God of Destruction

Chapter 4754: Festival Chaos

Chapter 4760 Chaos

Crisis, danger and opportunity, depends on whether you can master and control it. If you can do it, you will be able to turn the danger into an opportunity, strengthen your strength, and even make it possible for yourself to go further! When the stars and demons understand this, they will naturally not give up. In the catastrophe, everything is about fighting. If you don’t fight with all your strength, you will have no chance or benefit. You want to wait for the chance to appear in your own life. This is not realistic at all.

Now that new life is beginning to breed in the ancient star field, this is a chance in itself. Although there is no way to determine whether the chance is good or not, if you don’t even have the determination to fight once, you are not qualified to be in this catastrophe. There is more to play, and there are more benefits to be gained. No matter what life is being conceived, the gods and demons of the stars should accept it. He is the master of the ancient star field, and he cannot give up the life born in his own world. This is a The responsibility and burden of the Lord of the world!

"Come on, I hope you won't let me down. If you can integrate the power of the origin of the world, no matter how weak it is, it will not be so weak. Even if you can only grasp a trace of the power of the world, it will be at a critical moment. Become my trump card!" Feeling the fluctuations in the origin of the ancient star field and the changes in the world, the stars and demons muttered in their hearts.

Opportunities cannot be lost, and they will never come again. Such opportunities do not always appear, especially the birth of life in the world. If you give up, it may be difficult for new vitality to appear, and it may take endless years to wait, and now It is a catastrophe, and the stars and demons do not have so much time to wait. This time, no matter what the result is, they must accept it.

"This deity, hurry up and return to the prehistoric world from the chaos. If you can't return quickly, you can't come to the prehistoric world before these enemies, I'm afraid this catastrophe will become more dangerous, just rely on me The power of this primordial spirit body cannot fight against those enemies, after this battle, the chaotic gods and demons in the entire ancient star field will become our dead places!"

At this moment, the primordial body of the gods and demons of the stars is issuing a warning to the deity in the chaotic world. The change this time is too sudden, the crisis is too crazy, everything is beyond the original plan, if you can't get favorable help, When the enemy appears again, it is the time when the ancient star field is taken away, and it is also the time when oneself perishes.

A trace of primordial spirit descends, no matter how strong it is, it is limited, and it is impossible to confront the chaotic gods and demons who come in the real body, not to mention that there are more than one enemy. , not to mention the existence of the lunatic Daoist Yin-Yang in the void, and I don’t know how these lunatics will react to the harvest before they digest it, whether they will make a big shot in the ancient star field, the ancient star field There is also a great temptation!

When the stars and gods and demons were worried, the Yin-Yang Daoist in the void first completed the digestion of their own harvests, and integrated their perception of the World Avenue into their own chaotic world. The chaotic world of Taoists has finally been perfected, the will of the world has been fully awakened, and the entire chaotic world has been completely brought under control.

"Okay, very good, Chaos, you have finally recovered. From now on, I can finally let go of my hands and feet and hand over the entire Chaos world to you, and I will no longer have to worry about my lack of origin!" Yes, now Yin-Yang Daoists no longer have to worry about their own insufficiency, nor do they have to worry about the insufficiency of the King of the End.

What the Yin-Yang Daoist never imagined was that the will of Chaos would oppose his own statement in an instant, and said solemnly: "No, this deity, the origin is not important to us, even if I come to take over the Chaos World, you and I will be together for a while. The end still needs to be cautious. Although the chaotic world is perfect, the world is not as beautiful as you think. It is impossible for the chaotic world to continuously provide you with huge source support. The source of the chaotic world needs to breed treasures. It is a treasure that supports the chaotic world, it can only be regarded as a rare treasure, and it is not suitable for the chaotic world, the chaotic world needs its own treasure to suppress the world!"

"Treasure, the chaotic world needs to nurture its own treasure to suppress the world. Why is this? Could it be that the chaotic world outside the prehistoric world also has the supreme treasure to suppress the world, and even the prehistoric world has the supreme treasure to suppress the world?" Daoist Yin-Yang was shocked by the statement of the will of chaos. , This is what I never thought of, how can the chaotic world need to be suppressed by the treasure.

"I don't know what is going on in the prehistoric world and the external chaotic world, but for the chaotic world we have mastered, the created chaotic world needs to be treasured, because what we master is not the real chaotic world, but the day after tomorrow. Therefore, I am innately insufficient. Even if I exist, I cannot fully grasp the power of the chaotic world, let alone evolve the chaotic world and breed chaotic life. For the sake of the safety of the chaotic world, it is best to invest the source in the breeding of the supreme treasure. This is the best choice and the safest choice!"

The Yin-Yang Taoist sighed softly and said, "Well, since you said that, what else can I say, but I don't know how long it takes to breed a chaotic treasure, and what kind of treasure can be conceived?"

"Time is difficult to determine. It is not a big problem what the treasure is, it is a chaotic spiritual root, but what it is depends on the evolution of the chaotic world itself, and I can't be sure. There are countless nurturing chaotic spiritual roots. Possibly, any change may give birth to different chaotic spiritual roots. Only when chaotic spiritual roots appear, can the chaotic world have more vitality, and it is possible to breed more chaotic creatures. Chaos spiritual roots are ours A must have treasure!"

auzw.com "It turned out to be the root of chaos, which I didn't expect. If I knew it would be like this, maybe I should have plundered the root of the primordial world before, but now it's too late Now, I hope the chaotic spiritual roots you can breed can meet our needs and speed up the evolution of the chaotic world, after all, our time is running out!"

"This deity is right, our time is indeed running out. Today's prehistoric world has undergone essential changes. Perhaps three thousand chaotic gods and demons will return to prehistoric times, and the Pangu Yuanshen in Buzhou Mountain will also recover. The chaotic gods and demons return to Honghuang, and then the real decisive battle will break out. Before that, the deity must figure out the relationship between the Honghuang world and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. Disadvantage, if you are not careful, you will die! Although Yuanyuan has left behind a lot of hands in the prehistoric world before, but now you should feel that the hands left in the ancient star field have been wiped out, I am afraid to use Before long, the backhands in the vast land and the nether world will also be erased."

When hearing these words, Daoist Yin-Yang couldn't help frowning, and he really felt that the backhands he left behind in the ancient star field were destroyed, the means of rebirth from a drop of blood were restrained, and they were revived in those small thousand worlds. At that time, when those creatures appeared, the backhand that he left behind was directly destroyed, and the chaos gods and demons were more powerful than imagined.

"The Twelve Ancestors cut off their own blood, and the entire Wu clan also gave up Pangu's blood. I don't know if the origin of the blood they left in Xiaoqian World was also destroyed. This Pangu blood is facing Chaos God. What will happen when the demon is wiped out, can the small thousand worlds left by the chaotic gods and demons obliterate the power of Pangu's bloodline?" In an instant, the Yin-Yang Taoist couldn't help thinking of the actions of the Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan. Thinking of the Pangu bloodline that they sealed in the Xiaoqian world.

"If the deity wants to know, you can wait for the twelve ancestors to wake up and ask. At this time, their secrets can't be kept for too long. When the confrontation between the gods and demons of the stars and those chaotic gods and demons has a result, everything will be It will explode, and the bloodline of Pangu may be a test for Pangu Yuanshen, and it is also an opportunity to understand!"

"This is indeed a good opportunity to test, but we don't know if everything will be as we wish. Whether it's those chaotic gods and demons or Pangu Yuanshen, they are unknown forces to us, and we have never been aware of Pangu. We don't know the true power of Chaos Gods and Demons, and even we don't know much about the practice of Chaos Gods and Demons. There may be many problems in the understanding of Primordial Daluo Jinxian. I understand!"

Speaking of this, Daoist Yin-Yang sighed involuntarily, instinctively making him feel that there must be something wrong with his previous understanding of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I really have to believe that it will inevitably have a great impact on my own practice, and even hurt it.

"This deity, the stars and gods and demons in the ancient star field can't be counted on. After this crazy battle, the star gods and demons will inevitably be wary of the deity, and will not give the deity a chance to talk or even meet the deity. See, after all, the existence of the deity is a real threat to it. As long as the source does not want to fight with it, and does not want to become an undead enemy, it can only give up. The ancestor of Hongjun may be the one who understands the prehistoric world and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons. The only choice for the secret, and he may know more than the gods and demons of the stars, after all, Daozu Hongjun dares to take action against the heavens because he fits the way of heaven!"

Daoist Yin-Yang He is still not clear about this. There have been so many changes in the prehistoric world today. With so many problems, everyone has a lot of vigilance in their hearts, especially the stars and gods and demons who are in the war. How could it be possible? If you don't take precautions, you must know that this is when he is the weakest, and a carelessness may directly destroy everything.

"I just don't know if Hongjun will give us this opportunity. The situation in the heaven is not very good. If he still has the idea of ​​​​the heaven, I'm afraid he will not let us enter the heaven easily. For him, we may It is also a threat, just like the gods and demons of the stars, they all have great worries, and they have great vigilance against anyone!"

"Always have to try it. If we do nothing, we will naturally gain nothing. We will only know if we can succeed if we try. I believe that Hongjun Daozu will make the right decision. We can even give up the Netherworld, so how can we care now? The broken heaven, if we really want to regain control of the three worlds, the nether world is our best choice, we also have enough strength to do this, and even we have the strength to restore the now broken nether world and there are six reincarnations!"

Chaos Will is right. If you want to get more secrets from Hongjun Daozu, you must try it. If you don't try, you will never know the result. You can only understand it after you try it. Hongjun Daozu also has a great impact, Hongjun also needs the help of external forces, and the Daoist Yin and Yang is the best foreign aid!

"After everyone has digested all the gains, we will go directly to the heavens to meet Hongjun, hoping that he will not disappoint us. Now what we need is not an enemy, nor a war, but a fight for the prehistoric world. The real understanding, the understanding of Pangu Yuanshen, the understanding of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, and the understanding of the cultivation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

Looking at the people who continued to digest the world's avenues, the Yin-Yang Daoist couldn't help but sighed. Not everyone can quickly digest the previous harvest. The reason why he can digest so quickly is because he has two great clones, the body of chaos. With the king of the end, especially the body of chaos, he holds the power of the chaotic world, and it is more convenient to digest the world's avenues, while others do not have such opportunities. They want to turn all the gains into their own nutrients, which requires Time and energy are needed, and for Yin-Yang Daoists, the most lacking thing right now is time, but now he can't leave.

Although the Yin-Yang Daoist has completed his own transformation, it is impossible for him to abandon these companions and leave on his own. Perhaps it is normal for a cultivator to be ruthless, but the Yin-Yang Daoist does not want to do this, nor can he do it. You can't let the Twelve Ancestors feel cold, and you can't ruin your reputation. You must know that there are many dangers in the world-annihilation catastrophe, and it is completely impossible to just rely on yourself. Even if you have a clone of the King of End, you can rely on it, but this Power is still lacking.

If there were the Twelve Ancestral Witches, with the help of Mother Nuwa and Old Ancestor Ming He, everything would be completely different. Maybe they couldn't break through their own bottlenecks for a while and couldn't become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but their power was still on their own. It is a powerful help. In the annihilation of the world, a little more strength means a little more safety, especially when the chaos gods and demons return, it is even more important!

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