God of Destruction

Chapter 4654: chaotic world

Chapter 4660 Chaos World

What are the chaotic beasts, the existence that destroys the world, not to mention that this group of chaotic beasts are still transformed from the prehistoric world. Their hearts hold endless anger towards the whole prehistoric world, and for them, they destroy everything in the prehistoric world. is liberation. After this group of chaotic beasts rushed into the ancient star field, the ancient star field suffered a lot, and it was precisely because of their appearance that inspired the power of the source rules of the stars and demons, so that the power of the stars permeated the entire ancient star area!

"Is it a return?" As the origin of the stars in the ancient star field became stronger and stronger, Daoist Yin-Yang couldn't help but wonder in his heart. There are some tricks in the origin of the stars that have exploded so fast, which made Daoist Yin-Yang wonder if it was true. Someone is leading the return of the gods and demons of the stars, and letting an ancient chaotic **** and demon reappear in the prehistoric world. Although this may be small, the Yin-Yang Daoist has to prepare for the worst. Once such a situation occurs, the entire prehistoric world will be affected. It would be a devastating shock!

"If Hongjun Daozu intends to guide the return of the stars and gods and demons and let them reproduce the prehistoric world, it may not be impossible. The origin of a chaotic **** and demon is much stronger than those chaotic beasts, and if it can be refined and respected The chaotic gods and demons born are an irresistible temptation for anyone, and Hongjun Daozu is no exception!"

Of course, all of this is just the conjecture of the Yin-Yang Taoist himself. It is impossible to know whether the matter is so true. Hongjun Taozu has not shown up until now, which is enough to show his cautiousness. In the face of such a big bastard, no matter how vigilant I don't think it's too much, and the Yin-Yang Daoist doesn't dare to presume to confirm this conjecture!

The origin of the gods and demons of the stars is getting stronger and stronger, and it has a huge impact on the twelve ancestors. Even repression, the suppression of their own origin, if they hadn't been reminded by the Yin-Yang Daoist, even their hearts would have been terribly impacted!

"Speed ​​up, we don't have much time left!" The Yin-Yang Taoist opened his mouth to remind the Twelve Ancestral Witch that he could no longer keep his hands at this time, no matter what the changes in the ancient star field today, no matter what conspiracy behind it, It is necessary to grab the origin of the group of chaotic beasts and complete the recovery of Emperor Yama. As for himself, the Yin-Yang Taoist also made a crazy decision.

"Things have come to this stage. When I have to make the worst choice decision, the power of the world must be activated. Come on, the soul is connected, and the secret magic of the soul is revealed!" , The soul of the deity began to connect with his three avatars. This time, the Yin-Yang Daoist made the worst choice, and it was also the most unwilling choice for him. Originally, the Yin-Yang Daoist did not want to make such a crazy decision in the plan, but The current environment forced him to do this, and he had to make the worst choice, sacrificing some of his interests in exchange for a strong self-preservation force!

Just relying on one's own strength is no longer enough to face the crisis. In this crisis-riddled ancient star field, the Yin-Yang Taoist must have a trump card, a trump card that can make himself retreat, and this requires the power of the world. power, not a crippled world power, and sacrifices are necessary to do this.

Speaking of which, there is still a hint of inspiration for the yin-yang Taoist's crazy decision, which comes from the goddess Nuwa. The goddess Nuwa united the two worlds with her own good fortune origin, beheading the old self, and the yin-yang Taoist also saw the crazier from it. A road, a road that evolves into a real chaotic world, but the sacrifice of this road is too great, making Yin-Yang Daoist unwilling to make a choice, but now Yin-Yang Daoist has to do it, and the situation is forcing him step by step towards this road.

Daoist Yin-Yang doesn't know if there is a black hand behind it or not. Although he has thought about this issue, the current situation cannot be considered too much by Daoist Yin-Yang. The origin of the gods and demons is constantly recovering, and the situation of the yin and yang Taoists is also very dangerous. After all, the origin of the yin and yang Taoists is to **** the time gods and demons that were suppressed in the nether world, and even their own destiny is the source of the gods and demons. The treasure offering is refined.

"Prince, do you really have to do this? Once you make this choice, there will be no turning back. All the previous efforts will be turned into nothingness, and all the layouts will disappear!" As Emperor Yan Luo, feeling When the Taoist Yin-Yang thought about it, he couldn't help but persuade, because he knew very well how much the deity had to pay for doing so.

"I have no choice. Although the situation seems to be very favorable for me, and the group of chaotic beasts can become nutrients, there is always a kind of unease in my heart. , If I follow the original plan, I am afraid that there will be accidents. Once I am in a desperate situation, I am worried that my body will die and my soul will disappear. Even if there are three avatars, there will be no life. This is a catastrophe, and the danger is beyond What I can bear!"

"Okay, this time we will do our best to open up a real chaotic world. I hope that the deity's calculations will be fine!" Emperor Yan Luo sighed, and there was still a slight uneasiness in his heart. After all, the price to be paid this time is too high, and this opportunity is only one time. If it fails, it may really fall into a doomed place, and there will be no chance to turn over again, but Emperor Yama has no way to continue to persuade.

During the waiting of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the information that the Yin-Yang Daoist wanted was sent back from the chaotic void, and the result he wanted was sent back from the prehistoric world. With their approval, today's prehistoric times have become too crazy, beyond their original imagination. Although the deity's idea will make them make tragic sacrifices, they all agree with this decision. After all, once the deity is strangled by the enemy with the soul secret technique, They have only one dead end!

"Creation, end, let's start!" A voice sounded in the soul of Yin-Yang Daoist, this was the voice of his own clone, and when the voice fell, the soul of Yin-Yang Daoist burst apart, and a powerful soul channel was Opening it, the Yin-Yang Daoist could not help but let out a muffled groan, only then the origin of the Yin-Yang Daoist was rapidly draining away.

auzw.com A ray of light flashed from the soul of the Yin-Yang Daoist, and the Onmyo Bell, the treasure of destiny, was sent by the Yin-Yang Daoist to the hands of the king of the end, and only then two more rays of light flew away Go, open the soul channel, pass on the treasure of life, the treasure of origin, what the yin and yang Taoist has to do, what he is going to do with the three avatars, and pay such a huge price!

"The Pearl of Chaos appears, devours the heavens and the earth, evolves the avenue, Kai! Blood sacrifice of life!" With the fall of this voice, the avatar of the Yin-Yang Taoist was shattered in an instant, and the essence and origin, as well as the soul, were directly integrated into the Chaos Pearl. Among the chaotic treasures, the chaotic beads were brought by the Taoist Yin-Yang from the hands of Hongjun Daozu, and they have been nourished all the time, and now the Taoist Yin-Yang is using his clones to supplement the chaotic pearls to open the chaotic pearls. Blood refining Chaos Orb!

At the price of life, although it is only a clone, it is enough to smelt the chaotic treasure of the 'Chaos Pearl', and the origin of a clone is enough to unlock the power of the 'Chaos Pearl', but is it worth the price paid by the Yin-Yang Taoist?

It's worth it, because what the Yin-Yang Daoist wants to do is not to use the 'Chaos Pearl' to integrate into his own Yin-Yang Dao and open up the world, but to use the power of the 'Chaos Orb' to devour that chaotic small world, and the king of the end has not been refined. The transformed chaotic small world is completely swallowed up and integrated into the chaotic treasure, the 'Chaos Pearl', so as to open up a chaotic world, a chaotic world with the origin of 3,000 chaotic gods and demons, and a truly perfect chaotic world. This idea is too crazy. !

"It's up to me, create the world, and evolve the great thousand!" Soon another clone of the Yin-Yang Daoist burst out with its own power.

"The power of the end, destroy the sky and destroy the earth!" Only then the king of the end also broke out the power of the source, but the power of the king of the end collided directly with the force of creation, and in an instant, the Chaos Pearl burst out with endless breath , making the world of Chaos Beads violent, all the original rules in the original Chaos Small World are bursting, and they all feel the breath of destruction.

Resist, the power of these origin rules must resist, they do not want to be destroyed, but unfortunately everything is too late, the collision of the power of termination and the power of creation has shattered the world in the entire Chaos Bead, and everything is shattering, in the destruction of the world All the forces in front of Damo were vulnerable to a single blow, and were destroyed by the impact of the detonation of two extreme opposing forces. The world-annihilating Damo really broke out with the power of destroying the world, and the power of the soul of the three avatars of the Yin-Yang Daoist also merged together. Refined the 'Chaos Orb'!

In an instant, a real source of chaos emanated from the chaotic treasure, the 'Chaos Pearl'. It was the light of chaos, the light of life, and the light of destruction. At this moment, the Taoist Yin-Yang trembled and couldn't help but stop. A grunt once!

At this moment, the body of the Yin-Yang Daoist was washed once by the chaotic breath, and it was truly washed from the inside out, and this power came from the 'Chaos Pearl'. One world, one real chaotic world, a chaotic world evolved from 'chaos beads' and three avatars!

At this time, Taoist Yin-Yang was a little dumbfounded. All his treasures disappeared. In the chaotic world, there is only the existence of the World Extermination, but today's Extermination has become different, as if it has merged. The original power of three thousand rules in the chaotic world exudes an amazing chaotic atmosphere, as if all the treasures have been transformed into its nutrients.

"Damn, how could this happen? Even my birthright treasure, Yin-Yang Bell, disappeared. This is different from everything I imagined!" The Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help frowning. Although the Chaos World was successfully opened up, the price was too high. Originally, the Taoist Yin-Yang wanted to keep the original treasure of his three clones, or the original treasure of the deity, in order to be reborn with the help of the source of the chaotic world, but now the Taoist Yin-Yang found that he was wrong, and the original treasure of the three clones disappeared, all It has been transformed into the nutrients of the chaotic world, and what remains is this 'world-destroying mill' that exudes the atmosphere of chaos!

Chaos Treasure, this is his only treasure, it can be said to be the treasure of the evolution of the chaotic world, it can also be said to be the product of the fusion of the three avatars of Yin-Yang Daoist and the treasure of the deity, but this result is a pros and cons for Yin-Yang Daoist Half and half.

Today's World-Destruction Great Mill is a real treasure of chaos, a treasure that can destroy the sky and the earth, and it is also a treasure of the yin and yang Taoists, but now the yin and yang Taoists can't exert its full power at all. To reveal its ultimate power, only the Daoist Master Luo Jinxian, but now there is still a big gap between Yin and Yang Daoists!

When the Yin-Yang Daoist completed this crazy transformation, when the chaotic world opened up, a breath of breath emanated from the Yin-Yang Daoist body.

Although everything came and went quickly, it was only at this moment that the essence of Yin-Yang Daoist had undergone a qualitative transformation. The background of the chaotic gods and demons is insufficient, and the condensed chaotic gods and demons cannot be compared with the three thousand chaotic gods and demons in ancient times, but now there are three sacrifices of the three clones, and there are 'chaos beads' that devour that chaotic little world, and open up a real chaotic world. The yin and yang Taoist completed the transformation of the physical body in one step, completed the supreme transformation of himself, and truly mastered the power of the source of chaos.

Yes, this time, what the Yin-Yang Taoist masters is no longer the weakened source of chaos, but the real source of chaos, the source of chaos in the avenue, and the power of this source comes from his own chaotic world, it is his own power, not Affected by any external force!

When the 'Chaos Pearl' devoured the chaotic small world, the ancestor Ming He, who was hidden in the ancient star field, could not help but let out a groan. The breath he left in the chaotic small world was destroyed, and the power of chaos hit His soul, if the ancestor Ming He had not completed his own transformation, had already proved the Dao of Primordial Golden Immortal, and possessed the power of Primordial Primordial, under this sudden attack, he would definitely suffer above his soul. The heavy damage, you must know that it is the real power of chaos! In the face of the surprise attack of the power of chaos, the ancestor Ming He would naturally suffer a terrible backlash. Fortunately, the worst did not happen. The ancestor Ming He only suffered a little impact, but was not affected by the world. The attack of the explosive power of destruction!

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