God of Destruction

Chapter 881: Section warning

Eighty-first warning

Regret, Xingtian regrets this battle very much in his heart, but it is too late to regret. All this has happened. Xingtian can only face all this. What happened this time made him dare not take the slightest care. Otherwise, it will only be him who will be unlucky in the end, and this time the carelessness has made Xingtian’s path even more dangerous. After all, the blood evil aura on his body is too strong. As long as he encounters a fierce beast, he will never die. How can this not make Xing Tian worry about it.

Xing Tian didn’t think that he just arrived at the second day of the day, but he would encounter such a situation. His mood naturally became extremely heavy. Although Xing Tian wanted to dissolve the **** breath on his body, it was a pity. He couldn't find a way, he could only endure this defeat, and he could only count on regret.

When looking at the churning waters, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly, and muttered to himself: "I can't stay anymore, or it will be unthinkable. This flood dragon is% free% wrong %3... I'm afraid that the fierce beasts in this sea area have already been alarmed. If these fierce beasts surround me, I am afraid it will be difficult to leave!"

Yes, this place can no longer stop. Although Xing Tian has an agreement with Sanqing and Houtu Zuwu, Xing Tian has no choice now. Under the crisis of life and death, he can only choose to retreat strategically. They can leave a message here, the ancestor witches of the earth, know that they have left this sea area. In this message, there is a trace of Xingtian's vitality, the ancestor of the earth witches can follow their breath and find him again. Reunited together.

in fact. This explosion shocked not only the fierce beasts in this sea area, but also the Houtu Zuwu and others. Although they all left Xingtian, they went to hunt for treasure alone. But the shock wave generated by the blew of a beast of the supreme divine emperor was really amazing. They all felt it and they were all shocked.

"No, that direction is the area where Xingtian is located. Could it be that Xingtian is in danger!" When Houtu Zuwu felt the terrifying shock wave, he suddenly became nervous and began to worry about the life and death of Xingtian. Come, after all, Xing Tian's life and death are related to their people's safety and she has to get nervous.

The Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming who was with the Ancestral Witch Hou Tu was also a little worried. She took a deep breath and said: "Xing Tian must be in danger, such a powerful shock wave, it is definitely the eruption of the powerhouse of the Emperor God, we will go back and help Xing Tian!" Xuan Ming Zuwu said. He had to drag the Houtu Zuwu to rush towards the place where Xingtian was. Being pulled like this by the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming, the Ancestral Witch Hou Tu did not resist, letting the power of the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming pull himself toward the place where Xing Tian was!

When feeling the power of this horror, Zhen Yuanzi, Shennong and Nuwa Empress also went to the sea where Xingtian was located. They were all worried about Xingtian's safety. And they were worried from the bottom of their hearts, so they didn't hesitate at all, and they all headed towards that sea area one by one.

For Houtu Zuwu and others, Sanqing, Zhunti, and their minds could not help but be shocked. All of them hesitated, and secretly figured out whether it was worthwhile to go back. After a long time. Zhunti and Jiyin looked at each other, and then sighed. Turning his head to the sea area of ​​Xingtian, when they made a decision. Sanqing also made the same decision and headed to the sea where Xingtian was located.

Unfortunately, these people didn't know that Xing Tian had left at this time, but even if they knew, they would still make this choice, because Xing Tian's life and death are related to their survival, so they couldn't help it not pay attention! …

When these people went to that sea area, they could all feel the turbulence and ups and downs of the whole sea area, and the breath of fierce beasts gushing out of the sea. Their hearts couldn't help but become heavy, and their hearts became more worried about Xing Tian. Life and death.

Just as they were about to approach the sea where Xing Tian was located, all of them suddenly received the message left by Xing Tian. They all understood that Xing Tian had retreated under compelling circumstances, which made them loose. In one sigh of relief, even though they knew that Xing Tian was safe, these people did not turn around and leave again. Instead, they took away the breath left by Xing Tian, ​​and then followed this breath in the direction of Xing Tian's retreat. They all wanted to know what happened. What happened would make Xing Tian have to retreat. They hoped to know the details, but fortunately they were prepared in their treasure hunt.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. In these thirty-three days of crisis, the Sanqing and the Houtu ancestors have to be careful. After all, it is related to their survival, and there can be no carelessness, or else They will give their lives, which is a consequence they cannot bear.

When everyone found Xing Tian again, they couldn't help being shocked when they saw Xing Tian’s tragic situation. None of them expected that Xing Tian had suffered such a serious injury not long after they were separated from Xing Tian. This made their hearts feel He couldn't help becoming heavy, and Xingtian's strength had suffered such serious injuries. If they were in danger, what kind of crisis would they face, I was afraid that their lives would not be guaranteed.

Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch couldn't help asking: "Xing Tian, ​​what happened to you? How did you suffer such a serious injury? What happened to the previous horrible breath?"

Xuanming Ancestral Witch can ask questions in his mind without any consideration, but for others they cannot do this. After all, the relationship between them and Xingtian is not as good as that, and they cannot be like Xuanming. The Ancestral Witch questioned Xing Tian so indifferently, so at this moment they all cheered up one by one, wanting to understand everything from Xing Tian's mouth!

Xing Tian took a deep breath and said, "This time I was too careless. I was tricked by a fierce beast. For a while, I didn't expect that fierce beast would be so crazy, even ignoring his own life and death. I didn’t have time to react when I blew myself up. As the supreme beast of the gods, my abilities were more than we thought. Everyone should be cautious so as not to follow in my footsteps. In fact, this time I suffered. The injury is nothing, as long as you rest for a while, you can recover. The biggest blow I have received this time is not the injury of this body, but the **** breath on my body, the **** evil that the fierce beast exploded. The breath is tightly wrapped around my body, as long as the fierce beasts I meet again will never die, everyone must be prepared for this!"

For Xing Tian, ​​his heart is still relatively relaxed, only Chang Xi and Chang'e are practicing in their own inner world, and they are not outside here, otherwise they will all worry about Xing Tian's safety. If you don’t know how dangerous Xingtian is going to be increased by a factor of this kind of result, after all, there are so many fierce beasts in these thirty-three days, and Xingtian wants to move around freely, it’s not easy. , This is a huge blow to Xing Tian.

After hearing what Xing Tian said, everyone couldn't help but frowned, and Na Zhunti couldn't help but said: "Friend Xingtian, if this is the case, does that mean that none of us can easily kill. So, what should we do when facing fierce beasts. If we can't kill these fierce beasts, is it possible that we have only one way to escape?". …

The inability to kill the fierce beast made Zhun Ti's heart become extremely tense, knowing that in the treasure hunt, no one can guarantee that he will not encounter the fierce beast. And every piece of treasure will be guarded by fierce beasts, which naturally poses a huge threat to them, so Zhunti wants to get everything he wants to know from Xing Tian's mouth.

For the purpose of quasi mention. Xing Tian was naturally clear, but he didn't ask even if he asked. Xing Tian would also want to explain to them, after all, they were from the same place. If they were not able to unite, the consequences would be even more unthinkable. In the end, I'm afraid that all of them will die. This is not what Xing Tian wants to see.

auzw.com I saw, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Things are not as dangerous as the fellow Taoists imagined. This time I was too careless. I didn't expect that the beast would be so cruel. Actually If you are more cautious, you won’t be trapped by such a terrifying blood evil aura like I am, but you can’t kill too much. After all, here is the same as the prehistoric world. If you kill too much, you will have the blood evil aura. The attack of the beast, and it is endless!"

Xing Tian’s remarks did not make people relax. Their mood is still very heavy. For them, this is not good news. As long as they want to seize the treasure, it is impossible not to kill. You can hide for a while, I'm afraid you can't hide for a lifetime. You have to know that they want to kill the 33 heavens. In the heavens, the dangers they have to face are endless. They want to rely on avoiding and rushing to the three. For thirteen days, that simply won't work.

Although there is endless pressure in their hearts, they have to be prepared to make a determination for their own practice, whether to avoid or lead straight forward, risking life and death to continuously kill the fierce beast to gain treasure and improve their strength.

The Houtu Ancestral Witch took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, in such a dangerous environment, even if we want to evade, I'm afraid we don't have the ability. After all, our goal is 33 heavens. Tianyu Channel, as long as we don’t want to give up, we only have to try our best. Don’t worry too much. All of this is what we have to face. It’s much better to face it earlier and face it later. Prepared!"

It’s like this, but it’s not easy to do it. After all, there are not many creatures in this world that can surrender their lives, at least they can’t. One thing, even Heaven and Earth can’t do this. When the crisis comes, all they can choose is to fight head-on. There is no other way but Xingtian. The result they have to face.

When the words of the Houtu ancestor witch fell, the Taishang Laojun also nodded and said: "Yes, the Houtu Taoist friends are reasonable. We have actually taken one step at a time, unless we want to die here, otherwise. In the end, everyone can only bravely face the many killings. In fact, as long as everyone can relax, all that is not worth mentioning. As long as we have enough facts, let alone the mere killing, even if the killing is no matter how heavy it is. !"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "That said, but if you can face all this later, that would be a good thing. As long as they have enough time to prepare everything, things will not be as tricky as they are now. Up!"

For the words of Xing Tian. Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "Friend Xingtian Daoist is right. In fact, the least we have now is time. As long as we have enough time, it will benefit us a lot, and it will give us a sense of the world. A clear understanding can make the most correct choice!"...

select? Do they still have options? No, no, they all had no choice anymore. When they got here, everything was changing. In the face of the power of destiny, they were not worth mentioning.

When looking at everyone's thoughtful look. Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Okay, let's stop the matter. Let's all go and act separately. I have no problem, and there is enough defense in my inner world. When we meet next time, I I hope that everyone can break through to the realm of the Supreme Divine Emperor. In this second heaven, we want to move freely. Without being affected by external forces, there is only the realm of strength. Good luck to everyone!"

After hearing Xing Tian's words, although everyone had many thoughts in their hearts. However, no one of them stayed. After all, Xing Tian had the ‘Eternal Shenzhou’ weapon in his hands, and even a little physical trauma would not be a big deal. As long as he is not surrounded by fierce beasts, Xing Tian can move forward and retreat freely.

Without the slightest hesitation. Sanqing and Hou Tu Zugong soon left the "Eternal Shenzhou" at the feet of Xing Tian, ​​and once again looked for the treasures that were related to them. And Xing Tian also began to recover from his injuries at this time. For Xing Tian, ​​the situation this time was very dangerous, so he did not hesitate to start recovering from his injuries.

When Xing Tian mobilized his powerful qi and blood to recover from his injury, Xing Tian's heart suddenly moved. He had previously chosen to sacrifice his own natal warrior. That was because he had walked the path of physical evidence, but now My avenue has changed, so I also need to make changes.

Abandoning his own destiny soldier and integrating it into other supreme treasures, Xingtian is reluctant to give up this point. After all, he has paid a lot of price for this destiny soldier, Xingtian. It was destroyed like this, and for Xing Tian, ​​the pressure was a little bit big. They had to be careful.

After much deliberation, Xing Tian was cruel, and secretly said: "Willing, willing, not willing, then there is gain, since he has re-determined his own path of practice, and this destiny soldier and himself are also reluctant to give up. , So what can I give up, why don’t I put the power of this natal **** soldier into my own inner world, and the inner world absorbs the power of the natal **** soldier and enhances its original power."

Some people may think that Xing Tian’s idea is too crazy. You must know that the zombies, but Xing Tian paid a heavy price to get it. There are countless efforts in it, but now he has no choice, because as long as he If they want to become stronger and want to control their own destiny, they can only go forward and do so.

For Xing Tian, ​​he has never lacked weapons. Not to mention the hands of the two avatars, even Xing Tian himself does not need to worry about the impact on Xing Tian’s strength after the destruction of the zombies. You must know that Xing Tian’s body is now being sharpened. "Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Exterminate Gods Without Formation", there are nine supreme swords in the sword formation, one of which has terrifying lethality, so Xingtian does not lack magic weapons, all he lacks is only time.

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn’t know how much time is left until the next Tonggu channel is opened. He needs to go forward bravely and get into the universe before the 33 days start again. So for him, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Xing Tian would not give up easily, even if he was young, he would stick to it. This is Xing Tian's way.

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian threw his own destiny soldier's "Heaven Devouring Hand" into his inner world. When this destiny soldier arrived in the inner world, under the guidance of Xing Tian, ​​this powerful destiny The divine weapon began to decompose, and all the materials used by Xing Tian to refine this supreme soldier were separated, and then swallowed by the power of the inner world. Whenever a piece of material was swallowed, Xing Tian could feel his inner world. There is a slight change.

Evolution, Xing Tian can feel the evolution of his inner world, and every piece of material contains a trace of Xing Tian’s blood power. When these materials are integrated into the inner world, Xing Tian is also another method of blood sacrifice. , Can also be regarded as sacrificing his inner world. This change made their hearts excited. He finally found a way to sacrifice the inner world with blood. This made him not excited about it!

After finding the direction, Xing Tian finally found his own way of cultivation. Although this direction is a bit too shameful, for Xing Tian, ​​as long as he can improve his strength, even if there is a little shame, it is not a big deal. He can still bear it! (...)

Eighty-first warning.

The eighty-first warning:

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