God of Destruction

Chapter 4723: festival threat

Chapter 4729th threat

It is not only the original will of the ancient star field that is shocked, but also the original will of the prehistoric world. Daoist Yin and Yang acted so unscrupulously, and they started to attack the original will of the ancient star field in a fair and open manner. I also think that the Yin-Yang Daoist may have been severely damaged by the source, and dare not continue to kill Xiaoqian World, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, this lunatic wants to kill the ancient star field, and wants to plunder the entire The power of the source of the ancient star field, even destroying the entire ancient star field, this lunatic is terrible!

"Stop, stop quickly!" The origin of the ancient star field had to stop the madness of the Yin-Yang Daoist, but did not dare to act rashly, let alone fight back, only through this method to stop the yin-yang Daoist from continuing, for fear of bringing about the destruction for himself. disaster!

"You are finally willing to show up and stop hiding. If you want me to take action, I want to know all the secrets you know, and what the chaos gods and demons have left behind in the prehistoric world. Those three What is the secret behind the gate of the world, what is the existence of the ancient star field, don't try to hide, don't try to deceive me, the consequences are you are not willing to bear, my time is limited, I hope you can do it right decision!"

Daoist Yin-Yang's request is conveyed to the original will of the ancient star field. Daoist Yin-Yang has not concealed his request. As he said, his time is limited. In this limited time, Daoist Yin-Yang does not want to waste his precious time. And whether to stop, whether to stop the war, this depends on the decision of the original will of the ancient star field!

"Bastard, how dare this lunatic threaten me, he is too arrogant!" Hearing such an arrogant question from the Yin-Yang Daoist, the origin of the ancient star field was angry, and he couldn't help but curse in his heart, but this endless anger could not be vented, It can only be hidden in the heart, whoever makes the original will of the ancient star field do nothing to the yin and yang Taoists, and dare not act rashly!

Facing the threat and oppression of the Yin-Yang Daoist, for a time, the original will of the ancient star field did not know how to respond. It must be known that everything the Yin-Yang Daoist asked was a big secret, an important secret related to the general situation of the prehistoric world.

When the original will of the ancient star field was silent, the Yin-Yang Taoist snorted and said: "Enough, don't pretend to be dead for me, if you continue to be silent, I will think that you are rejecting me, the war between us. It will break out completely, I believe you do not want to see such a situation happen, it is not a good thing for you!"

Saying that, the Yin-Yang Daoist exudes a strong murderous intent and fighting intent. This terrifying aura is madly impacting the origin of the ancient star field. If there is a disagreement, a big shot will be taken. This is a great deal for the will of the ancient star field. disaster!

No one dared to doubt the determination of the Yin-Yang Daoist, because before the Yin-Yang Daoist destroyed the small thousand worlds one after another, it was enough to prove his madness and terrifying. In the face of such terrifying pressure, how dare the original will of the ancient star field continue to remain silent!

"Stop, it's not that I don't want to answer your question, but there are many things I don't know, I'm just a trace of the original will, I don't know much about the entire prehistoric world, and I have been sleeping all the time before, only I only recovered at the moment when the World Destruction Tribulation began, how can I answer your question!"

"Hehe, do you think I'll believe your nonsense? If you don't know anything, the ancient star field will become one with the heavenly realm, become a part of the heavenly realm, and will be separated from the heavenly realm at the most critical moment. Come on, you said you don't know anything about the prehistoric world, who would believe it, stop trying to hide it, it will be a disaster for you, my patience is limited!"

Daoist Yin and Yang sneered again and again, not believing the answer from the origin of the ancient star field at all, and as soon as his words fell, his own destiny began to activate, and the origin of the terrifying yin and yang avenue was condensing, as long as the answer of the original will of the ancient star field allowed himself If you are not satisfied, the war will really come, and the killing will be staged again on the ancient star field!

"Enough, stop now, I will tell you everything I know, but there are some things I really don't know, those secrets are hidden in ancient times, only the chaos gods and demons themselves, and the original will of the prehistoric world, With Pangu Yuanshen! You have destroyed so many Xiaoqian worlds and plundered so many sources of chaotic gods and demons. You should know that what I said is true. If I know these secrets, the sources of those Xiaoqian worlds should also be the same. know!"

"Let's talk, there is only one chance, you have to take it well, don't play tricks, the consequences are unbearable for you, and my patience is limited, I don't want to see disasters come, see the start of war , I believe you will make a wise choice and will not make me embarrassed, that is not a good thing for you or me, it is a disaster!"

"Bastard, you **** bastard, you are too embarrassed to say such a thing, you don't want to see disasters come, see the start of war, why did you destroy one small thousand worlds one after another before, why did you come to embarrass me again , Whoever believes in your madman's nonsense is a fool, you madman must not die!" The ancient star field's original will madly cursed the shamelessness of Yin-Yang Daoist in secret, but did not dare to show it.

"Okay, you win, I will tell you everything I know, there will never be a trace of concealment, none of us want to see the coming of war, nor can we bear the disaster of war, you have to promise, I said After everything is done, there will be no attacks on me, and you can no longer madly destroy Xiaoqian World!" Although he was unwilling, the original will of the ancient star field still had to compromise, but in the old lady Yu, it also put forward its own requirements , let the Yin-Yang Daoist make a guarantee!

auzw.com "Yes, as long as you say everything you know, I will never hurt you again, and I will never do anything to destroy those little worlds. Don't worry, my enemy is not you, nor the chaotic gods and demons, but the prehistoric world. The crazy actions I would make before were all forced by the original will of the prehistoric world. If it wasn't for it to plot against me, I would I will not be so madly plundering the source power of Xiaoqian World to restore my own injuries, it can be said that the responsibility for everything that happened before is not on me, but caused by the will of the primordial world!"

"Bastard, this lunatic is really shameless. He puts all the responsibility on the original will of the prehistoric world. Since all this is caused by the original will of the prehistoric world, why don't you kill it and choose those small worlds, all of which are related to those It doesn't matter in the world of Xiaoqian, you want to take revenge and find your own enemies, why do you want to hurt others!"

The weak have no right to choose. The Yin-Yang Daoist did nothing wrong. Whoever made the power of those Xiaoqian worlds too weak is a sin. Just like the current ancient star field, they had to compromise under the persecution of the Yin-Yang Daoist. Just because of his weakness, no matter how much anger he has in his heart, he can only endure it!

"I said!" At this time, the original will of the ancient star field no longer has the idea of ​​struggling. In the face of a crazy bastard, a **** who dares to do anything, he really has no right to choose. The enemy, the prehistoric world, the recovery of the ancient star field, the power of chaos gods and demons, and the arrival of the world-annihilation catastrophe will make the ancient star field face the impact and pressure of the prehistoric world. In this case, the origin of the ancient star field Will no longer has the idea of ​​keeping secrets for the other party!

"Let's start with myself, what is the connection between the ancient star field and the heaven, I don't know that, I was in a deep sleep at that time, and I didn't have any feeling for the prehistoric world. Destroyed, the primordial world and the chaotic gods and demons are opposites, so if you want to ask me this question, I can only tell you that you don’t know.”

The Yin-Yang Daoist did not react violently to the words of the ancient star field, and thought quietly there, as if he believed what it said, but to the Yin-yang Daoist's reaction, the ancient star field source did not A sense of security.

Seeing that Daoist Yin-Yang did not respond for a long time, the original will of the ancient star field continued: "What is the secret of the prehistoric world, in my impression, it is the avenue, the evolution, and the world. Existence, these traces of origin left by the deity, the real existence is not the aftermath of the world-annihilation catastrophe, but the induction of the evolution of the prehistoric world, which is exactly the same, we have always fallen into a deep sleep, He has been silently serving as the sensor of the world, conveying the evolution of the prehistoric world and the evolution of the Great Dao."

When he heard these words, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the Yin-Yang Daoist. Unexpectedly, this surprised the Yin-Yang Daoist. Many small worlds actually existed because of this, not what he thought. The secret between the Chaos Gods and Demons and Pangu is more terrifying than imagined. They have a tacit understanding between them that is unknown to outsiders.

"What's the secret of the world-annihilation catastrophe, and why are the three thousand chaotic gods and demons leaving this threat of world-annihilation?"

"I don't know, I don't know why the world-annihilation catastrophe exists, there is no information about this in my memory, or its existence is for the destruction of the evolutionary world, and our recovery is the world-annihilation catastrophe. The emergence of the world, you destroyed those small thousand worlds, which is equivalent to forming a big cause and effect with those chaotic gods and demons. As long as they come, they will definitely liquidate these causes and effects for you. You should not destroy those small thousand worlds. Calculated!"

"Calculate, in the face of absolute strength, the so-called conspiracy and tricks are not worth mentioning. The three thousand chaotic gods and demons are indeed terrifying, but can they restore the strength of the ancient heyday? Can they still return to the peak of their cultivation path, even if they really have the power of their heyday, why should I be afraid? Knowing if they can pull them to death, whether they can destroy the entire prehistoric world, and destroy all living beings, they can't scare me!"

When Daoist Yin-Yang's crazy words fell, the source of the ancient star field was shocked and cursed: "You **** lunatic, it doesn't matter if you want to die, but don't pull me together, I don't want to be pulled by you lunatic. Die together!"

From the point of view of the original will of the ancient star field, the words of Daoist Yin and Yang are not threatening words. This is an unreasonable lunatic. When he himself falls into a desperate situation, he can do everything, and the most important thing is Daoist Yin-Yang is a lunatic who really has mastered the power of the Dao of World Destruction. Once he is in a desperate situation, he will definitely make such crazy actions!

"Damn, you must warn this deity and tell him to warn other chaos gods and demons, don't drive this lunatic to a dead end, otherwise everyone will be finished, this lunatic can do anything, clearly see the origin of the prehistoric world The calculation of the will can madly destroy those small thousand worlds, making the situation in the entire prehistoric world out of control, forcing Hongjun to jump out, there is nothing this madness dares to do!"

"Don't be excited, things are not as dangerous as you think. Even if the cause and effect is to be settled, it will start from the root cause. The will of the origin of the prehistoric world is the culprit. You don't need to bear too much cause and effect!"

"Hehe, I don't care how much karma I have to bear. Since I dare to do this, I am ready to bear all the karma and all the crises. Death is nothing but a return to chaos. Perhaps death is rebirth, and death is the destruction of the world. The destination, if we let everything return to chaos, return to the Dao, let chaos re-evolve, and let everything return to the original, maybe it is another kind of survival, maybe it will make everything go in a new direction, this is not a way out!"

"Bastard, what are you thinking in your mind, either death or destruction, or returning to chaos, do you have any normal thinking, it is a great tragedy to meet you, a lunatic!" Facing the Yin-Yang Daoist In response, the original will of the Ancient Star Region is under increased pressure. In his opinion, Daoist Yin and Yang have a strong tendency to destroy. Such lunatics cannot be stimulated too much, otherwise they will only lead the world to a dead end, and destroy all living beings in the world. Lead to destruction!

Hate, at this moment, the primordial will of the ancient starfield hates the prehistoric world incomparably, all this is caused by the prehistoric world, it is caused by its selfishness, it is the ignorance and stupidity of the primordial will of the prehistoric world that created the yin and yang. The appearance of this madman, Daoist, will make the situation uncontrollable, and make the whole world go towards destruction and end!

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