God of Destruction

Chapter 4687: remorse

Chapter 4693 Regret

"Let's act, whether it's for your own safety or to embark on the peak of your practice, you should act, time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for you. If you want to use the power of Hunyuan Jinxian It's almost impossible to get out of this world-destroying catastrophe, and even the Primordial Daluo Jinxian may not have any vitality!" The Yin-Yang Daoist sighed softly, this was not just for The Twelve Ancestral Witch, Mother Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He are also targeting themselves. Once the world-destroying catastrophe breaks out, they are all in danger of dying and disappearing, and they may fall into this world-annihilating catastrophe. The threat of death is approaching you step by step, making your mind constantly feel the threat!

Yes, the yin and yang Taoists at this time are constantly feeling the warning of their own souls. With the outbreak of Sanqing, Jie Yin and Jie Yin, their hearts are getting more and more uneasy, as if a greater disaster is about to come to the prehistoric world. To come to him, the Taoist Yin-Yang originally wanted to rise to the challenge, cut a **** path, and fight the sealed world, but with some unusual actions of the Earth Venerable, the Taoist Yin-Yang had to change his mind and no longer set his sights on the netherworld. The place where the world is sealed, but to turn your attention to the ancient star field where you are, this is not just the treasure land of the stars and gods, there are more hidden powers here!

Yes, the Yin-Yang Daoist felt the existence of other forces. With the continuous deterioration of the world, with the desperate efforts of Sanqing and Zhunti to lead them, the entire prehistoric world is undergoing terrible changes, and the nether world is not only Only the sealed land felt by the Yin-Yang Daoist, there are more nodes exposed by the changes in the world! It's just that it's not the time to take action on these nodes. Now the Yin-Yang Daoist wants to clear the field and destroy those chaotic beasts. Instinctively, the Yin-Yang Daoist thinks that these chaotic beasts are a threat. Maybe they are the aftermath of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons targeting the prehistoric world. hand.

The world-annihilation catastrophe is about to break out. If the threats hidden in the prehistoric world cannot be eliminated one by one before the hands of three thousand chaotic gods and demons intervene in the prehistoric world, the threats hidden in the prehistoric world may be truly destroyed. , it will be a terrible threat to itself, so the Yin-Yang Taoist is not willing to wait, but to take the initiative!

"Okay, we are willing to follow our fellow Daoists to fight this group of chaotic beasts with all our strength!" The Twelve Ancestral Witch did not hesitate, and immediately responded to the Yin-Yang Daoist's suggestion. Their eyes were full of endless fighting intent, although this battle There will be danger, but for the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the danger is not terrible. What is terrible is the sudden change of the prehistoric world, the madness of heaven and humanity.

For the terrifying changes in the prehistoric world today, the Twelve Ancestral Witch deeply felt the fear from the unknown. Today's Heavenly Dao and Humanity Dao are even the lore of Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhundi. It can be seen that this world How dangerous is the situation of the catastrophe, in order to protect themselves, they also have to keep up with the pace of the Yin-Yang Daoist, the Yin-Yang Daoist is the vitality of their Wu clan!

After the Twelve Ancestors made their statement, Old Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa also nodded and said, "We are also willing to participate in the war. Since we have reached this critical moment, we have nothing to worry about. What a terrible disaster it has caused, we can only fight with all our strength and fight a **** path, and only being strong is the best way to protect ourselves!"

When everyone reached a consensus, Hongjun Daozu, who had been hiding in the ancient star field, couldn't help frowning. The situation was more terrifying than he imagined, and everything was going in a direction he didn't want to see. Development, in a word, everything is out of control, and the original plan once again deviates, which is not a good thing for Hongjun Daozu!

If it was just the people in the ancient star field who made the decision to fight, Daozu Hongjun would not care too much, but now it is not just the Daoist Yin-Yang, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, the ancestor of Ming He and the goddess Nuwa who are abnormal. The decision is more because the origin of the ancient star field is undergoing a sudden change. It is no longer just the power of the source of the stars, but has more of the source breath of the chaotic gods and demons. In this ancient star field, not only Only the backhand of the gods and demons of the stars!

"Damn Heaven, is this your calculation? I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, and for so long, you have successfully concealed the secrets in the ancient star field. Could it be that the origin of the stars and demons is your intentional release? The reason is to plot against me, let me enter the game, and step into this trap!" Hongjun Daozu was thinking with a gloomy face, for Hongjun Daozu, when this mutation happened the first time, he What I think of is the way of heaven, and I think that all this is the calculation of the way of heaven!

In the eyes of Daozu Hongjun, only the Dao of Heaven has the power to block the information hidden in the source of the heavens and induce himself. Unfortunately, everything has happened now. No matter how angry Daozu Hongjun is, it is useless. Now It is not the time to care about the way of heaven, but how to save his plan in this shock, how to keep his various calculations in this shock, and minimize the impact of the situation on him.

With such a shocking change, Daozu Hongjun understood that if he still wanted to devour the origin of the gods and demons of the stars, it would not be an easy task. Behind, there are so many terrifying powers even in the ancient star field. Will there be less ancient power hidden in the three worlds? Hongjun Daozu, who is also one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, naturally understands that every How terrible and dangerous is the calculation of a three thousand chaotic gods and demons!

"Maybe my choice was wrong, I shouldn't stay in the prehistoric world, I shouldn't have vainly wanted to attack the origin of the prehistoric world, and vainly wanted to seize the authority of the prehistoric world, or I wouldn't fall into it. In the current embarrassing situation, they will not be calculated by the Tao of Heaven, the Tao of humanity and the Tao of the earth again and again. These three **** are more terrifying and insidious than imagined. Even the three of them are so insidious. Does Pangu really have no backhand? Don't you know anything about the development of the prehistoric world, are you unprepared?" At this time, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but feel a trace of remorse in his heart again, with the meaning of regret!

auzw.comUnfortunately, everything has already happened, and it is useless for Daozu Hongjun to regret it. He can't change all this. He can only find a way to face what happened again and again. Mutation, trying to protect himself, originally in the normal development of the prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu felt that his plan was the best, and it was easier to get the benefits of the prehistoric world than other chaos gods and demons, but now he feels that he is the most stupid. The existence of Yang Mei and Luo Hu are stronger than himself!

Now other chaotic gods and demons have been far away from the prehistoric world, they can wait and watch the changes, they can not be afraid of this catastrophe in the prehistoric world, and they are not afraid of the threat of the catastrophe, but they are caught in the catastrophe of the catastrophe. Among them, one must be careful of the damage caused to oneself by the Great Tribulation of the World. Under such circumstances, how could Daozu Hongjun not regret it!

Soon, Daozu Hongjun came over from his remorse, and once again turned his attention to Daoist Yin-Yang and the Twelve Ancestors, Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Minghe. Regarding the decisions of these people, Daozu Hongjun It is in the eyes and in the heart. Now these people are going to attack the group of chaotic beasts, which makes Hongjun Daozu have to pay attention!

"There must be a problem with this matter, there is a big problem, the tunnel escaped, and they have already negotiated with the yin and yang Taoists. It is impossible for the yin and yang Taoists to not know the hidden dangers of the chaotic beasts, but they still have to start with this group of chaotic beasts. , it seems that they must have a way to avoid the hidden dangers of chaotic beasts. If they are allowed to strangle this group of chaotic beasts, is it really possible to use the power of these incomplete chaotic beasts to strengthen themselves? What they can do, I should be able to do it too!"

Yes, at this time, Hongjun Daozu was also somewhat tempted by this group of chaotic beasts, and he also wanted to deal with this group of chaotic beasts. He also wanted to use the origin of these chaotic beasts to enhance his own strength. Going a step further, it's just that Hongjun Daozu still doesn't dare to make this determination. After all, Hongjun Daozu has no way to avoid the danger hidden in the chaotic beast!

Is it because Hongjun Daozu's strength is weaker than Yin and Yang Daoists? Is it because Hongjun Daozu's understanding of the Dao is worse than that of Yin and Yang Daoists? No, that's not the case. The reason why Hongjun Daozu can't solve the hidden dangers of chaotic beasts is because of the difference in nature. Hongjun Daozu is one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, even if he has given up the origin of chaotic gods and demons. But the essence has not changed, but it is different for the Yin-Yang Taoist, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, the Goddess Nuwa and the Old Ancestor Minghe. They are not innate chaotic gods and demons, so the origin of chaotic beasts is also dangerous to them. , but as long as you handle it carefully, you can avoid the harm caused by the origin of the chaotic beasts. After all, they are the real prehistoric creatures, who really came from the prehistoric world.

When Hongjun Daozu was thinking about whether to take action, the Yin-Yang Daoist group had already begun to act, and everyone had already locked this group of chaotic beasts. Qing, Zhunti, and Jieyin also exploded with all their power. They frantically exploded all their own power at all costs, and finally tore off the shackles placed on them by the prehistoric world, and finally broke out of the blockade of the prehistoric world!

Just when Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin rushed to break the blockade of the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world trembled again, the source once again broke out in a terrifying turmoil, and a terrifying aura was spreading wildly, the prehistoric world. Those nodes in the world have been opened, and all the chaotic gods and demons in the three worlds of heaven, earth and man have been activated!

"Damn, how could all this happen so quickly, we just finished the hunt for this group of chaotic beasts, the world has undergone such a shocking change, the way of heaven and the way of humanity are even the real way, and Hongjun Daozu is thinking Do you want to stop us and not give us a chance to strengthen ourselves?" Facing the sudden change, the ancestor Ming He couldn't help but roar with anger in his heart. Such a sudden change seriously affected Ming He. Ancestor's calculations!

"I don't know, maybe things are not as crazy as fellow Daoists think, and such a shocking change broke out, but it's not just what the three ways of heaven, earth and people can do, maybe there are three thousand chaotic gods and demons in it, and the origin of the prehistoric world. Perhaps the most worrying thing of the three worlds broke out, and Pangu Yuanshen is about to recover!"

Feeling the changes in the ancient star field, the Daoist Yin-Yang's expression became extremely solemn. Such a shocking change also affected the plan of the Daoist Yin-Yang and his own calculations, but the Daoist Yin-Yang knew better that such a shocking change occurred, It is definitely not something that ordinary power can do. The situation has undergone terrifying changes, and the world-destroying catastrophe is about to break out. If Pangu Yuanshen is to recover as he guessed, perhaps the entire prehistoric world will usher in a terrible shock. Change!

"No, fellow Daoist is wrong. God the Father has not recovered. If the Primordial Spirit of the Father God is really recovering, it is impossible for us, the inheritors of the blood of the Father God, to not notice. Sanqing is a part of the Primordial Spirit of the Father God. , it is impossible not to respond, this is not the resurrection of the primordial spirit of the father!" Hou Tu Zuwu stood up and said in a deep voice, responding to the worries of the Yin-Yang Daoist!

"It's not good for Pangu Yuanshen to recover. If Pangu Yuanshen is really disturbed, the entire prehistoric world will usher in a terrible disaster. When Pangu Yuanshen recovers, the three thousand chaos gods and demons will also appear, and their power will come. The prehistoric world, and this will be a catastrophic disaster for us. Now we are too weak to face the three thousand chaos gods and demons. In the face of Pangu Yuanshen, it is difficult for us to face any party that is malicious to us. Run away to death!"

When they heard the words of Daoist Yin-Yang, the Twelve Ancestors kept silent. At this time, they no longer said that they were not afraid of death. Death just returned to the embrace of the Father. For the Twelve Ancestors, they did not want to see it. In the face of death, in the face of destruction, they also want to live, to break free from their own shackles, and to transcend the prehistoric world.

No one is willing to face death, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch is no exception. After going through so many hardships, whether the Twelve Ancestral Witch or all beings of the Witch Clan, they do not want to face death and destruction, even if that People are their own gods, and they are unwilling to accept death and destruction. They all long for vitality, freedom, and independence. The catastrophe is the biggest threat they have to face, and it is also their biggest crisis. And all of this is beyond their power to stop them, so for the Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan, they don't want to see the full-scale outbreak of the world-annihilation catastrophe, and they don't want to face this terrible natural and man-made disaster at this time. s arrival!

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