God of Destruction

Chapter 4721: Brotherhood

Chapter 4727 Brotherhood Broken

"The original will of the damned prehistoric world, how can we get rid of your pursuit, how can we get rid of the shackles of fate, are we really destined to be the nutrient for the recovery of Pangu Yuanshen, there is no vitality, we are just Pangu Yuanshen's chess pieces have never had any freedom, everything has already been bound by fate?" In an instant, Taishang Laojun's expression became extremely ferocious, and the endless resentment seemed to devour his heart. .

Taishang Laojun wants to break free from the shackles of fate and escape from the long river of fate, but it is difficult, and there is no hope in sight, even in the world of Xiaoqian, there is a cover of the origin of chaos gods and demons. Unable to get rid of the murderous intention of the original will of the prehistoric world, this was a big blow to the Taishang Laojun, and it also made him doubt that he really had the ability to break free from the shackles of this fate, and really had the opportunity to get rid of the power that Pangu Yuanshen had placed on him. Bondage and shackles?

"Brother, what should we do now, identity has become our biggest threat. If we can't get rid of the crisis brought about by identity, there is only a dead end waiting for us!" Although Tongtian Cult Master did not want to give up Pangu's authentic identity, after all, this It is helpful for his own practice, but now he has to make such a decision, and he has to ask Taishang Laojun for help.

"Let's start our back-up, our three brothers' Primordial Mystery Realm is open, we need to talk about it in detail!" Although there is endless anger in his heart, Taishang Laojun understands what he should do now, and wants to do it with his own strength. It is almost unrealistic to get rid of the crisis. I need help myself, and I need the help of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master.

Soon, all the Sanqing Yuanshen burst into a ray of light. This is the light of their destiny. This is not just a talk, but a fact. If they want, as long as they don't leave the prehistoric world, they can open it. Primordial Mystery Realm, the origin of the Three Purities can be connected, and the three of them communicate in the Yuan Mysterious Realm. This is one of the greatest means of the Three Purities!

"Big brother, what should we do?" Yuanshi Tianzun is also asking Taishang Laojun, because Taishang Laojun is the one who hides the deepest among the three. After all, Taishang Laojun has the secret of the three purifications. Naturally, the understanding of Pangu Yuanshen is also the most powerful, so Yuanshi Tianzun also needs to bow his head to Taishang Laojun!

"I'm afraid we can't keep the identity of Pangu Authentic. If we continue to ignore the threat of Pangu Yuanshen and the original will of the prehistoric world, we will only bring about our own destruction, so we have no choice but to give up the identity of Pangu Authentic, and this requires We have paid a heavy price. We are not the Twelve Ancestral Witch, nor the Witch Clan. We just inherited the power of the bloodline. If they want to cut off the connection with Pangu, they only need to cut the bloodline. The danger is not great, but we can't, we The price to be paid to cut off the Pangu aura on the primordial spirit is extremely astonishing, and it will even damage the origin!"

"Brother, we all understand what you said, cutting out the Pangu breath in the primordial spirit will almost cut off our vitality. It is precisely because of such a terrifying danger that we don't know what to do, and our three brothers Among them, you are the one with the deepest understanding of Yuanshen, and we need your help and guidance."

When Yuanshi Tianzun said these words, Taishang Laojun couldn't help but sighed and said: "I also want to help you get rid of the danger, but I don't know how to cut myself off without hurting myself. The source, after all, our Pangu inheritance comes from the soul, from the primordial spirit, it does not mean that it can be cut off if it is cut out!"

"So, eldest brother, you have no way to cut out the hidden danger above the primordial spirit, and there is no way to get rid of the current crisis. Are we really going to face a disaster?" Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help sighing when he said this. There was a hint of loss and unwillingness in his eyes, but there was a hint of doubt in the look of loss.

Yuanshi Tianzun does not believe that Taishang Laojun really has no way to do anything. Among the three brothers, Taishang Laojun is the one who knows the power of the primordial spirit the most, and Taishang Laojun has been refined with the origin of their three brothers. Sanqing's supernatural powers, if he can't do anything at all, Yuanshi Tianzun is arrogant and unbelievable. After all, Taishang Laojun has come a long way on the road of Yuanshen cultivation!

"It doesn't mean that there is no way, it's just too dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of dying. Even I don't dare to try it out easily. I hope that our three brothers will choose this dangerous path and let themselves fall into a huge crisis, even a danger that will never end!"

Taishang Laojun has such a kind heart and is willing to help Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master. If he is so kind, he should tell Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master how to solve the problem. No matter whether it works or not, you should not delay time here. After all, everyone's Time is precious, no matter whether Taishang Laojun's idea can succeed or not, it is a good thing for everyone to make an explanation quickly!

"Junior Brother Tongtian, it seems that the eldest brother does not regard us as brothers. The matter has reached this stage, and he still has reservations. We need to carefully consider our own life and death. We can no longer pin our hopes on the eldest brother alone. We must move forward on our own, find our own path of practice, and get rid of this crisis!"

"Yeah, I really didn't expect big brother to have such selfishness in his heart. I originally thought I could get help from big brother and get rid of the crisis, but now it seems that everything can only depend on us. Although I don't want to give it a shot, but now I have There is no other choice, cut the way of the sky, cut the primordial spirit!" With the stern shout of the Tongtian sect master, the block of the sky condensed and turned into a sharp blade, directly slashing on his own primordial spirit, directly cutting himself In the primordial spirit, the breath of Pangu fell straight down!

auzw.com The cut of the primordial spirit has not only cut off the Pangu breath, but also has the understanding of the Great Dao of the Tongtian sect master, and it is also the original breath of the Sanqing. The divine aura was completely cut out from the primordial spirit of the Tongtian sect master!

Losing the breath of Pangu Yuanshen, he cut out the part of the source that was eroded by Pangu Yuanshen. The aura on Tongtian sect master instantly fluctuated and fluctuated. The source suffered a terrifying backlash, which made Tongtian sect master's mind suffer a huge impact. It also puts oneself into an extremely terrifying danger, and even has the possibility of dying!

The secret realm is also when Tongtian sect master cuts out this knife, the effect of the three cleans as one is broken, and the luck of the three cleans is dispersed instantly. Tianzun couldn't help but remember that he was the leader of Tongtian. The leader of Tongtian was so crazy that he didn't even have the idea of ​​discussing with them!

"Tongtian, are you crazy?" Yuanshi Tianzun was roaring frantically. When Tongtian sect master cut out the knife and cut Yuanshen, Yuanshi Tianzun felt the pain from Tongtian sect master and felt in Tongtian sect master's heart The unwillingness of the endless years, the friendship between the three brothers was cut off at this moment.

"Hehe, eldest brother, is this the result you want, do you really know nothing about how to cut off the Pangu aura above the primordial spirit? If that is the case, then let's leave it alone. The primordial beginning is infinite, and the devil's way is eternal. Yuanshi Tianmo, the way of the devil is vertical and horizontal! Slash it!" When Yuanshi Tianzun's roar fell, endless demonic energy erupted wildly in him, all the unwillingness in his heart, all the negative forces were erupting, he used the negative force in his heart to condense the infinite. Going to the Devil's Way, for the Yuanshi Tianmo, he cut off everything in the past, and also cut off the Pangu breath in his own primordial spirit, and turned into a god.

"Bastard, you two bastards!" Taishang Laojun was scolding, this was the result he least wanted to see, but it all happened in front of his eyes. After cutting the past, the unity of the three cleanliness completely became a joke, and the reason for all this was the selfishness of the Taishang Laojun, because the Taishang Laojun was selfish, and he wanted to get more benefits from the Tongtian Cult Master and Yuanshi Tianzun. But I didn't expect these two to be so decisive.

With the separation of Tongtian Cult Master and Yuanshi Tianzun, the whole secret realm began to collapse. Just relying on Taishang Laojun himself could not stabilize the secret realm, even if he mastered the supernatural power secret technique of transforming one gas into three cleanliness, he still could not do it. Because the breath of Tongtian Sect Master and Yuanshi Tianzun disappeared, they really had to give up everything and everything in the past.

If Taishang Laojun could be less selfish and have a little brotherhood, none of this would have happened, but unfortunately he didn't do it. He only thought about his own interests and didn't care about the interests of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master, so everything They all collapsed. The sect master of Tongtian directly cut the primordial spirit and was injured the most, but he really completed his transformation. The origin of the way of cutting off the sky was integrated into one body. In this way, it is only Yuanshi Tianzun who entered the devil's way, gave up everything in the past, and became the master of the devil!

"Crazy, really crazy, the breath of Tongtian sect master and Yuanshi Tianzun has disappeared, whether they gave up Pangu Zhengzong, or were they swallowed up by the chaotic gods and demons in Xiaoqian world, do the great changes in heaven and earth have to fully erupt and destroy Is the world's catastrophe really unstoppable?" When Tongtian Cult Master and Yuanshi Tianzun let go of their identities as Pangu's authentic sect, as human beings, they connected with the humanities of the three worlds of the prehistoric world, and felt the shock from the prehistoric world, which made him extremely shocked. startle!

Without the original breath of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master, Taishang Laojun's eyes were filled with endless madness, and he muttered to himself: "Okay, since you have made such a choice, then I have nothing to take into account. Transforming the three cleanliness, the origins are united, the three cleanliness are one, the second primordial spirit emerges, and the cause and effect is cut off!"

With the sound of Taishang Laojun's deep drink, under one qi and three clears, Taishang Laojun cut out the Pangu breath in his primordial spirit, and through the source of attraction, he cut off the Pangu master of Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun. The breath is attracted to the supernatural power, and the three purities are one, condensing a Pangu Yuanshen, which is also his second Yuanshen, and using this Yuanshen to cut off his own karma.

Originally, Taishang Laojun wanted to let Tongtian Cult Master and Yuanshi Tianzun cooperate with him to complete the cohesion of this second primordial spirit. Unfortunately, he has too many calculations and too much selfishness. He only thinks about his own interests and only think about How can he not stick to cause and effect, and still get the greatest benefit from this shocking change, so he has not implemented his plan, Tongtian Sect Master and Yuanshi Tianzun have to give up everything, have to break free from their own shackles, behead themselves The Pangu breath in the primordial spirit.

Originally, in the calculation of Taishang Laojun, he had to swallow up the Pangu aura in Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master Yuanshen, and then strip away the Pangu breath in his own Yuanshen and condense it into a Pangu Yuanshen with infinite potential. As his second primordial spirit, comprehending Pangu Dao also carries all the cause and effect, so that he can truly detach himself and allow himself to go further in the way of the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, but his selfishness caused the biggest change in the plan. , let the three clean one become a joke.

Heavenly Dao cut off his clone and used it to bear his own karma, giving himself a chance to break free from the **** and the threat of Pangu Yuanshen, and Taishang Laojun also had the same idea, but Tiandao cut into a clone, and Taishang had the same idea. What Lao Jun has to do is to condense the origin of the three purities, and based on the supernatural powers and secrets of one gasification and three purities, condense a Pangu Yuanshen as his second Yuanshen, cut off all the causes and effects of himself, and let this second Yuanshen God bears all dangers.

The idea is good, and it works, but unfortunately, the old master has too many calculations, he only thinks of himself, but not the situation between the sect master and the primordial master, so that the contradiction between the three clears is comprehensive at this moment. The eruption made Tongtian sect master unable to bear the anger in his heart. He directly divided his primordial spirit and gave up the Pangu aura in his primordial spirit. , making his plan a big problem!

No matter how good the plan is, but because of his selfishness, everything is out of control. Taishang Laojun wants to use the Yuan Mysterious Realm to absorb the Pangu breath of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master, and also absorb some of their source power. Make yourself stronger, but now everything is shattered. Although Taishang Laojun's second spirit is condensed, his strength is very limited!

The reasons are all caused by Taishang Laojun himself. He has calculated too much himself. He not only wants to get the Pangu breath of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master, but also wants to secretly capture a trace of their source power. This kind of calculation is too vicious. So much so that there was such a shocking change, which made his calculations fail in an instant, made his plan collapse directly, and made the Second Primordial Spirit lose the opportunity to sublimate!

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