God of Destruction

Chapter 4782: Section differences

Four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight chapters divergence

With Hongjun Daozu's shot, as his power began to spread across the heavens, when it turned into a sky net to live in the heaven, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help frowning and muttered to himself: "What is here? What secrets are hidden, the gate of the world, what is your appearance for, is it true that no one in the entire prehistoric world knows your secrets?"

Yes, Daozu Hongjun is now carefully exploring the secrets of the World Gate. He wants to find the answers he wants from the World Gate, find the secrets that can affect the general trend of heaven and earth, and even understand the ultimate secret of Pangu. , Daozu Hongjun did not believe that the secret of the gate of the world would be known to the liver, and Pangu must have known, otherwise the three ways of heaven, earth and people would not have gone so happily, and those chaotic beasts did not show madness and fear when they entered it. This makes Hongjun Daozu want to know the secret behind the gate of the world. He instinctively makes Daozu Hongjun feel that if he can understand the secret of the gate of the world, it will help him survive the world-annihilation catastrophe, and even allow himself to be in the process of cultivation. Going a step further, you can detach from the prehistoric world, detach from the Chaos Avenue!

Although this natural change has brought a huge turning point to the entire prehistoric world, the killing will not stop. With the restart of the prehistoric world's defense and the continuous expansion of the optical network, those prehistoric beings who chased and killed 3,000 chaotic gods and demons feel the same. When it comes to the enhancement of its own strength, all of this comes from the light net that is gradually closing above the void, which is the barrier of the prehistoric world.

Crazy, before those wild creatures were crazy enough to fear life and death for the temptation of the origin of chaos gods and demons, but now there is such a turning point, their own strength is increasing, how can this make them not more crazy to fearful, more fearless Fear, in their opinion, such a change is the help of the prehistoric world, and they are the protagonist of the prehistoric world. Under the heat of their heads, they chased and killed three thousand chaotic gods and demons even more frantically, to seize the origin of the chaotic gods and demons!

"To kill and kill, the original will of the prehistoric world is to kill us. If we can't unite to stop the continuation of this killing, waiting for us will be death and destruction. When the defense of the prehistoric world is fully activated and the connection with chaos is isolated, we will If you want to make a comeback, there will be no chance, fellow Daoists, we need to unite!"

Finally, some Chaos Gods and Demons couldn't hold on anymore, and began to contact other Chaos Gods and Demons, wanting to gather the power of everyone to destroy the original will of the prehistoric world, and strangle these 'ants' who dare to keep chasing them. Only then did they understand the 'ants' Even if they have more, they can swallow elephants. Although their individual strength is strong, when they face a group of fearless 'ants', and they are crazy enough to be desperate, their strength is also insufficient for a moment, but their own origin If you can't support yourself to fight the enemy, you must face death and destruction. That's how the fallen chaotic gods and demons perished.

"Unity, how to unite, what do we use to unite, we don't even have our own foothold, how can we be united, and do you think the primordial will of the prehistoric world will give us such an opportunity, we are all careless, all small I saw the original will of the prehistoric world, and I also underestimated these **** 'ants'. They are too numerous, and they are not afraid of death. This is the biggest threat to us, unless someone is willing to sacrifice himself to destroy the prehistoric once again. The defense of the world, and who is willing to sacrifice himself, willing to rush into the void to destroy the conspiracy of the original will of the prehistoric world?"

When these words fell, many chaotic gods and demons were silent, hoping that some of them would sacrifice themselves to open up a way of life for others. This is impossible. Chaos gods and demons do not have such good people, and they are extremely selfish. And they didn't meet each other, they just contacted with the help of a trace of the origin of the chaos gods and demons. In this case, it is impossible to expect someone to stand up and sacrifice themselves and win a chance for others.

"Rather than having such ridiculous thoughts, it's better to learn from the two **** Hongjun and Xingchen, even Luohu is also very good, Luohu, the **** bastard, runs away immediately when he sees that something cannot be done, let his own A trace of primordial spirit escaped from the prehistoric world, and both Hongjun and Xingchen control their own world. Hongjun has the heaven in his hand, and the stars have the ancient star field. , and we have nothing!"

"Fellow Daoist means that we **** the nether world, rush into the nether world, and use the power of the nether world to fight the calculation of the original will of the prehistoric world, and teach those **** 'ants' a lesson?" Soon someone understood the other side. I have to say that this is indeed a good choice. If all the surviving chaotic gods and demons gather in the nether world, with the help of the geographical advantage of the nether world, they can completely kill the chaotic creatures who are chasing them. It broke the calculation of the original will of the prehistoric world. After all, there is no master in the nether world. This is the best choice.

Of course, the chaotic gods and demons who put forward this opinion are not good people. The reason why he does this is because he is in the nether world, so what he most expects is that all the chaotic gods and demons gather in the nether world to resist The attack from all beings in the prehistoric world can give oneself a chance to breathe, so that one can avoid this disaster of death!

In an instant, some chaotic gods and demons responded, and these chaotic gods and demons are also in the nether world. Although their situation is also very dangerous, but with the help of the environment of the nether world, they can still protect themselves temporarily, and Because the natural environment of the nether world can weaken the suppression of the original will of the prehistoric world, and for the chaotic gods and demons, the nether world may be their only retreat, the last chance to survive, if they miss it, maybe they will be chased bit by bit. Kill to death!

Hesitation, for the chaotic gods and demons outside the nether world, they are all hesitant. It is indeed a good choice to gather in the nether world at this time, but the premise is that they have such an opportunity to rush into the nether world. Among them, you must know that many chaotic gods and demons are trapped in the prehistoric land and are chased and killed by those 'ants' like prehistoric beings. It can be said that almost all the chaotic gods and demons in the heaven and the ancient star field are in the prehistoric land. among.

auzw.comWhy are so many chaotic gods and demons gathered in the wild land, is it their own reasons or is it caused by external forces? In fact, it is their own reasons, they are too greedy, they all want to capture more of the source of the Dao, understand the situation of Buzhou Mountain, and even want to take a benefit from Pangu Yuanshen, so they all came together. Wild land!

Of course, there are different excuses for these chaotic gods and demons. It is too dangerous to be in the heaven. The existence of Hongjun Daozu is a threat to himself. After that, they all fled to the wild land for the first time. As for whether there are no chaotic gods and demons in the heaven, really there is none. For the extremely selfish chaotic gods and demons, they will not believe each other, and They and Hongjun Daozu are not companions on the same road, how dare they entrust their life and death on Hongjun's transmission.

For the chaotic gods and demons in the ancient star field, some were caused by greed, and some were forced out of the ancient star field. Who let too many ignorant chaotic gods and demons make a big move on the stars and gods, and then were strangled. , Under this circumstance, the remaining chaos gods and demons will naturally flee, avoid danger, avoid the threat of stars and gods and demons, but they did not expect to come to the great land and have new dangers, and they themselves fell into a bigger in crisis.

If there is a chance to come back, these chaotic gods and demons will never appear on the wild land. Unfortunately, they don't have such a chance. Chasing and killing them, but they are on the land of prehistoric wasteland, and they can't escape at all. No matter how well they hide, they can't escape the gaze of the original will of the prehistoric world, and this is much better in the nether world. The power cannot be applied to the nether world, so the chaotic gods and demons in the nether world are relatively easier. Although they are also dangerous, they are not as miserable as those on the great land, and they can also fight back from time to time. Bo, let out the bad breath in your heart!

When the primordial chaotic gods and demons were eager to rush out of the siege and enter the nether world, the primordial will of the primordial world took action, and he mobilized the power of the primordial land to completely cut off the primordial land from the nether world, not to give these chaos The chance for the gods and demons to escape, when such behavior came out, the chaos gods and demons on the wild land were furious, and the last vitality was cut off, making their eyes reveal a crazy look, they could not accept such a result , unable to accept the interference of the primordial will of the primordial world on the primordial world, and in desperation, endless resentment and anger arose in their hearts.

"Fellow Daoists, the connection between the prehistoric land and the nether world has been cut off. The original will of the prehistoric world is to force us to a dead end and not give us any chance of life. He restarted the defense of the prehistoric world and is already suppressing us. Cut off the connection with the nether world, and completely trapped us in the great land, now we need to make a choice!"

"This statement is true, the original will of the prehistoric world really wants to kill us and not give us a little life?"

"That's right, I have already rushed to the passage between the prehistoric land and the nether world, but unfortunately I was blocked by the power of the prehistoric land and could not enter the nether world. The entire prehistoric land has become a forbidden area, imprisoning all our chaotic gods and demons. Way out, now we have no other life to laugh at, it's time for you to make a choice."

"Choice, what else is there to choose, since we can't see the vitality, then let the original will of the Honghuang world perish together, and teach those 'ants' a profound lesson, we are only a trace of primordial spirit, even if we destroy it, it will not affect the deity, We can't let other people see our jokes, let's do it, stop hesitating, and die with a bang!"

At this moment, the chaotic gods and demons trapped in the prehistoric land have the idea of ​​perishing with the enemy. Since they cannot escape or avoid it, then there will be a vigorous self-destruction, so that the original will of the prehistoric world will bear their will anger!

"I'm going one step ahead, fellow daoists take care! Explode!" When a chaotic **** and demon was surrounded by all beings in the wild, without waiting for these sentient beings to attack, the **** and demon of chaos rushed directly into the crowd and blew up directly. , although it was only a trace of the primordial spirit of the gods and demons of chaos, the terrifying impact of the self-destruction killed and injured most of those who were besieged and killed in an instant.

"Bastard, this **** bastard, how could he explode, my source of chaos gods and demons disappeared like this!" When seeing such a tragic scene, those who survived the Great Desolate first thought that they were not alive, Instead, he roared painfully at the disappearance of the origin of the chaotic gods and demons. He clearly wanted to capture the other party, but such a drastic change occurred, which made the wild and wild beings in the madness unacceptable, and endless anger appeared in their eyes.

When there was a chaotic **** and demon that self-destructed, there would soon be a second and a third one. When they were in trouble and could not see the hope of breaking out of the encirclement, these chaotic gods and demons did not hesitate and directly blew themselves up. Pulling those 'ants' who came to besiege him to die together, and in their self-destruction, the terrifying shock wave also caused damage to the prehistoric land, making the primordial will of the prehistoric world annoyed, although he wanted to besiege these Chaos Gods Demon, I don't want to see such a tragic scene happen.

Prevent? The original will of the prehistoric world has this intention, but he has no such ability, even if he is the master of the prehistoric world, he can't do it, and now the defense of the prehistoric world is restarting, and the origin of the prehistoric land is pouring into it. In the void, speed up the restoration of the barrier of the prehistoric world. In this case, what will the origin of the prehistoric world do to prevent the self-destruction of the chaotic gods and demons. If it cannot be stopped, the battle of killing will become more tragic and terrifying.

When the prehistoric land staged one scene after another of suicidal attacks, the chaotic gods and demons in the nether world were speechless. They were all glad that they were not too greedy and did not enter the prehistoric land, otherwise they would also enter The follow-up of these chaotic gods and demons, but one thing they know better, if this slaughter continues, and when all the chaotic gods and demons in the vast land disappear, then they will be the chaotic gods and demons in the nether world, Before the danger comes, they must think of a countermeasure, otherwise there is only a dead end waiting for them, and none of them have the confidence to face such a group of lunatics.

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