God of Destruction

Chapter 818: Jie Zhan Hongjun

Eight hundred and eighteenth cut Hongjun

&I can not be reconciled! "Hongjun Daozu was yelling frantically. He wanted to resist, but it was a pity that he couldn't resist in the face of absolute power. Under Xingtian's blow, his clone was instantly decomposed, that mighty power of the king. It was completely broken up, dissipated in this world, and a **** king just disappeared without a trace.

Under this blow, Hongjun Daozu understood how ridiculous he wanted to challenge Xing Tian in this Dead Sea. He also understood why many people knew that Xing Tian was seriously injured but no one dared to kill Xing Tian. A life-threatening fight, because they dare not do it, and they have no such strength.

&Kill well, Daoist Xingtian should have been like this for a long time. The **** Hongjun is not worthy of our belief. His words are all nonsense. This time, the Daoist must take a closer look at the whole world and fill in the loopholes. This time Hongjun can come in silently, so next time I am afraid that more people will come in! "Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch said to Xing Tian in a deep voice, that expression must be as solemn as it is. It seems that everything that happened today has put a lot of pressure on her.

In fact, it’s just that Xuanming Ancestral Witch is under pressure, and everyone present is under pressure. After all, they were killed silently into this heavy ground. This time, Xingtian didn’t cause much problem with them, but under Will they still have such good luck this time? This time Hongjun Daozu can use the power of the small thousand world to bring so many gods into the Dead Sea, then next time I am afraid that countless gods will come in. .

God. When thinking of the gods, people's eyes couldn't help but swept over the gods that Daozu Hongjun had brought. There were thousands of gods that put them under a lot of pressure. It made them feel uneasy. But this time their reaction was a bit late. After Xing Tian crushed this clone of Daozu Hongjun with a single blow, Xing Tian did not hesitate, and the ultimate treasure of life, "Eternal Shenzhou", broke out in an all-round way, directly pressing on the many gods. Before these people reacted, the'Eternal Shenzhou' was launched. Suddenly all of these people were drawn into the world of his natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou", and he was directly suppressed. Only one of these gods ended up. That is to be refined into a powerful God of War puppet by Xingtian, and become a member of Xingtian's destiny, "Eternal Shenzhou".

When Xing Tian killed the avatar of Hongjun Daozu with one blow, Xing Tian's heart was annoyed and fooled. He still underestimated Hongjun Daozu. The clone that he had killed did not have the strength of the Divine King at all. To be precise, it was only half of the Divine King's strength. Everything was just as Hongjun Daozu said. He was prepared.

Xing Tian couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "What a Hongjun, he is really insidious and cunning, and there are such methods, which can play people between his palms. It is really amazing. It depends on your cautious methods. No wonder you can live so long, if Dao had been so cautious that day, then you wouldn't have died so early!"

When Xing Tian sighed secretly in his heart, in the corner of the endless void, Daozu Hongjun's expression was extremely gloomy. Originally Daozu Hongjun thought that his actions this time were no accidents, and he would definitely be able to kill in one fell swoop. Even if Xing Tian couldn't seize control of the Dead Sea, he would be able to save Xing Tian, ​​his life and death enemy, but he was not only unsuccessful. On the contrary, he lost his wife and broke down, which made him very annoyed.

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. There is only one chance for such an action. If it fails this time, it means that he will never have the opportunity to plot Xingtian again. If Xingtian is not a fool, he will not give him this opportunity again. How about Can Hongjun Daozu not be annoyed by it, and his heart is angry, but unfortunately this has become a fact, an unchangeable fact, he can only swallow this bitter fruit alone, who makes him have no strength to be able to kill Xingtian positively , Lack of strength, he can only admit his fate.

For Xing Tian, ​​things were not as he and Hongjun Daozu said. All he did was to plot against the deity of Mo Luo, and all that was just because he was putting pressure on Hongjun Daozu's opponent in fear. In this incident, Xing Tian also exposed many problems. Although Xing Tian arranged for a puppet to guard the entrance of this world, it seems that the puppet is a puppet after all, and there are many shortcomings for this world. Xing Tian couldn't fully believe the many prehistoric sentient beings among them. Only the Wu Clan could make Xing Tian feel at ease.

Xing Tian took a deep breath and thought to himself: "It seems that I have to quickly let the martial arts army master the rules of this world. I can't let this happen again, just once!"

While Xing Tian was meditating, Empress Nuwa said, "Friend Xingtian, it seems that we still need to reorganize the order in this world. I think Hongjun Daozu has more than just one eyeliner, we must completely remove it. The eyeliners he left in the prehistoric sentient beings can't let today's things happen again!"


Whether it’s the Nuwa Empress, the Houtu Zuwu, Sanqing and others, they dare not neglect their own life and death. After all, none of them wants to die, and this time Hongjun Daozu obviously wants They were given a net to catch them, so for the many eyeliners hidden in this world, they were cruel to catch them all. They were not able to give Hongjun Daozu a chance to calculate themselves. They had to know that this time it had already made them very incomparable. The shock was horrified.

Xing Tianchang sighed and said, "Of course Hongjun's affairs can't be left as it is, but now it is not when we are in a big fight. We are all seriously injured. Now we should first restore our own strength. As for those eyeliners, we should leave them to the sect. Disciple, let's deal with it. From now on, the entire access channel has been completely closed, no entry or exit is allowed, and the restriction in the entire Dead Sea is also fully opened, and no one can die!"

Although Xing Tian's remarks were very plain, everyone could feel the endless killing intent from Xing Tian's remarks. If it hadn't been for this time, Xing Tian had been traumatized by alchemy. I'm afraid that Xing Tian can't help the anger in his heart to personally go after Hongjun Daozu. For others, he may not be able to find Hongjun Daozu's whereabouts, but that does not mean that Xing Tian has no such strength. Even if Xing Tian couldn't find Hongjun Daozu, he still had a way to find it. He could oppress the **** king powers of the Human Alliance and force them to chase Hongjun Daozu and Hongjun Daozu would also try to be hunted down.

It's a pity that such an idea just flashed past. Xing Tian couldn't implement it at all. Soon Xing Tian asked Chang'e and Chang Xi to distribute the many gods in their hands to one third of the crowd. Although it is one-third, it is also a huge gain for everyone, as for the last episode of the **** pill. Xing Tian didn't swallow all of it either, one person gave one pill, but what Xing Tian gave to everyone was the supreme divine pill that he had collected initially, and he did not come up with those powerful beings.

Arrangements for Xingtian. No one has any opinions. Although the alchemy was successful this time, there are too many thrills in it. They all need time to recuperate. I believe that with the many supreme pill in their hands, they don’t need too much time to recover. , So everyone quickly dispersed. As for the damaged gods, they were all assigned a supreme **** pill to recover their injuries. This time the alchemy was finally over.

It seems that this is how things ended. But for everyone, there are many feelings in their hearts. There are still many doubts, especially those words that Hongjun Daozu said gave everyone too much contemplation, and many people were uneasy in their hearts. They all wanted to figure out everything, especially the existence of the deity of Moluo.

For the **** of Mo Luo, Xing Tian also had some understanding in his heart, but Xing Tian did not have time to prove everything. This time the injury made him need a long time to recuperate, but Xing Tian felt a little bit, and it won’t take long. I am afraid that the mysterious celestial channel will re-emerge in the endless void, and when this mysterious celestial channel appears, the whole world will undergo amazing changes once again. I wonder if the many fierce beasts can At that time, Xing Tian had the same mind, and Xing Tian had the same mind for everything that happened in the ancient forbidden zone.

Xingtian understands why the ancient tribes of the heavens and the cultivators in the Demon Realm would kill the ancient forbidden area occupied by the fierce beast clan. In Xingtian's view, those people can even seize the ancient forbidden area from the fierce beast clan. Unfortunately, he couldn’t be the king of the forbidden area, because the world has undergone drastic changes, and it is difficult for them to grasp the entire forbidden area, and they cannot get the existence of the ancient ruins hidden in the forbidden area, and it is even more impossible to get the existence of the ruins. The inheritance of the ancient **** emperor.

Xingtian believes that it is impossible for the kings of the ancient fierce beasts not to know about the inheritance of the gods. As long as they know, Xingtian believes that even in the face of a powerful threat, the many ancient beast kings will be desperate. To launch a counterattack, no matter how high it is to pay, they will not hesitate, because it is already related to their survival. If everything in the ancient forbidden zone is spread, then they have only a dead end, no matter how powerful it is There is only a dead end for the fierce beasts.

It is precisely because the kings of the ancient beasts have seen this, that they will be able to launch an attack again at all costs when they see the many ancient tribes in the heavens and the world, as well as the demons in the demon domain. A more terrifying frenzy of fierce beasts. They want to use these crazy methods to push back the many ancient tribes and demons. It’s a pity that their minds are destined to waste their efforts, and no one can bear it under the absolute temptation. Got it, no matter how big a wave of fierce beasts they launched, they couldn't stop everyone's madness, and their counterattack was too late.

Yes, everything is too late, and everything is hard to change. The fierce beast clan fights back, the more fierce the fierce beast clan fights back, the more crazy the ancient tribe of the heavens and the demon cultivators will be, The more they believe that there is a supreme secret existence in this ancient forbidden area that shocked them all, the more they will try their best to let go.

At this time, no one can change the overall situation. Xing Tian can’t do this, neither can the Demon King Supreme like Mo Luo Shenzun, nor can the ancient people hidden in the heavens and worlds. At this point, unless they can unite, this is destined to be impossible, because each ancient tribe has its own selfish heart, and there are also many forces in the ancient tribe just like the great forces in the endless void. Battle.

Everything has happened. No one can change everything. Xingtian can’t do this, the ancient beasts can’t do this, nor can the ancient tribes of the heavens and myriad realms, let them endure endless years. The same is true, the same is true of the major forces in the endless void that have been constrained by many casual cultivators, not to mention the people of the magic way. (...)

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