God of Destruction

Chapter 878: Blood Festival clone

The eighty-eighth blood sacrifice clone

Xing Tian can now be sure that his nine ancient fierce beast clones are defective, but where are the flaws? Can it be remedied? Xing Tian has not completely figured out the nine ancient fierce beast clones, so he can't see his nine clones for the time being. The flaws of the clones of the vicious beasts, I don't know how to make up for the flaws of the clones of the nine ancient vicious beasts.

Shaking his head, Xing Tian didn't think much about it. With a move of his mind, he was looking at his nine fierce beast clones. Before Xing Tian shot his hand, he first shot a piece of his own divine sense into the ultimate treasure of his life, "Eternal Shenzhou". In an instant, the huge "Eternal Shenzhou" suddenly became smaller, turned into an inconspicuous tiny thing and merged into the sea.

After doing everything, Xing Tian mobilized his own blood. Since he could not detect the sinking points of his nine ancient beast clones with his spiritual knowledge, Xing Tian would use his own blood to find out. He didn't understand why he There is no problem with the clone of martial arts and the clone of Black Lotus, but there is a problem with the clone of ".. The beast clone". This makes Xing Tian's heart with many doubts all run, in order to find The root of the problem.

Although the most precious natal "Eternal Shenzhou" turned into tiny particles and merged into the sea, the "Eternal Shenzhou", as Wudan's imaginary natal treasure, was still able to swallow the vitality of this world and the richness of the sea. Heaven and Earth were breathless, madly blending into the'eternal Shenzhou' and into Xing Tian's body.

Xing Tian could feel that his surroundings were like an ocean composed of heaven and earth vitality.Every breath of his own, heaven and earth vitality poured in, and then under the rotation of his own blood, it gradually turned into a trace of original power. Incorporated into his body, constantly enhancing his own strength.

The speed of cultivation in these thirty-three days was several times that of Infinite Void, and the power of the original source emerged from his body at an astonishing speed, and soon Xing Tian was full of clouds and mists. It was Xing Tian's vomiting of heaven and earth's vitality to the extreme, and that cloud and mist had a tendency to gradually liquefy.

With the help of such a terrifying heaven and earth, Xing Tian's terrifying blood rushed into his body frantically. He kept walking in his body, and then turned into a powerful force that poured into his nine ancient beast clones. Check the hidden dangers of these nine ancient beast clones little by little.

Under Xingtian's investigations regardless of cost, Xingtian soon became aware of it. It’s nothing to just be a clone of the ancient fierce beast, but after the nine fierce beast clones gathered, Xing Tian finally understood where his anxiety originated from. It was an abnormality in blood. No wonder his divine mind. No matter how to explore, I can't find the reason. Only under my own blood can I find the existence of this defect.

Although Xing Tian found the abnormality of his nine ancient beast clones, he got a headache because he could not resolve the abnormal bloodline. Xing Tian's own blood could not merge the blood of these nine ancient beast clones. Because the bloodlines of the two are completely opposite, the nine ancient fierce beast clones have already condensed a trace of the blood of the wild dragon. It is precisely because of the appearance of the blood of the wild dragon that Xing Tian felt uneasy between his own deity and the clone. Although the crisis is still small now, as the nine ancient beast clones continue to evolve, the crisis will become bigger and bigger, and will even eventually hit the deity of Xing Tian. Know that it is not a normal backlash, but a backlash from the source.

With the continuous evolution of the wild dragon bloodline, eventually the power of the nine ancient beast clones will develop crazily, and even the will of the ancient beast will be condensed again. At that time, Xing Tian's divine mind would fight against this newly condensed ancient beast will, and would eventually endanger Xing Tian's deity. How could such a change not make Xing Tian worry about it? For the headache. …

Xing Tian paid a considerable price for these nine ancient beast clones. But now these nine ancient fierce beast clones are endangering their own safety, Xing Tian naturally has an extremely headache. For such hidden dangers, Xing Tian cannot ignore it. It will only make the crisis bigger and bigger, and eventually become uncontrollable. If it breaks out when he hits the emperor, Xing Tian believes that he is ten dead and no life, and he will die there. Under the tribulation of the **** emperor.

Destroying these nine ancient fierce beast clones, Xing Tian was a little bit reluctant. After all, he invested a lot of energy on these nine ancient fierce beast clones, and if these nine ancient fierce beast clones were destroyed like this, yes Xing Tian’s strength is also a big blow, at least it will weaken Xing Tian’s strength by three points. Under such an environment, if his own strength is weakened, the pressure on Xing Tian is conceivable, but Xing Tian can’t think about it. Come up with a solution.

What should I do? Xing Tian couldn’t help thinking secretly in his heart, and his mind was working hard, trying to find a solution to resolve this crisis. It’s a pity that no matter what method Xing Tian came up with, no matter what How do you evolve your own bloodline, the power of your own bloodline and the power of the wild dragon will form a hedge, which seems to be an unchangeable result that shows that no matter what means can not solve the problem.

After some thoughts and no results, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly, and sighed secretly: "Forget it, there is something to do with it. Now that this has become an insoluble crisis, then give it up, at least Before they have caused any harm to themselves, they can't be destroyed. They can't be eaten back to the deity, but it's a bit too wasteful to destroy it like this. It's better to use the blood sacrifice method to sacrifice the nine ancient beast clones to the nine days and ten. Among the'Extreme Sword of Earth Extinction', if the blood of these nine ancient beast clones can be used to sacrifice this'Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Extinction Sword', it will greatly increase its power!"

Blood sacrifice to the gods, and to use his nine ancient beast clones for blood sacrifices, only Xingtian, a madman, can think of it. Knowing that he did this means to be among his nine ancient beast clones A trace of the power of the soul is sacrificed to the **** soldier, which is no different from the sacrifice of the natal **** soldier, although it has no effect on his own blood. But it will hurt his soul, such a move is very crazy. If you let others know that Xing Tian has such crazy ideas, I am afraid that people will be shocked by Xing Tian's madness. This is simply taking his own practice as a bet. If he fails, Xing Tian's deity will be backlashed by terror, which will hurt his origin.

The power of the nine ancient beast clones to do such crazy things is really incomprehensible. The blood of Xingtian's deity possesses powerful devouring power. If Xingtian is unwilling to waste those nine ancients like this The power of the fierce beast clone can be used to nourish the zombies, so that it can fully recover the power of his nine souls. Let his soul get crazy promotion in a short time, but Xing Tian has come up with such a crazy decision. Such a move is unacceptable and incomprehensible. This is really crazy, crazy enough to make everyone. To the point of fear.

"If you are not mad, you cannot become a devil, if you can get rid of this crisis, you can get out of the trouble early in these 33 days, I can only give it a go. I hope that luck will be on Lao Tzu's side!" Xing Tian said viciously. Muttering to himself, there was a crazy look on that face, and people couldn't help but feel scared.

Madman, at this moment. Xing Tian completely transformed into an extremely crazy lunatic, madly fighting for his own life, never thinking about the serious consequences that a failure would bring to him. Perhaps a single backlash can make his vitality worse than death. But Xing Tian was not timid, because that was his way. His way is to move forward courageously, not to be frightened by blocking, he wants to make a crazy killing natal sword formation for himself, as his own assassin, using his soul and the flesh and blood of the clone as the foundation to sacrifice Play the strongest hole card. …

auzw.com Perhaps Xing Tian’s behavior makes people feel extremely crazy, but this is Xing Tian’s Tao, the avenue he has chosen, and his Tao will not be shaken by external forces. This is Xing Tian's heart, Xing Tian wanted to do it, without the slightest hesitation, the thought of "Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Extinction Sword Box" appeared in Xingtian's hands, and Xing Tian thought of the nine swords in the sword box. Flew out, and pierced into the body of his nine ancient beast clones like a flash.

After the nine-handed divine sword one to nine ancient beast clones, his nine ancient beast clones shrank crazily at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye, and the flesh and blood essence of the whole body was sacrificed to each divine sword. Not only the flesh and blood, but also the bones, and a soul of Xing Tian, ​​were madly sacrificed by blood to every divine sword, and from the beginning of the blood sacrifice, Xing Tian's expression became extremely incomparable. Turning pale, under that despair, the most powerful source power among the nine ancient fierce beast clones broke out. That was the instinct of the ancient fierce beast. This instinct immediately launched an attack on Xingtian's original soul.

Xingtian’s natal soul was the soul of the tree of the world. When faced with the fierce backlash of this terrifying ancient beast’s instinct, the natal soul of Xingtian finally exploded its potential, in the tree of the world. The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, which was carried on the many leaves, exploded frantically, fighting with the instincts of the nine ancient beasts.

This is a fight from the soul. It is extremely cruel and terrifying. A little carelessness is the death of the body and the soul. Xing Tian did not expect that his blood sacrificed nine ancient beast clones to detonate such a power. This power is great. Xing Tian was shocked, but he had no retreat now, so he had to bite the bullet, because once he retreated, he would be backlashed by the instincts of nine ancient beast clones, and his soul would be hit hard. Once Xing Tian's soul is hit hard, his inner world will also be hit hard, and the tree of the world will be damaged, which is not what Xing Tian wants to see.

"If you want to eat back Lao Tzu, go dream, you are just unconscious instincts, let me die, swallow the sky, swallow the earth, swallow me!" Xing Tian yelled frantically, the tree of his natal soul world The spirit of the world broke out frantically, and the leaves of the tree of the world flew up and instantly transformed into the supreme avenue of heaven and earth, strangling the instinctive power of the nine ancient beasts!

At this time, Xing Tian had no reservations, he directly participated in using his strongest power, and used his own avenue to fight the instinctive power of these nine ancient beast clones to a life-and-death duel.

Under Xing Tian's frantic eruption, the power of the world in his inner world rushed into the world tree frantically. Crazy for Xing Tian with the mighty power of the world Xing Tian has enough power to fight against the instinct of the nine ancient beast clones. Will not be bitten by that instinctive force on itself.

I have to say that Xing Tian underestimated the power of his nine ancient beast clones. Jiujiu Guiyi has completed the bloodline evolution, and has returned to the ancestors of the ancient fierce beast clone with the bloodline of the wild dragon. The power contained in it is not as simple as Xingtian thought. Fortunately, Xingtian discovered in advance that his nine ancient fierce beast clones are not. It’s a good thing, otherwise he wants to get rid of these nine ancient fierce beast clones again after he goes further. It will not be an easy task. He will pay a heavier price for this, and the price is huge. I'm afraid it will directly shake his foundation. Let Xingtian really hurt.

Of course, even the current battle is a huge damage to Xing Tian. You must know that this kind of confrontation consumes Xing Tian's own great power, that is, Xing Tian has a profound background and his own life soul is The soul of the tree of the world can mobilize the power of the entire inner world, otherwise Xing Tian has no chance to fight the instinctive power of these nine ancient beast clones, because that is no longer a fight against the nine ancient beast clones. Up. Rather, he was fighting against the nine-headed ancient barren dragon. With the power of Xing Tian but the **** king, it would definitely die without life. …

Although such a confrontation is a heavy burden for Xing Tian, ​​everything has two sides. Xingtian suffered a huge loss in consumption, but this duel also allowed Xing Tian to continuously refine his own way in this duel. Those great avenues Xing Tian had understood were tempered in this duel and became more pure. This had a profound impact on Xing Tian's enlightenment, and laid a solid foundation for him to master these great principles in the future.

of course. The premise is that Xing Tian can win the final victory in this duel. Otherwise, everything will be a mirror image. Once Xing Tian fails, his fate will be even worse, and most of his power will be destroyed. Once Xing Tian failed, he was afraid that he would die without life, so the harvest looks very good, but the danger is equally terrifying.

Xingtian’s avenue fought fiercely against the instincts of the nine ancient beast clones. Each confrontation made Xingtian’s breath weaker, and many military forces in the world within Xingtian felt it. The amazing changes in this duel, they can all feel the changes in the inner world, and they all understand that Xing Tian, ​​as the lord of the inner world, is in danger. They are all praying, hoping that Xing Tian can win the final victory.

Fortunately, there are no other people in the entire "Eternal Shenzhou" at this time. Otherwise, Xing Tian's crazy confrontation will surely shock people. You must know that at this moment, Xing Tian has revealed endless murderous aura. The power has reached the final decisive battle. Under Xing Tian’s frenzied fighting at all costs, the instinctual power of the nine ancient beast clones has gradually fallen, although the nine ancient beast clones have evolved a bit The blood of the ancient barren dragons, but they are not barren dragons after all. Facing Xing Tian's crazy attack, they were naturally found to have to retreat.

This is a fight of will. Once one side retreats, the result will be set. When the instinctive power of the nine ancient beast clones begins to shrink, Xing Tian’s natal soul becomes even more Going crazy, the power of the great avenue is frantically cutting the original power of the nine ancient beast clones and swallowing them.

Xing Tian was frantically devouring the instinctive power of the nine ancient beast clones. By this time, the matchup had already decided the winner. Xing Tian was a big victory. No matter how powerful the nine ancient beast clones might be, They could no longer fight against Xing Tian, ​​they had no strength to come back, and everything had become a foregone conclusion.

When the instincts of the nine ancient beast clones were cut bit by bit, and then swallowed, Xingtian's nine ancient beast clones were finally given the blood sacrifice by the nine supreme divine sword. All were sacrificed by blood into that divine sword, and for an instant, Xing Tian felt that he had nine more natal treasures.

Just when Xing Tian felt his own change, the horrible sword aura emanating from the nine-handed divine sword was terribly destroying Xing Tian's body. After the blood sacrificed to the gods after all the power of the nine ancient beast clones The power of the sword could not be resisted even if Xing Tian had a body that had evolved several times. That terrifying sword aura caused Xing Tian's body to crack.

"No, the physical body can't bear the sword formation of the'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extinction Sword'. If you don't have a way to stop it, once these nine supreme swords are placed in your body. Extinction Divine Sword Formation', then my real body will be directly destroyed by the sword aura of this terrifying Divine Sword Formation, and even my soul will be severely damaged!" Xing Tian found out what he was facing in an instant. He couldn't help but get a headache! (...)

The eighty-eighth blood sacrifice clone.

The 878th blood sacrifice clone:

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