God of Destruction

Chapter 4691: Festival accident

Chapter 4697 Accident

When they heard the words of Taoist Yin-Yang, Houtu Zuwu and Empress Nuwa were thoughtful. The source road they both mastered was extraordinary, so they could understand the reminder of Taoist Yin-Yang, while other ancestor witches and Styx The old ancestor did not have such supernatural powers, even if it was the time ancestor Wuzhu Jiuyin and the space ancestor Wudi Jiang, they were still confused, and some did not understand the reminder of the Yin-Yang Taoist!

The Yin-Yang Daoist doesn't have time to explain to them, and it's useless to explain this matter. If you can understand it, you understand it. If you don't understand it, even more explanations won't have much effect, and it will even interfere with them. The normal thinking of people will cause unnecessary danger, and let these people fall into a disaster, into a crisis!

After hunting down so many chaotic beasts, Taoist Yin Yang can feel the changes from the ancient star field, and understand that he can no longer take action on these chaotic beasts. This is not the prevention of the ancient star field, but luck. Although this group of chaotic beasts are only born, but they have the blessing of luck of chaotic beasts, killing a third of them is already the limit, no amount will lead to unpredictable disasters, even Breaking the existing balance, this is the result that the Yin-Yang Daoist does not want to see and cannot bear. If the balance is broken, no one knows what will happen and what a terrible disaster it will bring to the entire prehistoric world. Therefore, the Yin-Yang Taoist will not make another move.

Among the crowd, Ancestor Ming He had the least gain. If he gave up like this, Ancestor Ming He was unwilling, so he wanted to ask, and just when Ancestor Ming He wanted to speak, a powerful space The storm appeared from above them, and the terrifying space force broke out in an instant, directly interrupting the thoughts and actions of Ancestor Ming He.

what happened? Before the ancestor Ming He was angry, the screams sounded, and the screams made the ancestor Ming He a little familiar. When he looked closely, the space storm disappeared in an instant, and the three clear and accurate not far away from his eyes. They appeared, and at this time, their bodies were covered with terrifying scars. They ripped the void directly from the prehistoric land and entered the ancient star field, making Sanqing and Zhunti and Jieyue pay a heavy price for them. suffered a terrible shock!

"Damn, how could they appear here, these **** ruined the grandfather's affairs!" When he saw Sanqing and Zhunti, and invited them to appear, Ancestor Ming He was furious in his heart, because after seeing the When these five people appeared, Ancestor Ming He suddenly felt a sense in his heart, and the opportunity left him, and it was impossible to chase and kill the group of chaotic beasts. The group of chaotic beasts got rid of the crisis and broke free Bound, the ancient star field, no, more precisely, the prehistoric world's suppression of them has disappeared, the chaotic beasts are no longer suppressed and repelled by the origin of the prehistoric world, and everyone can no longer lock the whereabouts of this group of chaotic beasts!

For Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin who suddenly appeared on the battlefield, their hearts were also extremely shocked. Fortunately, before they came, the war was over, or else they suddenly broke into the battlefield and got involved. In the middle of the war, it will be a fatal threat to them, and if one is not careful, his life will be ruined in the hands of those chaotic beasts!

"It's really surprising, a few fellow Daoists suddenly appeared on the battlefield, aren't you prepared before?" Looking at the surprised Sanqing, Zhunti, and Yingyue, there was also a little anger The intended ancestor of Ming He, Empress Nuwa opened her mouth to resolve the embarrassment between the two sides. If no one stepped forward to ease the situation, I was afraid that the situation would be very bad!

"We also want to control the direction of the landing, but Daoist Nuwa should understand that under the threat of death, we have no time to adjust. Fortunately, everything went smoothly and there were no major mistakes, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. At this moment, Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help sighing, if he really got caught in the siege of chaotic beasts, and there was only a dead end waiting for them, is there any problem with such a sudden accident? Did someone deliberately plot against them?

No, the sect master of Tongtian knows that there is no calculation behind this, and they can only say that their luck is not good. They were affected by the ancient star field in tearing the void into the ancient star field, so they suddenly appeared in the battlefield.

"Fellow Taoist Tongtian, you seem to have been injured a lot in this battle. What happened to make you so embarrassed. With your strength, even if you were to confront Heavenly Dao head-on, it wouldn't be so tragic, right?" Niangniang was curious about what crisis Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin had gone through, and wanted to understand the changes in the prehistoric land.

"It's hard to say, no one thought that such a situation would happen, that we would face such a crisis! We are not only facing the Tao of Heaven, but also the Tao of humanity, and even the origin of the prehistoric wilderness. When tearing the void, we were hit by a space storm. The impact of the attack has also caused the present tragic appearance. If it weren't for our luck, perhaps this crisis could threaten our life and death. If you don't have to, it's best not to return to the great land. Now the great land has changed. It's gone!"

When the words of Tongtian Sect Master fell, the eyes of Taoist Yin and Yang couldn't help but condense, and there was a hint of understanding in his eyes. Everything was as he had guessed. Humanity has come together, and the origin of the prehistoric world has also undergone new changes, and the real world-destroying catastrophe is coming!

"Okay, Daoist Nuwa, don't disturb Sanqing, Zhunti, and Daoist Reception, they need time to recover, and we also need time to digest the gains of this battle, and refine these chaotic beasts as soon as possible. The source is of great benefit to our practice. We should seize the time to enhance our own strength. We have not much time left. I hope that when the real world-destroying catastrophe breaks out, everyone can have the ability to protect themselves and be able to protect themselves in this battle. Grab a ray of life in the world-destroying catastrophe!"

Yin-Yang Daoists don't want to waste their precious time and energy, nor do they want to communicate too much with Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyue. There is no need to do so now, and Yin-yang Daoists can't trust these five things. People, because of their different ways, look at problems in different directions. Communicating with them will only be a waste of time and not gain anything. If the prehistoric land suddenly changes, the origin of the prehistoric world changes, it is not something that Sanqing and Zhunti and Jiyue can understand. The only people who truly understand everything are the way of heaven and the way of humanity.


Without waiting for Sanqing and Zhunti to speak, the Yin-Yang Taoist glanced at the Twelve Ancestors and nodded lightly. In an instant, their breaths began to converge, and then they came together in a tacit understanding, and then turned to the battlefield. Get out!

In the eyes of yin and yang Taoists, although Empress Nuwa is good, she does not have much relationship with herself. Moreover, when Sanqing, Zhunti, and Reception appeared, Empress Nuwa had a new choice, so Yin Yang The Taoist directly chose to leave with the Twelve Ancestral Witch, and gained so much chaotic origin in the first battle. The Twelve Ancestral Witch needs time to refine and break through. If all the twelve Ancestral Witch break through the Primordial Golden Immortal, their Safety is guaranteed, even in the face of the three Daoists of Heaven, Earth and Humanity and Hongjun Dao Ancestor, but not without the strength to fight back. After all, the twelve ancestors have their own souls!

When she saw that the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch were about to leave, Empress Nuwa opened her mouth to say something, but she swallowed the words again, she knew in her heart that the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch were unwilling to accept Sanqing , quasi-promotion and reception, unwilling to walk with them, the previous differences still exist, and they have not ended because of the passage of time!

Different Taos do not conspire. This sentence is not casual. Since they are different paths of cultivation, naturally there is no need to walk together. It is not a good thing for anyone, so the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestors chose to take the initiative. leave, not stay!

When he saw the shadows of the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witches leaving, Old Ancestor Ming He was a little moved and wanted to follow, but when he had this thought in his heart, he suddenly felt uneasy, as if following the Yin-Yang Taoist and The Twelve Ancestors will be in danger, and even endanger their own lives, which makes Old Ancestor Ming He retreat.

Is this telepathy? No, this is the effect of the aura of the heaven and earth catastrophe. Ancestor Ming He wanted to follow the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Yin-Yang Daoist, and was immediately affected by the aura of the heaven and earth catastrophe, so he would have such telepathy. Make up your mind, there will be no problem, this is the test of heaven and earth, another test for him, unfortunately, the ancestor of Ming He still missed the opportunity again, because of the worry in his heart and gave up the opportunity.

As a taboo existence, the Yin-Yang Daoist cannot be followed by anyone. Following the Yin-Yang Daoist will inevitably be affected by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and affected by the origin of the prehistoric world. The reason why the Twelve Ancestral Witches can be so relaxed is because of them. The primordial spirit is missing, so for them, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth and the origin of the prehistoric world have little impact on them, but the ancestors of Ming He are different, and the ancestors of Ming He can deeply feel the pressure from the prehistoric world.

"Alas! It seems that our arrival is not very popular with the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch, so let them leave in such a hurry!" Facing the departure of the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch, Zhunti sighed, his eyes There were bright lights flashing, and he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch in his voice, but he did not dare to say it in front of the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witch. And Empress Nuwa vented this dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Okay, Junior Brother, don't worry about this matter. We are not the same as the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Reluctantly being together will only harm others and ourselves. Even if they leave, we don't have to worry about more accidents. It happened!" Jieyin stopped Zhunti from continuing on this topic, after all, Jieyin didn't want to offend the Twelve Ancestors and Yin-Yang Daoist to death. When the child is born, there will be induction, and there will even be cause and effect cohesion!

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa, Fellow Daoist Minghe, if you let us go, can you wait for me to protect the Dharma so that we can recover from this injury with peace of mind!" When the figures of Taoist Yin-Yang and the Twelve Ancestral Witches disappeared, Taishang Laojun suddenly spoke. He sent a request to Empress Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He, and as soon as his words fell, Old Ancestor Ming He couldn't help frowning again.

"Damn bastards, I knew that these guys didn't have good intentions. I should have followed the Yin-Yang Daoist and the Twelve Ancestral Witches and left together. Now Sanqing has captured the strong man!" In the heart of the ancestor Ming He, he was very reluctant to accept it. He made such a request, but he couldn't open his mouth to refuse it. After all, he was from the prehistoric world, and now everyone is in the ancient star field. If he refuses Taishang Laojun's request at this time, he will need help from the other party if he has something in the future. Also impossible.

"Yes, but fellow Daoists, please move faster. After all, this is a battlefield. No one knows whether the group of chaotic beasts will return. We can't stay here for too long!" Empress Wa directly agreed to Taishang Laojun's request, and reminded Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin.

Time is pressing, if Sanqing and Zhunti and Jieyin want to stay for too long, they will only put themselves in danger. This is not what Nuwa Empress wants to see, and it is also necessary for Nuwa Empress. The harvest before time refining, if it wasn't for the desire to learn more about the situation of the Great Wasteland from Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin, Mother Nuwa would have already left.

Under the great changes in the world today, Empress Nuwa is no longer what she used to be, and she has her own selfishness and ideas, but although the old me has been beheaded, Empress Nuwa is still a little worried about the human race and the demon race, and she still wants to Know their situation, know whether the two worlds you left behind are in danger, and whether the human and demon races are in a desperate situation!

When he heard the words of Empress Nuwa's consent, Ancestor Ming He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Under this circumstance, he couldn't refuse, and could only hold back the anger in his heart, while Ming He couldn't help but sigh. The old ancestor has not developed his own situation, and his state of mind has been repeatedly affected by external forces. This is a huge bad thing for his own cultivation. Once his mind falls, he will fall into this world. into crisis!

Under the great calamity of the world, the mind is affected by external forces and affected by the calamity of heaven and earth. This is a very dangerous situation. Once such a situation occurs, it will be a terrible disaster for any strong person. Zu has already been affected by external forces at this time, and his mind gradually lost control. This is a devastating disaster for him. If he can't wake up in time and resist the erosion of this external force, as time goes by, Old Ancestor Ming He will meet. Bit by bit, it was swallowed up by the breath of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and it really became a robber, falling into a state of undoing all redemption!

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