Witch Proves Dao Hunyuan!

"Hey! The Wu clan stopped, it seems that the fate of the Wu clan is not as terrifying as imagined, and they are also taking advantage of it!" When the twelve ancestors stopped to prove the steps of Hunyuan, Sanqing immediately noticed. They were very surprised. In their estimation, the luck of the Wu clan should not only have such a little ability, and it should be able to shelter a few more people to testify. Why did these ancestral witches stop!

"Perhaps they were attacked by the tunnel and had to let go. Even if the Yin-Yang Daoist and Emperor Yan Luo helped, it was impossible to ignore the existence of the tunnel. Once the tunnel was angry, the Wu clan couldn't bear the serious consequences, but now They already have five Primordial Primordial Golden Immortals, which can be said to be the most powerful beings in the entire prehistoric world, and they are no longer afraid of everything!"

"No, the Wu clan is not that strong, and the Hunyuan Jinxian is also different from the Hunyuan Jinxian. Although they are both Hunyuan Jinxian, do you think the Hunyuan Jinxian of the Wu clan can be compared with Nuwa, and can be compared with Emperor Yan Luo. Are they on a par? There is a qualitative gap between them. The Wu clan has no primordial spirit. This is the biggest difference. The Wu clan is not as powerful as you think. Follow the footsteps of the Twelve Ancestors of the Witch Clan and recognize the Golden Immortal Hunyuan!"

When he said this, there was a sneer in the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun. Zunti and Jie Yin did not participate in this battle. In this crusade against all living beings in the wild, Yuanshi Tianzun was very dissatisfied, thinking that this should not only be done by They are responsible for the three clear, but it must be borne by everyone. The Wu clan can avoid the war, and the Yin-Yang Taoist can avoid the war. That is because they have no cause and effect with the prehistoric land, while Zhunti and Jieyin have a great cause and effect with the prehistoric land. Bliss How the world was successfully opened up, a large part of this is due to the origin of the West, but they have no intention of repaying the cause and effect. They still want to use a knife to kill people, and they want to learn the same way as Taoist Hongyun before, and want Sanqing to come. Stop the disaster, this is simply impossible!

"Let them go, how these two **** choose has nothing to do with us, we just need to pay back the karma that belongs to us, we have eliminated our own causation, even if the worst happens, there are some who will retreat. Possibly, but there is no such opportunity for judging and receiving, and it is impossible for humanity to keep them from hiding, and they must pay for their actions, we can just wait and see, there is no need to worry about them!"

When Tongtian sect master said these words, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help shaking his head gently, thinking that he was too naive, and everything could not be controlled by himself. If it wasn't for the Twelve Ancestors of the Witch Clan who kept proving the Dao and attracted the attention of some people, I'm afraid they could no longer hold on, but now the Twelve Ancestors have the intention to stop, which has to make Yuanshi Tianzun even more Be careful!


"Elder Brother, we need to change our strategy, we can't continue to fight like this, otherwise, without rest, our source power will be exhausted bit by bit, this is not our own business, we need to do Prepare for the worst!"

Prepare for the worst, what is the worst case for Sanqing? Each of them has a different definition in their hearts. Taishang Laojun has selfishness, Yuanshi Tianzun has selfishness, Tongtian Sect Master also has selfishness, so the seemingly calm surface is turbulent, and no one knows when they will join forces The trend will be broken and collapsed. Once such a situation occurs, what will happen to the great land and what will happen to Buzhou Mountain, no one knows!

Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun will not go all out, and will not attack with all their strength. After all, they have lost the virtue of opening the sky and their own luck, and they will not put themselves in a dangerous and desperate situation. Although the leader of Tongtian has not lost the virtue of opening the sky, He is lucky with the great sect, but the sect has no treasure to suppress his own qi fortune, and the sect master of Tongtian does not dare to be careless and dare not let himself fall into a desperate situation. He is the root of the sect. Teaching is desperate.

The loud noise of "Boom!" resounded through the prehistoric world, making the three worlds of heaven, earth and human tremble. The ancient star field that was resisting the chaotic beasts was trembling. The power of the chaotic beasts on the prehistoric impact was increasing, and the world's barriers were collapsing. And at this moment, the chaotic little world in the connection between Yin-Yang Daoist and Ming He's ancestor is also docking with the prehistoric world.

Yes, at this moment, the chaotic little world that disappeared from the depths of the sea of ​​​​blood is docking with the prehistoric world, but the destruction of the prehistoric world's barriers has not been completed, but this small world has already fitted into the prehistoric world. On the top, it is already eroding the defense of the prehistoric world barrier, and is impacting the defense of the prehistoric world barrier.

"How could this be? That Chaos Xiaotiandi was clearly separated from the prehistoric world from the sea of ​​​​blood, but why was it rejected by the prehistoric world barrier when it was about to return? What is going on? What secret?" The Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help frowning, this situation made him dare to be surprised and feel uneasy!

What does Tiandao want to do? Whether it is Tiandao blocking the return of this chaotic little world, or is the prehistoric world rejecting its appearance, how long can the ancient star field last, how long can the saints of the stars last, why did Tiandao not help the ancient star far field, Hongjun Daozu What is the role behind all this!

"No, the defense of the heavens is going to collapse. If there is no one in charge of the overall situation of the heavens, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable!" The hearts of those heavenly saints were all terrified. In this shock, they all felt deeply. The strong malice that comes from chaos, once the defenses of the prehistoric world's barriers collapse, everyone who suffers backlash is these saints of heaven.

"Roar!" A roar sounded from the western land, and a white tiger rose into the sky and headed for the heavens. Although this was not his original intention, he had to do it. He knew that if he still did nothing, it would be difficult in the end. If he escapes to his death, he will be killed by luck, so he has to stand up and take on the responsibility of the saint of heaven!

As soon as the Western White Tiger came out, other heavenly saints had to stand up to stabilize the general trend of the heavens, resist the impact from the beasts of chaos and the erosion from chaos, and had to help the saints of stars maintain the stability of the ancient starfield. As for the prehistoric land, they can only let go , everything is left to Sanqing to handle, they are unwilling to bear the resentment from all beings in the wild, unwilling to bear the terrible karma of karma, killing all beings, it is a taboo for them, the saints of heaven!

"Senior brother, this is our chance. Let's take action. If we don't prove the Dao, we really have no chance. Give it to me!" Zhunti was in a hurry at this time. The world doesn't need them to worry about it. If they don't practise the Dao at this time, they will really miss the opportunity to practise the Dao.

When Zhun mentions a move, the reception does not hesitate, and they also act. The bliss they created instantly lost their origin. The treasures they originally used to support the bliss quickly separated from the world. At the same time, two-thirds of the origin was They were also separated, Zhunti and Jie Yin proving the Dao Primordial Golden Immortal together, and the Paradise of Bliss they created together became extremely weak!

Under the frenzied outbreak of Zhunti and Yingyue, the prehistoric land was shaken. They forcibly pulled away from the source of Elysium, which had an impact on the prehistoric world, causing the already unstable prehistoric land to be impacted again, causing endless sentient beings. Affected, but all this has not been able to stop them from proving the Dao Primordial Heart, they are still continuing!

Under the full outburst of quasi-ti and reception, a small world was opened up in their bodies, and the Buddhist supernatural power in the palm of the Buddha evolved into the root of the world, and its origin came from the world of bliss, it can be said that they The two of them use one-third of the origin of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, and cooperate with the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of their hands to open up and evolve an inner world!

Zhunti and Jieyin are studying the Tongtian Sect Master, but unfortunately they do not have as much background as the Tongtian Sect Master, let alone the help of the disciples. The inner world they opened up is far less than the Tongtian Sect Master, but their world is also different. Evolving with their own great supernatural powers, which means that as their strength increases, the world will continue to evolve.

"World Evangelism, I didn't expect that the two bastards, Zhunti and Jieyue, would also learn the World Evangelism. Seeing that they have only divided two-thirds of the origin of the Elysium, they want to learn the Tongtian sect master, and they also want to learn the Elysium. The world is integrated into the great land, and it also gets that amazing merit, and it is used to eliminate the punishment of proving the Dao, I just don’t know if their plan will be successful!” Looking at the changes in the void, watching Zhun mention and receive With all his strength, the ancestor Ming He was sneering.

At this time, it is not only the ancestors of Ming He who are watching Zhunti and receiving and citing Taoism. The twelve ancestors are also watching and watching. The same is true for Yin and Yang Taoists. Even Sanqing can't help but stop killing all beings. Watching Zhunti and Xieyin's preaching of Taoism, it's just that these people vaguely feel that something is wrong. Although Zhunti's and Xieyue's preaching is also the way to prove Taoism in the world, and they are also learning from Tongtian Sect Master, but their Elysium World's The source is too weak. The most important thing is that their preaching has impacted the entire prehistoric world and affected the prehistoric land. This will seriously affect the results of the preaching, even if they can integrate the world of bliss into the prehistoric world. In the earth, it is impossible to obtain too much merit, without enough merit to eliminate the Dao Dao Tribulation, can they succeed?

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