God of Destruction

Chapter 4689: Festival Killing

Chapter 4695 Killing

Hongjun Daozu, who has always been in the prehistoric world, is most touched by the changes in today's prehistoric world, and only understands how terrifying the current danger is and how dangerous he is, but now Hongjun Daozu is unable to do so. When the whole prehistoric world made such a shocking change, he had lost the chance to get out. The whole prehistoric world had been blocked by a layer of terrifying world-destroying forces, and the prehistoric world had officially entered the era of world-annihilation catastrophe. In the middle, the power of Destruction began to block the retreat of the entire prehistoric world, and all living beings could not get out of the prehistoric world. If they wanted to get out, they must first break the blockade of Destruction Power and face the power of Destruction. terrifying threat.

Now that the prehistoric world has been integrated with the power of destroying the world, to break the blockade of the power of destroying the world, it is almost necessary to confront the origin of the entire prehistoric world. For these creatures in the prehistoric world, this is almost impossible. , they do not have such strength, let alone such magical powers, the power of destroying the world is not something that any creature can resist!

"Kill the sky, kill the earth, kill the people, if you don't even have the heart to kill, in this catastrophe of the world, there is only one way to die in this catastrophe that is about to fully erupt, and being afraid is your own. Destruction!" The Yin-Yang Daoist said in a low voice when he looked at Old Ancestor Ming He and the Empress Nuwa, who were behind the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and as the voice fell, the Yin-Yang Daoist also exuded endless killing intent. In other words, there is no lack of care about killing, nor is it afraid of killing. Although he has only appeared in the prehistoric world for a limited number of years, in the small world of time gods and demons, the yin and yang Taoists should not be said to be contaminated with the blood of the great witch. Without Slaughter, even if he had already given up the Slaughter Avenue, Slaughter had already been integrated into his soul!

Without waiting for the reaction of Ancestor Ming He and Empress Nuwa, with a thought, Taoist Yin and Yang turned into a ray of light and rushed into the beasts of chaos. The Yin-Yang Daoist will not be soft-hearted, as long as the Emperor Yama can be revived and his life returned, no amount of killing will matter!

When they saw that the Yin-Yang Taoist figure did not enter the chaotic beasts, the ancestor Ming He and the mother Nuwa couldn't help but look at each other, and there was a hint of shock in their eyes. Yu, there is also a trace of decisiveness, a trace of madness!

When the situation has reached this point, there is no way out for Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He. If they want to live in this catastrophe of heaven and earth, and want to seize a chance of life from the catastrophe of the world, they can only Fighting desperately, no matter how terrifying the danger they face, no matter how ferocious the enemy they have to face, they will have to give their lives to fight. Although the chaotic beasts are terrifying, terrifying, and cruel, compared to their own lives, all of this is worthless. It's nothing, in order to survive, they only have to kill!

"Kill!" Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He uttered a heavy shout, followed by Yin-Yang Daoist and rushed into the chaotic beasts. Twelve Ancestral Witches and Yin-Yang Daoist charged ahead, attracting Chaos The attention of the beasts, they still have nothing to hesitate, even if it is dangerous, there are twelve ancestors and yin and yang Taoists in front of them, and the pressure they have to face is very small. They don't even have the heart of a war, so what detachment is there to talk about! What qualifications do they have to prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, just to prove the Dao Heavenly Tribulation is enough to give them a fatal blow!

When Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He also entered the chaotic beasts, the Twelve Ancestral Witches could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although they chose to take the initiative to attack, the yin-yang Taoist, Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. When they didn't fight, they were still a little uneasy in their hearts, worried that some people would not dare to let go and choose to retreat, making them bear huge danger. Now the Twelve Ancestors finally don't have to have such worries, and they can finally relax and do their best. Deal with the chaotic beasts in front of you, kill these 'enemies', seize their chaotic origin, enhance your own strength, and speed up the transformation of other ancestral witches!

When everyone went all out to attack the chaotic beasts, the entire ancient star field was shrouded in a terrifying killing atmosphere, and Sanqing, Jie Yin and Zhunti, who were coming to the ancient star field, immediately noticed the ancient star The sudden change in the domain, felt the terrifying killing breath, such a sudden change made their hearts stunned and could not help but feel uneasy!

"Damn, why is there such a terrifying aura of killing all of a sudden on the ancient star field, what happened to the ancient star field? Will such a shock affect our plan and affect our survival?" Mention shouted in a deep voice, with a hint of unease and fear in his eyes. If there is a mutation in the ancient star field at this time, it will be a devastating blow to these people, and they will fall into a great deal. In crisis!

"Don't be nervous, although the killing spirit is rampant, it is not necessarily a bad thing for us. Don't forget, there are those chaotic beasts that have betrayed the creatures of the prehistoric world above the ancient star field. If they do not Restricted, we can do whatever we want, but once we fall into this group of chaotic beasts, the consequences will be even more unimaginable!" Although Yuanshi Tianzun also had a little worry in his heart, he thought that there were Yin-Yang Daoist, Twelve Taoist and Twelve people in the ancient star field. Ancestral Witch, Mother Nuwa, Old Ancestor Ming He, and Hongjun Dao Ancestor who was hidden in the dark, so his heart was relaxed again!

"That's the case, but everything is possible. We can't risk our own lives. If we fall into a crisis, it will be even more trouble for us. We must know that our origin will now be serious because we break free from the shackles of the great land. Consuming, entering the ancient star field, we will be the weakest time!" Jie Yin said worriedly, this is his voice and the biggest fear in his heart, once an accident occurs, the consequences are really unimaginable!

"What's the use of talking about these now, everything has already happened, we have no retreat, no matter how dangerous the front is, no matter whether there are unexpected changes in the ancient star field, we can't stop it, we must face it, and worry about it. So much, why don't you devote yourself to this confrontation, break free from all restraints, and enter the ancient star field as soon as possible!" The worries and fears of the two men, Tongtian Sect Master, felt that they had something to do with them. In the eyes of Tongtian Sect Master, things are not as terrible at all, and they are not as dangerous as they think. Everything is caused by their own courage!


"Take care, don't interfere with yourself for other things. The most important thing for us now is to break free from the threat of the great land. No matter what changes in the ancient star field, we don't need to pay attention. Even if there is danger, we have to wait until we come to the ancient star field. Go and deal with it, if we can't get rid of the threat of the Great Desolate Land, it's useless to talk about these things now!" Taishang Laojun shouted at everyone's quarrel, and he said it was very reasonable, if everyone even ranked first Guan Du can't break free, can't get out, what else is there to talk about, no matter how dangerous the ancient star field is, what does it have to do with them!

No matter whether Zhunti and Xieyin are willing to accept it or not, after Taishang Laojun’s words fell, they could only sigh inwardly. Only by accepting it, they could not get rid of the crisis in front of them, and it was too early to talk about other things. , The most important thing for them now is to break through the slaughter of heaven and humanity first, and only by avoiding this disaster can they talk about other things!

Now Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin are frantically breaking through many obstacles. If they are slightly distracted, it will affect their own safety, and they may have accidents when they break free, and will be blocked by heaven and humanity. So soon they all gathered their minds and faced the immediate crisis with all their strength, and faced the blockade from heaven and humanity!

After everyone's minds are gathered, their speed is speeding up, whether it is three clear, quasi-promotion and reception, they are all doing their best. In fact, Taishang Laojun is also uneasy, but Taishang Laojun knows that he should What should be done, what should not be done, and even the ancient star field has undergone dramatic changes. There are Taoist Yin and Yang, the twelve ancestors, the goddess Nuwa, and the ancestor of Minghe. They are responsible for killing them together. The first threat is They are these people, so the pressure on Taishang Laojun is not great!

The Yin-Yang Taoist, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, the Empress Nuwa and the Ancestor Ming He did not know the thoughts of Sanqing and Zhunti, and they were now madly involved in the strangulation of the chaotic beasts. Before the start, Empress Nuwa and Ancestor Ming He didn't care much in their hearts and didn't pay much attention to the threat of this group of chaotic beasts, but when they threw themselves into the slaughter, they immediately developed their own ideas. Ridiculous, the chaotic beasts are more terrifying, more ferocious, and more dangerous than imagined!

Yes, it is cruel. Although the chaotic ominous beasts faced by everyone are not congenital chaotic ominous beasts, but only created by the day after tomorrow, these chaotic ominous beasts are still very ferocious, even if they face death, they will not shrink back. If you die, you have to fight with all your might, and even want to drag everyone to death, which brought a huge impact to the goddess Nuwa and the ancestors of Minghe. After all, they are not the twelve ancestors, and they can't be surrounded and killed, and they are not like the yin and yang Taoists. Yuan Daluo Jinxian's strength, so they are the weakest among the crowd, and they face the greatest danger. A slight error may kill their own lives!

Fortunately, Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He had experienced what happened before, and they had a little tacit understanding. When they discovered the ferocity of this group of chaotic beasts, they cooperated tacitly and helped each other, so that they could be in this game. In the crazy killing battle, there is no danger, no desperate situation, and there is still a little gain!

It's a pity that compared with the twelve ancestor witches and the Yin-Yang Taoist, the harvest of the goddess Nuwa and the ancestors of Ming He is not worth mentioning. , without the power of summoning the real body of Pangu, but with the cooperation of twelve people, it is not difficult to surround and kill several chaotic beasts. Although trapped in the siege of chaotic beasts, they are still free to advance and retreat, and chaotic beasts are constantly beheaded by them, but the mother of Nuwa and the ancestor of Minghe do not have such strength!

"This group of **** lunatics, the killing speed will be so fast. If you continue to let them kill, it won't be long before this group of chaotic beasts will be wiped out, and all the benefits will be taken away by this group of bastards!" When he saw the mad slaughter of the chaotic beasts, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help but feel angry in his heart. Unfortunately, as long as Hongjun Daozu didn't show up, he couldn't stop all this from happening, and once he showed up, There may be more surprises to come!

Daozu Hongjun knew very well in his heart that he was different from the Twelve Ancestral Witch, Yin-Yang Daoist, Empress Nuwa, and Old Ancestor Ming He. They could slaughter these chaotic beasts madly without restraint, and they could directly face the three worlds of heaven, earth and people in the prehistoric world. Dao, you can take a big shot without caring, but you can't do it yourself, you have too many 'enemies', once you expose yourself, it will immediately lead to more dangers and more troubles will come, so even if you are in your heart No matter how unpleasant there is, Hongjun Daozu can only endure it.

Earth Zun really has to leave the ancient star field, really has to go to the nether world? Daozu Hongjun doesn't think so, and he doesn't dare to think so. You must know that Daozu Hongjun can't lock the existence of the other party. If you can't lock the existence of the earth, you must be careful to guard against the sneak attack of the earth. Identity is no trivial matter, and it is impossible for Daozu Hongjun to be careless!

At this time, Daozu Hongjun also had more remorse in his heart. If he had known that such a shock would occur, perhaps he should not have calculated more and more people again and again, and forged more karma and hatred. It's a pity that it's too late now, remorse is useless, hatred has been forged, and now you can only face it, you can only handle the hidden threat carefully!

The madness of the slaughter continued, and the power of the many chaotic gods and demons in the ancient star field was also pervading unscrupulously. Hongjun Daozu could clearly feel the impact from the power of the chaotic gods and demons, and felt that his own pressure was exploding. Danger is constantly coming to him, and the appearance of every chaotic **** and demon aura is a threat and oppression to himself.

Yes, when a chaotic **** and demon breath appeared in the ancient star field, it would immediately lock the Daozu Hongjun, instead of suppressing them, attacking the Yin-Yang Daoist, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, the Goddess Nuwa and the Ancestor Minghe. For the chaotic gods and demons, the biggest threat is the 'old friend' of Daozu Hongjun. Among the instinctive reactions of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, only the 'old friend' is the first threat and the first one to guard against. The object of the era, the object to be cleared, and the other creatures in the flood can be put down for the time being!

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