God of Destruction

Chapter 4678: Festival opportunity

Chapter 4684 Chance

At this time, Taoist Yin-Yang couldn't help but think of the abnormality of the source of the Netherworld's suppression. Since the ancient star field is the calculation of Daozu Hongjun, I am afraid that there are such abnormalities in the heavens, especially in the great land. At this time, perhaps You should test Di Zun to see if you can learn this secret from him, and know what the seal is? Di Zun has never mentioned this matter. The Yin-Yang Daoist understands in his heart that the other party has reservations and calculations. The so-called cooperation is just a general cooperation. Many things have not really been said frankly to himself, so the Yin-Yang Daoist also has his own ideas. .

"Fellow Daoist Earth, I don't know what the abnormality of the seal in the source of the nether world is. The sudden change of heaven and earth made me feel the danger from the nether world, and whether this danger stems from the seal of the source. abnormal?"

When Daoist Yin-Yang said these words, Di Zun's expression changed greatly. He did not expect Daoist Yin-Yang to know the abnormality in the origin of the Netherworld, which shocked him greatly. Under the protection of the prehistoric world, it is impossible for ordinary people to perceive its existence, even the Lord of the Netherworld should not be aware of it. This is a secret unique to the three ways of heaven, earth and human beings. Why do yin and yang Taoists know this secret? , where did he know, from the proving of the Tao, or did he really perceive its existence with the help of the power of the origin of the nether world?

"Daoist friend Yin-Yang, how did you notice that the seal was abnormal? This is not an ordinary secret, but one of the most core secrets in the entire prehistoric world. Please tell me, my fellow Daoist, how to know this secret. exist!"

He didn't answer the question of Daoist Yin-Yang, but the Earth Venerable asked how the Daoist Yin-Yang knew about the existence of the anomaly in the Netherworld. Honor is not as simple as it seems, and the so-called cooperation also has great reservations!

I saw that Taoist Yin-Yang smiled indifferently and said, "Hehe, it's actually very simple. I sensed its existence through the origin of the underworld world. When I mastered the rules of the origin of the underworld world, I would naturally be able to perceive that it was hidden in the underworld world. The suppression in the source is abnormal. Although the power of this suppression is very powerful, it will gradually emerge with the changes in the prehistoric world, and if I am not wrong, it should be a world in this suppression. , it may be a big thousand world, or it may be a small world of a source, and this world is likely to be related to the three thousand chaos gods and demons, I don't know if I am right?"

Facing the confident answer of Yin-Yang Daoist, Di Zun couldn't help but sigh. He had to admit that he still underestimated the strength of Yin-Yang Daoist, and also underestimated the ability of Yin-Yang Daoist. Luo Jinxian could have noticed the abnormal suppression hidden in the source of the nether world before, which is enough to show the strength of the opponent.

"Yes, fellow Daoist guessing is correct, the seal in the origin of the Netherworld is one world, the world related to the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and there are such seals in the entire Three Realms of the Great Wilderness, and they Once they are born, it will have a terrible impact on the entire prehistoric world. They are not the existence of the ancient star field, but the backhand left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, who will invade the prehistoric world in the future. The world is the base for three thousand chaotic gods and demons to invade the prehistoric world!"

The Daoist Yin-Yang was not at all shocked by the answer of the Earth Venerable, which made the Earth Venerable's heart even more shocked, and he was more vigilant about the strength of the Daoist Yin-Yang. The Daoist Yin-Yang was even more terrifying than he imagined. It's not that they don't know anything about gods and demons, maybe Yin-Yang Daoists have already come into contact with such existences.

For a moment, Earth Venerable's mind became vigilant. Could it be that there is still a secret place that I don't know in the prehistoric world, and this secret place has been found by Yin-Yang Dao and has been successfully entered. Got the secret?

When thinking of this, Di Zun's expression changed greatly. If this is the case, it seems that he is good, whether it is the way of heaven or the way of humanity, and even the ancestor of Hongjun has overestimated his own strength and overestimated his own to Honghuang. The world's understanding, the prehistoric world is more terrifying than they imagined, with secrets that they don't know!

At this time, Di Zun had to think about things in the worst direction. Could it be that the three thousand chaotic gods and demons still have a deeper trump card hidden, or that this hidden secret will be hidden by the deity, so that it is just a calculation Oneself, the Tao of Heaven, the Tao of Humanity, and perhaps only a **** in the plan of the deity, everything is under the control of the deity! ]

The more you think about it carefully, the more heavier and more fearful the Earth Venerable will be. If everything turns out to be as you imagined, then things will be troublesome, whether it is for yourself, the way of heaven or the way of humanity, it is all in the deity's calculations. Among them, they are all chess pieces of the deity. Perhaps when the deity recovers, it is the time when their bodies and souls disappear!

"Damn, I have to speed up and increase my strength, otherwise I will die and disappear. The deity of Pangu is more terrifying and vicious than imagined. If I can't improve my strength, it will only be a dead end and become the nourishment of this deity!" Under the threat of death, Di Zun's state of mind was greatly impacted. For him, this was a natural disaster, this was destruction!

"Daoist friend Yin-Yang, have you come into contact with such a world, or else you shouldn't know the secrets of the Netherworld's source seal, which is very important to me, and I ask fellow Daoists to tell the truth!" His expression has become extremely solemn, and there is a trace of tension and anxiety in his eyes. This is not his acting, but a real reaction!

auzw.com Looking at Di Zun, the Yin-Yang Taoist nodded and said, "Yes, I did come into contact with such a world, and it was in the sea of ​​​​blood that I started a small party with the ancestor Ming He. The small chaotic world, but that world is very dangerous and has many terrifying dangers. At that time, the strength of the ancestors of Ming He and I was still weak. After only contacting for a short period of time, we were forced to leave. Now we can't find the existence of that world!"

"Sure enough, it seems that there are some secrets in the prehistoric world that I don't even know. Maybe we are really just the deity's chess pieces. He didn't tell us the secrets of the prehistoric world. Fang Chaos Small World is such a hidden world, but unfortunately I didn't sense the existence of that Fang World, otherwise I might be able to find the cause of the problem and find out the secret hidden by the deity!"

"Fellow Daoist Earth, will such a small world continue to exist after opening, and if you leave the world, will there be a chance to return to that world again?" The Yin-Yang Taoist asked Earth God, asking the world The information has an urgent desire!

"I don't know, and I don't know what it will be, because I haven't really seen the world you are connecting to, so naturally I can't know its usefulness, but for many small worlds, they are very fragile. Once opened, The source will continue to be lost, and with the loss of the source, it will eventually be destroyed, and you no longer feel its existence. There are two possibilities. One is that it has been destroyed and turned into nutrients for chaos, and the other may be entering the chaos. In the middle, far away from the Great Desolate World, no matter which possibility, it will be difficult for fellow Daoists to find it again, let alone return to this small world!"

"So that's the case. Can you tell me what kind of existence is the sealed world in the Netherworld? Is there any chance? If there is a chance, can we open it and seize the chance?"

"To seize the opportunity, you really dare to think, do you know what kind of world that is, that is one, or even a world opened up by several chaotic gods and demons. There are creatures created by chaotic gods and demons in the world, and it may even be a party or a The passage of several worlds, do fellow yin and yang think that our current strength can fight against the world opened up by the chaos gods and demons?"

Hearing this, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help frowning, this is indeed a big problem, and one that he did not think of, but the Yin-Yang Daoist didn't feel that he was really unable to fight against it, so he said: "Even if there is really a side The world, but also the enemy of the prehistoric world, what about it? With our current strength, we can give it a shot. We must know that we are not only two people, but we also have the entire Wu clan as a support, even if we are facing a party of three thousand people. The world opened up by the Chaos Gods and Demons also has the power to fight, and it can even be defeated. If we can capture such a world, can we escape the catastrophe!"

"Your idea is too crazy, although it may work, but there is also a big danger in it, as long as there is a glitch, there is only a dead end waiting for us, if the sealed world is so easy to deal with, it will not be left until Now, it will not be felt by you, I advise you to be cautious about your suggestions to fellow Daoists, and don’t make a hasty decision on the spur of the moment!”

The Yin-Yang Taoist shook his head lightly and said, "No, fellow Daoist Di Zun, I didn't make a decision on impulse, but after careful consideration. Maybe doing this would be dangerous, but there is also a big chance for a big danger. It is indeed safe for us to do nothing, but how long can this safety last under the calamity of the world? Dao, you must take risks, and now is the opportunity!"

Di Zun took a deep breath and said, "Fellow Daoist Yin and Yang, you really have to think so, this is not a joke, nor is it a joke, once a decision is made, it will be difficult to repent, you have to think carefully. Clearly, you can't make a hasty decision!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist nodded and said: "I have already thought clearly, this is our opportunity to strengthen ourselves, if we blindly avoid, although we can get temporary safety, but with the passage of time, with the destruction of the world. Continuing to grow, or even eventually erupt, we simply have no ability to be independent, and we will only passively fall into a desperate situation. Since we cannot avoid it, we can only bite the bullet and use war to kill a road that belongs to us!"

When talking about this, the Yin-Yang Daoist paused for a moment, allowing the Di Zun to think carefully, and after a while, the Yin-Yang Daoist continued: "Daoist Di Zun, think about it clearly, we are now It is already in the midst of a great calamity, even if we want to avoid it, it is impossible to avoid it. If we do not take risks, we will only be wiped out by the power of the origin of the calamity. Let us Everyone is caught in a crisis of life and death, and everyone is in a desperate situation!"

After hearing Daoist Yin-Yang's words, Di Zun thought about it carefully for a moment, and then said: "Well, since the situation has forced us to have no way back and no worries, let's give it a shot, and we are not There is no fighting force!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist smiled indifferently and said: "Yes, we are not without the power of a war, with the Wu clan as allies, we have a strong power of war, and even if we can't return to the prehistoric world, we can contact the mother of Nuwa. With Old Ancestor Ming He, we can strengthen our own strength, with so much strength, we can completely fight hard!"

Fighting recklessly requires paying a price, and in doing so, everyone is in danger of dying, and Qiaqia is also a situation they have to face, whether it is Yin-Yang Daoist or everyone else. Facing an earth-shattering chaos, the whole world will be plunged into a desperate situation, and the price to be paid to survive is too great!

"It is not advisable to fight recklessly. After all, we are standing on the bright side. If we fight recklessly, only us will suffer the most, and we will always fall into the back movement. For the sake of our safety, or It’s better to be cautious and protect yourself as much as possible. After all, for us, we can only have hope when we live. If we can’t even save our own lives, what hope is there to talk about! Daoist Yin Yang, don’t be too impulsive, don’t want everything Head-on confrontation, we can deal with it in a gentle way!"

"Haha!" Daoist Yin and Yang sneered in disdain at Di Zun's remarks, and dealt with it in a gentle way. This is really a big joke. Facing the impact of such a terrifying environment, what kind of way do they talk about alleviating? , For them, if they want to survive, there is only one choice, and that is to work hard. Only if they have the will to give up their lives in a decisive battle can they have a chance of survival. Unforeseen dangers will occur in these worlds due to the change of the Earth Venerable, and everyone will fall into a desperate danger, so this road is not easy to go!

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