God of Destruction

Chapter 932: Jie Hongjun is in trouble

Dao Zu Hongjun went there. He has not appeared since the start of this crazy battle. Now no one knows where he is. Although Xing Tian and the others wanted to kill Dao Zu Hongjun, they did not find him. , And Hongjun Taoist ancestor did not have such people as Karma Tianzun, so Xing Tian and many other endless void powers put their energy on these people. As for Hongjun Taoist ancestor, they all choose to forget, anyway. They all believed that Dao Ancestor Hongjun must still be in this endless void. Now that the entire endless void has gone to destruction, Dao Ancestor Hongjun cannot escape this catastrophe even if he has the greatest ability, so everyone didn't care!

"Shameless bastards, you have the ability to stand up and confront us head-to-head, and use these despicable and shameless means to figure out what we can do, you **** come out!" Those **** emperors▲ωáń▲▲Roba,⊙.≈ ns◆b.¤m couldn't help but yelled frantically, each of them looked incredibly hideous. They originally thought this time was an easy journey of harvest, but they didn't expect the result to be like this. It took their own lives, and their hearts became tense.

"Friend Xingtian, do you think we can really use these methods to destroy these people? Can we kill them in one fell swoop, and then take those thirty-three days?" After frantically evacuating the endless void, the Demon Lord was Can't help but ask Xing Tian, ​​knowing that the temptation of the thirty-three days is too great, knowing that it is the only way through the heavens of their universe that the deity of Mo Luo is naturally unforgettable. So I couldn't help asking these words.

Xing Tian said indifferently: "It's up to people to plan, and it's up to heaven. We have done everything that can be done. As for the final result. That is no longer under our control. Everything depends on God's will, if God's will can Give us this opportunity, then we will be able to succeed naturally. If God’s will does not let us succeed, even if we work hard, we will not gain anything. Now we have only one choice, which is to wait and see the result of this battle! "

Xing Tian said it right. People like them now have only one choice, and that is, as a result of this battle, Xing Tian's heart is not interested in the realm of the day, and whether his mind will be able to reach the thirty-three days again, after all, Xing Tian has already laid down his own That great formation moved into his own inner world and integrated it into his own inner world. As long as Xing Tian originally intended, he would have enough power to enter the heaven. Now he is just getting results.

Xing Tian was able to ignore the temptation of thirty-three days, but others couldn't do it. For them, this was their greatest opportunity. Once they missed it, they would be trapped in this world. There is no chance for improvement anymore, so their hearts are extremely nervous, and they are all looking forward to the outcome of the war.

Although this time Xing Tian and everyone else had already been cruel. Using all the power he could use, even the entire endless void was exploded. It can be said that they have tried their best, but they still have no bottom in their hearts. After all, the pressure that Karma Tianzun gave them was too great, and their hearts were still disturbed.

"What are you **** doing? At this time, what else are you hesitating about? Give me up, and give up all the things that cannot be sheltered by the deity. Don't you even want your own lives?" The **** emperor still wanted to protect his disciples, and when there were younger generations, the Karma Tianzun couldn't help but yelled in anger. Under such circumstances, he would do this and other things. It was all looking for death. At this time, you have to make a choice, abandon everything you don't need, whether it's a person or a treasure, you can give up. …

If it weren’t for Karma Tianzun still need to use the power of these gods to master the world, I’m afraid he would have given up these people long ago and left the endless void directly. Although Xing Tian and their actions this time are very crazy, he is confident. He can retreat with his whole body, but he can’t do that. Who will have his many causes and effects in these **** emperors? If these **** emperors are allowed to fall here, then everything he has done before will be wasted. Many calculations laid out by the years will be frustrated, and most of his efforts will be wasted. This is unacceptable by the Heavenly Karma, so even if the current situation is not good for him, it will not be the last last resort. Karma Tianzun will not let go!

When they heard the roar of the Karma Tianzun, the hearts of the many gods and emperors were extremely angry. In their opinion, all of this was caused by the Karma Tianzun. If it were not for the Karma Tianzun's ability to understand the enemy, he would attack like this. , They will not fall into such a desperate situation all of a sudden, although they are extremely angry, but they still have to rely on the Heavenly Karma, they need the help of the Heavenly Karma, they can only survive, the emperors can only grit their teeth He gave up his disciples and allowed them to be destroyed in that terrifying origin explosion.

Seeing that many of their disciples and younger generations were torn apart by that terrifying power, the hearts of those many **** emperors were dripping blood, and they all hated Xingtian and the many powerful men in the endless void. The madness of the battle caused them to be greatly injured. They had to take back their disciples with all their strength, and transferred them all to their own small world, and the Karma Tianzun was also fully cooperating with them, even so, this Under the frantic self-detonation, without preparation, two-thirds of those people's subordinates stayed in the endless void forever. They all felt extremely painful, but there was no Method.

The breath of death is still gathering frantically, those **** emperors still have to face this crazy battle, and the battle against this endless void world. They all hate Xingtian and their hearts. They became extremely crazy, and each of them suffered a lot of trauma.

The ants who were despised by them were calculated all at once, and they also suffered such a heavy loss. How can such a result not irritate them who think they are elites? Everyone felt very regretful in their hearts.

At this time, they couldn't help but think of Hongjun Daozu who provided their news and invasion opportunities. Want to ask Hongjun Daozu for a statement Hongjun Daozu will give them an explanation. But they couldn't find the existence of Daozu Hongjun at all, and Daozu Hongjun went there, which made their hearts unconsciously puzzled, that is, the face of Karma Tianzun couldn't help but become gloomy, because of this At that time, he could no longer feel the breath of Hongjun Daozu.

"What's going on, why I can't feel the breath of the clone? Could it be that he has got rid of my control, this is impossible, I must have thought about it. Maybe he has fallen into the previous one. In a crazy battle!” Tianzun Karma could not help but secretly thought. In fact, he himself didn’t believe that his clone Hongjun Daozu would be lost in that terrible battle. If this is the case, he should be sensitive. Yes.

Where did Hongjun Daozu go, is he really trapped in this endless void? No, he was not in the endless void. Whether it was Xing Tian or Karma Tianzun, they all underestimated Hongjun Daozu's ability, Hongjun Daozu was more than they thought. Hongjun Daozu had already escaped when this crazy battle began. …

Where did Hongjun Daozu escape? In that ancient passage, even though Xing Tian and the endless void people thought their methods were great, they thought they had deceived Hongjun Daozu. In fact, they were all wrong, Hongjun Daozu was not deceived by them, and Xingtian had their own methods. And Hongjun Daozu also has his own assassin and his own trump card. Since Hongjun Daozu dared to do such crazy things in this endless void, how could he not be prepared. When Xing Tian and those endless void powerhouses exploded their respective origins, Daozu Hongjun had silently mixed into the ranks of those **** emperors, and reached the ancient passage without anyone noticing it. Among.

auzw.com How could Xing Tian have such a method, because he has also been to the ancient passage and left his own space coordinates in that passage, so he can Without being noticed by anyone, he quietly left the endless void and entered the ancient passage.

In that ancient passage, Hongjun Daozu sneered disdainfully: "The deity, what a **** deity, it is impossible to control me. I am no longer the existence without the ability to resist. Now I have become one. The real existence will never be controlled by you anymore. My Hongjun is a unique existence, not a clone of others!"

Daozu Hongjun also has no good feelings about the Heavenly Venerable Cause and Effect. After all, he is manipulated like an abandoned son after being learned well. This makes Daozu Hongjun very unhappy. In the prehistoric world, Daozu Hongjun has no ability to fight against the Heavenly Venerable Cause and Effect. , But it’s different now. Ever since Hongjun Daozu returned to this endless void, he has already taken action to relieve his hidden dangers. Now he has been out of the control of Karma Tianzun, and there is no need to worry about any accidents. Hongjun Daozu was much crazier, more ambitious and crazier than Karma Tianzun.

When Hongjun Daozu broke out frantically through this battle, he easily followed the road opened by the Heavenly Karma and they came to the 33 days. Hongjun Daozu was not caught by himself, but he To swallow the source of the thirty-three days, his thoughts are the same as that of the Karma Tianzun, and he is eager to master these 33 days, but Hongjun Daozu is much crazier than the Karma Tianzun, because his heart is too much. His consideration means the so-called scourge, because he has already transferred his own cause and effect to the **** of cause and effect, which is also his own body.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! The idiot of this deity must have never imagined that Hongjun would be so easily in these 33 days. Now the power of the entire 33 days has been dissipated, and the power that can be swallowed is mastered. For thirty-three days, I will become the real overlord between the heavens and the earth. When I master this world, even the deity and the lunatics of Xingtian are not my opponents. Presumably at this time they are already fighting in full swing!" Hongjun Daozu’s heart was madly secretly thinking. For him, there is only one thing in his mind, that is, before his own deity, Karma Tianzun, has not returned to these three days, try to swallow all the great roads here, complete The change of own luck.

Yes, swallowing the avenue, Karma Tianzun wants to swallow the original power of the ancient gods and demons that support the sky. And Hongjun Daozu also had this idea, precisely because he had such a crazy idea. That's why they used the numerous powers of Xing Tian and Infinite Void, and used them to contain Karma Tianzun. Let yourself be able to devour the source of that **** and devil without any consideration!

The great abilities of Xing Tian and Infinite Void are calculating Hongjun Daozu, and Hongjun Daozu is not calculating them. Xing Tian and the others think they are very good, and they have exhausted Karma Tianzun and others, and Hongjun Daozu is also excited. , Because he also fulfilled his purpose and can start his actions madly. …

Over 90% of the power in the entire 33 days was transferred away by Karma Heavenly Sovereign, and now there was no power to stop Dao Ancestor Hongjun, he could let go of his hands and feet to devour the source of that **** and demon. When Hongjun Daozu moved with this move, the Karma Tianzun, the ruler of the 33 days, naturally reacted immediately.

"No, this Tianzun has been calculated by others, and someone dared to swallow the power of the source of the gods and demons, and the luck of this Tianzun is weakening!" In an instant, Karma Tianzun discovered this change, but unfortunately, Now he is unable to prevent everything from happening, because he is trapped in the endless void, even if he is willing to abandon the many gods now, it is impossible to tear the space back to thirty-three days in a flash. in. Because he has missed the opportunity.

Yes, at this time, Karma Tianzun had already missed the opportunity to turn for 33 days. There is an opportunity to lose it, and it will never come. If the people of Xing Tian madly detonated the origin of the entire endless void, he could tear the void, but now everything has changed. The entire endless void is occupied by that terrifying spatial turbulence, even if it is an existence as strong as Karma Tianzun, it is impossible to tear the space instantly. If you want to leave, it will take time. And he does not have so much time now.

I have to say that Daozu Hongjun is more insidious than people think. The time he chooses is too good. The Heavenly Karma can’t turn around for 33 days in the shortest time. He can take advantage of that being destroyed. The third heaven to devour the origin of this ancient **** and demon mastering the path of cause and effect.

"Who is actually able to calculate this Tianzun?" Tianzun Karma was thinking crazy in his heart. Xing Tian and those powerhouses of Infinite Void were excluded by Tianzun Karma, because he did not believe that these people could do it. Invaded silently into the thirty-three days without being aware of it, so that there were only those people in the thirty-three days.

"Could it be that there are strong men I don't know about in the thirty-three days? This is impossible. The existence that threatens the deity has been brought into this endless void. There is no one in the thirty-three days. This can be done, can it be said that it is a clone!" In an instant, Karma Tianzun thought of the disappeared clone Hongjun Dao Ancestor and said!

Regarding this clone of himself, Tianzun Karma has a trace of anxiety in his heart. You must know that his clone has been separated from himself for countless years. His own understanding of this clone is already very weak, after all. His clone has gone through a cycle, greatly weakening his grasp of it.

When he had such an idea, Tianzun Karma was extremely anxious. He was not only worried about the clone swallowing too many gods and demons. The people in the world discovered that the amazing change happened in the world, but also worried about his clone. The power of devouring the gods and demons eliminated the imprint left by him and withdrew from his grasp. At that time, he would be subject to a powerful backlash, and his strength would be instantly weakened. Under such a situation, his own The strength was weakened by backlash, and I was afraid that I would no longer be able to control the entire 33 days, and everything would be out of my control.

Crisis, Karma Tianzun never thought that his proactive attack this time would cause him to fall into such a crisis, and all the powers he possessed suddenly fell apart. This made him really unimaginable, and Unacceptable, but all this happened, and he was unable to change it.

Greed, all this is greed to cause trouble, if Karma Tianzun does not have such a big greedy heart, all this will not happen, to blame, he can only be blamed for being too greedy, and for underestimating Xingtian and Infinite Void Those powerhouses underestimated his own clone Hongjun Daozu. One could not fully grasp his clone. Without understanding, he ended up in this tragedy. That was what he asked for, and he couldn't blame anyone. Everything All of his responsibility lies with him!

Tianzun Karma also understands everything himself, but unfortunately he understood it too late, everything has happened, everything has been out of his grasp, he can't advance or retreat now, he can only secretly hope that Daozu Hongjun will not be too crazy, no It will cause drastic changes in the entire world, arouse the eyes of the day domain, and will not let things go out of control and develop in the worst direction! (...)

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