God of Destruction

Chapter 976: Festival Five Colors

The nine hundred and seventy-sixth five-color light

"Five-color divine light, I didn’t expect Xing Tian, ​​the apricot, to become a five-color divine light. He originally thought that he was only talented in kendo, but he didn’t expect that the cultivation base of kendo was only fur. He actually mastered the innate five elements. At this level, the five elements can run freely, and the five-color divine light can be produced!" When Xingtian’s innate five-element law exploded and condensed the supreme divine power, the Venerable Venerable Void couldn’t help. Lost!

Although the Five Elements Law is the most common law between heaven and earth, 99 out of 100 people practice the Five Elements Law, but this does not mean that the Five Elements Law is really rubbish. If you can fully grasp the Five Elements Law, you can understand it. The five elements operate, and the five elements produce gram, then it is possible to condense the five-color divine light, one of the most terrifying supreme supernatural powers in the world. The five-color divine light is not brushed, even the creatures will be brushed into the five-color divine light. In the unique world, it was forcibly suppressed, even directly crushed and destroyed, which shows how powerful these five colors are.

Of course, the five-color divine light that Xing Tian grasps is just a fur. After all, his understanding of the laws of heaven and earth still has a certain gap, but he can use the world tree in the inner world, even if he is in There is still a slight gap in the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, that is nothing, it is still possible to display such terrifying supernatural powers as the five-color divine light.

≮Faced with the terrifying five-color light of Xing Tian, ​​the sword aura of Iron War was not worth mentioning. Attacking in front of the five-color light could not make the slightest wave of waves. The power of the five-color light was beyond his imagination. The power of a single five-element rule is indeed a little bit incapable, but after the five elements. That's different. I don't know how many great abilities in this world are eager to master the most basic Five Elements Law. Can condense their own supreme supernatural powers, but unfortunately there are not many people who can really do this, because the mastery of the five elements is not an easy task!

"I thought that seeing his innate Five Elements Sword Formation had shocked me, but I didn't expect Xing Tian, ​​the Xingtian, to hide this terrifying magical power, and the five elements will give birth to gram. Once formed, it will already make him. The essence has undergone a qualitative change, and the strength is beyond people's imagination. If Xing Tian, ​​the apricot, can take it one step further. If he can retrograde the power of the Five Elements Law and condense the supreme Great Five Elements Extinction Light, then it can sweep everything! "Di Feng was also shocked by Xing Tian's horrible blow. The five-color light, which is the supreme magical power of the Innate Five Elements Law, could not help him not be shocked.

But soon, Di Feng's complexion changed again. The power Xing Tian controlled was too messy. The combination of many powers distracted him so severely. This made Emperor Feng couldn’t help worrying that Xingtian would get lost in the chase of that power, forgetting what was the root, and the time required to master so much power was really amazing, maybe there was nothing in the beginning. Too much influence. But as time goes by, it will be completely different, and the time required will be an amazing number. This is enough to open the distance between Xing Tian and the others, and Xing Tian will gradually disappear into this genius. Turned into ordinary, but this is not what Emperor Feng wants to see.

It wasn't just Emperor Feng that saw this. The other people present also saw this, and Venerable Void couldn’t help but get a headache after being shocked. He was also worried that Xing Tian would not be able to distinguish his own situation, and he would go his own way to fully grasp the many powers. This caused an impact on his own practice, widened the distance from other geniuses, and gradually disappeared among the geniuses and turned into ordinary. So he couldn’t help but start thinking about how to bring Xing Tian onto the right path. Don't let Xing Tian waste his talent and energy so much. …

Xing Tian didn't know what kind of thoughts would the many powerful people think when he displayed the supreme magical powers of this incomparable five-color divine light. For him, this time he shot it was Li Wei, and he would use the iron war. Lai Liwei people understand that he is not a soft persimmon, and he will not be squeezed by anyone. Anyone who wants to make his mind must consider whether he has that ability.

Considering his own safety, Xing Tian decided to only keep his fourth place and not to fight for the top three position, but not fighting does not mean that he is willing to be challenged forever. After all, people's fighting spirit has been provoked. , Those who are ambitious are afraid that they will challenge themselves, and when the number of challengers is too large, Xing Tian is worried that his strength will be exposed, so that he will not only betray Venerable Void and their kindness, but also set himself up. In the midst of danger, this is not worth the gain, so Xing Tian decided to use that powerful and unparalleled power to directly crush these early birds, in order to deter others, so as to ensure that his own strength will not be exposed to the greatest extent. Practicing in the dark.

As soon as the five-color light came out, the top three frowned. They all felt the tremendous pressure. The appearance of the five-color light of Xing Tian threatened them too much, and none of them had confidence. Can stop Xing Tian's power of the five-color divine light, after all, the prestige of the five-color divine light is too loud, and people dare not despise it.

Why is there such a situation? You must know that the original battle will be controlled and not let other people see it, but now the battle between Xingtian and Tiezhan allows others to see it. The reason is very simple. At this moment, Void Venerable People’s fighting has been lifted. Everyone can see the many battles. The reason why Venerable Void did this is to relieve Xingtian’s pressure. When he saw Xingtian’s move, it was the five-color **** of light. At that time, Venerable Void instantly understood Xing Tian's intentions, so he took the initiative to cooperate with Xing Tian so that Xing Tian could hide in the dark.

After being swiped by Xing Tian’s terrifying five-color divine light, that iron warfare's complexion could not help but change color, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Five-color divine light, this is impossible, it must be fake, you can’t have such a powerful supreme magical power, you It’s impossible to master the Innate Five Elements Law. It’s impossible to use this phantom to deceive me. It’s impossible to confuse my soul. Swordsmen will not be fooled by the enemy’s ridiculous means , One sword cuts the sky. Open it for me!"

The Iron War was madly roaring. When his roar fell, the sword in his hand was swung out again, and a terrifying sword intent blasted away at Xing Tian. As soon as the sword intent came out, Xing Tian couldn’t help but be shocked. In this attack of Iron War, two kinds of sword intents were combined, and they were able to master two supreme sword intents. No wonder Iron War dared to challenge himself!

"You are still too weak. There is nothing impossible in this world. Your vision is still too bad. Do you think you can break through my supreme magical powers with this mere attack? It's ridiculous. , Kill me!" Xing Tian snorted disdainfully, and the five-color divine light reappeared in the air. The powerful sword intent emitted by the iron war was instantly wiped out by Xing Tian again. Didn't hurt the penalty talent at all!

Yes, Xing Tian was right. Tie Zhan was still too weak, although his sword intent was very strong. But he couldn't tear away Xingtian's five-color light, and couldn't break Xingtian's five-color light, so he was not Xingtian's opponent. It will not be able to challenge success, and an opportunity will be wasted. You must know that he is also a genius who has broken through Tianzun with his own strength, he is not reconciled to his ranking. So he had to challenge, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything to Xing Tian. When he saw Xing Tian's plain face, he became furious. He thought Xing Tian was ignoring his existence. …

As a genius, Tie Zhan has never been humiliated like this. This is something he cannot accept. In an instant, his whole body burst into blazing light, and his incomparable true essence was like a volcanic eruption. He appeared in front of Xing Tian in an instant , A sword mixed with vast sword energy, fiercely bombarded Xing Tian, ​​the fiery light flooded the ring where he and Xing Tian were!

When facing this blow, Xing Tian gave a cold snort, did not retreat, but directly faced him, saw his fists waved, and the power of the Five Elements Rule continuously emerged from him, bursting with blazing colorful light from all over his body. , Is as dazzling as a small colored sun, and at the same time the power of the five elements between heaven and earth is rushing towards Xing Tian frantically.

boom! There was a loud noise, and the two violently collided together. The terrifying power spread wildly around like waves, causing the entire ring to tremble violently, and a trace of cracks gradually emerged along the two fierce battles. Place spread!

At this time, everyone who watched the battle was exclaimed. This time Xing Tian did not use the five-color light to brush away the attack of the iron war, but directly used his own power to fight against it. In, the fancy that neither of them has, it is a battle of strength and sword intent, a real confrontation!


Although Xing Tian and the others did not have that brilliant supreme magical power in this battle, every time the collision of power, it was like two mountains colliding together, making a loud and earth-shaking noise, and the sound was deafening. startle! With such a powerful fighting style, everyone is enthusiastic about it, and they can’t wait to rush up for it in person, because this is the real battle that belongs to men, the battle that belongs to the brave fighters!

When seeing this duel, Na Difeng and others couldn't help but change their faces, and their hearts were extremely heavy. They were worried that Xing Tian and Tie Zhan’s crazy battle would hurt their souls. , In that case, the consequences would be a little unimaginable, but this was not what they wanted to see, so they all became extremely nervous.

Compared to Difeng and others, Venerable Void is very dull. If Xing Tian hadn't had such a powerful outbreak, then he still had worries in his heart, and now, he has no worries at all, because he believes Xing Tian can solve the battle and can Having won the battle, he believed that Xing Tian had understood his intentions, so he watched the battle very calmly.

If I said that Iron Fighting thought that Xingtian’s five-color light was a phantom before, but now he would not have such an idea. Xing Tian told him with that powerful strength that there is nothing impossible in this world, you can’t do it yourself. What happened does not mean that others could not do it. In his opinion, it is the innate Five Elements Principle that is difficult to comprehend, but it has appeared in Xingtian. With Xingtian's terrifying strength, he can completely fight against him. Retreat, of course, this is Iron War's own thoughts! In fact, if Xing Tian was willing to make an all-out effort, he could easily crush Tie Zhan, but Xing Tian didn't want to expose his own strength, causing many dangers to plunge himself into that crisis.

Although not able to defeat Xingtian. But Tie Zhan did not admit defeat, since he could not crush Xing Tian with a powerful force. Then he chose to compete with Xing Tian for the background, he believed that with the background that he had already become the **** of heaven, he could completely drain the power of the sky. At that time, Xing Tian was sure to lose! Perhaps it was a little bit sinister to do so, but Tie Zhan would not give up on his own future. There was only one purpose in his heart, which was to defeat Xing Tian and seize Xing Tian's ranking.

Compared with Xing Tian's background, I have to say that the method of Iron War is too ridiculous. With his background, he wants to drag Xing Tian down, which is really ridiculous. For Xing Tian, ​​the last thing he fears is delaying tactics. Although Xingtian is not afraid of such tactics in his heart, Xing Tian cannot let the Iron War continue like this. After all, Xing Tian does not want to have too much entanglement with him. He wanted to resolve the battle to deter others. …

With a move of his mind, Xing Tian's five-element rule ran wildly, and the five elements reproduced each other. It was working on him, and a powerful force radiated from Xing Tian's body. It was the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, and the power of the five elements was integrated into himself.

When Xing Tian is operating the Five Elements Rule. Those strong men who didn’t know much about Xing Tian couldn’t help showing a hint of shock. Some people couldn’t help but said in surprise: "This is a five-element warfare. I didn’t expect that this kid Xingtian would actually understand the five-element rule. At this level, a five-element combat body is actually condensed!"

When he heard these words, Di Feng's heart couldn't help but sneered L: "What kind of vision is this. What kind of **** five-element combat body, Xingtian, this kid has become a true immortal body. Five-element combat body. How could it be possible that the two are at the same level compared with the Immortal Body, but this is good, so Xing Tian’s strength can be hidden the easiest! It seems that Xing Tian is still a little brainy and can understand the kindness of Venerable Venerable !"

Emperor Feng did not speak to refute this ridiculous statement, but at this moment someone said: "It is indeed a five-element battle body. The body is tempered with the power of the endless five-element law. Hasn't the law been lost? How did Xing Tian understand this, and he has cultivated to such a realm, he is almost complete. Could it be said that this boy has received the five-element supernatural powers without inheritance?"

"It should be like this. Otherwise, how could a junior like him comprehend the five-element rule to such a point, he must be inherited from the ancients, so he can have such strength, I have to say, this five-element battle body His power is not weaker than Meng Yi's Bright Saint Body, and with his five-color light, it is really strong to the extreme!"

The five-body battle body combined with the five-color light is really hard to resist. With the powerful power of the five-element battle body, it can not absolutely absorb the power of the five elements between the sky and the earth. With the powerful five-color light, you don’t have to worry about your lack of power. !

At this time, in this mysterious world, the scene was extremely hot, and many people's eyes were cast on the duel between Xing Tian and Tie Zhan. Xing Tian's powerful force shocked them all.

When facing such a powerful force of Xing Tian, ​​that Tie Zhan's mood was extremely annoyed. He never thought that Xing Tian would hide so deeply, and he would even become the legendary five-element battle body, with the five-element battle body. With his supreme magical powers and five-color light, there is no need to worry about insufficient power, which has to make him give up his previous plan.

"Asshole, since you can't use procrastination tactics to bring you down, then I will use absolute power to knock you down!" Tie Zhan's heart was screaming frantically, the thick sword in his body was like a volcanic eruption And out, the blazing light is dazzling. He has undergone a qualitative change in an instant, and his body exudes a frightening sword aura!

Sword God Body, but Tie Zhan had to use his hole cards at this time. Originally, he planned to keep his hole cards and use them in the battle against Na Meng Yi to fight for the first place, but unfortunately he met Xing Tian, ​​so he had to use his hole cards, otherwise he would fail!

"Well, I didn't expect Iron War to have such methods. A five-element battle body appeared, and now there is another sword **** body. It seems that this year of genius warfare is really shocking. My human race is really about to usher. It’s a great world!” Some of the many powerful men are shouting excitedly, and his voice is full of endless joy. For the human civilization, the more geniuses you have, the more Can make yourself stronger.

When he saw that Tiezhan had used the final trump card, Xing Tian couldn’t help but become excited about it. The time for the decisive battle finally arrived. Since he wants to build his prestige, he must be when Tiezhan is strongest. To defeat him in one fell swoop, only in this way can they stun others. They dare not challenge themselves. Therefore, Xing Tian will not have the slightest release in this battle. He must win, and he must win very beautifully. Only in this way Be able to fulfill your own purpose. (...)

The nine hundred and seventy-sixth five-color light.

The nine hundred and seventy-sixth five-color light,:

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