God of Destruction

Chapter 905: Vicious

PS: I want to hear more of your voices, want to receive more of your suggestions, now "qdred" and add more to "King Shen Xing Tian"!

When seeing this situation, the face of Karma Tianzun, the black hand behind the thirty-three days, couldn't help but gloomy. This situation made them extremely dignified. Originally, he saw the **** of Yin and Yang. When the emperor was about to attack with all his strength, he was excited about it, but now his mood is instantly heavy. These people are a group of stupid stupid people. At this time, they still don’t forget their infighting and still have their own small abacus. This is not looking for death.

"Assholes, really a bunch of idiots, what these **** are thinking, don't they know the scattered ¤% million ¤% book ¤%, ≌.£ns∧b.¤m how serious the consequences, the previous few people Didn’t the fall of ‘’s death make them have a little memory, do these **** really dare not die?” The **** of karma behind the scenes finally couldn’t help but yell again, but it’s useless no matter how much he yelled, he changed. Without all this, it is impossible to prevent all of this from happening. After all, he is just a bystander now. If he takes the initiative, the consequences will only be more serious, and the **** emperors will turn their heads directly and point the finger at him.

The battle between Xing Tian and the yin and yang **** emperor's boss, the momentum is very amazing, you must know that both of them have understood the boxing method to a very powerful level, and they have realized the powerful mood for a long time, and the most terrifying thing is The two of them have also realized the artistic conception they have realized, which shows that both of them have a thorough understanding of boxing, and have reached the state of returning to the basics. That is why they can use the powerful world with every gesture. The power of law.

Of course, this kind of battle also showed that both of them had a killer mind on each other, and didn't want each other to survive at all, so it was a peerless killer move. To kill the other party.

When fighting with the boss of the Yin and Yang Emperor, Xing Tian had some doubts in his heart that the Yin and Yang Emperor was two brothers. Now only the boss is doing it, how can the second child not do anything. Does he have so much confidence in his elder brother, thinking that his eldest brother can kill himself? This left Xing Tian confused for a while.

In fact, there is nothing to doubt. The reason is very simple. The Yin-Yang divine emperor is worried that it will be calculated by others and will be attacked by other divine emperors. Therefore, only the boss will take action. The second is warning the boss to prevent that. Other **** emperors will suddenly kill them because of this. Only the boss took the shot.

Suspicion, the Yin-Yang Divine Emperor brothers have a lot of suspicion, but their suspicion is not superfluous, but very correct. When they saw the powerful strength of the Yin-Yang Divine Emperor boss, the hearts of the other Divine Emperors were born. The unusual idea came, if the Yin Emperor didn't make a move, I'm afraid they might actually try to plot the Yin and Yang Divine Emperor and kill them here.

Selfishness harmed them these **** emperors. In fact, thinking about it, you can figure it out. The dozen of them are all **** emperors, and Xing Tian is only one person. Who doesn't want to share more benefits. If you want to share a little bit more benefits, it will naturally require fewer talents, so everyone starts to hide. Wanting to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, he gave Xing Tian a chance. Selfishness is the biggest weakness of these **** emperors.

After seeing the power of the Yin and Yang Divine Emperor, even though the other Divine Emperors were all ready. But no one has raised their aura to the limit. They are all having a chance, Xing Tian and the Yin-Yang God Emperor will have a life and death duel. They all want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and they want to wait for Xing Tian to fight the Yin Yang God Emperor Do it after you die, maybe they even have an idea in their hearts to kill the Yin-Yang Divine Emperor, killing the Yin-Yang Divine Emperor in one fell swoop! …

As for whether these **** emperors have the mentality to kill others at the same time, I am afraid that only they understand it, and it is difficult for others to figure out what is thinking in their hearts, even if the black hand behind the scenes can see it. The selfishness of these dozens of **** emperors was revealed, but he couldn't see what these **** emperors were thinking, because the human heart was the hardest to guess.

Regarding other **** emperor’s behavior, the Yin emperor couldn’t help but become angry at it. He couldn’t help but snorted and said: "Dear friends, my brothers have already taken action. Do you all want to get something for nothing? My brothers are so bullied, Idols, all of this is your suggestion, don’t you give my brothers an explanation?"

When the Yin Emperor opened his mouth, he was attacking these **** emperors and wanted to force these **** emperors to take action. After all, he was alone to guard against these dozen or so people. The pressure was a bit high, so he wanted to use the momentum to oppress other **** emperors to take action together. Xing Tian, ​​so as to alleviate his own pressure, and also provide beneficial help for his brother!

When they heard the words of the Emperor Yin, a trace of disdain flashed across the faces of the other **** emperors. They did not regard the words of the Yin Emperor as the same thing in their hearts. In their opinion, the Emperor Yang and Xingtian had already come together. , Even if they want to stop, they don't have to fear that Emperor Yang will withdraw and retreat, naturally no one will care about Emperor Yin.

However, the idol among the crowd was unable to remain silent, because the Yin Emperor had already pointed the spear at him, and who made him raise his mind. At this time, he became the target of the Yin Emperor and had to stand up to the Yin Emperor. One explanation!

I saw that the idol sighed and said: "Yin Emperor, you have also seen it. The aura of the battle between Emperor Yang and Xingtian is too big. The surrounding area has become a sea of ​​fire, the realm of Emperor Chengyang, if we are Taking risks is not only unable to exert one's own strength, but a carelessness will also affect the performance of the Emperor Yang. After all, we will also explode our own law domain under the full shot, which will affect the domain of the Emperor Yang!"

Excuse, this idol's excuse is very good, and I immediately point to the point. If the Yin Emperor speaks, it will be a threat to the Yang Emperor. It can be said that the idol's remarks seem to be explaining, in fact It is also a threat.

The idol’s idea is good. He wants to use this to threaten the Yin Emperor. Unfortunately, he underestimated the Yin Emperor’s viciousness. The Yin Emperor coldly snorted and said, “What an excuse. It’s really ridiculous, if you **** are If you don’t make a move anymore. I’m not going to blame my brother for turning his face and not acknowledging people and wanting to threaten us brothers. You don’t have the strength yet. If you don’t make a move, then we will stop. The big deal is that my brothers will leave and we won’t get it. Don’t even think of any of you!"

Good guy, the Yin Emperor is even more vicious, he directly tore his face and threatened the gods, these **** emperors came, with a big inconsistency, and parted ways. His astonishing reaction immediately made the gods and the others dumbfounded. No one thought that the Yin Emperor would be so vicious and threatened them so that they all frowned.

With the strength shown by Emperor Yang, if their brothers of Yin and Yang Divine Emperor withdrew, the consequences would be really disastrous. That Yin Emperor had already set a frame, and if their brothers pulled hands, it would be bad for them. If they were not given a chance to seize Xing Tian's chance, it would stop them from thinking.

The idol's face condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "Yin Di, do you really want to do things this way? We don't do it because we take care of it. It is for the safety of Emperor Yang, if you have to force us to take action. , All the consequences caused by that will be borne by you. If there is any impact on the Yang Emperor's law domain, then we can't blame us!"...

auzw.com Yindi said with a cold snort: "Stop talking nonsense. You all shoot together. I don't believe that we can't kill the Xingtian ant with a single blow by our dozens of gods. If you don’t have any reservations, there will naturally be no problems!"

Regarding the words of the Yin Emperor, the idol snorted and said: "Yin Emperor, you have to think about it clearly. Although the **** Xingtian is not very good, he is only a **** emperor, but he has an immortal body and a super For a strong defense, we can promise to make a full blow, but if you did not succeed in killing Xingtian, you will have to bear any serious consequences, and all responsibilities will be borne by you, and it has nothing to do with us!"

This idol is not easy to provoke. He must completely remove the responsibility before he does it. He doesn't want to give the Yin Emperor a chance to attack himself. As soon as his words fell, the Yin Emperor's face flashed a little. Dignified, and the Emperor Yang who was at war with Xingtian was also angry at the behavior of the idols and these bastards. If he hadn't been fighting with Xingtian, the Emperor Yang would have the heart to kill the gods as a **** and break his body to pieces. , To know that all of this was made by idols, and he had to bear the full debt for it.

"Promise him, the gods like these **** want to use such ridiculous means to force us to let them go. It's impossible. Even if these **** want to plot against us, it's no use!" The emperor said his decision.

After receiving the decision of Emperor Yang, Emperor Yin coldly snorted and said: "As long as you are willing to fight with all your strength, we will bear the consequences even if there are any consequences. Our God Emperor Yin and Yang is not a soft dough. Let's make a move and don't delay. Time is up, otherwise we will part ways, and no one will think about the idea of ​​attacking the **** Xingtian!"

Karma Tianzun, the black hand behind the scenes who had no hope for these dozens of **** emperors, suddenly lit up when he saw the sudden outbreak of the Yin Emperor. He saw hope and the hope that Xing Tianshen died and died. , In his opinion, as long as the dozen or so **** emperors make a full blow, even if Xing Tian possesses an immortal body, he will definitely die. After all, Xing Tian's realm is too low, and these dozen or so **** emperors can be crushed with all their strength Pressure him.

"Okay, we agree! But we need time to gather our strength!" The idol did not hesitate, and immediately made a statement to the Yin Emperor. As soon as his words fell, the Yin Emperor was relieved. Tone.

At this moment, the Yin Emperor also made a change in an instant. The sun's real fire burst out from his body. He was instantly enveloped by the sun's real fire, like a flame god. A dazzling light burst into his eyes. His movement triggered the law of fire throughout the world, making the field of fire he condensed more powerful. In this world of fire, he is the **** and he is the master. No one can defy the rules he set.

Defense. At this time, Emperor Yang did not choose to attack, but chose to defend. He was leaving a way for himself to prevent Xing Tian from becoming more crazy under the crazy attack of the **** emperor, causing him to make a fatal blow. , After all, he is the **** emperor closest to Xing Tian. If Xing Tian launches a counterattack and wants to pull people to death, the best choice is him. Therefore, Emperor Yang completed a comprehensive defense in an instant, for fear that Xing Tian would be tricked by Xing Tian if he was not careful.

"Shameless. Emperor Yang, you **** is too shameless. You didn't even think about attacking and made a defensive position. You **** is too shameless!" The gods were waiting for the **** emperor to see the sudden change of the Yang Emperor. At that time, all of them were so angry that they vomited blood, and they couldn't help but yelled at Emperor Yang in their hearts. They hated the two brothers of Yin and Yang Divine Emperor even more, and they couldn't be killed. …

Although I hated the two brothers of Yin and Yang Divine Emperor in my heart, and wanted to kill them, no one dared to do so. Because the two emperors of Yin and Yang had clearly made all preparations, if people like them took a sneak attack, it would definitely cause their brothers to counterattack. The most important thing was that the defensive Emperor of Yin and Yang was not easy to kill.

"Idol heaven and earth, step on the sky!" The idol roared and showed its true body in an instant. A giant elephant appeared between the heaven and the earth. When his shout fell, his giant elephant's feet slammed toward Xing Tian. Stepped down. That terrifying force rushed towards Xing Tian frantically, but he didn't even care about Emperor Yang's domain and directly smashed it with violence.

For other **** emperors, Xing Tian had already taken precautions. His thoughts were not fully used on this Yang Emperor. The moment the idol launched an attack, Xing Tian immediately responded. Emperor Na Yang had already given way, which allowed Xing Tian to get out easily. Jumping out of the battlefield directly, Xing Tian's body moved and disappeared instantly. Get rid of the attack of idols instantly!

No, it is not just an attack from the gods, but also attacks from other gods. When Xingtian's body disappeared, the hearts of the many gods could not help being shocked, and the gods roared: "Emperor Yang , You **** dare to yin us, be careful everyone!"

Just as the idol’s words fell, Xing Tian instantly appeared in front of a **** emperor, and blasted out with a punch. The terrifying power directly tore the space, and the terrifying power directly hit the **** emperor. Fortunately, the divine emperor’s reminder made the **** emperor react, and a lot of defenses were laid out in an instant, but even so, he was immediately blasted by Xing Tian’s terrifying power, and a blood arrow was ejected into the sky A blood mist formed in it.

People were dumbfounded. No one thought that Xing Tian would be so cruel and attacked them again. This made all the **** emperors angry. They not only hated Xing Tian’s viciousness, but also hated the Yin and Yang Emperor. It seemed to them that this was clearly a conspiracy that the Emperor Yin and Yang had already prepared, in order to make them deceived.

For a moment, the **** emperor looked at the Yang Emperor fiercely, believing in their hearts that the Yang Emperor was calculating them, and let them understand why the Yin and Yang Emperor would take the initiative to fight against Xingtian. This was clearly a conspiracy, so as to attract them. People were fooled so that the Yin Emperor forced them to take action, and then used Xing Tian's hand to slaughter them.

The idol roared: "What a yin and yang divine emperor, you are so cruel, you have done such a despicable thing, no wonder you are so anxious to let us take action, you are clearly in collusion with that **** Xingtian Together, if you want to play against us, if you don’t give us an explanation today, then don’t blame us for being cruel!"

Good guy, the idol, this **** is sinister enough. He didn't try to rescue the wounded **** emperor or stop Xing Tian, ​​but immediately pointed the finger at the Yin Yang **** emperor and put such a big hat on the head of the Yin Yang **** emperor. Above, not only the idols, but also the other **** emperors. They all defended one by one, and then attacked the Yin and Yang **** emperor together. No one cared about Xingtian, let alone the previous one who was seriously injured by Xingtian. The life and death of the **** emperor, it seems that there is no such person in their hearts.

"You **** can't die?" The wounded **** emperor couldn't help but roared, venting the resentment in his heart. At this moment, he understood the thoughts in those people's hearts. These **** clearly wanted to get rid of by Xingtian's hand. How could he not make him angry and resentful for his own rival, but resentment was useless. Xing Tian's immediately struck him with a fatal blow and hit him with another punch. Above the body, that powerful force rushed directly into his body.

In fact, this **** emperor has a chance to blew himself up. If he blew himself up, although he might not be able to hurt Xingtian, he could definitely cause Xingtian a little trouble, but he did not do so because he had already seen through the gods’ bastards. Calculating, those **** of idols are clearly waiting for their torture days to die, and then take advantage of the fisherman's profit, so he will not create this opportunity for these bastards, he did not use his last power to explode his body and soul.

For this **** emperor, although he hated Xingtian's vicious methods, he hated the idol and others even more. After all, he took the initiative to chase Xingtian, and even if Xingtian made a vicious attack, that was justified. However, the **** of the idols are his teammates, and now he is calculated by his teammates, how he can bear it, so he would rather be bombarded and killed by Xingtian than blew himself up to create opportunities for the **** of the idols. In the face of Xing Tian's terrifying blow, he faced it very calmly, without the slightest resistance, it was just the scolding! ("Crazy God Xing Tian" will be more fresh on the official platform, and there will be 100% lucky draw gifts for everyone! Open now, click on the upper right "+", "add friends", "qdred" and, hurry up La!)(……)

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