God of Destruction

Chapter 899: Festival killing

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Eight hundred and ninety-ninth killing

This time, the black hand behind the scenes is not only facing Xing Tian, ​​but also the crazy counterattack of the major forces of the endless void, especially the major forces of the endless void, they madly blew the many ultimate "eternal gods", The impact caused by the self-detonation of that supreme weapon of war was so terrifying that it caused the entire third heaven to tremble, not to mention the ancient races of the heavens and ten thousand realms. , As well as the deity of Mo Luo and the ancient beast clan all broke out their own assassins at this moment, and they were going to be hit by a sudden blow, and he was beaten all at once!

As for Xing Tian, ​​his final arrow blasted directly on the supreme treasure. With the help of the terrifying power of the gods and demons giant crossbow, the'killing arrow' was extremely powerful. ——.{}{}. Under an arrow, the supreme treasure uttered a mournful cry. Under this terrifying blow, this supreme treasure was hit hard, and its heavy damage was naturally affected at once After the entire third heaven, the third heaven suddenly changed.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't you **** want to destroy the third heaven, then Lao Tzu will help you to speed up the destruction of this third heaven, Lao Tzu will have to see if your conspiracy can't succeed! "Xing Tian roared loudly. Amidst his roar, the life treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" was once again charging up, and the **** and demon giant crossbow opened again!

For Xing Tian, ​​he knew exactly how dangerous his current situation was. And the more so, the less he can shrink back. Otherwise, he has only a dead end, so he is more brutal than the man behind the scenes. If you don't put this third heaven in your eyes, you're crazier than the opponent, only in this way can he successfully suppress everything.

The fire dragon that fell in the crater was bad luck this time. He originally wanted to surrender to Xingtian, but he didn't expect that he hadn’t waited for Xingtian to accept his surrender and it caused such a terrible catastrophe. In the midst of the crisis, even though Xing Tian's arrow did not go against him, the shock wave of terror caused by the arrow was very harmful to him. This made him angry at him, and he couldn't help but rush out to vent his anger.

You must know the reason why this fire dragon betrayed his master, that is, the black hand behind the scenes, and surrendered to Xing Tian desperately. He just protected himself and saved his life, but now he did not get everything he wanted. Now Xing Tian's crazy outbreak made him also plunged into desperation. But now he has nowhere to go, how can this not make him go crazy for it, and be mad about it.

"Asshole, you all deserve to die. This dragon is just asking for a way of life, why don't you give it to me? Why do you have to push the dragon on the road to the absolute path. You don't give the dragon a way to survive, everyone Let's die together. Ants, you can die for this dragon!" The fire dragon roared and flew out frantically from the crater. It's a bit strange to say that this fire dragon had only one breath left, and his violent rage seemed to have recovered all his injuries!

I saw the fire dragon roaring and rushing towards Xing Tian. The huge dragon claws directly grabbed Xing Tian. He had the power of the **** emperor in this sudden change, and the power he burst out was not disorderly, no The power obtained by stimulating one's own potential seems to be the power condensed by the improvement of real strength.

The sudden eruption of this fire dragon couldn't help but a hint of joy flashed across the face of the man behind the scenes who had been trapped in restlessness. He never thought that this animal who had betrayed him would do such crazy things. Then, he would be confronted with Xing Tian. Such a sudden change made him a little shocked and surprised. …

You must know that this fire dragon has betrayed. Even if he can kill Xingtian, it is still impossible to get the approval of the black hand behind the scenes. In the end, it is still a dead end. If he can follow Xingtian, on the contrary, he can still have a ray of life. The man behind the fire dragon's abnormal behavior did not understand why.

No matter why, all of this has happened, and things have developed to the side that is favorable to the black hand behind the scenes. This makes Tian's face naturally gloomy. Although Xing Tian looked down on this fire dragon before, Xing Tian did not. Thinking that this fire dragon was so shameless, he just kept saying that he wanted to surrender to himself, but when he turned his face, he turned his face ruthlessly and launched an attack on himself. For such a shameless fire dragon, Xing Tian naturally hated it, thinking this one. The fire dragon was playing a game of himself, so he was murderous.

When facing the terrifying giant claws of the fire dragon, Xing Tian was unwilling to show weakness, and directly slapped it out with a palm. The big hands directly attacked and turned into two huge palms and pressed them down.

A huge explosion of "boom" sounded in the world, and the fire dragon let out a scream in the explosion. His dragon claws were directly torn off by Xing Tian's big hands, and the dragon's blood spattered. Falling in the sky.

Although the dragon's body is very terrifying, he is not Xingtian's opponent no matter how strong he is. Xingtian's body is much stronger than him. We must know that Xingtian's body is now so strong that it is infinitely close to the immortal body. It can be said that as long as he is Able to survive this catastrophe, to be able to use the power of heaven and earth to succeed in tempering, his physical body can be immortal, and a fire dragon daring to compare with Xing Tian's physical body is absolutely self-defeating.

Xing Tian is the master who is unreasonable and unforgiving. The fire dragon is so capricious and knows how to advance and retreat. In Xing Tian's heart, he has already made a conclusion that it is a dead end. Since it is a dead end, Xing Tian will naturally not give it to him. If the fire dragon had a chance to recuperate and rejuvenate, if I could be cruel and ignore the surrender of the fire dragon, and directly kill the killer and kill him, then the current situation will not happen, so this time Xing Tian is Determined to kill this fire dragon.

Therefore, the claws of this fire dragon have been directly torn apart by Xing Tian, ​​and the body has received a huge blow. That violent power could not help but be the one meal, just in between. With a move of Xing Tian's heart, he immediately activated his supreme magical powers. Appeared in front of the fire dragon in an instant, and the magical powers of the heaven and earth burst out in an instant. Two big hands grabbed the fire dragon at once, and then pulled with strength. This extremely powerful fire dragon even had the opportunity to resist. No, he was directly torn in half by Xingzai, and when this fire dragon dies, his flesh and blood essence is directly swallowed by Xingtian.

"If you want to be an enemy of Lao Tzu, you are also worthy of being a beast. The one who will be an enemy of Lao Tzu is death!" After tearing the fire dragon apart, Xing Tian roared loudly, his expression incomparably crazy. The black hand behind the scenes couldn't help being shocked. The fire dragon was already very violent, and Xing Tian was even more violent than him.

Suddenly swallowed all the flesh and blood essence of this fire dragon, Xing Tian’s huge loss was instantly restored, and the blood that had been suppressed by the might of heaven and earth broke out again, and the powerful blood was madly quenched. Exercise his body. The majesty of that day was also frantically sharpening his Xing Tian's entire person, which had undergone tremendous changes.

No, it's not transformation, it should be said that it is transformation. With the nourishment of this fire dragon's flesh and blood essence, Xing Tian's physical strength suddenly recovered to its original state, which suddenly shattered the idea of ​​the black hand behind the scenes. Let Xing Tian suddenly become extremely powerful and he survived a crisis. Avoid the trouble of insufficient blood gas. …

But everything has advantages and disadvantages, when the flesh and blood essence of this fire dragon is swallowed. The aura of the supreme treasure on Xing Tian's body has become stronger. You must know that the reason why this fire dragon can recover so quickly is because of Xing Tian's arrow, and Xing Tian's previous arrow broke the piece of nothing. A trace of the original power of the Supreme Treasure exudes, and this fire dragon is absorbed. It is precisely because of this that this fire dragon has just increased in strength in an instant, and it is vaguely going to break through the realm of the **** emperor, but he is too arrogant. Before he could break through, he was caught off guard by Xing Tian, ​​and his life was ruined, which I have to say is his sorrow.


You must know that Xing Tian swallowed a fire dragon that was about to break through the **** emperor. After that huge blood flow poured into him, Xing Tian suddenly felt an abnormal feeling in his heart, the anger he held in his heart just now. The feeling of depression and depression disappeared suddenly, as if all the cause and effect disappeared with the death of this fire dragon, and Xing Tian’s sense of ease made his state of mind break through his state unconsciously. Can not help but changed.

When there was a breakthrough in the realm, Xing Tian's inner world ushered in a strange change. The many powers suddenly improved in this inner world. In an instant, there were many in the world of Xing Tian. The power of the law became complete and the inner world became more natural and harmonious. Such a change was unexpected by Xing Tian.

When Xing Tian tore the fire dragon, the many fierce beasts and tree demons gathered from the third heaven by the black hand behind the scenes happened to kill them. There is no need for the black hand behind the scenes to have any orders. Without saying a word, the tree demon rushed to Xing Tian frantically one by one, and launched a siege war against Xing Tian. Such a change made the black hand behind the scenes breathe a sigh of relief.

In the eyes of the black hand behind the scenes, Xing Tian is now at the end of the crossbow, as long as a force is added, it will definitely be able to kill it easily, otherwise Xing Tian will not be able to devour the power of the essence of the fire dragon at all costs. It should be understood that although the power of devouring others can restore a little of one's own strength, it will bring many hidden dangers to oneself. If it is not a last resort, no one is willing to do this, but now Xingtian has done this, which is natural Let the heart of the black hand behind the scenes have a lot of illusions, giving birth to many ridiculous ideas!

Swallowing the flesh and blood of others to recover oneself will indeed bring many hidden dangers to oneself, but this is not an absolute thing, this is only for ordinary people, but for Xingtian, such a conclusion is just a joke, Xingtian is alone. The flesh and blood are extremely powerful, not to mention the flesh and blood essence of a fire dragon, even if it is the flesh and blood essence of a **** emperor, it will not bring hidden dangers to Xing Tian. After all, Xing Tian is not only incredibly powerful, but also powerful. In the inner world, even the power of this fire dragon would have a little influence on Xing Tian, ​​but it was tempered by the terrifying power of heaven and earth. The so-called hidden dangers were naturally swept away, but unfortunately the black hand behind the scenes did not see this. All he saw was the so-called hidden danger, and he only wanted to see the unlucky appearance of punishment.

Watching the fierce beasts and tree demons rushing towards him madly. A sneer flashed across Xing Tian’s face. Now that he had already started killing, he wouldn’t take care of it anymore. Although he looked around, there were fierce beasts and tree monsters everywhere in his eyes, but These powers are not enough to threaten Xing Tian. In Xing Tian's eyes, these fierce beasts and tree demons are nourishment, beheading them and devouring their power. That will increase your strength!

Kill, these fierce beasts and tree monsters attacked Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian also attacked them. Wu Dan has a virtual appearance, like a tiger descending down the mountain, directly rushed into this army with the tree monsters, and launched them frantically. After the **** killing, there is a stance that will kill them all. …

Perhaps these fierce beasts and tree spirits were incomparable in this third heaven, each of them was fierce and mighty, but in Xing Tian's eyes, they were not worth mentioning. He was completely unable to fight Xing Tian, ​​and under Xing Tian's crazy outbreak, those who wanted to resist were all killed by Xing Tian in one fell swoop.

"Crazy, this is really crazy. How could Xing Tian, ​​the ant, have such strength? It must be the deity's dazzling, otherwise how could such an amazing change happen!" The black hand behind the scenes couldn't help muttering to himself stand up. This time he finally understood how amazing the pressure he had to face.

Although the fierce beasts and tree monsters that rushed in front were directly photographed by Xing Tian's horrible big hands, there was still a head of powerful force in front of Xing Tian. Even when they all saw the terrifying killing and suppression, they still charged forward desperately. Vow to fight to the death with Xing Tian.

When seeing this ridiculous result, Xing Tian despises these existences incomparably. This is completely seeking his own way of death, and the more they are like this, the more Xing Tian is pleased. Only in this way can Xing Tianfang feel relieved Fight, without worrying that those fierce beasts and tree demons will flee timidly for a while, Xing Tian doesn't want to encounter the best existence like that fire dragon again.

The killing was going on frantically, not only Xing Tian was frantically harvesting those who frantically launched a siege to him, but also the great forces of the endless void were fighting back frantically. When such a dramatic change happened, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily in his heart. This is the war. Facing such a war, Xing Tian's enthusiasm was boiling.

Faced with the many fierce beasts that rushed towards him, Xing Tian didn’t hesitate a little bit. He rushed into the beast monarch without hesitation, and used the blood of these fierce beasts to temper his own strength. Achieving the supreme existence in one step faster can make Xing Tian excited about it.

With Xingtian’s killing, with the frenzied counterattack of the endless void people, this catastrophe of killing finally came to an end. The more powerful Xingtian’s killing became, the more the power of heaven and earth on his head became crazy. That terrifying power rushed into Xing Tian's body frantically, perhaps only in this way could Xing Tian's strength go further.

Strength is the foundation of everything. Without strength, you can't accomplish anything. Tian is deeply touched, but none of this can shake his terrifying inner strength. Xing Tian’s strength is steadily increasing, and the powerful strength improves Tian’s strength. When it was time to restore Xingtian, all the costs paid were collected.

Not reconciled, looking at Xing Tian's more and more energetic look, the black hand behind the scenes was very disappointed. All this was not the result he wanted to see, but this was an unchangeable fact. In a word, he was cheated by Xing Tian. !

Revenge, although it is not difficult for the black hand behind the scenes, but to do this I am afraid that the price he has paid will become more terrifying, and it can be said that everything has been lost at this moment.

With Xingtian's restraint, the powers of the endless void erupted frantically. The terrifying outbreak allowed them to seize opportunities for themselves. They saw the hope that their power gradually overwhelmed the power of the third heaven. From that crisis, I saw the hope of getting out of trouble.

At this moment, the black hand behind the scenes only noticed the existence of these forces, but at this time he wanted to change all of this, but it was too late. All of this was created by himself. I can’t blame others, blame it. He can only blame himself, who made all this the result of his own recuperation. If he had known that it would be the result of this recuperation, then he should plan well and make complete preparations. It’s a pity. Everything has happened, and he can't do it again.

Everything is too late. The power of the entire third heaven has been out of control. His grasp of the third heaven has been gradually deprived by Xing Tian and the great powers in the endless void. Now he has no power to change everything. , Can only watch his own defeat in this battle, he can only swallow the bitter fruit he caused. (My "Crazy God Xing Tian" will be more fresh on the official platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open it now, click on the upper right "+" "Add friend", "ra" and, Hurry up!)(……)

Eight hundred and ninety-ninth killing.

The eighty-ninth killing,:

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