God of Destruction

Chapter 912: Fearless

Nine hundred and twelfth

In this situation, these people still pin their hopes on others, and still dare not fight Xing Tian desperately, and they have to say that these **** emperors really have no way out! It is not so much that Xing Tian is too strong, it is better to say that the wrong decision of these gods at the beginning and their ridiculous selfishness directly ruined them, making them have to pay the price of blood.

"Escape!" For an instant, these **** emperors had such thoughts in their hearts, although they all understood how dangerous their situation is now, and understood that even if they escape, they don’t necessarily have any chances, but they are threatened by death. Under their instinct to survive, they still chose to escape. They had no intention of fighting under Xingtian’s crazy killing. There was only one thought in their hearts, that is, escape from Xingtian’s Run away in your hands.

For a moment, those **** emperors didn’t even think about it, turned around and fled around without saying hello to their comrades in arms, because they all yearned for not to @无@错@.. After people break for themselves, they can let He could escape from Xingtian, a lunatic, and everything else was already under their consideration. As long as he could survive, even betray those teammates, as long as he could survive, all the sacrifices were worthwhile.

When seeing those **** emperors so lacking in spine, Karma Tianzun, the black hand behind the 33 heavens, opened his eyes for a while, and was furious. Although he didn't expect these **** emperors to be able to come back from Xingtian's hands, He didn't want to see these **** make such a ridiculous move, knowing that they were running away like this, that would be hitting him in the face. Let him, who has been in charge for thirty-three days, also be ashamed, after all, these **** emperors were brought into this third heaven by him.

It is a pity that no matter how angry it is, it is useless. All this has become a fixed number, and he can't change everything here. I can only watch those **** emperors shamelessly turn and run away. If one or two of them can persist, then they might really have such a glimmer of hope to escape, but these **** emperors didn’t have any chance at this moment. Everyone had the heart to fight against Xingtian, and all of them madly turned around and fled, which made Karma Tianzun the most annoyed.

For these **** emperors' actions like this, it was no longer running away, but looking for death by themselves and running away under such circumstances. That was definitely a chance for Xing Tian to kill them, and there was no need to worry about some resistance. After all, these **** emperors had lost the heart to resist, and there was only fear in their hearts. Under this situation, the fate is conceivable. I got it.

Xing Tian sneered at these **** emperor's actions. In the face of this situation, Xing Tian didn't even bother to speak. It was no longer necessary for him to say anything to these bastards. It wasn't worth it anymore. In an instant, a large hand from the sky covered the void and launched a final attack on them directly.

With a loud "bang", Xing Tian's big hand directly shattered the void of this world. Suddenly cut off the path of the **** emperor, leaving them trapped here all of a sudden, wanting to escape from Xingtian's hands, they still overestimated their abilities. He also underestimated Xing Tian's strength, knowing that he had killed so many **** emperors. The many essences of the **** emperor were swallowed by Xing Tian, ​​which made Xing Tian's strength increased by leaps and bounds. It can be said that Xing Tian's current strength has made great progress with him before he went to war with these many **** emperors!

"How is it possible? I must be dazzled. Xing Tian, ​​a little ant, can break the void of the Third World with one palm, and can directly block the entire void. This is beyond his ability to bear. How could a little divine emperor possess such powerful power!" When the Karma Tianzun who was behind the scenes saw this scene, he couldn't help but screamed for it, and his body suddenly rose from the supremacy of the 33 heavens. He stood up on the throne. He never thought that Xing Tian would have such a powerful strength. Such a powerful strength exceeded his imagination. Everything had already frustrated his calculations. Everything became so dangerous, as if The order for the entire 33 days was shaken! …

It can be said that when Xing Tian shot and broke the void of the third heaven, everything overturned his heart's worst plan. The Karma Tianzun's heart couldn't help but heavier, and his mind was hit by a huge impact!

When they were blocked on their way, the minds of these **** emperors suddenly collapsed. Under the threat of death, their minds received a huge blow. They couldn't help but succumbed to Xingtian because they didn't want to die. Died in this third heaven, they wanted to live, so they had to give in.

"No, Xingtian, don't kill me, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will tell you everything in these 33 days!" Finally, a **** emperor was affected by the terror in his heart and couldn't help but shout out In this case, yield to Xingtian.

When he heard this voice, Xing Tian's big hand that was going to be swept down again couldn't help but retracted it, even though Xing Tian wanted to swallow the essence of these gods to enhance his own strength. Wu Dan’s strength goes even further, but for Wu Dan, he wants to know everything in these thirty-three days. For someone like him who has just entered the thirty-three days, that’s very much, so Xing Tian Stopped instantly.

"Asshole, raging fire, you **** dare to betray this Tianzun!" When the heavenly karma of 33 heavens saw such a thing happen, he couldn't help letting out his own roar at the **** emperor who betrayed him. He had a murderous heart. Although he hoped that these **** emperors and Xing Tian would die together, it was only that he wanted to see Xing Tian go to war with these **** emperors. He himself didn't want to kill these **** emperors, otherwise. The **** emperor could not live so easily, and now Karma Tianzun has a heart to kill these **** emperors.

Betrayal, this is the result that a ruler does not want to see, but now the Karma Tianzun, the highest ruler above the 33 heavens, has been repeatedly betrayed. This is enough to shake his foundation. Talk about the betrayal of the fire dragon. That's not too serious, after all, he didn't tell Xing Tian the secret of 33 days. But now the Fire God Emperor had to exchange thirty-three days of secrets with Xing Tian, ​​in order to save his life. This touched the bottom line of Karma Tianzun.

"Oh, what secrets can I tell in these 33 days? Even without yours, I can know everything. As long as I can step on to the 33 days, no secret is worth it to me. Just to mention, what reason do you give me to let you go!" Although Xing Tian was shocked in his heart, he didn't show it, and his expression remained flat.

"No. Xingtian, I can tell you the biggest secret of these 33 days, the biggest secret between heaven and earth, I know you have been skeptical about everything in these 33 days, I can tell this secret You can know who is behind the scenes who has been in charge of the whole world and you can be prepared, can it be said that all this is not enough to exchange my life?". The Fire God Emperor had been frightened by Xing Tian's horrible murderous air, and suddenly revealed the biggest secret he knew. To use this secret to make a deal with Xing Tian in exchange for his own life.

Hearing these words, Xing Tian laughed and said: "Okay, very good. I agree to this exchange, speak, what is the secret in these thirty-three days. As long as you say it, then I will let you make a living. so what!"

Haven't waited for the burning fire **** emperor to speak. The deep blue dragon emperor roared: "Fire, do you **** want to kill us. Don’t say, otherwise, we will not only die, but even the world and forces behind us will be destroyed. Don’t you Can you kill someone personally, do you understand?". …

auzw.com The Deep Blue Dragon Emperor is frantically stopping the Blazing Fire God Emperor, and his expression is as nervous as he is. Originally Xing Tian could stop the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor, but he did not do so. Xing Tian wanted Knowing whether the Fire God Emperor was deceiving him, he kept letting the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor roar there, taking this opportunity to observe the reaction of the Fire God Emperor.

Be careful to sail the Wannian Ship, Xing Tian dare not be careless about all this, so he has to use the deep blue dragon emperor to observe the look of the fire **** emperor and see if the other party has any conspiracy! Actually, Xing Tian’s doing this is a bit redundant. The Fire God Emperor is different from the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor. For the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor, he still has something to consider, worrying that the power behind him will be the black hand behind the 33 days. Destroyed, and the Fire God Emperor does not care about this, because the Fire God Emperor is more selfish than the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor. He only has himself in his heart. As long as he can save his life, everything else is indeed under his consideration, so he He also intends to sell the Karma Tianzun, meaning that his strength is washed away by the Karma Tianzun.

The Fire God Emperor said excitedly: "Dark Blue, you bastard, if you want to die, then die by yourself. This emperor doesn't want to die, and if he is willing to save us, then we may fall into such a crisis. In addition, the reason why we have fallen into the crisis like this is because he was framed by him!"

That’s right, the Fire God Emperor made a lot of sense. The reason why these **** emperors end up like this is mostly to blame on the black-handed Karma Tianzun behind the scenes, because they came to this third heaven. It was completely calculated by the Heavenly Karma, and it was normal for him to hate Heavenly Karma in his heart.

Seeing what the deep blue dragon emperor still wanted to say, Xing Tian thought, waved his hand and patted the deep blue dragon emperor. In an instant, a terrifying force hit the deep blue dragon emperor's body, and the deep blue under his palm The dragon Emperor's huge body was thrown up, and then the rebirth ground fell into the ground, and a series of blood blossoms floated on his body. His body was seriously injured.

At this time, Xing Tian said with a cold snort: "Dark Blue Dragon Emperor, you give me a little to stop, don't challenge Lao Tzu's bottom line, if you **** dare to stop Lao Tzu's progress, then you have only one end, that is, life is better than death. , Lao Tzu will make you suffer the craziest punishment in the world, Lao Tzu will make you unable to survive or die!"

What Xing Tian said was so gloomy. The many **** emperors couldn't help but shudder. Not all of them lowered their arrogant heads, for fear that they would offend the lunatic Xingtian accidentally, and they would kill themselves. Their lives were ruined here, so they were unwilling to speak to stop the God Emperor of Blazing Fire, and even less willing to express their stance, because they were all worried about what happened behind them. They are not as crazy as Agni, and can survive at all costs.

The Deep Blue Dragon Emperor was not intimidated by Xingtian's threat. Death is not terrible to him, he is worried about the people behind him. He didn't want to see his people being purged, but shouted angrily: "Xingtian, even if you die, the Dragon Emperor will not let your conspiracy succeed, Agni, you go to death!"

When the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor spoke, he frantically launched an attack on the Flame God Emperor, trying to kill him before the Flame God Emperor revealed the 33-day secret and eliminate this huge hidden danger! His ideas are good, but he has forgotten his current situation. With his little power, he wanted to slay the raging fire in front of Xing Tian, ​​which was really a joke.

For Xing Tian, ​​he originally wanted to find a chance to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey, but now the deep blue dragon emperor took the initiative to give this opportunity to him. How could he not make good use of it, Xing Tian said with a cold snort: " Okay, very good. If you want to die, Lao Tzu will fulfill you. You can't survive, you can't ask for death. Deprived of power, let me destroy!"...

When Xing Tian's shout fell, a blood-colored light flew from Xing Tian's hand, directly blocking the deep blue dragon emperor's attack. And as soon as this blood color appeared, that attack was wiped out instantly! In fact, Xing Tian said it nicely is power deprivation. To put it bluntly, it was just swallowing, he used his powerful and unmatched blood energy to directly swallow the power of the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor. Not only that, that blood rushed towards the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor. Deeply submerged in his body!

In an instant, the dark blue dragon emperor Qiangzai's body was swallowed by Xing Tian's blood at a speed visible to the naked eye. His flesh and blood essence was taken away by Xing Tian, ​​and the dark blue dragon emperor was abolished in an instant. , Was completely abolished by Xing Tian, ​​and even the opportunity to resist was abolished, which made the many **** emperors present shudder involuntarily.

Without power, the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor couldn’t do it even if he wanted to explode. His power has completely dissipated. As for the soul, he has also become extremely dim and dull, unable to raise the strength to explode, let alone anything to say. He died together with Xing Tian, ​​and his fate made the other **** emperors fear and fear for it.

However, the Fire God Emperor was not intimidated by Xing Tian's horrible means. On the contrary, he sneered at the Deep Blue Dragon Emperor: "Deep Blue, you fool, you really want to destroy yourself. By this time, you are still talking for the black hand behind the scenes. If he really cares about us, how could he watch us fall into Xingtian's hands, he is not benevolent, why should we talk to him about love, do you think you can keep the people behind you without betraying that bastard? That is dreaming, cutting the grass and removing the roots, that **** will not leave him a hidden danger place, and your people will still be washed away!"

There are some truths in what Lihuo said. In fact, even if the black hand behind the scenes Karma Tianzun does not take action, the dark blue dragon emperor and many other **** emperors will be washed away, because there are people in the thirty-three days. Will take action to kill the people behind them, to plunder the many they need, the weak and the strong, it is a normal thing in these 33 days, other people have not seen through this, but the Fire God Emperor has seen through.

As soon as Lihuo’s words fell, the killing intent in the eyes of the thirty-three heavenly karma was even stronger. If his gaze could kill people through the void, then the Fire God didn’t know that he was How many times did Karma Tianzun beheaded? It is necessary to know that the words of Emperor Blaze seriously threatened the interests of Karma Tianzun. It was to dismantle the Karma Tianzun’s platform and the Karma Tianzun would not come to Taiwan. After all, the fire God said everything. Is the truth!

Xing Tian didn't pay attention to the persuasion of God Emperor Lihuo to other God Emperors. Instead, he coldly snorted and said, "Graehuo, the deity has given you a chance. So why don't you tell me the secret of these thirty-three days? Can't bear the deity's anger?"

When he heard Xingtian’s words, God Emperor Blazing hurriedly said, “I said, I’ll just say that, in fact, the entire 33 days and the outside world are under the control of Karma Tianzun. Xiang Tianyu's passage is also in the hands of Karma Tianzun. We want Tianyu to get his consent, otherwise it will not succeed!"

Under the immense pressure of Xing Tian, ​​God Emperor of Fire did not hesitate at all, and directly said the biggest secret of the thirty-three days, and suddenly said Karma Tianzun, when his words fell. Xing Tian’s eyes showed a hint of shock, Tianzun, that cause and effect can be called Tianzun by the Emperor of Fire, which means that the opponent’s strength has surpassed that of the God Emperor and has reached a new height. How can Xing Tian Not shocked, although it is just a name, it has a huge effect on Xing Tian, ​​and the words of God of Fire also confirm Xing Tian’s guess, which is very important for Xing Tian’s next actions. advantageous. (...)

Nine hundred and twelfth, fearful.

Nine hundred and twelfth, fearful:

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