God of Destruction

Chapter 822: Ultimate measure

822nd ultimate measure

When the forces were trying to attack the ancient beast clan, when they wanted to seize the ancient forbidden area from the ancient beast clan, the many ancient beast kings in the ancient forbidden were all for it. The change was not due to other reasons, but because at this moment an ancient forbidden area was lost, and was beaten down by the ancient people among the heavens and worlds. Although it was only a small ancient forbidden area, they all Knowing how serious the impact of the loss of this restricted area is, many ancient beast kings had to cheer up and face it all.

We can’t go on like this anymore. If we continue to fight like this, then ours will be a dead end. Now it’s just that the ancient tribes of the heavens and the demon realm attacked us, the endless void The other forces in the group, Xing Tian, ​​etc. did not take action. If they waited for them to take action, the situation we are facing will become more dangerous. We must change the current situation, and it must be before these people take action. ! "An ancient fierce beast king finally couldn't bear the pressure from the outside world to say this, and his opening immediately caused a lot of noise.

Just listen, the king of fierce beasts coldly snorted and said: "Alright, it's just that a small forbidden area has fallen, and the other party only severely damaged the army of fierce beasts in that forbidden area. The corresponding powerhouses have all escaped, and as long as we fight back, they can be easily retaken. As for the major forces in the endless void you mentioned, they have no ability to participate in this battle. They have already They are caught in the frenzy of beasts we carefully prepared for them, not to mention the small forces within them are dragging their feet, they are not worth mentioning. And the junior Xing Tian, ​​even though he secretly calculated us. Field, but he also received a huge backlash. It seems that he took so many people to appear in the Dead Sea together, but that is not a bluff, we don't need to worry about this person at all!"

Hearing this, all the militants crazily approved this ridiculous statement. But for those more sane ancient beast kings, they didn’t think so. Someone shook his head and said, “We also hope that all this is true, but we can’t make fun of everyone’s lives. After all, this is not a thing. A trivial matter, there is a forbidden area lost, then whether the ancient tribe of the heavens and the world, or the Mo Luo in the demon domain. Even the major forces in the endless void. They are under such temptation. It will all erupt in an all-round way. Why did we launch a frenzy of fierce beasts to force the ancient army of the heavens and the world to stop, but our goal was not achieved at all, and they were stimulated by the fall of that restraint, In the next move, it will become even crazier. I think everyone should be very clear about the temptation of a restricted area. We should take final measures now and we should not hesitate!"

&? Are you crazy. A small forbidden zone is lost and the final measure is to be taken. Do you know what that means? I think you were so frightened by those ancient tribes that you could say such ridiculous things! "

What is the ultimate measure that caused the fierce beast king among the ancient fierce beasts to have a dispute? Make them have such a fierce reaction? Only the king of these ancient fierce beasts knew about this. For other ancient fierce beasts, they did not know the so-called ultimate measure. This was an absolute core secret among the ancient fierce beasts.

&Qingzhen got this step, do you want to use the final measure? Know that it is the last measure left by our distant ancestors. We cannot use this method as a last resort, otherwise there will be a shocking The ups and downs of the whole world will be shaken by drastic changes! "An ancient fierce beast king who is the supreme false **** emperor said in a deep voice, his expression became extremely solemn, and it seemed that he was stimulated by this final measure.

Before the opposing King of Beasts could speak, the ancient King of Beasts who had mentioned the matter said in a deep voice, "Yes, things have reached this point. If we don't fight back, we won't open the final. Measures, then the disaster of our fierce beast clan will be doomed, and once another forbidden area is lost, then the ancient clan of the entire heavens and worlds will be crazy about it, and the demons in the demon domain will be crazy, and The major forces in the endless void will also be crazy for it. No one can stop this from happening. Once we are caught in the frenzied siege of all forces, you think that the junior Xingtian will give up like this. Is it a good time not to do it to us? Now is our only chance. Only when we do the final method, we can breathe a sigh of relief and escape this catastrophe!"

Many ancient fierce beast kings don’t think of this. In their opinion, this is alarmist, but they dare not really take risks. After all, the current situation is very unfavorable for their fierce beasts and they want to resolve this. This kind of unfavorable state, they have no retreat options, either let it go or let it develop.

After pondering for a while, the supreme beast king of the false **** said in a deep voice: "Everyone, let’s express your opinions. After all, our current situation is not ideal, and this is related to everyone’s interests, so We still show our hands to vote to decide whether to use the final means in the end!"


Upon hearing this, the fierce beast king who had spoken before said in a deep voice: "Everyone, our situation is very dangerous now. I know that everyone thinks that the ancient race of the heavens and the world is vulnerable. I think that the magic repairs in the demon realm are a group of ants, and the major forces of the endless void are worth mentioning, but those are your own ideas, but in fact this is not the case. Our enemies are better than us. Imagination is much stronger. I hope that everyone can consider everything carefully, and don't lead our entire family of fierce beasts on a path of no return because of temporary impatience!"

&At this time, you **** is still so alarmist. I admit that the many ancient races in the heavens and the world are very powerful, and the magic cultivation in the demon realm has a powerful force, but it is only a force that cannot be on the stage. As long as we are willing to work together, they are not worth mentioning. With us, no amount of danger can stop us. We will fight to the end and will never be affected by this group of villains. The decision to start the final measure. You know that is our only measure, once used, it will no longer appear! "

& Egg, do you think the life and death of the entire family of fierce beasts. Or the so-called background. Now that the time has come for life and death, you still want to preserve that ridiculous background. Why are you at ease? "

Soon the inside of the fierce beast clan attracted a controversy. Under this kind of argument, those ancient beast kings made their decisions one by one. In the end, the king of the beasts who wanted to initiate the final measures took the upper hand. The entire family of beasts escaped a catastrophe. Without the existence of these kings of beasts, I am afraid that the second ancient forbidden area would be seized. At that moment, that was the beginning of the destruction of the entire ancient beast clan.

& Is not reconciled. In this short period of time, we have repeatedly used many methods that our ancestors left us, and now we have used this ultimate method. I'm really unwilling. Isn't this heavenly enough to give us a ray of life for the fierce beasts. Don't you want us to develop and grow? "

&, don’t talk about these useless things anymore, things have reached this point, we have no choice, let’s get started, hope our actions this time can change the current situation, and let us beasts escape this. The disaster of extinction can attract the attention of the various forces in one fell swoop! "

& Don’t worry, this time we are using the power of our ancestors to open up the passage to the heavens and open the most terminal power of the entire endless void. Although the ancient forbidden zone we are in is for the ancient people of the heavens and the world, there are The Mo Luo in the Demon Realm and the major forces of the Infinite Void have a lot of temptation, but compared to the Heaven Realm, this temptation is not worth mentioning. They know how to choose We entangled endlessly, which can give us a chance to recuperate. It’s just a pity that the ferocious beast frenzy that was launched before will end in this way. After all, we have paid a great price for this, but now Nothing was gained, and an opportunity was wasted! "

Starting a frenzy of fierce beasts seems to be very simple, as long as those ancient fierce beast kings have a single order, but in fact it is not so simple. Want to launch such an amazing fierce beast frenzy, the many ancient fierce beast kings However, they have to pay a high price and return without success. How can this prevent a trace of unwillingness in their hearts, but even if there is unwillingness in their hearts, it is useless. They can only do this unless they still want to Arousing the anger of the ancient tribes of the heavens and ten thousand realms, the demon cultivators in the demon realm, and the great forces of the endless void, the war will go on, otherwise they can only accept this result.

For these ancient fierce beasts, they have no choice. Don't look at them as the most powerful race in the entire world. They have unmatched strength, but they also have many weaknesses, and the biggest weakness is that. That is, their entire clan of ancient fierce beasts is the enemy of the world. Like Xingtian, everyone wants to get rid of them quickly, and the most important thing is that the ancient forbidden area they occupy has treasures that people are attracted to. , So their poor situation is normal. It can be said that this is the destined result when they occupy this ancient forbidden zone.

Time waits for no one, no one knows how much the loss of this ancient forbidden zone will give the ancient tribes of the heavens and the world, and how it will affect the demon gods in that demon realm, so The many ancient beast kings did not dare to delay time, nor did they dare to be negligent, for fear that he would ruin the entire ancient beast clan if he was not careful!

After the ancient king of fierce beasts voted, no one of the fierce beast kings jumped out and said three things, they all started to act, one by one, they acted separately. This is the ancient race among the heavens and the world. What can't be done is also impossible for the major forces in the endless void. Even if those forces have made a decision, it is not an easy task to implement it. It will drag on for a long time. , And this kind of situation will not happen in this fierce beast clan, as long as everyone makes a decision, then they will strictly implement it, even if there is a trace of unwillingness in the hearts of the many ancient fierce beast kings , But they will not delay. This is also the main reason why the ancient fierce beasts have been able to survive to the present and have such strength. (...)

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