God of Destruction

Chapter 972: Festival courage

Nine hundred and seventy-two courage

≮After seeing Di Feng’s expression, Venerable Void shook his head involuntarily, caring is chaotic. Di Feng is still a little unqualified, but he can’t see Xing Tian’s confidence, although Xing Tian’s behavior is extremely arrogant and domineering. , But behind this arrogance and domineering, there is full confidence. Xing Tian is confident that he can win in such a frontal battle, and he is confident that he can sweep the entire area without being overthrown. It can be said that in the entire test, Among the three thousand regions of Xing Tian, ​​no one can be as violent as Xing Tian. Those geniuses are very cautious. Only Xing Tian has done this earth-shattering event and challenged the people in this area with his own power.

We must know that it is not only Venerable Void but also Emperor Feng who presides over this test. Venerable Void is the master, and Emperor Venerable and others are auxiliary. When seeing Xing Tian’s crazy behavior, the other leaders are They couldn’t help but show a sneer. They all thought that Xing Tian was too arrogant. This was completely seeking his own death, and this ".. action is a good thing for them, because they all hope that the people they lead can get A quota, originally with Xing Tian's strength, could securely get a quota, but now an accident has happened, and all this is what they want to see.

"Fuzzy, how could Xing be so confused and be stupid at this critical moment? How good is this?" Di Feng's heart couldn't help but feel depressed. He didn't want to see Xing Tian just like this. The number of stable quotas was so good that such a great opportunity was wasted.

Unfortunately, Difeng was wrong. Xing Tian was not self-destructing his future, but using the pressure of everyone to stimulate his own potential. To make one's own heritage more solid, one can have more potential to tap. After all, such an opportunity is very rare. If Xing Tian doesn't grasp it well, then he's too sorry for himself.

"Bastard, this **** is too arrogant. Don't hide. If you hide again, you will only be defeated by this bastard. We work together to kill him first, and then everyone will compete for this place by their own ability!" A voice was in the sky. Sounded in the middle, with the appearance of this voice. People are tempted by it. They can all clearly feel the power of Xing Tian. If they don’t work together to clear Xing Tian first, then none of them will want to get that place, so in an instant, everyone in this area will Changed their plan, turned around and killed Xingtian. They had to work together to eliminate Xingtian this enemy at this moment. Xing Tian succeeded in attracting people's attention.

↓At that remark, a sneer flashed across Xing Tian's face. This was exactly the result he wanted to see. He was eager to let this person come and kill him. In this way, he didn't need to bother to chase after him, so Xing Tian didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. On the contrary, he rushed towards those people frantically.

"Asshole. This guy is really a lunatic, and he dares to be so crazy at this time. He didn't even run away, and he really was able to beat him as an undead Xiaoqiang. Everyone tried their best to kill this asshole!" For Xing Tian's behavior, The son aroused people's anger, but people have selfishness. Don't look at the crowd shouting loudly, but none of them are willing to make a full shot, because they all want to preserve their strength, and Xing Tian was killed by everyone. , And then make an effort to win a spot, and their move is to pit themselves.

If these people can work together and attack with all their strength without reservation, then they still have a chance to kick Xing Tian out of the game. Unfortunately, all of them have selfish intentions. Before kicking Xing Tian out of the game, they will all Beginning to plan for the spot, their behavior is completely self-defeating, or even dying. …

In the hearts of these geniuses, they all thought that they would use the tactics of the sea of ​​people to drag Xing Tian down, but they didn’t know how heavy Xing Tian’s background was, let alone them, even if they were stronger than them. It’s impossible for the people of Xingtian to bring down Xingtian. Xingtian’s inner world is extremely powerful, not to mention that Xingtian has an extremely powerful immortal body, which can crush them and give them to Kill.

"Ignorance, these guys are so ignorant. Under such circumstances, they don’t know how to work together and dare to have reservations. This is just killing themselves. It seems that there will be no surprises in this battle. , Xing Tian, ​​this kid can completely defeat these ignorant boys in one fell swoop, and finish this test as quickly as possible!" Venerable Void is different from Emperor Feng, and he quickly saw this in his eyes. Everything, so he is not worried about Xingtian. On the contrary, he is worried about whether the proud man of these days will leave a demon in his heart after this battle with Xingtian. After all, Xingtian is really crazy, not at all. Consider the consequences of doing this yourself!

Xing Tian would not consider all this. For him, it was an opportunity to stimulate his own potential. He would not miss such an opportunity. As for whether his crazy behavior would cause any harm to others, this In fundamental Xingtian's consideration, he doesn't need to care about other people's feelings, he doesn't need to worry about others, he has only one purpose, and that is to stimulate his own potential and his own background is stronger.

People come for themselves and the heavens are destroyed. Xing Tian doesn't care about other people's feelings. For him, that is not worthy of attention. As long as his strength can be improved in this battle, that is enough. Selfish, maybe Xing Tian is selfish, but in this world, whoever feels that he has no selfish intentions, and Xing Tian will naturally not think that there is anything wrong with doing this. For him, as long as he can improve his own strength , Then everything is enough.

When Xing Tian charged frantically, a figure of a genius suddenly disappeared within Xing Tian’s line of sight, and then his figure appeared behind Xing Tian in the blink of an eye, swiftly launching a fatal attack on Xing Tian, ​​very Obviously this person wanted to have a one-strike kill, and kill Xing Tian, ​​a life-to-death rival, with one blow.

I have to say that this genius is too confident. Too self-righteous, underestimated Wu Dan's apparent power. So his fate is also doomed, he has to pay a heavy price for it. No one can give Xing Tian enough lethal power in this early stage, and their strength can't do this.

For the sudden attack, Xing Tian's expression was very flat, as if it was not him who was being attacked. Xing Tian did not take the result of this battle in his heart. In his opinion, it was Tianda. Since this person dares to challenge himself, he must be prepared for death. Xing Tian wanted to let him know how strong he was.

Based on Xing Tian’s background, facing this attack, even if he did nothing, he could sweep everything with his terrifying physical body, but Xing Tian kept his trump card, but did not do so, instead he did. It was an incredible decision to have a head-on battle with the opponent, and to use the power of his own laws to cover.

Thoughts moved. Xing Tian took the initiative to release the power of the Law of Earth, forming a powerful defensive armor to resist the sneak attack from behind. With the power of the powerful Law of Earth, Xing Tian could not completely block the opponent's mortal blow. But it was able to win enough time for Xingtian's counterattack.

When he first shot, Xing Tian's subordinates were merciful to the enemy. Xing Tian never relented, and he had always killed all enemies. Will not give the enemy a chance to fight back, directly kill him. …

The powerful Ruijin Law of "One Punch Cuts the Air" burst out from Xing Tian's hands. After a punch, the person died. The person who attacked Xingtian didn't even have time to say a word, but he was killed by Xingtian. Fortunately, this is a special environment, if it is in a real battlefield. , The person who attacked Xingtian was completely destroyed.

After killing the enemy with a punch, Xing Tian was expressionless, without hesitation, and flew directly to the next target, killing those enemies who were preparing to unite, trying to give them a fatal blow and destroy what they called alliance.

Just as Xing Tian was killing the opponent at full speed, suddenly a sword light struck, Xing Tian's reaction was extremely fast, and his backhand was a punch to kill, and a punch blocked the attack of this sword light, and then Xing Tian's attack Sweeping the consciousness, he found the person who wanted to attack him in an instant, and then locked him in an instant with a thought.


"Fist breaks the void, kill!" The moment Xing Tian's consciousness locked the enemy, he punched out again, and a terrifying punch turned into a terrifying force and rushed into the sky without giving him the slightest response. time.

"How is this possible!" When he saw that Xingtian was able to make a counterattack in such a short time, the person who attacked was an adult. At this time, he could no longer attack Xingtian, but immediately did it. Out of the act of fleeing, he wanted to escape Xingtian's pursuit, and wanted to survive Xingtian's counterattack.

Unfortunately, he was thinking too well. Xing Tian would not give him this opportunity. For the enemy, Xing Tian would not be soft, so he must die, not only him, but everyone in this area must die.

Soon a scream rang out, and immediately under Xing Tian’s terrifying punch, the man also followed in the footsteps of the previous person. He was bombarded and killed by Xing Tian. He had no chance to resist, and was killed directly. After seeing Xing Tian’s two consecutive killings, Di Feng’s face showed a trace of joy. He saw hope again. As for the others, it was completely different. Their mood became extremely heavy. The hope they saw was going to be shattered. Xing Tian's strength was beyond their imagination. If Xing Tian's frantic attack made them happy, this time they felt the pressure.

"We can't go on like this anymore. We need someone to make sacrifices. Otherwise, the **** Xingtian has already rushed in front of us without waiting for us to prepare. We will be caught off guard. Therefore, someone has to come forward now. , Sacrifice for everyone!" A person finally felt the endless pressure and shouted out such words.

Sacrificing others to make sacrifices is really funny. For these geniuses, who is willing to make sacrifices, no one is willing to sacrifice for others, they don’t want to sacrifice themselves to help others, because they all desire this place and can Let yourself have a huge opportunity to make your practice easier.

"It's really ridiculous. At this time, you should say such a ridiculous thing. Let us sacrifice, enough. The ways are different and we don't want to cooperate. We don't want to cooperate with a villain like you. We act on our own, even if it is. If we fail, we can't hide in the dark. We don't even have the courage to fight the enemy. Did anyone intend to go with me?". A genius stood up, made his own doubts, and also shouted out his own voice.

When these words of genius were spoken, many people's faces showed a trace of hesitation, for them. They are not willing to attack at all, they don't want to make wedding dresses for others, they all want to fight for that place!

When seeing such a situation, the genius said with disdain: "How come no one dares to stand up? I really feel sad for you. You don't even have the courage to fight the enemy, even if you really have the courage to fight the enemy. Can win the final victory, so what, you don’t have the guts at all!"...

After his words fell. Soon two people stood up. They were unwilling to set up traps here to deal with Xing Tian, ​​and they were unwilling to fight Xing Tian with everyone's strength. Because of doing that, they lost their confidence from above, lost their backbone, and left a demon in their hearts.

In this way, the three of them did not stay. Instead, they left together and went to Xingtian. They want to fight Xingtian head-on, instead of hiding behind to plot Xingtian. There is only one thought in their hearts, even if they fail, they must fight Xing Tian head-on, so as to understand the gap between themselves and Xing Tian.

When seeing such a change, Di Feng couldn't help but sighed and said: "It's really pitiful. These guys haven't noticed their own improprieties. They didn't understand that there was a flaw in their mood. The courage to fight Xing Tian head-on is gone, they are afraid that they will completely lose themselves by doing so!"

When they heard the words of Emperor Feng, some people said disapprovingly: “It’s nothing. In fact, it’s the most correct choice for them to make this kind of choice. They have self-knowledge and know how to choose under such circumstances. There is something wrong with the actions of the three of them. This is completely seeking a dead end!"

At this moment, Difeng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Spine, as a member of the human race, you must have the backbone. If they don't even have the courage to fight the enemy, then they can be considered successful in cultivation, but What's the use? When facing a big battle, I'm afraid they will be timid before the battle. We humans don't need such geniuses!"

Although Emperor Feng’s words are a bit heavy, he is very reasonable. A genius who doesn’t even have the courage to fight an enemy, that can only be a flower in a greenhouse, such a genius is for human civilization. There is no help. Human civilization does not need. Human civilization needs warriors who can bravely fight the enemy even if they know that they are dead. Only such people can be placed in the Holy Land of Human Race. to cultivate.

Seeing that no one spoke against, Di Feng said again: "These three people have such a backbone. It is very rare. I would like to mention that the three of them can be included in our next-level training plan. Among them, they have such qualifications. Relatively speaking, those people are not worthy of us to train. Unless some of them can really win the final victory and win that place, otherwise they have no value in training! "

"Well said, our human civilization does not even need people who are not even capable of fighting the enemy. We are so aggressive this time, we do not hesitate to change many of the previous rules in order to cultivate powerful warriors for human civilization. , So the words of Emperor Feng are right, those three can be included in our secondary training plan, they have such qualifications!" Venerable Void’s words sounded in the air, with Venerable Venerable’s words, Everything was settled, and no one dared to stand up against it.

Those geniuses never thought that they would miss such a great opportunity. They all focused on that one spot, but they did not expect that this time not only the three thousand spots, but also the secondary spots, It’s a pity that they didn’t know that they had made the wrong choice at the most critical moment, but the three of them were different. Their courage gave them a golden opportunity, which was recognized by Venerable Void, and won the majority. Human recognition.

Chance, this is chance. When such a situation arises, everything is a foregone conclusion. Those people want to unite the power of everyone and use the so-called formation to fight Xingtian. There is only one result, and that is failure, even Those inferior places were not available, and as for one of the three thousand places, it was even more beautiful, and it never belonged to them.

Yes, it does not belong to them. Even if they set up a formation and fight against Xingtian together, they cannot defeat Xingtian because they have lost their backbone and selfishness in their hearts, so it is impossible for them to win the final victory. It was an unchangeable ending. They were defeated. They were truly defeated and could not be defeated again. They completely lost all opportunities. (...)

Nine hundred and seventy-two courage.

Nine hundred and seventy-second courage:

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