God of Destruction

Chapter 826: Compromise

826 Compromise of all parties

Some of the opposing ancient beast kings began to compromise, and there was a compromise. Soon these opposing ancient beast kings also gradually compromised. After all, this time the ancient passage to the heavens. The temptation is also fatal to them. The reason why they have repeatedly opposed it is because they don't want to violate the old precepts. But now they can't object, and can only accept such suggestions, so they can only admit their fate!

Yes, confess their fate. Under such tremendous pressure, they have to confess their fate, but don’t look at their looks reluctant and unacceptable, they actually have a trace of joy in their hearts. They are also difficult to resist such an amazing temptation, but it is difficult for them to let go of their faces.

After hearing that these opposing ancient beast kings agreed, the faces of those other beast kings showed a smile, and at this time a false **** king supreme the beast king said loudly: "Okay, This matter doesn’t need you to come forward, we will solve it. Now that everyone’s opinions are consistent, let’s take action and negotiate with those of the ancient tribe and the people of the magic way. I think the hearts of these **** are already shaken. Up!"

Upon hearing this, an ancient king of beasts sighed and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. The heritage of our beasts has never been broken, so we know the meaning of the ancient passage in the endless void. What's the matter, but those ancient races in the heavens and ten thousand realms may not know it, and the same is true for the people of the magic way!"

&What's the big deal. If they don't know, then we will tell them the secret of the ancient passage, as long as they know the secret. Then you will absolutely not be able to resist the temptation from the realm of the day, and you will agree to our proposal, work with us, and put pressure on the major forces of the endless void, forcing them to agree with our proposal. We can have a chance to come. In this ancient passage, be able to participate in this great opportunity! "

For these ancient beast kings. The reason why they are so anxious is that they are worried that this ancient passage to the heavens will disappear again in a short time, if so. Then they will be wasting a great opportunity, even if they have the means to open this ancient passage in their hands, but they don't have the power to do it again.

In fact, just as this ancient king of beasts said. This earth-shattering great change caused a huge noise among the ancient clans of the heavens and the world. They are not like the ancient king of fierce beasts who do not understand the meaning of the changes in the endless void, they all understand that this is the ancient passage to the heavens, and they are all moved by it, if not for them Now they are still in the territory of the ancient fierce beast clan, worrying that they will be madly chased by the ancient fierce beast clan if they risk their own retreat, which will cause their own army to cause a big rout. They have already withdrawn and retreated.

When those ancient fierce beasts were discussing countermeasures, these ancient tribes of the heavens and the world did not hesitate. Each one was frantically discussing countermeasures, and was trying to find a way to compromise with the ancient beast clan. Even the ancient forbidden area that they had snatched down was prepared to abandon them, hoping to reach a reconciliation with this ancient beast clan through such behavior. It can be seen that these ancient clan of the heavens and ten thousand realms are How impatient.

For the ancient tribes of the heavens and all realms, none of them would be opposed like the fierce beast tribe. Even the ancient tribe who took the ancient forbidden area agreed to give up the ancient forbidden area they had obtained. The ancient passage leading to the heavens in his heart is much stronger and more useful than this ancient forbidden area.

The ancient tribes in the heavens and thousands of realms quickly agreed, but it is not easy to negotiate with the fierce beast clan. Although they can give up everything, the people who come from the demon realm are afraid that Will not give up easily, as long as the people of the magic way do not give up, even if they have the intention to reconcile with the ancient fierce beasts, it will be difficult to succeed. After all, the fierce beasts are not fools, and they will suspect that this is a trap. Get embarrassed.

For these ancient tribes of the heavens and the world, they wanted to persuade the people of the demon way in the demon realm, but they did not want to tell the secret in the far-out emptiness. They were worried that once this secret was told to the **** of demon. Zun, the power of the demon king is faster than they can grab a great opportunity. This is what they don’t want to see. After all, this is a great opportunity and one more person will fight for it. , Then I will lose a share.

When these ancient tribes of the heavens and worlds were in a dilemma, the ancient fierce beast clan took action. In an instant, all of their ancient tribes received a reconciliation suggestion from the ancient fierce beast. At the time of this suggestion, all of them were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the ancient fierce beasts would actually propose a reconciliation first. Could it be that the ancient fierce beasts knew the secret above the endless void?


When I thought of this, there was the great power of the ancient clan and said in a deep voice: "Dear friends, it seems that we all underestimated the ancient fierce beast clan. They actually know the secret of the heaven passage above the endless void. We need one more rival. This time I am afraid that our situation is not so ideal. These ancient beasts all know this secret. I am afraid that the powers of the endless void also know this secret. I'm afraid I also know!"

&It’s impossible. It’s good to say that the ancient fierce beasts knew this secret. After all, they opened the ancient passage to the heavens, so it is reasonable for them to know, and the major forces of the endless void may not know this. The secret, after all, this secret is too old, so old that we people almost forget it! "

&You are deceiving yourself, if the many **** of the endless void are so useless, they still have the ability to dominate the entire endless void for a long time, and if they really don’t know anything, then the army they have gathered is only I am afraid that I have already killed this ancient forbidden area, instead of staying in the endless void. And they started to kill the ancient passage leading to the heavens, obviously they wanted to get the upper hand! "

&, things have reached this time. You are still arguing, what's the use of arguing about these? We are in the ancient forbidden zone, and there is still a long way to go from the center of the empty void. What we have to do now is to fight with the ancient beasts as soon as possible. To reach a reconciliation, leave this ancient forbidden zone quickly, instead of arguing over such trivial matters. Now everyone is gathering a large army, ready to retreat at any time, don't care about the reaction of the fierce beasts. As long as they are not fools, they will not choose to fight with us at this time. "

Although everyone knew how dangerous it was to gather an army at this time, no one stood up against it, because they all believed that the ancient beasts would not choose to fight back at this time. After all, the temptation that came from the ancient passage leading to the heavens was hard to refuse. Let them be moved by it.

When the ancient tribes of the heavens and worlds began to gather their army, the many beast kings of the ancient beast clan were relieved. Originally, they were worried that the ancient tribes of the heavens and the world did not know the center of the endless void. It’s a shocking secret, now they finally don’t need to worry, so they are also gathering the army, and the people of the magic way in the demon territory are also retreating, and the entire ancient forbidden zone battlefield is instantly peaceful, and there is no previous one. That crazy fight.

For everything in the ancient restricted area. The major forces of the heavens and worlds are all watching, in fact, when the ancient fierce beast clan blasted the ancient passage to the heavens. The forces of these endless voids were all excited about it, but when they saw the reaction of the fierce beasts, the ancient clan of the heavens and the world, and the people of the demon way, they knew that their dreams had been shattered. They also hope that the ancient fierce beast clan can fight endlessly with the ancient clan of the heavens and the world, and the people of the magic way, but now everything seems to be shattered, the other party has reached a reconciliation, it is obvious that the other party knows the secret of this endless void .

& Fellow Daoist, it seems that the fierce beast clan, the ancient clan of the heavens and the world, as well as the Moluo **** in the demon realm all know the secret of this endless void, I am afraid that our plan will be affected by this. We are about to face their tremendous pressure. Everyone talks about it. If these people put pressure on us, what should we do? "

& Is the endless void. It is our territory. Even if the fierce beasts are swarming, even if the ancient races of the heavens and the world are fighting against us, then we cannot retreat. This is our chance, everyone Don't want to step in, or else it will be the common enemy of our major forces, and we will fight to death! "Some of the divine king Da Neng who was stunned by the temptation could not help the greedy thoughts in their hearts, yelling frantically, with an extremely crazy expression.

When hearing such words, those half-step divine emperor supreme powers couldn't help but frowned, and shouted in a deep voice: "You are going to fight those people endlessly, but I want to ask you, what are we going to do with The opponent is fighting endlessly, can we do this with our current strength? If the strength of those of us is not damaged, even if we face the attacks of these forces at the same time, then we have the confidence to fight against it, but now None of us have recovered their power. Under these circumstances, we fought against the ancient beasts, the ancient tribes of the heavens and the world, and the gods of the devil. There was only one result, and that would hurt both others. Lee, do you understand?"

After hearing this, the **** kings said viciously: "It was the **** Xingtian who caused us to do this. If it weren't for this bastard, how could we have such a crisis? This **** would not die!"

& Now, at this time, what do you do with Xingtian’s bastard? What we have to do now is how to face the pressure from the fierce beasts, the ancients, and the people of the magic way. This is our top priority and top priority. Do you understand? "

In fact, the reason why these half-step divine emperor supreme powers would speak these words with these divine king powers was nothing more than hiding their ears and stealing the bell. In fact, they had already made a decision to be with the ancient beasts and the heavens. The ancient tribe of the world and the deity of Mo Luo compromised, but they didn't want to lose their face, so they just said such a thing. All this can only say that these people are too hypocritical and people are very shameless. And the powers of the gods of the major forces are just cooperating with them. These half-step gods’ supreme powers can have a step down, so that everyone can accept the pressure from the outside as they should, and they can have a Face everything with peace of mind for reasonable reasons. It can be said that the many powerful abilities of the major forces in the entire endless void have become very hypocritical and ridiculous. They are all acting with each other and everyone can accept this ridiculous result with peace of mind. (...)

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