God of Destruction

Chapter 926: Festival of the Void

Ninety-sixth Void Change

Returning to the endless void, Xing Tian's mood has changed unconsciously. Everything here makes him feel an extraordinary feeling, as if there is an invisible power in this heaven and earth. It affects him. In fact, not only Xingtian feels this way, but also people feel this way. Although they have not been in the ancient passage for too long, during this period of time, Hongjun Daozu has already felt this way. Heaven and Earth have made many changes. It is normal for them to feel abnormal. If they don't feel anything, it is false.

Although there are many great powers chasing and killing Hongjun Daozu, everything is just as Xing Tian thought. Hongjun Daozu is not an existence that is easy to be beheaded. When they are not ready, Hongjun Daozu Having disappeared in this world, they couldn't find their whereabouts at all, and what's more, the terrifying altar people created by Dao Ancestor Hongjun had to be shocked and had to—{}{}. Think of a way to get rid of him, otherwise none of them can feel at ease, because that is the power of taboos, Hongjun Daozu is deploying the power of taboos, and such power makes people feel uneasy.

Of course, this is nothing to Xing Tian. Xing Tian basically intends all of this. To him, Endless Void is just his own foothold. Even if the entire Endless Void is destroyed, it will not make him feel sad. After all, This is not his hometown, and Xingtian will not be disappointed.

The many powers of the Endless Void are frantically trying to solve the altar that towers over the center of the Endless Void, whether it is the people of the Human Alliance. It is also the people of many demon ways, such as the gods of Mo Luo, and the ancient clan of the heavens and the ancient beasts. They all had a headache, but Xing Tian ignored all this. He did not pay attention to the many changes in this endless void, did not wait for the many powers to speak, Xing Tian left in a flash, and returned to his Dead Sea forbidden zone to observe the changes in the Dead Sea.

As the king of the forbidden zone and the lord of the Dead Sea, when Xing Tian stepped into the Dead Sea, he could clearly feel the changes in the Dead Sea, although Daozu Hongjun did not act on the Dead Sea. After all, there are not many things that he needs in the Dead Sea, and there are many restrictions placed by Xing Tian in the Dead Sea. It is very difficult for Dao Zu Hongjun to intervene. Under the circumstances that the contribution and the gain are not proportional, Hongjun Daozu Naturally, I don't want to care about everything in the Dead Sea.

Although Daozu Hongjun let go of the Dead Sea, there are still changes in the Dead Sea. After all, the Dead Sea is still in the endless void, and it still has to be affected by this world. Daozu Hongjun has all made moves to change this world. How can the Dead Sea not be changed? When it comes to the Dead Sea, Xing Tian will naturally be aware of it.

For Xing Tian, ​​he, the Lord of the Dead Sea, didn't care about all these changes. Because there is no more things he cares about in this Dead Sea, Xing Tian can ignore it, but other people can't do this. After all, there are still their disciples in the Dead Sea, and they all have concerns in their hearts.

When Xing Tian manipulated his own destiny, "Eternal Shenzhou" to that world. The moods of Houtu Zuwu and others couldn't help but get excited, and their moods all changed drastically. You must know that the thirty-three-day trip this time will have a great impact on them. They can't help but have new ideas in their hearts.

In the center of this world, without waiting for Xing Tian to speak first, Empress Nuwa said, "Friend Xingtian, this trip of thirty-three days will give us a lot of influence. Can’t think of a way to help us expand our little thousand world, so that our little thousand world has the possibility of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, so that we can bring all our disciples? Can they act with me?"...

When the words of Empress Nuwa fell, everyone's eyes brightened, and they looked at Xing Tian longingly. For them, Empress Nuwa asked about their current shortcomings, and they all eagerly asked. Looking at Xing Tian, ​​I hope to find the answer from Xing Tian, ​​and I hope Xing Tian can help them solve this problem!

Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch nodded and said: "Yes, the issue of Xing Tian has been trapping us all the time. I think the many ancient gods and demons in this endless void at the beginning, they could not be the invincible powerhouse when they left. Those inferior clansmen are afraid that they are all living in their inner world, and we want to do the same. After all, this time the tragedy of the endless void is too shocking. So many creatures died and injured at once, this time our descendants can With the help of the defenses of the Dead Sea, they were lucky enough to escape, but good luck cannot always accompany them, so we all hope to improve our little thousand world, and hope that our descendants can be placed in the little thousand world. In order to prevent accidents!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian shook his head and said, “Everyone’s thoughts are a little naive. Don’t you think it’s a very dangerous thing to bring all your disciples into your own little world? If you do this, your life and death are the lives and deaths of your disciples. You have not experienced the situation when I was waiting to escape from the tribulation. I don’t know how many primordial creatures fell in that catastrophe. You have to think clearly, don't shake your mind and do some irrational things because of the catastrophe at this moment!"

Xing Tian’s remarks are all true, but whether Nuwa Empress, Houtu Zuwu and others, they will not be moved by Xingtian’s remarks. At this time, they have made up their minds. Will change.

Just listen, Empress Nuwa said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, we are determined. Although there is a great danger in doing so, we are more disturbed by putting them in this endless void, which will make our minds feel bad. If it is affected, please also ask fellow daoists to help us, so that we can improve our own little world!"

The words of Empress Nuwa quickly gained the approval of everyone present, regardless of whether it was the Houtu ancestor witch, Sanqing, Zhunti and others. They don't want to put their descendants in this world, it will affect their mood. So each of them turned their attention to Xingtian, hoping to get everything they need from Xingtian.

When seeing this situation. Xing Tian said indifferently: "It is not impossible to perfect your Little Thousand World. If you really want your disciples to be in your Little Thousand World, then you must integrate into the power of the world. But this is not easy to do. You need the inner core of the treasure star. You also know how difficult it is to find the treasure star. Of course, this is not entirely true. If you can find the world tree, you can have powerful space king trees, etc. The spiritual roots of heaven and earth can also achieve this. We have all seen the space king tree in that space turbulence. If you want to fight for it, there is still a glimmer of hope, but you must consider it carefully. But if you do, there is no room for looking back."

When they heard Xing Tian’s words, everyone nodded solemnly and said: "No regrets. Even if we die, we don’t regret it. After all, we cannot abandon our younger generations. The previous time was because everything came too suddenly. There is no opportunity to prepare. And at this point, we are determined to do so no matter what the cost."

For everyone's persistence, this did not surprise Xing Tian. This is quite normal. Xing Tian nodded and said, "Never mind. You all said that, then I have nothing to say. You should find the treasure first. If you can't find it, then you can divide the treasure. The world condensed by the star core is integrated into your little world, and it will naturally be able to achieve your wishes!


Xing Tian’s words made everyone present stunned. They originally only hoped to obtain a branch of the Space King Tree from Xing Tian’s hands, but they did not expect Xing Tian to be willing to hand over the planet under his feet to them. , This shocked their hearts one by one and made them ecstatic.

Although the number of them is a bit larger, even if they share the inner core of the planet equally, it is a great thing to solve their problems, so they said one by one, "Thank you, fellow Xingtian, we will do our best. Look for a treasure star, strive to get the core of a treasure star, and don't use this planet!"

For these people, Xing Tian agrees. Although Xing Tian understands what these people are thinking, for Xing Tian, ​​there is no problem at all. It is just a planet, and if these people really decide to do this, Xing Tian It happens to be able to eliminate many of his own causes and effects, which is also a good thing for Xing Tian.

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "No, if you really have such thoughts, then you are very wrong. You really have to worry about the life and death of your younger brothers and disciples, as well as the life and death of younger generations. Then you still choose to decompose this planet. Fang World is the best, because our time is running out, no one knows what kind of crazy things the black-handed Karma Tianzun will do next, don’t forget, Hongjun Daozu is the black-handed Karma Tianzun behind the scenes The black hand that was left behind, that Karma Tianzun would not ignore Dao Ancestor Hongjun falling into the hands of those people!"

When Xing Tian mentioned that Karma Tianzun was behind the scenes, everyone present couldn't help but gasped, and everyone's heart had to heavier. The pressure that Karma Tianzun put on them was so great that it gave them a kind of feeling. It's hard to feel their minds one by one being uneasy.

Zhunti said nervously, "Friend Xingtian, this is unlikely. Isn't that ancient passage already sealed by those many restrictions? Even if the black-handed Karma Tianzun wants to attack us, I am afraid. Can't pass the seal of that ancient passage, so why should we fear him?"

Hearing this, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully and said: "Seal, you should mention fellow Daoists, you won't pin your life on that ridiculous seal. Back then, Dao Hongjun Dao ancestor could be among our descendants. The spies are left in the middle, can you guarantee that there is no such spies among those who killed with us for 33 days, and do you think that Karma Tianzun who is behind the scenes really never thought of breaking those seals? No? If possible, they will do it. No matter what goes wrong, the consequences will be unthinkable. This time we can only say that we have been pitted by those ancient beasts. Don’t pin our hopes on others. We have to find out ourselves. Road, there is not much time left for us now. If you really want to expand your own little world, you can only move the planet under your feet. There is no other way, you decide for yourself!"

Empress Nuwa frowned involuntarily. Said: "Is the situation of Friends Xingtian really so dangerous? If it is so, then we are not very dangerous now, so even if we have any ideas, it is difficult to realize it, and if it is so, should we? Inform the many powerful people of the endless void and discuss countermeasures with them!"

Xing Tian took a deep breath and said, “You don’t need to notify them. Those **** are not stupid. They all know it well. They are not as simple as saying. Those **** have inheritance that we don’t know. People like us know more about how dangerous the current situation is. We don’t need to worry about their safety. What we have to worry about now is our own safety. We have to be prepared when the catastrophe comes."...

Preparation, what preparation should I do? Xing Tian didn't know in his own heart. Before he returned to the Dead Sea, he didn't feel the dramatic changes in this endless void, and Xing Tian didn't have too much worry in his heart. But after he returned to the endless emptiness, he had to change his opinion. He didn't want to make fun of his life, at the time of this endless emptiness. Xing Tian knew that everything had changed, and if he couldn't make any changes, he would be a dead end. Therefore, he did not oppose everyone's ideas, and even made a plan to destroy the world he created.

time does not wait. Xing Tian didn't know when the black hand behind the scenes would act on this endless void, and for the many powerful abilities of those endless voids, he wanted to destroy the altar built by Dao Ancestor Hongjun. Xing Tian did not hold much hope. As long as these people could not find Hongjun Daozu in the first time, and could not kill him in the first time, then this catastrophe would be unavoidable. Since it is unavoidable, Xingtian naturally had to make complete preparations.

To be willing to be willing, for Xing Tian, ​​it is natural to give up the world. Not only that, Xing Tian is also ready to give up the Dead Sea. He wants to use the power of the Dead Sea to give his enemy a fatal blow. Xing Tian believes he has this idea. But there are many people. After all, this endless void has been invaded by that forbidden power. They can no longer see hope, and they can give themselves a ray of life, even if the many powerful people in the endless void have already been cruel.

What kind of cruel heart can keep them alive, there is only one choice, and that is to destroy the entire endless void, at the cost of the endless void, be the powerful assassin, and give the black hand behind the scenes a fatal blow.

Seeing the shock on everyone’s faces, Xing Tian said calmly: “Don’t have any illusions. At this point, we have no retreat. The black hand Karma Tianzun has been preparing for so long. He will not do useless work. Since he has already begun to act, it means the end of everything. We want to survive, but we have to let go. In those 33 days, we succeeded, but that was only the beginning. The most dangerous reaction is in the world we are in. This is the final battlefield between us and him. If you are really reluctant to have many of your disciples and younger generations, then you can improve your inner world as quickly as possible and bring the entire Many creatures in the world have income into your Little Thousand World, and the decisive battle is coming. This is a decisive battle of life and death, whether it is for us or for others!"

Xing Tian is right. This is a decision of life and death. This is true for humans. All beings in the endless void have been trapped in this heavenly change. Everyone has no choice and wants to survive. Only to give up his life, there is no other choice. There is no retreat for anyone, there is only one way before him.

It’s the same for everyone present, and it’s the same for Xingtian, and it’s even more true for all beings in the endless void, as to whether they can grasp it. Timing, it can only depend on everyone's own efforts. At this stage of things, people no longer have the chance to escape. If you want to survive, you can only fight with your own lives.

Xing Tian was able to see this, and the many powerhouses in the endless void could also see this. Don’t look at many people chasing and killing Hongjun Taoist ancestors, but they are just some casual cultivators, which are truly powerful. However, they only have one idea, which is to reduce their own damage as much as possible, because they can't afford to lose now. After all, the previous upheaval has already paid them a heavy price, and everyone has to face this crisis. They had no choice, no matter whether it was Xing Tian, ​​or the gods of Mo Luo and the others, everyone had no choice but to silently start this decisive battle, and they could only make the last effort. (...)

The nine hundred and twenty-sixth Void Change.

The 926th Void Change,:

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