God of Destruction

Chapter 885: Danger comes again

When the crisis came, Xing Tian didn't dare to have the slightest reservation. Under such circumstances, to keep it would be absolutely self-defeating. Nothing would have his own life. As long as he could escape the catastrophe, the creatures would become crazy about it. , And Xing Tian didn't dare to be careless, and the power of the small thousand world condensed by the'Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Extinction Sword Array' was also running frantically, and he could fully bless Xing Tian's body.

As soon as this small thousand world broke out, the entire "Eternal Shenzhou" suddenly burst out with thousands of rays of light. These rays of light were extremely flickering and powerful. At the last moment, they turned into nine rays of light, connected to Xing Tian's body, and looked like Xing Tian. It's two into one.

In an instant, Xing Tian had perfect control of the Eternal Shenzhou, he was the Eternal Shenzhou, and the Eternal Shenzhou was him. The two have been closely integrated into everything! In an instant, with the power of the'Eternal Shenzhou' that exploded in an all-round way, Xing Tian burst out with terrifying power in a sense, and there was only one thought in Xing Tian's heart, that is, hurry up from this second heaven. Go and get rid of this crazy crisis.

At this moment, above the sky of the entire second heaven, a meteor shower began to fall. This meteor shower is not simple. It is a real meteor. The small one is ten feet long and the big one is dozens of miles, towards the entire second heaven. Falling down crazily, such a crazy change Xing Tian’s heart was shaken by the ∠chang∠wind∠wen∠learning, ◇.≮x. He was horrified, and watched the many stars fall from the sky. !

The meteor shower fell, and there was a huge explosion wherever it went, making this second heavyweight face a terrifying blow to the world. I don't know how many practitioners. In addition, countless other creatures in this world were directly erased by that terrifying astonishing power. Let there be no creatures like him in this world!

Above this sea, countless meteors fell, terrifying impact. Immediately set off a series of terrifying stormy waves above the sea, but Xing Tian knew very well that all of this was just a prelude. The truly terrifying situation was still to come. I saw that dozens of continents appeared in the sky soon. The shadow that appeared before! Each continent, more than 100,000 miles, fell above the sky, toward the sea of ​​the next day.

In addition to the mainland, there are countless meteors appearing. The meteors fall like a torrential rain, as if they are about to destroy all the worlds. The terrifying power makes people lose their voices. It seems to be a contradiction between heaven and earth. It's the same collision, or the crazy fusion of the two worlds.

Fortunately, the second world is a world of water, and the sea can naturally integrate all the changes from the sky and the void. After all, the scope of the sea is much larger than that of the meteor shower, and much stronger than the many continents, it is nothing to swallow them.

Therefore, the dozens of continents fell from the sky and formed a terrible catastrophe, but they were still swallowed by the world of the second heaven and taken away by the boundless sea. At this time, only in this world The falling stars can make people understand how powerful this terrifying impact is.

Xing Tian’s "Eternal Shenzhou" has been activated with all his strength, and he is madly advancing in the meteor shower. With that terrifying power, the meteor shower that falls from the sky has not hit the "Eternal Shenzhou". , Was directly removed by the power erupting from the "Eternal Shenzhou", without causing too much impact on the "Eternal Shenzhou"!

At this time, the many creatures in the entire sea area watched one by one the continents of one hundred thousand miles, falling above the sky and onto the sea. Then one by one creatures were destroyed. …

Under the terrible natural disaster, the entire second day had amazing changes. Under that crazy meteor fire rain, Xingtian’s "Eternal Shenzhou" was soon affected. Although supported by Xingtian's inner world, the power required to fully open the "Eternal Shenzhou" is really terrifying, and the power of terror is too much for Xingtian. He can't put the power into it, after all, he still has enough power to deal with the crisis that may occur at any time.

Under such consideration. Xing Tian couldn't explode indefinitely, so the speed of his "Eternal Shenzhou" unknowingly slowed down. As if there was a little lack of motivation, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily!

This time Xing Tian still miscalculated the pressure he would endure. Now it is not easy for his own'eternal Shenzhou' to fly. He muttered to himself: "It seems that this time I underestimated the impact of this upheaval on the world. The impact caused, if you want to leave here quickly, you will have to pay a big price, and you can’t go on anymore, otherwise you really have to kill your own life, and you will be the treasure of the life of the person who will explode with all his strength. "Eternal Shenzhou" !"

With another burst of full force, the speed of "Eternal Shenzhou" suddenly soared. This is not only Xing Tian once again used the power of his own inner world, but also used the power of many God of War puppets in "Eternal Shenzhou" , With the help of many forces, the'Eternal Shenzhou' broke out!

Just when Xingtian broke out with all his strength, Sanqing and the others flew back with all their strength, joined with Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian took them back with all his strength, and then madly headed towards the entrance of the third world, and went madly forward in Xingtian. At that time, the eternal Shenzhou of the many powerful men in the endless void could not bear the terrifying pressure, and had to stop. When they saw Xingtian’s "Eternal Shenzhou" appeared, they couldn’t help but turned to Xingtian’s "Eternal Shenzhou". Here, he waved his hands desperately and shouted: "Xing Tian, ​​take me away, let us go because we are all members of the endless void!"

Under this situation, these **** even turned to Xing Tian for help regardless of their faces. It was ridiculous. It was ridiculous to know that there was a deep hatred between them and Xing Tian, ​​but now they had to ask Xing Tian for help.

Regarding this call for help, Xing Tian didn't even look at them. He snorted disdainfully and said: "Everyone is working hard, making every effort to speed up!" Hearing Xing Tian's words, he immediately exploded with all his strength. Powerful forces poured into the "Eternal Shenzhou", and the "Eternal Shenzhou" immediately accelerated.

When he saw Xing Tian did not stop. The many powerful men in the endless void couldn't help but shouted: "Xingtian, you **** can't see the savior. You can't die, you don't want to save us, then stay and die with us, give me Open fire and blast the **** Xingtian down. Even if he is dead, he must be buried with him!"

I have to say that these **** are already crazy, and under the oppression of death, they are completely crazy, crazy to the point where they don't know the so-called. I want to fight Xingtian crazily, and I want to die with Xingtian. As the roar fell, those endless void powerhouses burst out horrible attacks frantically, bombarding Xingtian’s "Eternal Shenzhou", and wanted to shoot down Xingtian’s "Eternal Shenzhou". Or Xing Tian had to take them away.

When a series of terrifying attacks were madly bombarding Xing Tian's "Eternal Shenzhou", Xing Tian's expression became gloomy again. He didn't expect these endless void **** to be so crazy and dare to attack himself. Xing Tian was not a person who could not fight back. In the face of the pressure of the day and the earth, Xing Tian's pressure has not been lightened, and now being attacked by these **** in the endless void, the anger in Xing Tian's heart burst out all at once. …

auzw.com just listen. Xing Tian yelled: "Give me a full counterattack, kill those **** for me, a group of falling water dogs dare to be rude to us. They are really damn, attack me!" When Xing Tian's roar fell. The many God of War puppets on his natal treasure ‘Eternal Shenzhou’ exploded frantically, and a series of terrifying attacks blasted away at the endless void powerhouse. Give them a terrible counterattack.

When seeing Xing Tian’s counterattack, not only did those infinitely void powerhouses not panic, on the contrary, they all became excited. Yes, they were excited. This is a good thing for them. Xingtian’s counterattack came to them. It is a great thing. If Xing Tian breaks through with all his strength, they will have a headache. Once Xing Tian strikes back, it means that they still have a chance to leave here. How can this not make them happy!

Happy, they are so happy for this result. With hope, the attacks of these **** have become even more crazy. They have shown their milk-feeding energy one by one, and launched an attack on Xing Tian frantically. Xing Tian stopped because this was their only chance. If they missed it, they really didn't even think about it.

When seeing Xingtian’s crazy counterattack, the expressions of Houtu Zuwu and others could not help but change. Houtu Zuwu said in a deep voice, "Xing Tian, ​​we can’t stay here anymore, and we can’t entangle with those **** in the endless void. Endlessly, or the consequences will be unimaginable, we will all be left behind, we will all be trapped in this second heaven!"

Taishang Laojun also nodded and said, "Friend Xingtian, the ancestral witch of Houtu is right. We can't entangle with those **** in the Endless Void now. If we fight against them, we will be hit by their conspiracy. They are eager for us to do this, because they want to pull us to death. The most important thing for us now is to leave here, not to die with them. Daoists stop, don’t fight them!"

Xing Tian didn't think of this before, but after hearing the words of the Houtu Zuwu, Xing Tian understood everything in an instant. Although Xing Tian wanted to teach those **** in the endless void a deep lesson, the current situation is not. Allow him to do this. The most important thing for him now is to leave here. The most important thing is to leave here to keep himself safe.

Xing Tian took a deep breath and said, "You fellow Taoists are justified. I was a little too excited. Okay, let's retreat these **** from the endless void and stay here for their own sake. Give me the Eternal Shenzhou. Speed ​​up, go!"

Xing Tian let out a deep cry, "Eternal Shenzhou" once again picked up speed, and no longer fights against those strong men in the endless void. After all, he can't keep his life here.

When Xing Tian suddenly stopped and retreated, the many powerful men in the endless void couldn't help but become crazy. Originally they saw hope, but now all this has failed, and their hope has been shattered. This makes They became even more frantic and shouted again: "Xingtian, you **** come down to fight us if you have the ability, don't run away like that cowardly mouse, you come back to us. You coward!"

Xing Tian did not agree with the words of these **** in the endless void. After all, this has no effect at all for them, after understanding their intentions. Xing Tian naturally knew what he should do is the most correct, so he was not affected by it at all, and was still rushing forward frantically, but what made Wu Dan appear to be a little doubtful was how this endless and empty **** appeared in his own. Up front, this made him confused.

However, this time is not something Xing Tian wants to consider. For him, leaving here is the most important thing. Only leaving is the most important thing. Only leaving here first is the right choice! …

Xing Tian was advancing frantically. But soon another accident happened. This time Xing Tian appeared in front of the ancient people of the heavens and ten thousand realms. These people who did not have the ultimate eternal divine boat could also run in front of him, which made Xing Tian puzzled. Although this is only the middle of the second heaven, it is still unimaginable. At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but secretly said: "Asshole, now even the **** of the heavens and ten thousand realms have run to ours. It's ahead. What the **** is this, what methods did they use to do it, if it continues like this, I'm afraid that the **** of the ancient beast clan are also in front of him. And the **** of Mo Luo, let alone!"

Although there were many puzzles in his heart, Xing Tian had to go forward frantically, only in this way could he get out of trouble. You must know that as time goes by, Xing Tian can feel the pressure that this second heaven brings him more powerful. It was so big that Xing Tian's heart couldn't help but become extremely heavy.

Xing Tian was attacked and blocked by those **** in the endless void before, but Xing Tian was prepared this time. He did not hesitate, let alone pay attention to the ancient tribe of the heavens and the world, and rushed forward frantically. Everything was just as Xingtian had imagined. When they appeared, the ancient tribe of the heavens and the world immediately discovered Xingtian. , Everyone was excited about it, screaming to Xing Tian frantically, with only one purpose, and that was to let Xing Tian take them out of here.

When the ancient people of the heavens and ten thousand realms saw that Xing Tian ignored themselves, they made the same actions as those **** in Infinite Void, and all attacked Xing Tian frantically, trying to stop Xing Tian. To force Wu Dan to have a virtual appearance, he had to compromise and save them to leave. Unfortunately, under Xing Tian at all costs, their attack did not affect Xing Tian, ​​Xing Tian rushed out like lightning.

Just as Xing Tian rushed out, an accident happened suddenly. Suddenly a terrifying force erupted frantically. That terrifying force directly acted on Xing Tian’s "Eternal Shenzhou". This terrifying pressure After exiting, Xing Tian's "Eternal Shenzhou" suddenly stopped, and then fell down involuntarily.

"Asshole, what the **** is this, why did such a thing suddenly break out?" Xing Tian couldn't help but yelled, his expression became extremely angry, and everyone would be angry at it. After all, this suddenly happened. The change affected Xingtian’s breakthrough and he was trapped in the second heaven, which Xingtian could not accept.

Regardless of whether Xing Tian was willing to accept it, all of this has become a reality. When the "Eternal Shenzhou" was forced to fall, Xing Tian couldn't help but become angry. He muttered to himself: "Asshole, you are the black hand behind the scenes. Finally, I want to stop Lao Tzu from leaving. It is impossible. Don't stop us from leaving. The power of the world will explode to me. Let Lao Tzu explode to Lao Tzu. Let me fly!"

In Xing Tian’s roar, the two clones in his inner world madly mobilized the power of the entire inner world, and the powerful power rushed into his natal treasure “Eternal Shenzhou”. For a moment, The'Eternal Shenzhou' burst out with a terrifying light. When this light rose, the'Eternal Shenzhou' moved, and Xing Tian roared: "No one can stop me, charge me, no power can stop Lao Tzu. !"

As Xing Tian's roar fell, people burst out frantically for it, and the power of terror burst out frantically from the "Eternal Shenzhou", instantly canceling out that powerful force and regaining freedom!

Under freedom, Xing Tian madly steered the Eternal Shenzhou to the outside world. Under the madness, there was no power to stop Xing Tian. They madly succeeded in breaking away from this conspiracy, but he knew that this was just the beginning. However, if you really think that you are successful, it will only become a joke where you can die without being buried. The other party will never let him go easily like this, so Xing Tian was gathering strength frantically when he broke out. The next attack broke out at the opponent!

Xing Tian’s idea is not wrong. The other party will not just stop like this, but now he has not found a chance to attack, so he takes the initiative to reveal his shortcomings in Xing Tian. After all, Xing Tian’s sudden outbreak disrupted the opponent’s calculations. The power of the black hand behind the scenes wanted to resolve it too late, only the next opportunity came, after all, all this has just begun! (...)

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