God of Destruction

Chapter 4711: Festival cause and effect

Four thousand seven hundred and seventeen chapters cause and effect

"Be patient, I need to be patient for a while, I need to recover my own wear and tear, and I need to adjust myself to the best state before I can take action!" After some frantic actions, the Yin-Yang Daoist is both in the source consumption and energy consumption. It is huge, and I can't continue. If I forcibly lock those worlds, it will only affect my own origin, and it will hurt my own origin. This is not the result that Yin-Yang Daoist wants to see, and it is not the result that Yin-Yang Daoist can bear.

Now that the avatar of the cursed king of the Yin-Yang Taoist has been condensed, and his own shackles have been eliminated, there is no need to take risks and continue. If you continue, it will only affect your own origin, affect your own practice, and even destroy the origin of the chaotic world. And only when you are fully prepared can you take the initiative in the next crisis.

Daoist Yin-Yang knows very well what the consequences will be if he takes another shot. Perhaps the destruction of the first two worlds does not pay attention to the origin of the prehistoric world, but no matter how much it is, it will cause doubts about the origin of the prehistoric world, and he will realize that he has found a solution. The solution to the crisis, at that time, will the origin of the prehistoric world give me the opportunity to continue destroying the world, and will it give me the opportunity to continue to grow myself? This is obviously impossible, and the Yin-Yang Daoist naturally has to plan for the worst!

Regarding the information about the Primordial Daluo Jinxian that I learned from the origin of the prehistoric world, the Taoist Yin and Yang did not dare to fully believe it. It is very likely that this is still the calculation of the origin of the prehistoric world. , and I don't know much about the entire prehistoric world. Under such circumstances, it is easy to have preconceived crises, be calculated by the prehistoric world, and be led to a dangerous road of destruction, even if there are only a little hidden dangers, right It will be a devastating blow on its own, so at this time Yin and Yang Taoists must be cautious.

"Faced with such a despicable and shameless primordial will, I really don't know what to do. Even if I get some information, I dare not use it as a basis. Perhaps from the beginning, the primordial will of the primordial world did not regard all living beings as heaven and earth. One thing, in its eyes, the lives of all people in the world are just a group of 'ants' evolving the progress of the world, and the life and death of 'ants' will not be cared by it at all. Just like the development of the prehistoric situation before, the original will of the prehistoric world only cares about itself. "

With the enhancement of their own strength and the continuous understanding of the prehistoric world, the Yin-Yang Taoist is very vigilant about the original will to master the process of the prehistoric world, and dare not be careless, no matter how much information he gets from the other party, the Yin-Yang Daoist I can't believe it easily, I'm worried that there will be conspiracies and terrifying traps. As their own undead enemies, Yin-Yang Daoists have endless killing intent on the existence of the original will, but unfortunately Yin-Yang Daoists can't do it, at least now. not.

"Is the original will of this prehistoric world another backhand of Pangu? Could it be the power of the primordial spirit of Pangu? Everything that happened in the prehistoric world is under the control of the other party? If so, if the tunnel is in a hurry to escape It is more convincing, but what is the situation of the world in the body of the time **** and demon, whose handwriting is all this, is it authentic, or is it the residual thoughts of the time **** and devil, or is it the backhand left by the time **** and devil?"

I don't know why, the yin and yang Taoists thought of the time gods and demons again, thinking of their own origin, which was very confusing to the yin and yang Taoists, even now, the yin and yang Taoists have not found who is manipulating the time gods. The world inside the demon, who is guiding the development and change of the world inside the time gods and demons, this makes the Yin-Yang Taoist very uneasy!

If you are also a chess piece, a chess piece on the chessboard, who is making the layout? This is what the Yin-Yang Daoist desperately wants to know. Unfortunately, the Yin-Yang Daoist has no idea at all and can't find any clues. Perhaps, as he guessed in his heart, it is the time demon, and the tunnel is only affected by the time demon. Run away, and he is the chess piece of the time gods and demons. Now that he has jumped out of the chess game, the Yin-Yang Taoist does not know, but the time gods and demons are still there, this cause and effect will not disappear!

Just because of a little change, Daoist Yin and Yang thought so much, this is the horror and horror of the prehistoric world, you have no idea what the outcome will be, and who is secretly calculating you, who is setting this up. A chess game, whether you are a chess piece in the chess game, and how should you face all this.

With the continuous development of the situation and the constant interference of the original will of the prehistoric world, Daoist Yin-Yang gradually has a better understanding of the prehistoric world. Although he has not yet understood the secrets of the prehistoric world, he can also know some interests. He has reason to doubt it. If the identity of the primordial will of the prehistoric world is as he thought, and it is related to Pangu Yuanshen, everything will be more troublesome, and the only person who may know is the tunnel, no, it should be said to be the **** of the earth, but this **** has already escaped. .

Although there are thousands of thoughts in his heart, the Yin-Yang Taoist did not continue to spread his thoughts. Now is not the time to discuss these things. It is self-protection for me. How can I use the information I know to capture more. resources to speed up his own cultivation, and in this operation, he still needs to avoid people like the Twelve Ancestors and Hongjun Daozu, which requires a larger calculation, which requires more consumption for the Yin-Yang Daoist energy!

When Daoist Yin-Yang was trying to recover himself, Daozu Hongjun in the ancient star field was not in a good mood. He felt more pressure, as if something big was about to break out, and the ancient star field exuded a faint warning. Daozu Hongjun was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what he should do, whether to collude with the ancient star field, or wait and see what happened!

If it is the former, collusion with the ancient star field will inevitably reveal his whereabouts, and he will also form a cause and effect with the gods and demons of the stars. Although he does not know what the gods and demons are planning, Hongjun Daozu instinctively feels the threat. The power contained in the ancient star field is beyond his imagination, and the gods and demons of the stars have secrets that they do not know.

"What secrets did the gods and demons hide in the stars? Back then, he dared to leave a part of his origin in the prehistoric world, integrate with the heavens, and evolve this ancient star field. What is this **** calculating? From the current situation, It is impossible to devour the source power left by the gods and demons of the stars, and what does he choose to warn me about at this time?"


Hongjun Daozu frowned and was thinking. He couldn't figure out the calculations of the gods and demons of the stars, but one thing Hongjun Daozu could be sure, the ancient star field must have sensed the crisis, it must know why the crisis came, just If you want to get this secret from the ancient star field, you will owe the great cause and effect of the stars and demons. This is not what Hongjun Daozu is willing to accept.

With three thousand chaotic gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu naturally understands the seriousness of this cause and effect. If he is not careful, he may be calculated by the stars and gods and demons, but he just gives up like this. Hongjun Daozu is also unwilling. After all, the crisis is condensing. , can even threaten his own safety, which makes Hongjun Daozu have to face it cautiously, which puts him in a dilemma!

"Damn the gods and demons of the stars, are you trying to take advantage of the fire?" The more he thought about Daozu Hongjun, the more annoyed he became, and he couldn't help but scolded the gods and demons of the stars for not being a thing. compromise!

Yes, in the eyes of Hongjun Daozu, the ancient star field warned himself that this is the threat of the stars and demons to him. The other party knew that he could not refuse, so he was so arrogant, and if Hongjun Daozu wanted to get rid of it. Crisis, only owes this great cause and effect, which makes Hongjun Daozu extremely annoyed, but there is no way to fight back!

"Cause and effect, I'll take it!" When Daozu Hongjun said these words, the breath of his body could not help venting wildly, without the peace he had before, and there was a little more killing in his eyes. Demons also have killing intent on Yin-Yang Daoist people, and it is precisely because these two **** are caught in such an embarrassing situation that they have to compromise.

When he felt the threat of the gods and demons of the stars, Daozu Hongjun knew that his whereabouts had been exposed to the eyes of the other party. Although he had taken many defensive measures, he still did not block the power of the ancient star field, and when he took over the At the time of karma, there was only a message from the ancient star field: "Be careful of Yin-Yang Daoist, he is planning! ’

This short message made Hongjun Daozu owe a big cause and effect, and the ancient star field did not tell himself what the Yin Yang Daoist was planning and what methods he had, which made Hongjun Daozu very angry, but he I have to admit that at least this information lets me know that the danger is from Yin and Yang Daoist, and it is caused by the other party's plan!

Surrounding and killing Yin-Yang Daoists and removing Yin-Yang Daoists before the layout of Yin-Yang Daoists is completed? Suddenly, such a crazy thought emerged in the mind of Daozu Hongjun, as if he was inspiring himself to attack the Daoist Yin-Yang and let himself have a life-and-death showdown with Daoist Yin-Yang to stop the conspiracy of Daoist Yin-Yang.

"Damn, even the power of the will of the prehistoric world has come to influence me, and it even tried to convince me to fight the Yin-Yang Taoist. What does the yin-yang Taoist want to do, so that the original will of the ancient star field and the prehistoric world can't help but want to take action, can it be said that he Continue to destroy these small thousand worlds, and continue to destroy these backhands left by the three thousand gods and demons?"

At this moment, Daozu Hongjun only thought of this question, and felt that only this possibility would allow the original will of the ancient star field and the prehistoric world to take action and warn himself, but if the Yin-Yang Daoist really has to do this, is this not true? It means that the other party has found a way to dissolve the curse of the world and cut off his own shackles. If the yin and yang Taoist really can do it, will he fall into a bigger crisis if he stops all this, and will be stared at by this lunatic, the yin and yang Taoist. superior!

In contrast, Hongjun Daozu would rather face the calculations of the original will of the prehistoric world, and he is not willing to be the enemy of the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist. In the face of the original will of the prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu still has the ability to fight back, but in the face of the Yin-Yang Daoist This lunatic, he has no idea what the other party is going to do, and will it trigger a more terrifying crisis in the next moment. A crazy person who dares to destroy the world, becomes a taboo creature, and can find a way to break the game, such a crazy person can't be easily guilty!

"These **** are all trying to make up my mind, and they all feel that I can't be bullied by Hongjun, and they all start to plot against me. The origin of the prehistoric world, the gods and demons of the stars, who will jump out next!" The threat of the gods and demons of the stars and the original will of the prehistoric world, Hongjun Daozu has endless anger in his heart, just because the influence of the current environment has to endure, but one day this anger will be vented, after all, it is impossible for Hongjun Daozu Blindly compromise and tolerate!

Hongjun Daozu is right, the origin will of the prehistoric world and the gods and demons of the stars are plotting against him, and they all want to use the hands of Hongjun Daozu to stop the Yin-Yang Daoist and save the Xiaoqian world left by the chaotic gods and demons. Inheritance opportunities, no matter whether there are dangers or hidden dangers in these inheritances, they do not want to see the world being further destroyed, especially the lunatic Yin-Yang Daoist. .

At this time, the original will of the prehistoric world also had some regrets, and he had to admit that he underestimated the ability of the Yin-Yang Taoist. In its calculations, the Yin-Yang Taoist would continue to frantically destroy the Xiaoqian world, and it would be destroyed by the curse of the world. , But now the Yin-Yang Daoist has stopped. Although he does not know what the Yin-Yang Daoist did in this short period of time, one thing is certain, the Yin-Yang Daoist must have found a way to resolve it. Even if not, the Yin-Yang Daoist also felt his calculation. , With the ability to break free from this mortal situation, no matter what this ability is, it has already threatened the original will of the prehistoric world!

Hate to hate, but what should be done, Hongjun Daozu still has to face, even if he knows that there is a big problem and a big crisis, but Hongjun Daozu has no ability to refuse. From the moment Yu found him, his whereabouts have been exposed, and he has fallen into the other party's calculations.

However, if Daozu Hongjun is asked to stop the Yin-Yang Daoist, he still has some consideration in his heart. If the Yin-Yang Daoist can kill with one blow, everything will be troubled by the liver, but if he misses, he will inevitably suffer from his madness. Counter-attack, at that time can I retreat, whether I will become the ghost of the origin of the primordial world and the ancient star field, this needs to be carefully considered, even if there is a one-thousandth possibility, Dao Ancestor Hongjun dare not have it. Neglected!

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