God of Destruction

Chapter 876: Deep Sea Giant

In the first heaven, it became very lively with the emergence of major forces. Everyone is making their best preparations, because they all understand what kind of crisis they will face next, for them Above the gate to the heavens, there are endless crises, far more than just the second heavyweight. They can feel the endless crises and they have to face it all carefully.

When many people retreated to the first heaven, when preparing for their next actions, Xing Tian brought the Houtu Zuwu and others to the second heaven quietly. Time waits for no one. , Xing Tian didn't know how long the road to heaven could last this time, so every minute and every second of time was very precious to him, they dare not waste it easily!

On the second day, Xing Tian and others were very cautious and separated. After all, this would not attract the attention of others. Of course, no one would have thought that Xing Tian would dare not make any preparations at this time. From below, it went directly to the second heaven. It is precisely because everyone did not expect that Xing Tian was able to silently.

After reaching the second heaven, Xing Tian waved his hand, and there was a fortress-like "Eternal Shenzhou" in the sky. At this time, Xingtian's natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" evolved another point, and it was more on the surface of that Shenzhou. With a layer of gray dragon scales, the entire'eternal divine boat' looks extremely strong, possessing the power to swallow the aura of chaos.

As soon as Xingtian's natal treasure, the Eternal Shenzhou, appeared, the Houtu Zuwu and others jumped into the air and flew towards the Eternal Shenzhou. But when they flew up, everyone immediately felt this The difference between Erzhongtian is that the pressure on them suddenly becomes extremely strong. They could fly between the world and the earth with ease, but now it has become very difficult, and they need to pay more to fly. the power of.

When Houtu Zuwu and others also flew above the Eternal Shenzhou, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "The second heaven is like this, the rules of heaven and earth here have undergone tremendous changes. As long as the creatures here have to bear the world's Heavy pressure, if you want to fly into the sky and the deep sea, the pressure you have to endure will be even more amazing. People who want to walk in this second heaven by their own strength have to pay a huge price, unless you There is a power that can surpass the Supreme Divine Sovereign, or else you will be under the weight of this second heaven. We are still too early!"

Yes. Xing Tian and the others came too early, one by one, they arrived in these thirty-three days without the power of the emperor, which was a huge test for them. If it weren’t for Xing Tian’s hands to have the “eternal Shenzhou” such a destiny treasure, they would be unable to walk in this second heaven. After all, they could not resist the pressure from the second heaven, but with the “eternal Shenzhou” 'That's different.

With a thought, Xing Tian opened the protective cover of the "Eternal Shenzhou", and a gray light curtain of the "Eternal Shenzhou" rose, when this powerful protective cover appeared. The people standing in the "Eternal Shenzhou" took a sigh of relief, and they could clearly feel that the pressure around them had decreased a lot, and their bodies were relieved.

It's not that there is no such pressure, but that this pressure is offset by the protective cover of the "Eternal Shenzhou". The pressure from the second heaven is endured by Xingtian's "Eternal Shenzhou" because of 'Eternal Shenzhou' is the treasure of his life, and has a small world at its core. This heavy pressure will naturally not create pressure on Xing Tian. …

Under the control of Xingtian’s many war **** puppet army, the "Eternal Shenzhou" slowly speeded up to the depths of the second heaven. As the "Eternal Shenzhou" deepened, everyone couldn't help but gasp. The Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch could not help but sighed: "What a plentiful heaven and earth vitality. This second heaven and earth vitality is actually twice that of the first heaven and earth. This is really incredible. It is so terrifying. With the vitality of heaven and earth, our practice will be greatly improved."

The Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming is right. The second heaven and earth vitality is indeed very strong. Just taking a deep breath can immediately feel the extremely abundant heaven and earth vitality rushing into the body. It feels comfortable, but even the strong heaven and earth vitality also contains more powerful will of heaven and earth, and also has the power of the terrifying law of heaven and earth. Under such an environment, people can understand the law of heaven and earth more. Power comes.

The heaven and earth vitality of the second heaven is much stronger than that of the first heaven. Compared with the endless void, it is even less worth mentioning. Even the heaven and earth vitality in the Dead Sea world established by Xing Tian can't match Compared to this second day.

Although the vitality of heaven and earth here is very strong, Xing Tian and others dare not let go of their hands and feet to absorb frantically. They are worried that they will be affected by the power of the will of heaven and earth contained in the vitality of the heaven and earth, and they all carefully maintain them one by one. Facing all this with restraint, he dare not easily improve his own strength, so as not to affect his foundation.

This second heaven is completely different from the first heaven. It is almost an oceanic heaven and earth, and there are not many land that can make people live. When seeing all these environments, Xing Tian couldn’t help being in his heart. Secretly said: "Whether everything here is the way it was originally, or is it formed by the day after tomorrow, it's a pity that I haven't been able to have an exchange with the Lord Moluo and the others. I can't know the situation of this second heaven. Chong Tian is a huge help!"

Looking at the sea that exuded the strong vitality of heaven and earth around, Empress Nuwa sighed and said: "What a thirty-third heaven, only the second heaven is so great, even the sea water that can be seen everywhere It’s a treasure, it’s really amazing. Why don’t we charge a little bit of sea water in our own Little Thousand World, maybe it can improve the situation of our Little Thousand World!"

Upon hearing the words of Empress Nuwa, Xing Tian smiled and shook his head and said: "It's useless, the sea here has the will of heaven and earth. It is impossible for us to collect it. Fellow Taoists should not waste their efforts. !"

Regarding Xingtian's words, Nuwa Empress agreed. A move in my mind drives my own supreme treasure to absorb the seawater of the second heaven, and I want to use the heaven and earth energy contained in these seawater to change the situation of my little thousand world. Unfortunately, everything is just as Xingtian said. To put it that way, when the sea water was separated from the sea surface, before the Empress Nuwa could receive it into her own little world, it quickly dispersed into the vitality of heaven and earth and disappeared without a trace. Let her get nothing.

Such a result shocked Empress Nuwa. People were shocked, except for Xing Tian, ​​no one thought that things would be like this. They dare not be able to collect the sea water here, which makes it difficult for them to understand.

In fact, there is nothing incomprehensible about this, in the thirty-third heaven, following the dramatic changes of the day and the earth. The world has undergone a huge transformation. Under the power of the rules of the world, the sea water or the concrete mountain peaks have been integrated with the power of the rules of the world. Once they leave, they will immediately turn into the vitality of the world and return to it. Among them, it is guaranteed to the greatest extent that the power of heaven and earth vitality among these thirty-three layers will not be taken away. Guarantee the foundation of these thirty-three heavens. …

Just when Empress Nuwa was surprised by such a result, the unexpected appeared, Xing Tian suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Empress Nuwa, be careful!" Just when Xing Tian's words fell, I could only see that'eternal A huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea in front of Shenzhou, and that black shadow instantly jumped out of the sea!


As the master of "Eternal Shenzhou". Xing Tian's grasp of the'Eternal Shenzhou' is very smooth. After reaching the second heaven, Xing Tian has already increased his vigilance. His eyes are always vigilantly looking at everything around him, when the huge seabed floats. As soon as the shadow appeared, he was immediately discovered by him. While reminding Empress Nu Wa, Xing Tian also immediately controlled the "Eternal Shenzhou" to avoid the sudden black shadow below.

Although the black shadow under the'Eternal Shenzhou' looks extremely large, it does not seem to be malicious to Xingtian and his party, or does not treat Xingtian and his party as the same thing, and did not attack Xingtian and them. Such a result made Xing Tian breathe a sigh of relief. Xing Tian carefully controlled the "Eternal Shenzhou" and avoided each other far away!

Although Xing Tian drove the "Eternal Shenzhou" to avoid the black shadow, he paid great attention to the black shadow. His eyes did not leave the black shadow. Although there was some distance from the black shadow, it did not. Can stop Xing Tian's gaze, Xing Tian can clearly see the whole picture of the dark shadow emerging from the seabed.

From the outside, this black shadow is somewhat similar to the earliest humans that appeared in the ancient gods and demons period. There is a trace of mysterious aura on his body, and there are countless complicated and mysterious patterns on his body, more accurately. Totem, but this dark shadow is almost comparable to the ancient gods and demons. Its body exposed on the sea is tens of meters high, and the sea has just flowed over its chest, and more of its body is hidden in the sea. During this, Xing Tian and the others couldn't help but gasp.

The sea water of this second heaven is completely composed of pure and incomparable heaven and earth vitality. It is different from ordinary sea water. Even if Xingtian and his party have powerful power, there is no sea to see this clearly through the sea level. The situation under the sea is as if it is another world that cannot be seen through.

It was precisely because it was impossible to know everything below, Xing Tian didn't know what this black shadow looked like under the sea, but soon there was a trace of memory in Xing Tian's mind. He understood what was in front of him. What is the black shadow, only Xing Tian said in a bit of surprise, "Deep sea giant, this is the ancient deep sea giant, how is this possible!"

When hearing Xing Tian’s speechless words, Houtu Zuwu and others couldn’t help but cast their eyes on Xing Tian and asked in surprise: "Xing Tian, ​​you know its name, can it be said that you are very concerned about this second heaven? Can't you understand the situation?"

Xing Tian took a deep breath and said, "I know nothing about the second heaven. After all, I have never been here. As for this dark shadow, he is a giant of the deep sea, a kind of tyrannical. The creatures of are powerful creatures that have appeared since the time of the ancient gods and demons. They have the power to destroy the world. I did not expect such a terrifying existence to appear here, and it also allows us to meet him, but fortunately here The deep-sea giant is not cruel, and will not attack along with it, otherwise the situation of those of us would be unfavorable this time. If you are not careful, you will end up dead. You must know this deep-sea giant, even the most The weaker one also possesses the power of half-step Divine Emperor Supreme, and the one in front of us obviously already possesses the power of Divine Emperor Supreme, and it is not necessarily even stronger. It is a pity that we can't understand this supreme beast! "

In fact, it is not correct to say that this deep-sea giant is a supreme beast. In fact, he should be regarded as a branch of the ancient human race, but it's a pity that they have already disappeared in the long river of history, if it weren't for the situation here is a little abnormal. Such a horrible existence will not appear easily, after all, such a deep-sea giant has the power to crush the emperor! …

Divine Emperor Supreme, no one had thought that their group would encounter such a terrifying existence in such a short period of time, Xing Tian could clearly feel that this deep-sea giant did not persecute them. It can also give them peace of mind, at least they don't have to worry about a sudden accident and they will fall into that crisis!

The supreme powerhouse of the Emperor of God, the appearance of this deep-sea giant made everyone's eyes dignified. Such a tyrannical creature is definitely not something they can handle now, even if they can barely handle it. They also have to pay a heavy price for this, which is not something they can afford.

"Our luck is finally not too bad. Although the giants of the deep sea appeared too unexpectedly, they can be regarded as the original creatures here, and they are a relatively mild one. As long as we don't take the initiative to provoke them, then they will not. He is a good person to attack us easily." Xing Tian sighed softly when he said this. But no one knew what Xing Tian was thinking about, and why all this happened!

Although Xing Tian didn't care much about this deep-sea giant and the existence behind them, after confirming that there was no threat, Xing Tian's mood was much more relaxed. At least he didn't need to worry about an enemy's attack, just like Xing Tian He also gave himself a good back hand, even if he faced a powerful force, Xing Tian would not be afraid of it.

Everything was exactly as Xing Tian said, everything in front of him made Hou Tu Ancestral Witch and others relax very much.The deep sea giant didn't even look at them at all, as if they were the air, and the deep sea giant took care of himself. Zididi breathed the endless heaven and earth vitality on the sea, and with its breathing, the heaven and earth vitality formed a huge wave of air visible to the naked eye, which was directly inhaled into the abdomen by this deep sea giant.

Xing Tian and others didn’t dare to have any ideas, let alone stay here for a long time, because they didn’t want to die, so they didn’t fully devote their energy to this deep-sea giant. For Xing Tian, ​​he had self-confidence. Baozhili, even if it was a decision with this ancient beast king, Wu Dan had nothing to lose!

Because the environment here is not too safe, for Xing Tian and the others, everything in the second world is a race against time. After confirming that the deep-sea giant is not malicious against them, Xing Tian quickly left and flew towards it. Go in a distant direction to explore everything in this second heaven, and fight for the huge benefits that can find themselves in this second heaven, and the huge benefits that can support them in their cultivation!

The deep-sea giant also turned a blind eye to Xing Tian and their departure.After absorbing enough energy from the heavens and the earth, the deep-sea giant walked on the surface of the sea, with more bodies exposing the surface of the sea, and everything about him was really almost the same as that of humans. , It’s just that the body is hundreds of times larger than human beings. It’s hard for people to accept it.

Next to this deep-sea giant, two new deep-sea giants soon appeared, but compared to the former, they were a lot smaller, just like young children among humans. These deep-sea giants are very Soon they were chasing and frolicking on the surface of the sea. After playing enough, they sank into the sea one by one, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

The power of the powerful sea water blocked Xing Tian's vision, making them unable to see where these deep-sea giants have gone, and it was able to relieve their hearts one by one, and they were much relieved.

"Do you still remember that before the second day, I asked everyone, no matter how weak the creatures are, you can't kill them?" Xing Tian suddenly said, and everyone present was startled as soon as his words came out. , I don’t know how to answer Xing Tian’s questions, and they couldn’t help thinking about the meaning of Xing Tian’s words. They wouldn’t think that Xing Tian’s words were doing useless work. It’s a pity that they are endlessly thinking. For a while, they couldn’t figure out Xingtian’s intentions, but they didn’t just give up like this. They were thinking about Wu Dan’s intentions, and they all fell into Niu Jiejian’s heart. They couldn’t help but feel distressed. Getting up, everything surprised them. (.)

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