God of Destruction

Chapter 865: Strong oppression

Xing Tian used all his nine ancient beast clones. This made people feel the pressure. Everyone knew that Xing Tian was serious. Although Xing Tian was a killer before, he never used himself. The clone of, so it’s not a lot of pressure for everyone, but everything is different now, the situation of these nine fierce beast clones has undergone a huge change, the major forces of the endless void, and the ancient race of the heavens and the world They all got a headache, even Mo Luo God Sovereign felt uncomfortable for it, and Xing Tian's action also increased his pressure.

In an instant, the ancient tribes of the heavens and the world, as well as the forces of the endless void, were dumbfounded, and they couldn't help but started to complain about the other party, thinking that the reason why they became so unable to advance or retreat was entirely because of the other party. If it hadn't been for the other party to confuse himself repeatedly, then he would not risk such a risk to confront Wu Dan's appearance, let alone suffer such a crazy counterattack from Xing Tian, ​​and he would be in a dilemma. I don't know what to do!

To shirk responsibility, soon whether it is the great forces of the endless void or the ancient races of the heavens and the world, they all started to attack each other, wanting to make the other party bear the consequences, but it is a pity that they No one can convince the other party, because no one is a fool, they are unwilling to bear the huge pressure, and they can't afford it. You must know that Xing Tian is already cruel now, and no one can guarantee that Xing Tian will be cruel and direct. Kill them, so if you want to allow yourself to bear the consequences, naturally no one wants to accept it.

Deity Moluo was extremely anxious in his heart, and yelled at the great forces in the endless void, as well as the ancient tribes of the heavens and myriad realms: "You stupid people are not willing to have that so-called face at this point. Compromise? If you **** want to die. The Demon King will stop persuading you. You can die by yourself. Xingtian, the lunatic, can do everything. Don’t expect someone else to help you. The **** of the ancient fierce beast clan wish you idiots would die without a place to be buried. Think about it yourself!"

For these fools. Divine Sovereign Mo Luo was also unable to do anything. He said such words directly, and his words came out. Let those great abilities of the endless void, as well as the many powerful people of the ancient clan of the heavens and ten thousand realms, be frightened one by one, and they naturally have a choice for their face and life, and they are not fools. Naturally, I don't want to be a mere face and ruin my life. There is nothing wrong with losing my face, but if my life is lost, there is nothing!

King Shenguang took a deep breath and said, "Isn't it ten treasures of heaven, material and earth? We can produce one by the various forces. It's no big deal. If you want to keep fighting against the lunatic Xingtian like this, Then you should bear the consequences alone. I don't want to die with you!"

Under pressure, King Shenguang finally made his choice. As soon as his words fell, the other forces in the endless void also nodded and said: "Yes, at this time, we can't fight against Xingtian's madness. We are not afraid of not having firewood. As long as we can save our own lives, when we will compete with the lunatic Wudan in the future, we also agree to negotiate with Xingtian. Ten treasures of heaven and material are not worth mentioning! "

Soon the major forces in the endless void made a decision under the terrifying pressure of Xingtian, to compromise with Xingtian, after all, they are not monolithic, as long as one person compromises, naturally everything will collapse, and Shenguang King It is a start for the major forces and they can have a step down. …

The major forces of the endless void have made a choice. They don’t want to talk with the ancient clans of the heavens and the world anymore. They don’t want to die, so they don’t want to have anything to do with the ancient clans of the heavens and the world. Wanting to get rid of the relationship with the ancient tribes of the heavens and ten thousand realms in the shortest time, and to ease the hatred between Xingtian, so as the leader of the human race alliance, the King of Stormwind was once again affected by the hypocrisy in the endless void The disciples were pushed out.

Just listen, the King of Stormwind said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, I have agreed to your request. Isn't it ten treasures of heaven and earth? We gave it. This time, we don't know how to advance or retreat. I hope that fellow Daoists can forgive! "The King of Stormwind didn't say much. After this master's knowledge fell, he immediately handed over the treasures he had obtained from other major forces to Xingtian, and used their'sincerity' to negotiate peace with Xingtian. !

When the words of the King of Stormwind fell, the ancient races of the heavens and worlds hated them one by one. They hated the human alliance and the powers of the endless void, and the major forces of the endless void were so one. With a shot, they immediately pushed the ancient tribes of their heavens and worlds to the front. They had to face the crazy pressure from Xing Tian.

"Assholes, these **** in the Human Race Alliance are just like the ancient beasts. They are a group of despicable and shameless villains. All of them are as timid as rats. They haven't waited for Xingtian to take action. They all betrayed. It's really shameless. Extreme!" The great powers of the ancient tribes of the heavens and the world are madly cursing those people who are endlessly empty. They have hated these people in their hearts, because the other party is clearly not. Peace of mind, deliberately to frame yourself!

After hearing the words of the King of Stormwind, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Okay, very good, the person who knows the affairs is Junjie, since you are willing to accept the order, then this matter is settled, I hope you will do your own thing in the future, do not say Xingtian with me Enemy, otherwise you only have a dead end, you go!"

When Xing Tian’s words fell, the hearts of many powerful people of the ancient fierce beast clan hated them greatly. They never thought that the endless void people would be so spineless, and they would compromise by the slight threat of Xing Tian. This made their hearts very annoyed. With the compromise of endless void, the ancient tribes of the heavens and myriad worlds are also very difficult to support. They can only compromise with Xingtian in the end, and everything they expect will be in vain!


"Assholes, these shameless villains of Infinite Void are really afraid of death. If we knew that, we would kill these assholes, and we lost our face!" The hearts of a group of ancient beasts are getting crazy. . It's a pity that scolding is useless, everything is as they thought. After the people of the endless void compromised, the ancient people of the heavens and the world could not withstand the pressure from Xingtian, and they eventually had to compromise!

After seeing this happening, the ancient tribes of the heavens and worlds also recommended one person and said loudly: "Okay, Xingtian. We are also willing to accept your request. Isn't it ten treasures of heaven and earth, we too I'm willing to do it, I just hope you will believe it. Don't do the shameless things that make you fat!"

These ancient tribes of the heavens and worlds still didn’t see everything in front of them clearly. Perhaps it’s not that they didn’t see the situation clearly, but that they still wanted to keep their ridiculous face. Unfortunately, they didn’t know that the more they did it, the more they would do it to them. Said that the more serious the consequences. It will arouse the anger in Xing Tian's heart, and it will make his situation unfavorable.

When he heard these words, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully and said: "I don't need you to point your finger at what I want to do. If you have any ideas, you can let me go, I also don't care anymore. There are ten treasures of heaven and earth, if I slaughter you bastards, I can get more of them!" When he said this, Xing Tian revealed endless murderous aura. There is a big disagreement, it is a big move, and it is also provoking the ancient people of the heavens and the world! …

If the ancient tribes of the heavens and ten thousand realms still had the confidence to fight Xing Tian, ​​after all, even if Xing Tian was strong in their hearts, their daring was too strong, but now they dare not do it. If they really have to choose to take such a path, there is only a dead end for them, and there is no other way to go!

Faced with Xingtian’s disdain, although the ancient people of the heavens and the world were unwilling and angry, they had to bow their heads and admit their mistakes, because they didn’t want to die. As long as they didn’t want to die, there was only Xiang Xingtian. Compromise, only in this way can they save their lives!

After seeing that Xing Tian was still so strong, the Moluo Shenzun took a deep breath and said, "That's the end of Daoist Xingtian's affairs. After all, they have already admitted their mistakes, and Daoists can't commit such a little bit. A trivial battle with people like the Human Alliance is not a good thing for anyone!"

Although Xing Tian didn't want to fight with these people, it was already Xing Tian, ​​because this matter was no longer controlled by Xing Tian, ​​those beasts who were still unwilling to change, Xing Tian was naturally prepared. However, Xingtian's preparations were not needed anymore. Those people didn't have the courage to fight Xingtian, and the ancient tribes of the heavens and worlds also gathered ten treasures of heaven and earth, and quietly handed them to Xingtian's hands without the slightest resistance!

"Okay, that's the end of Friends Xingtian's affairs. You can't commit a bit of quarrels and go to war. If there is a big battle, it will not be a good thing for us people, it will only make others get cheap!" On the side, he spoke to the ancient people of the heavens and worlds, and didn't want Xing Tian to start fighting.

The ancient fierce beasts really wanted to step forward to provoke discord, but they did not dare to do so, because they didn’t know what Xing Tian thoughts were in their minds. They were worried that they would be self-defeating and be targeted by Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic. But it was unthinkable, so now they only have to shut up and make Xingtian's decision!

I saw, Xing Tian took a deep breath, then sneered and said, "Well, since you Mo Luo came forward, then this matter will stop here, but I hope this is the last time. If someone else has anything else Thinking, if you want to be an enemy of my Xingtian, then you can blame me Xingtian's bitter heart. You know what will happen to my Xingtian enemy!"

After hearing that Xing Tian agreed that the matter should stop here, Mo Luo Shenzun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The matter finally did not develop in a direction that he could not predict. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Everything between the world and the earth is renewed. Towards peace, although there was a little conflict before, this matter is not sloppy for others.

Although Xing Tian’s tone was very aggressive, no matter whether it was the major forces of Infinite Void, or the many ancient tribes of the worlds, they did not want to confront Xing Tian in this direction. After all, Xing Tian brought them The pressure was too great, they were worried that Xing Tian would give himself a fatal blow in secret, so the situation happened today!

On the surface it seems that this matter has been resolved, but everyone knows that such a solution is only the surface situation, but the hatred is immersed in that deeper place, whether it is the people in the endless void, or the ancient world of the heavens and the world. As far as the clan is concerned, even the Demon Realm represented by the Demon Lord, that is just the beginning, everything is still too early to be resolved! (.)

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