God of Destruction

Chapter 838: Festival comes from the rejection of heaven and earth

Eight hundred and thirty-eighth rejection from heaven and earth

The ancient city in the ancient passage began a **** battle, which opened the beginning of the battle of luck, but at this time, if the battle of luck has become less correct, it has become a crazy plunder. The war, gradually with the frenzied development of the battle, the ancient city in the entire ancient passage became a **** city, and as more and more people fell, the **** breath enveloped even more Many regions, and this **** air gradually opened a new forbidden area.

When I saw that the **** aura could dissolve the ancient prohibition in the ancient city, the killing became even more frantic, and all of the creatures in the ancient city lost their minds at once. They slayed frantically in order to unlock more The prohibition can find a channel to the heaven.

The **** battle began not only in the ancient city in the ancient passage, but also with the influx of many creatures from the heavens and all realms. A shocking killing also broke out in this endless void. This is the battle of luck. When the killing of the endless void appeared, the hostility between the whole world and the earth rose greatly. When the qi rose greatly, the pressure on the power of those gods became even greater, even Xing Tian, ​​who was in the Dead Sea, felt the drastic change. . ...

As the Lord of the Dead Sea and the King of Forbidden, Xing Tian still felt this way. What's more, the pressure other people had to face was astonishing. After the killing started, Xing Tian's mind also felt the power of repulsion from the heaven and the earth. Did not wait for Xingtian to find out why such an abnormality occurred. Sanqing and others came to see Xingtian and had to give up their ideas.

With the appearance of everyone. A wry smile appeared on Xing Tian's face. When everyone was seated, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Dear fellow Taoists, did this sudden change come?"

When he heard Xing Tian’s words, the old gentleman nodded and said, “Yes, I’m waiting for this sudden upheaval to see fellow Daoists. I want to ask fellow Daoists what happened that would make me wait like this. Change, can it be said that this new world has not changed, so that I have to face such pressure?"

Xing Tian shook his head and said: "You fellow daoists want to be bad. It's not what changes have taken place in this new world. It's not just that fellow daoists are under such pressure, but the whole world has more creatures than the gods. We have to face this upheaval. We have to withstand the pressure from heaven and earth. This is a change from heaven and earth. It is a repulsion from the force of heaven and earth. The force of heaven and earth is warning us. We must wait for us to reject this. In the world!". ...

"What? Fellow Daoist Xingtian, you didn't make a mistake. How could this be possible, how could Heaven and Earth reject me, we haven't done any damage to this world?" After hearing Xing Tian's words, Tai Shang Lao Jun Ren I couldn't help but yelled out, his expression was very shocked, not to mention that the Taishang Laojun was like this, everyone present changed greatly for him. All of them were shocked by Xing Tian's words, and they couldn't believe their ears.

When I saw the face of everyone changed drastically. Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "You don’t need to be so surprised. This is a fact. This world is repelling our existence. As for why such drastic changes occurred, I don’t know, but I believe in the ancient times that appeared in the endless void. The passage is related. This ancient passage leads to the heaven in the ancient legend. There is only one possibility. Heaven and earth will force me to wait in that ancient passage!"

When Xing Tian's words fell once again, everyone lost their voices again. Xing Tian's words shocked them again. They couldn't believe that the heaven and the earth would force them into the ancient passage, but the heaven and the earth Why did Li do this, everyone present couldn't help but gasped. ...

Taishang Laojun took a deep breath and said: "Friend Xingtian doesn't know how we should face such drastic changes. Do I have to go to that ancient passage? Is there any threat in that ancient passage? To the existence of our life safety? Please also ask fellow daoists to give me guidance!". ...

Xing Tianchang sighed and said: "There are dangers in the ancient passage. Nothing is easy. As for whether to enter the ancient passage, it depends on the decision of the fellow daoists. After all, there are many in the ancient passage. Inheritance is of great help to the cultivation of fellow Taoists, but I don’t notice everyone in that ancient passage, because all these drastic changes made me feel a trace of conspiracy, the purpose is that there is a mysterious force controlling this. all!"

auzw.com Actually, without Xing Tian’s reminder, Sanqing and others can feel the conspiracy behind this upheaval, but unfortunately they can feel it. But they were able to withstand this force, so they didn't turn to Xing Tian for help.

After taking a look at the faces of the people, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Friends of Taoism, the power of heaven and earth is not what we can resist now. We have only one choice if we want to get rid of this power, and that is to go deep into the restricted area. In the midst, once again explore the situation under the prohibition, and only in this way, we can have a ray of life, whether we stay in this world or go to the ancient passage, I am afraid that we will not be able to keep ourselves, because of this At this moment, the whole endless void ushered in another killing, just as I did when I was waiting for the endless void!". ...

"Friend Xingtian, do you mean the battle between heaven and earth has begun?" Houtu Zuwu asked Xing Tian in surprise. That face became extremely dignified, and the battle for luck would be a disaster for them.

Xing Tian nodded and said: "Yes, the battle between heaven and earth has begun, and this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this time they plundered not only the air, but also the power of blood. The power of the ancient blood in the body was stimulated, which made many people see a shortcut to improve their own strength!"

"Hey!" When seeing Xing Tian's words, everyone present couldn't help but gasped. No one thought that the matter was so serious that it was destroying their people. To plunge this entire endless void into a **** killing, there is a battle to destroy the law, when he hears these words. In their hearts, they couldn't help but wonder if the sudden disappearance of the ancient gods and demons was also because of the rejection of Heaven and Earth Slash and they had to make evacuation from the endless void. Let those many inheritances disappear into the long river of history!

No one knows whether the truth is so, Xing Tian doesn't know, because he hasn't seen such a record in the inheritance of the **** emperor in Vientiane, but the current situation makes Xing Tian have to face so many pressures. But fortunately, before Xing Tian, ​​he had made complete preparations for all sentient beings in the wild, and retreated them to this new world, without the power of the **** king. Without the slightest power of the Emperor of God, the world under his feet is extremely safe, allowing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, without worrying about the safety of the disciples. There is no need to worry about the destruction of the entire primordial sentient beings in this upheaval. . ...

Such changes have taken place in the endless void. Although Xing Tian did not go to the ancient city in the ancient passageway, he believes that amazing changes have taken place in that ancient city, and there will even be a **** storm, precisely because Xing Tian has This kind of consideration made him refuse to go into the ancient passage and explore the ancient ruins in the depths of the Dead Sea. Although the ruins in the depths of the Dead Sea are very dangerous, it is better than falling into the calculations of others. . At least in this way I have the initiative and I can feel more at ease! ...

"Okay. Since Fellow Daoist Xingtian said so, then I am willing to follow fellow Daoists to explore the ancient ruins!" All the people present at the scene made such a choice for an instant. For them, Xingtian is better than Tiandi. Much safer.

Although Xing Tian decided to go deep into the Dead Sea and explore the ancient relics, Xing Tian did not dare to neglect the ancient city in the ancient passage. It was a trap, and Xing Tian must also have a trap. To find out, you must at least know the truth, only in this way can you be able to prepare in advance when the danger comes, not to be caught flat-footed and ruin your life, so Xing Tian secretly decided to take back his martial arts. Throw yourself into the ancient city in the ancient passage, feel all the changes in that ancient city, and understand the changes in this ancient city! . ...

Xing Tian's behavior looked a little crazy. But he is very smart in doing this. The benefits of doing so are huge. It allows him to keep abreast of all changes in the world at any time, to be able to understand the drastic changes in the world at any time, and to make himself the best choice. Risky action plunges yourself into desperation.

Xing Tian acted cleanly and never dragged his feet. When he made this decision, when he was speaking, Xing Tian quietly sent his martial arts clone to the ancient city in the ancient passage. However, Xing Tian's actions had paid a huge price. If Xing Tian were not supported by the inner world, I am afraid it would be difficult for him to do this. Because he did this with an act of breaking the realm. If it weren't for the power of the inner world, I'm afraid that Xing Tian's power would be spared in an instant. This is the terrifying consumption required to break the realm, and not everyone can afford it.

Although the consumption was alarming, everyone present did not feel Wu Dan’s apparent changes, and they didn’t know that Xing Tian had already sent his martial avatar into that ancient passage under these conversations. No one thought that Xing Tian would be like this. This madness, this is taking his own clone to risk. If you are not careful, his martial arts clone will be completely destroyed. You must know that Xingtian's clone is the tree of life. Once destroyed, for Xingtian There was an irreparable loss, but Xing Tian did not hesitate and directly made such a move. . ...

When the avatar of Xing Tian arrived at the mysterious ancient city. He immediately noticed the changes in this ancient city. He felt the terrifying **** aura in this ancient city. Such a terrifying **** aura shocked Xingtian’s martial art clone, and the terrifying **** aura made Xingtian seem to have returned to the prehistoric. At that time, I returned to the **** battle of the Lich War. At that time, the entire world was shrouded in blood, and the whole world was exuding endless hostility. This is the case in the ancient city he is now in. After Xing Tian became sober, he discovered that this ancient city had changed greatly. Most of the buildings on the periphery had been lifted, and Xing Tian was shocked by the appearance of many ancient relics before his eyes.

Xingtian found the ancient relics left by the Vientiane God Emperor from the prohibition in the Dead Sea, and obtained unimaginable huge wealth from them. Such an ancient city, I am afraid that it contains inheritance and treasures. That is even more terrifying, and it is precisely because there are too many inheritances and treasures here that the whole world is shrouded in that terrifying **** atmosphere, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily. (...).

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