God of Destruction

Chapter 921: Festival kill

One, two, three, ten, a hundred, and a thousand ways, the power of the laws in the world within the punishment day has been refined one by one under this terrifying scourge, that is, this time the scourge is extremely powerful. Let Xingtian have such a chance, and it’s impossible to replace it with other censuses. You must know that the censorship that Xingtian faces this time is different. It originated from the origin of these thirty-three days, and these three The origin of the thirteen days is a fallen ancient **** and demon.

The laws in the world in Xing Tian were gradually refined and tempered by the power of Heaven's Scourge. During this change, Xing Tian's body gradually appeared with the majesty of Tian Zun. This is a source of The majesty after the transformation of the soul level can only be displayed in the realm of Tianzun. Tianzun is the realm after the breakthrough of the **** emperor, that is, the realm of the black hand karma Tianzun behind the scenes, and Xing Tian now has such a change.

Those **** emperors could not see Xing Tian’s changes, but when Xing Tian’s majesty that belonged to Tianzun appeared on Xing Tian’s body, the Karma Tianzun above the 33 heavens felt this, and the occurrence of this situation made Karma Tianzun feel it. The immense pressure and threatening mood for him could not help but become extremely heavy and uneasy again.

Although Tianzun Karma does not know what changes have taken place in Xing Tian, ​​there is one thing he understands that his pressure has become greater and he has to pay attention to it. Of course, Tianzun Karma is in the heart of ⊥long⊥wind⊥wen⊥. , ⌒.≤x. also guessed, looking at the terrifying censure, and when he thought of Xing Tian’s powerful immortal body, he guessed that it must be the immortal body of Xing Tian that was tempered by this censure. There is a new breakthrough below. And this breakthrough gave Xing Tian a great change. He had a little power that should belong to Tianzun when he was in the realm of the Emperor.

Although only a little power. Compared with Tianzun, there is still a big gap, but this is enough to make Karma Tianzun fear it. After all, Xing Tian is just a small **** emperor. If Xing Tian’s immortal body is taken one step further, he would have nothing to do with Xing Tian. At that time, he could only watch the situation in the 33rd day bit by bit. Out of his grasp, this is something that Karma Tianzun cannot bear and cannot accept the result.

"No, you can't let the **** Xingtian change anymore, even if you pay a little price for it, you don't hesitate to not just not let it change, but also cut his way forward. Let He can't move forward. Since the third heaven has been destroyed, it's better to destroy it more thoroughly!" Karma Tianzun muttered to himself, as his voice fell, his face revealed endless With a sinister look, it seemed that he wanted to directly break Xing Tian's roots, and no longer gave Xing Tian a chance to develop and grow.

Being able to cut off Xing Tian's opportunity to develop and grow, Karma Tianzun wanted to completely destroy the third heaven and directly cut off Xing Tian's opportunity to advance. I have to say that this idea of ​​his is very sinister and vicious. Once he succeeds, not only Xing Tian will be blocked for 33 days, but also the many powerful men in the endless void will be blocked. .

No wonder Karma Tianzun would come up with such a vicious strategy. After all, Xing Tian's progress was so fast, so fast that the Karma Tianzun felt a huge threat, and felt that everything between the world and the earth had gradually been out of his grasp. Such a situation naturally made it unacceptable for him to think about his previous losses. Karma Tianzun naturally did not allow this situation to develop, and naturally wanted to stop all this from happening at all costs. …

There is nothing vicious at all. This world was originally like this. The strong respected and the fittest survived. There is no reason at all. Everything depends on its own strength. Now Karma Tianzun has the power to block Xingtian, so he thinks of the so-called damnation, the so-called price, As long as he can successfully stop Xing Tian from advancing, it will be worthwhile for Tianzun Karma!

Although Tianzun Karma does not know why Xing Tian can continue to advance in such a short period of time, he does not know why all these things will be out of his control, but he knows that he cannot let Xing Tian go on like this anymore, otherwise he There is only a dead end, so he has to take action, and he will do it himself. In his heart, even if he pays a high price, he will destroy Xingtian and break the path of Xingtian.

"Heaven and earth are forbidden, the cause and decisiveness are cut off, give me a burst! Boom! Boom!" There was a roar from the thirty-three days. When this roar sounded, the passage between the third and fourth heavens Everywhere is exploding frantically, a series of terrifying causal powers are erupting frantically, and the explosions of causal powers form a terrifying power forbidden from heaven and earth, and the passage is completely cut off and completely forbidden. It was sealed, directly cutting off Xingtian's path of advancement.

Xing Tian is now immersed in the comprehension of that great road, intoxicated in his own tempering. He has no idea of ​​the changes at the entrance of the third and fourth heavens, and even if he knows it, It's useless, because now he can't take any action to prevent this from happening. After all, his current mind is completely immersed in his own great insight. Such an opportunity is very rare. If he missed it, I am afraid that it will not appear again.

That Karma Tianzun chose to do such a thing at this time, I am afraid that it is precisely because he saw Xingtian's situation, so he did not give Xingtian a chance to fight back, and immediately beat Xingtian by surprise when Xingtian had no time to react. Broken Xingtian's road forward Xingtian's road is not bright.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and this is only a backup method. Although the Karma Tianzun is very insidious, but the Karma Tianzun is not 100% sure that it can really be able to be in this big change. With the help of this powerful force, Xing Tian can be stopped. After all, he doesn't know where Xing Tian will go, so this is just a backup method, his real killer has not been used yet.

When seeing this sudden change, the **** emperors in the thirty-three days involuntarily took a breath of air, and cried out involuntarily: "What a karma god. It's really vicious. Yes, this is clearly the way for those people who want to die in the sky and the endless void. To force these people on the road to the end, he just lost the Hunter King. It is really vicious to kill such a poisonous hand. , You must know that all of this was caused by him, and you can't blame those people in the endless void. It seems that the Karma Tianzun is really angry this time. We must be careful not to be targeted by this bastard!"

When the Karma Tianzun suddenly broke the connection between the third and fourth heavens, the **** emperors were all afraid of it, and they were all worried about whether they would be targeted by the Karma Tianzun. After all, this time Karma Tianzun’s shot is too vicious, it simply doesn’t give people a way to survive, and completely pushes the powerhouses of the entire endless void to a dead end. As long as the time comes, these people can’t reach the tenth heaven. , Then it will only be directly forcibly obliterated by the force of the 33 days of origin.

The vicious method of Karma Tianzun made the entire thirty-three-day world become tense. The many **** emperors were worried that they would be targeted by the Karma Tianzun, and none of them dared to be presumptuous anymore. All the power of the three days returned to the hands of Karma Tianzun. At this time, no one dared to stand up against the Heavenly Karma, they didn't want to die, and they didn't want Xingtian and those creatures in the endless void to make a big shot with Heavenly Karma. …

What these people didn't expect was that all this was just the beginning, and Karma Tianzun had more than just such a trick. He still has more brutal means that he has not used, and more terrifying things are still to come.

When the entrance to the third and fourth heavens was destroyed, Heavenly Karma was instantly backlashed by the entire 33-day origin power. A powerful force launched an attack on him frantically, and his face instantly became extremely pale. Suddenly, his vitality was greatly injured, and he became a little listless.

auzw.com But even at this moment, his vitality was greatly injured. He suffered huge damage to himself, but Heavenly Karma did not stop because of this. For Heavenly Karma, since he has already taken action, he can’t take care of it, and he cannot put all hopes on others, just do it. To be perfect, to truly cut off Xingtian's vitality, and kill Xingtian, only if Xingtian is killed will he feel at ease. As long as Xingtian is still alive, then Karma Tianzun will be uneasy.

Heavenly Venerable Karma snorted and said, "Xingtian Junior, the good show has just begun. Now the deity will teach you a little lesson. You know how tragic the end of the enemy against the deity is. Penetrate the great thousand, cause and effect to kill, kill me! Kill! Kill!" In the loud roar, the horror spear condensed from the road of cause and effect appeared in the hand of the **** of karma. When this spear appeared, it was there. Above the divine spear is the way of cause and effect that exudes terror!

Immediately afterwards, Karma Tianzun gave a cold snort, and then waved his hand to throw the divine spear in his hand. The karma divine spear instantly turned into a stream of light and shot wildly towards the third heaven where Xing Tian was located!

When the light of this divine spear passed through the 33rd heaven and flew towards the third heaven, the many divine emperors once again involuntarily took a breath of cold air, and their faces became extremely pale. One by one could not help but yelled: "Madman, Karma Tianzun is also crazy, even a junior like Xing Tian has used such a killer. It seems that he really doesn't want Xing Tian to live anymore. He wants to live in Xing Tian. It's a good plan to kill it before it grows up!"

Just as these words of the **** emperor just fell, the Karma Tianzun made another shot. For him, this spear was not safe. He had to inflict Xing Tian's greatest trauma, which could severely inflict Xing Tian, ​​and directly cut it off. The way forward for Xingtian.

Just listen, Karma Tianzun coldly snorted and said: "Xingtian, let the deity die, cause and effect set, judge the balance, and judge the common people for me, kill! Kill! Kill!" When his words fell, there were a series of causes and effects. The power rushed out of his body, and the causal power was surging frantically, unexpectedly condensing a horrible power at the speed of the naked eye, and the whole world was huge for it. Change.

The original spear of cause and effect has already shocked people. After all, this terrifying spear blasted out and everyone felt the tremendous power of fear. They were all frightened by the vicious and vicious methods of the **** of cause and effect. But what they didn't expect was that this matter hadn't ended yet, and Karma Tianzun could actually kill Xingtian. It was shot again, and this time it was even more brutal.

When the words of Karma Tianzun fell. The balance condensed by a force of cause and effect turned into a stream of light that blasted down frantically towards Xing Tian's place, and it seemed that they wanted to kill Xing Tian painfully. He even gave Xingtian a fatal blow regardless of the price he had to pay, and was able to kill Xingtian with one blow.

I saw that divine spear penetrated many obstacles directly like lightning, and suddenly appeared out of Xing Tian’s body. Xing Tian could clearly feel the terrifying power of that divine spear. This power made Xing Tian feel a trace of death. breath. …

Although Xing Tian was frantically resisting the power of Heaven's Scourge, resisting a powerful force's bombardment, when facing this crazy attack, Xing Tian's heart moved, and the long sword in his hand turned into a stream of light. Directly greeted the crazy attack of Karma Tianzun, giving Xing Tian the greatest damage.

"Damn, people can't be so shameless. It's already a big time and a small one. Now it's endless. Karma Tianzun is really shameless to the extreme. This **** can deal with Xing Tian to be such a bad hand, I'm afraid to treat us people It will be even more crazy, everyone must be careful. Don't be targeted by this shameless bastard!" All of a sudden, the many **** emperors in the thirty-three days communicated with each other one after another, all worried. This crazy method of Karma Tianzun.

Worry is no use, all this has already happened. And even if it didn't happen, these **** emperors would not stop it, after all, they didn't have any good friendship with Xing Tian. And in their hearts, they didn't think that Xing Tian still had a chance to fight against Karma Tianzun, even if Xing Tian was a genius. An extremely powerful genius, so what can it be. A dead genius is no longer a natural talent, so these **** emperors are also recognized that they are just sighing. They dare not help Xing Tian and launch a counterattack frantically. They all watched all this one by one. happened.

Soon the spear of cause and effect broke through the space and appeared in the third heaven. The power of that terrifying divine spear madly ripped the power of the condemnation, and pierced Xingtian's vest like lightning. Going down, there is a chance to kill Xingtian's fierceness directly.

However, Karma Tianzun still underestimated the terrifying power of the condemnation, the external power would be bombarded by the power of the condemnation of the day, and when his divine causal spear just pierced the void, the powerful power of the condemnation happened. The frenzied riot suddenly destroyed the power of the Spear of Karma. Although the power of the Spear of Karma was very powerful, it was not enough to give Wu Dan a fatal blow, and it was not enough to directly kill Xingtian.

After a spear missed, the face of Karma Tianzun could not help but change color. He really did not expect such a situation to happen. Not only did his fatal blow not cause Xingtian casualties, but it was also destroyed by the terrifying force of the condemnation. This made Karma Tianzun so angry that he sprayed another blood arrow. Everything was too unexpected.

Accident? No, in fact, it’s not an accident to say it. All of Karma Tianzun still has a little bit of preparation, otherwise he will not prepare for another blow, and will not kill Xing Tian again. It can be said that Karma Tianzun this time. It was really well prepared, and there was a stance that would never give up without beheading.

Immediately afterwards, the scale of judgment formed by the force of cause and effect turned into a stream of light and rushed to the third heaven. When this balance appeared on the third heaven, Xing Tian instantly felt the terrifying threat of death. This time he faced It's not a trivial matter. Although the Karma Divine Spear was destroyed by the power of the condemnation, the appearance of the scale of judgment did not disappear directly. Instead, it pressed against Xingtian like lightning, and it was necessary to crush Xingtian directly to death. .

At this moment, Xing Tian couldn't help but snorted and roared: "Karma Tianzun, you bastard, do you think you can kill me Xingtian with this little method? It's really a daydream, the day and the stars, and the stars in Zhou Tian listen to me. The order,'Tian Tian Xian, heaven and earth shock', destroy the heaven and the earth, kill me! Kill! Kill!"

As Xing Tian’s voice fell, the power of powerful stars rushed frantically from those thirty-three days, and the destination came straight to the third heaven, one of the powerful stars acted. , The power of the balance condensed by the power of cause and effect was irradiated by the powerful starlight, and his face changed instantly. No one thought that Xing Tian’s counterattack would be so fierce, and that the cause and effect Tianzun did not expect that the resistance would come so quickly. I didn't expect Xing Tian to have such a killer in his hands, and he did not move!

Tianzun Karma wants to make a move very much, but he has no chance. You must know that he has shot Xingtian one after another. These three direct shots have already caused Tianzun Karma to pay a heavy price for this, and if he still wants to fight If Xing Tian made a move, he would have to pay for it. Although Karma Tianzun believed that the effort was worthwhile, he didn't have that opportunity anymore. The power of backlash made him unable to hold on! (...)

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