God of Destruction

Chapter 4673: warning

Chapter 4679 Warning

Let's not talk about whether there is Pangu's primordial spirit in Buzhou Mountain, just the residual Pangu breath in Buzhou Mountain is enough to overwhelm the Yin-Yang Taoist. Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, Yin and Yang Taoists truly saw the tip of the iceberg of Pangu's strength, and the tip of the iceberg of the prehistoric world!

There is a big secret in the prehistoric world. This secret is the evolution of the world. This is not only the evolution from chaos to the prehistoric world, but also the evolution of creatures in the prehistoric world. It is also the evolution of the rules of the Great Dao. The secret is also the secret that all chaotic gods and demons yearn for, but whether they can succeed is another matter!

"Pangu Yuanshen, the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, all good, evil, and self are all false. Hongjun, you are deceiving the entire prehistoric beings. Although the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings are related to Pangu, they are not good, evil, and self. Corpse, they are only a small part of Pangu Yuanshen, they can only be said to be the clones left by Pangu Great God, they have always wanted to get rid of the fate of clones, they do not want to wait for Pangu Yuanshen to recover when Pangu recovers, this is the The real identities of the three worlds!"

As Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, after digesting all the gains, the Yin-Yang Daoist also saw through the origin of the three worlds, but the identity of the three is a bit abnormal. Daoists were different, they were not influenced by Pangu, which surprised the Yin-Yang Daoist.

"What exactly does Pangu want to do? The elements are divided, and the remaining main souls fall into a deep sleep. What is the purpose of creating the world, just to break through itself? What secrets are there before and after, what is Hongjun hiding, and the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings are hiding? What, what is the entire prehistoric world hiding, excluding Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, if it is not now that the prehistoric world is in the midst of a catastrophe, I am afraid that I can't resist the force of the world's repulsion, and I will be directly removed from the prehistoric world!"

Daoist Yin-Yang also understands the power of the prehistoric world. Fortunately, because of the emergence of the world-annihilation catastrophe, he can continue to stay in the prehistoric world, otherwise he will be rejected by the origin of the prehistoric world. The world, and this is not detachment, but a missed opportunity. At this time, the Taoist Yin and Yang also understood why the legendary Yang Mei has never been in the prehistoric world. immediately rejected.

In this way, the life-and-death struggle between Hongjun Daozu and Luohu is somewhat true. Hongjun Daozu can be in harmony with his body, and Luohu can avoid the demon world. What are their calculations? Maybe all the secrets are only Three thousand chaos gods and demons know.

The Yin-Yang Taoist also thought about having a detailed discussion with Hongjun Daozu, but he gave up this idea soon. Hongjun Daozu's scheming was too gloomy, and it was too dangerous to cooperate with him. Perhaps his breakthrough should be placed in the three worlds. On Dao, Tun Dao now wants to break free from the shackles of the world, even if he pays a heavy price to do so, it seems that he may be his best collaborator!

When thinking of this, Taoist Yin-Yang couldn't help but have the idea of ​​returning to the prehistoric land, but when this idea just appeared, his mind was warning himself, warning himself not to approach the prehistoric land. Worrying about life, there is a power that can threaten Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian on the great land.

What power is this? The power of Pangu, only the power of Pangu can threaten the golden immortal of Hunyuan Daluo like himself, and he also holds the golden immortal of Hunyuan Daluo who holds the flesh of the chaotic gods and demons. Pangu's protection of the great land far exceeds his imagination. If you set foot on the prehistoric land, you will have the worry of life. This is Pangu's protection for the prehistoric land, and it is also his own protection!

Although the prehistoric world has not directly thrown himself into chaos, he cannot set foot on the prehistoric land, or he will be threatened by the power of Pangu. Although the Yin-Yang Taoist is not sure whether this power will take the initiative to attack him, but for the sake of For the sake of my own life, I can't test it, at least I won't do it now.

He has seen through the other side of today's prehistoric world and the identities of the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings. The Taoist Yin-Yang also knows the identity of Hong Jun, and according to his own guesses, whether it is Hongjun or the three realms of heaven, earth and human beings, they all have their own. It's just that the sudden change of the tunnel has brought new changes to the situation in the prehistoric world, and all this has changed a little bit!

The Great Tribulation of the World is accelerating. This is how the Yin-Yang Daoist senses the prehistoric world. When the tunnels lose the maintenance of the prehistoric world, the power of the three realms of heaven, earth and human is completely out of balance, and the origin of the prehistoric world is naturally out of balance. At this time There will be confrontations between the heavens, the wild land, and the nether world, and there will even be mutual impacts.

Is the underworld really safe? It seems really unsafe now. If the authentic withdraws and leaves, the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation have all suffered a huge impact. The Witch World is even in crisis. This is the result of the loss of balance in the origin of the flood. They worked hard to maintain it, but due to the separation of the tunnel, they still couldn't hold on for too long!

Originally, Daoist Yin-Yang did not want to use the power of Emperor Yan Luo as his last clone, but now the situation in the prehistoric has changed greatly, and there is also a cause and effect between himself and the Wu clan. The most important thing is that the Wu clan has returned to the nether world because of its own greatness. Part of the reason is that I can't watch the Wu clan fall into a desperate situation and ignore it. Once the Wu clan is in a desperate situation, it will make this world-annihilation catastrophe even more terrifying, even more terrifying. Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao have repeatedly plotted the Wu clan, Why do they do this, the Wu clan has what they want, or the power that threatens them, this is the key!

The power that can threaten Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu is easy to understand. Naturally, it is the power of Pangu. If the Wu people have what they want, there is only one Pangu blood essence. They want to **** the Pangu blood essence from the Wu people. In other words, if he could use the blood of Pangu to reshape his true body, his potential would be infinite, and it would be the easiest to reconcile himself with himself.

"Fellow Daoist Houtu, now the tunnel has broken free from the shackles of the prehistoric world and is no longer subject to the nether world. Your situation is very dangerous, and the nether world is also very dangerous. If you can, prepare to retreat as soon as possible, and I can't return!"

Although the Yin-Yang Taoist still has a lot of things he would like to explain in detail with the Houtu Zuwu, it is a pity that there is not so much time, and Emperor Yan Luo can only maintain so little time. He had to stop, and the last imprint he left in the nether world was completely wiped out!

auzw.com "Hey, fellow Yin-Yang Daoist, can you hear me?" Houtu Zuwu kept contacting the Yin-Yang Daoist, but unfortunately there was no response at all. A shadow was cast on his face, the situation was dangerous, and the Yin-Yang Daoist had to use his last strength to contact him and warn the entire Wu clan. This matter is not something he can decide!

Soon, the Houtu Ancestral Witch summoned everyone, not only the Ancestral Witch of the Witch Clan, but also the great Witches. This is not a trivial matter, but it is related to the life and death of the entire Witch Clan, and has to be treated with caution. It is not good for Zu Wu to make a decision. After all, they will also make subjective mistakes. It is best to gather the wisdom of everyone to discuss!

When all the powerhouses of the Wu clan came to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Dijiang Zuwu's face showed a hint of heaviness. He could feel the pressure that Houtu Zuwu was carrying at this time. If it wasn't a particularly dangerous thing, she was Not everyone will be called!

"Little sister, what happened to make you call all of us in such a hurry, there is a problem with the Six Paths Reincarnation?"

"No, there is no problem with the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but the entire Netherworld has a problem. I just received a voice transmission from the Yin-Yang Daoist, let us prepare early, the Tunnel has broken free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, and has given up the Netherworld, and When I wanted to talk to him in detail, I couldn't get in touch with him anymore. Obviously, the connection between the Yin-Yang Daoist and us has been completely cut off! The Yin-Yang Daoist can't return to the nether world, it needs everyone to discuss the countermeasures!"

Trouble, big trouble is coming! This is the first idea of ​​Emperor Jiang Zuwu, to be able to cut off the connection between Yin and Yang Daoists and them, and to completely block it, it is obviously related to the general situation of the prehistoric world, so there will be such a big change!

The Yin-Yang Daoist became a taboo creature. They all knew it. The prehistoric world was rejecting him. Zu Wu had to worry!

"The Yin-Yang Daoist has already proved the Dao Jinxian of Hunyuan, and he has obviously digested the previous gains. It seems that he has seen the crisis and will contact us in a hurry. I think we can prepare for the worst. Take responsibility, give up the nether world, give up the prehistoric world, and go to the ancient star field to join the Yin-Yang Taoist!"

"No, I don't think things have reached this stage. If we give up at this time, our previous efforts are all in vain, and although the Netherworld is turbulent, there is no danger. Although the tunnel has broken free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, it also proves it. We don’t have any greed for the Netherworld, we can completely refine the Netherworld and hold it in our own hands!”

"Stupid, if the nether world is so easy to grasp, how could the Yin-Yang Daoist give up, how could the tunnel give up, they all retreated, it can be seen that the netherworld is not safe, especially in the current situation, it is even more dangerous, This is a world-destroying catastrophe, it can destroy the sky, destroy the earth, and destroy all living beings, what can we do to resist?”

Soon, a group of ancestral witches began to scold each other because of disagreements, and no one could convince the other. For those ancestral witches who accepted stability, they were unwilling to evacuate, while for those who had a sense of crisis, they were willing to Evacuation, this is the focus of the dispute between the two sides, each has different views, and each has its own reasons for insisting!

"Enough, stop arguing, let the little girl talk about her thoughts? The little girl is the first person to contact the Yin-Yang Daoist to spread the message, and she is the one who understands the situation best!" Facing such a chaotic situation , Emperor Jiang Zuwu had to speak angrily.

Is this the beginning of the battle between the twelve ancestor witches? No, this is the impact of the world-annihilation catastrophe on the Wu clan. Even a powerhouse like the Twelve Ancestral Witches was unknowingly affected by the world-annihilation catastrophe, and the obsession in his heart was infinitely magnified.

"For me, I think Daoist Yin-Yang can be trusted. Since he informed us at this critical moment, the situation must be very dangerous, so I think it is the best to evacuate the Netherworld, although the origin of the Netherworld is very important for the recovery of the luck of the witch clan. Great help, but we can't risk the life and death of the entire Wu clan, this is not our own business, but the life and death of the entire Wu clan, such a major event, no matter how careful it is to deal with it is reasonable!"

At this time, Houtu Zuwu also understood the heavy burden on his body and had to speak his mind, which determined the life and death of the Wu clan, instinctively made Houtu Zuwu willing to believe in Yin-Yang Daoist, and now Yin-Yang Daoist is The first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian must have a different feeling for the prehistoric world. If they can go to the ancient star field to join them, perhaps the Wu clan can get the experience of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian from the Yin-Yang Taoist.

Now, in the entire prehistoric world, who does not care about the Yin-Yang Daoist’s success in proving the Taoist Primordial Daluo Jinxian, even if it is just a little experience, it will be of great benefit to everyone. choose.

"What do you think?" Emperor Jiang Zuwu looked at the great witches who didn't speak and asked them what they thought. As Houtu Zuwu said, this matter needs to be decided by everyone, and the decisions of these great witches are also very important!

"We don't think it's bad to give up. Although the Netherworld is good, it's not a good place for us. We can't entrust the life and death of the entire Wu clan on the origin of the prehistoric world. All living beings, the world is also in the midst of this cleansing, we should be cautious and prepare for the worst!"

I have to say that the Houtu Zuwu has a really high status in the Wu clan. When she made a decision, those great witches instinctively moved closer to her, and they all felt that the choice of the Houtu Zuwu was the right one and abandoned the nether world. It's no big deal, at most it's just being trapped in the inner world of many Wu people. For Wu people, this is not a big deal!

In such a crazy and terrifying catastrophe, prudence is the most important thing. Even if there is a little danger, the Wu clan must treat it with caution, and there must be no sloppy carelessness. , it will only be the Wu clan, the netherworld is not the Wu clan in the first place, what can you do if you give up!

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