God of Destruction

Chapter 840: Goodbye ancient city

Eight hundred and forty goodbye ancient city

Xing Tian was rushing towards the depths of the star. When he saw Xing Tian’s actions, the Sanqing, Houtu Zuwu and others who followed him did not dare to stay too much here. After all, they could There is no such horrible power as Xing Tian that can survive here, so they all gave up on the plunder of the spiritual fire, and followed closely behind Xing Tian, ​​for fear that they would be left behind by accident. That would be more than worthwhile. Well, there is no life, no future.

When Xing Tian flew away quickly, the force field of the star quickly disappeared, and this time Xing Tian did not see the original mysterious palace and many other **** emperors left behind on the star. That piece of ruins seemed to have never appeared before. If it weren't for Xing Tian's incomparable determination, he would doubt if he had gone in the wrong place.

Xing Tian was able to face all this with a calm mind, but Hou Tu Zu Wu and others could not do this. When seeing everything in front of him, Hou Tu Zu Wu couldn't help but frowned and said, "Xing Tian , Did we go to the wrong place? What we saw before was not like this. How did that palace disappear without a trace?"

Xing Tian took a deep breath and said, "That's right, this is the place we have experienced, but that palace has disappeared. We, you guys, don’t you have to develop here and we face much less pressure? , As long as we move forward, then we will be able to get rid of the rejection of heaven and earth, and force this crisis away. Let's go!"

When they heard Xing Tian's words, everyone's heart moved, and they immediately discovered that everything was exactly as Xing Tian said. They were under much less pressure. They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They must know that this invisible pressure has been scaring them, like a time bomb. They don’t know when it will explode, and they don’t want to be themselves. His life has always been in the hands of others, so for them they hate such threats. Now they finally see hope.

Although Xing Tian's words are very plain, but his heart is not so plain on the surface, to him. Everything here made him a little bit puzzled. Here, he seemed to feel a trace of decadent power, and this power made him a little familiar, but Xing Tian couldn't figure out that he had encountered it there! Although there are doubts in my heart. But Xing Tian didn't stop to think about it. Sanqing and others hate the threat from heaven and earth, and are unwilling to let their lives be in the hands of others. The same is true for Xing Tian. Xing Tian is also annoyed at the rejection of heaven and earth. If they want to get rid of all this, otherwise Xing Tian will not. Will throw his own martial arts clone into the ancient city in that ancient passage.

Xing Tian moved forward quickly, making Xing Tian more puzzled along the way. After passing the stars, there was a hint of ancient passage in the path he was walking. However, the breath here is not as frightening as the ancient passages. The most familiar feeling made Xing Tian feel as if he had been here before. This made Xing Tian even more puzzled. After all, he knew this place. I never came.

With the deepening of Xing Tian, ​​the environment here has undergone tremendous changes. A trace of spatial power is exuding, but these spatial powers are very stable, and there is no surprising change. Just like Xing Tian and his party People's speed is much faster, and I don't know how far they have traveled, because everyone can't remember, but they know that the distance is not small. As they continue to deepen, Xing Tian and others find that the road ahead has changed. It doesn’t feel much to others, but the sky is different, because Xingtian no longer feels the original power of the Dead Sea, which means that these people have left the Dead Sea, even left the endless void, only In this way, Xing Tianfang would not be able to sense the original force of the Dead Sea.

Xing Tian didn’t care about all this. When he made the decision to come and explore, he had prepared in his heart, so even if there is a big change, Xing Tian thinks it should be. Yes, after all, this is an unknown place. A place where powerful and powerful people like the Vientiane Divine Emperor can use their own palaces to hide, it will naturally not be a general area. It is a bit magical and it is naturally normal to no longer normal now.

Xing Tian still walked forward unswervingly. Not long after, a huge ancient city appeared in front of Xing Tian and the others. When they found this ancient city, they couldn't help but turn their heads around. The road traversed turned out to be a straight passage, and this passage was not formed naturally. It was forcibly opened by Mighty with his own powerful magical powers. Such a discovery made Xing Tian and the others horrified. .

"Good guy, it's such a big deal. I don't know that it was that ancient power who opened up such a terrifying void passage. It's really amazing!" The old gentleman couldn't help but said, his expression incomparably shocked.

People like Taishang Laojun don’t know who opened up this void passage, but Xing Tian knows that there is only one person who can have such a terrifying supernatural power. Only the Divine Emperor of Vientiane can be so terrifying. Great supernatural power, the God Emperor of Vientiane was able to use such a terrifying great God Tongtian to open up such a shocking void passage in Xingtian’s heart. You must know that the Divine Emperor of Vientiane was a great power in ancient times, and This passage has gone through countless years but it is still intact. How can such supernatural powers not shock him? The power of the **** emperor is far beyond his imagination.


When looking at this ancient passage, everyone was stunned on the spot. After a long time, Xing Tian woke up from the shock, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, everyone don't sigh anymore, now We have already reached the ground. Everyone has a short break and regains their mood, and then we take a look at the ancient city in front of us!"

When Xingtian's words came out, everyone was shocked, and then they soon came to their senses, all of them could not help but sweat. Fortunately, there is no danger here. If someone attacked just now, I'm afraid they will all kill their lives here. When they thought of this, they couldn't help but shudder!

When seeing everyone's reaction, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head secretly. Although Xing Tian was also frightened by all the scenes before him, Xing Tian didn't think that anyone could intrude into his side silently and attack him. Myself, if there is such an existence. That must be the power above the supreme divine emperor. If such an existence wants to deal with people like them, there is no need for sneak attacks, and it can use its own powerful power to directly suppress them!

After a short rest. Under the leadership of Xing Tian, ​​everyone followed this empty passage to the ancient city. When they arrived in the ancient city, Xing Tian and the others realized that they were in a mysterious place, and that empty passage was directly penetrated. The prohibition of the ancient city. Let them appear directly in the city.

Yes. It's the city, no, it's the inner city to be precise, because when they get to the city, behind them there is an endless outer city, and the outer city exudes a heart of love The shocked **** breath everyone gasped involuntarily, this was not a good place. Everyone increased their vigilance in an instant.

When he felt the breath from the outer city, Xing Tian's expression instantly changed drastically. Suddenly he became extremely pale. When he saw such changes in Xing Tian, ​​Hou Tu Zuwu and others couldn't help but feel terrified. They quickly asked: "Friend Xingtian, what happened to you, what happened? Make you so abnormal?"

What caused Xing Tian to be so abnormal, there was a reason, and it was a big reason. Xing Tian instantly understood where he was present, and where he stood under his feet was the ancient city in the ancient passage. Thinking of leaving this ancient city, but in the depths of the Dead Sea stepping on the void passage opened by the God Emperor of Vientiane to return to this ancient city, when he felt all this, Xing Tian suddenly happened to himself. There was a trace of aura, a trace of mysterious aura, and that aura came from the void passage that he walked, not only had such a breath on his body, but everyone present had such a breath, which shocked Xing Tian.

But soon, Xing Tian understood the function of this breath. It was the power used to reopen the passage to the Dead Sea. In this breath, there was a mysterious magic trick, and this magic trick was exactly The Vientiane God Technique that I am familiar with. Xing Tian understood in an instant that the forbidden area of ​​the Dead Sea was opened up by the **** emperor of Vientiane, and the **** emperor of Vientiane used his supernatural powers to directly penetrate the ancient city and opened up such a shocking place. The void passage.

Although he was shocked by the grandeur of the God Emperor in Vientiane, Xing Tian quickly calmed down. He took a deep breath and said, "I'm afraid this is the mysterious ancient city in the ancient passage that I mentioned. We passed the void passage in the secret path of the Dead Sea and appeared directly outside the inner city. There is no need to risk facing the test in the ancient passage. It seems that the Dead Sea is a person from this ancient city. It was developed by the supreme power!"

When they heard Xing Tian’s words, everyone’s faces showed a trace of excitement, without the slightest fear or fear at all for this mysterious ancient city. They all wanted to act immediately. Exploring this ancient city, it's just that there are many restrictions on this inner city. If you want to be in the ancient city, you must first break these restrictions.

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian's gaze was fixed on the restraint of the inner city, and while Xing Tian was wholeheartedly observing the restraint of the inner city, it came from the distance of the outer city. There was a sound, and it was Xing Tian's old acquaintance, the king of the demon realm Mo Luo, the demon king supreme.

When the Moluo God Venerable appeared, Xing Tian's heart couldn't help feeling tight. He woke up from the exploration in an instant and discovered the existence of the Mo Luo God Venerable, but the Mo Luo God Venerable did not appear alone. There are many people around him, and there are three people next to Mo Luo Shenzun. One of them is the female demon king Xing Tian once fought with. At this time, the breath of the female demon king is After a big change, he carried a treasure behind him, and a sharp sword aura spread out without any concealment, and there was an endless killing aura above that sword aura.

When Xing Tian discovered the **** of Mo Luo, the **** of Mo Luo seemed to be able to feel Xing Tian’s gaze. The **** of Mo Luo raised his head for an instant, and his eyes became extremely **** red. He found Xing Tian, ​​unable to help. Muttered to himself: "I didn't expect to be able to meet that junior here. It seems that this junior's methods are really amazing. There are still many people around. It seems that the junior brought in with the little thousand world. This Junior’s accuracy is quite adequate.” (...)

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