God of Destruction

Chapter 980: Three-year period

983 year period

Regarding these statues, Lietianxu did not introduce more, and there is no need to do so, because the contributions of those epoch masters to human civilization are beyond doubt, and no one dares to doubt, Lietianhou just bowed in front of this statue. , And this ceremony was extremely solemn, and these geniuses also bowed with respect. At this time, every human genius held 120,000 respects and yearning. Although there is no words in the cracking weather, words are not needed at this time. People, as long as they are humans, must have high respect for the masters of these eras!

⌒After the ceremony, Split Weather said in a deep voice: "Apricots, you must remember that if you want to be a strong person, you must first have confidence, backbone, and belief. Only the Trinity can make you reach the peak, human civilization Because of these great beings, they have sheltered us, and you have to work hard to cultivate. I hope that among you, someone will become the lord of my human race in the next era and protect my human civilization!~~ ~.~~"

These words of Splitting Tianhou are not only extremely sensational, but also full of hopelessness. For these geniuses, he does not despise, nor dare to despise them, because no one knows whether they will be among these geniuses. The Lord of the New Era appears, and the future achievements of these geniuses will not necessarily be lower than him. At least some of the more than 3,000 geniuses will surpass him in the future. He is not a fool who naturally understands what he should do!

↓After these words about the weather, many geniuses present became extremely enthusiastic, and planted a great goal in their hearts. They all target the masters of these eras, and they all want to be the masters of the next era. Shelter human civilization!

For these passionate words, Xing Tian's heart was very calm. Everything he has experienced can no longer excite him. After all, no matter how passionate the words are, he cannot shake Xingtian's heart, but Xingtian's heart also secretly made up his mind that he must become the lord of the next era, only to become the era. The Lord, that is the real powerhouse, able to control his own destiny.

Of course, for Xing Tian. This gaze is too far away. He is now a thousand miles away from the Lord of the Era. What he does now is studying and working hard to absorb knowledge, so that he can make his own foundation more profound.

≮After a crowd of geniuses paid homage to the several great masters of the era, Lei Tianhou took more than 3,000 geniuses across the square and came to a place of banknotes. At this moment, in front of the gate of the dojo, stood a middle-aged man in a purple robe. The aura on that man was terrifying. It was just the breath that came out unintentionally that made Xing Tian feel death.

At this time, Lei Tianhou said in a deep voice: "Apricots, this is the genius training camp you are going to stay in. This will be the place where you will practice next. You must not let down this opportunity." When Lei Tianhou said here, Then he said hello to the middle-aged purple robe, and said, "Shen Wuhou. These apricots will be handed to you."

Faced with the words of cracking weather, Shenwuhou politely replied: "There are labor cracking days leading the way. I will take care of them. After all, they are the hope of our human civilization. I will try my best to teach them."

≮When he heard the words of Shenwuhou, a group of geniuses hurriedly saluted the cracked weather and said loudly, "Thank you, my lord for leading the way."

≮When seeing the actions of these geniuses, there was a smile on the face of Xie Tianhou, nodded, without words, just left here with a smile on his face.

≮After seeing the separation of the sky, Shenwuhou said: "You come in with me." Before speaking, Shenwuhou brought these three thousand geniuses to the Taobao. The space in this dojo is very large. Big, bigger than it looks from people. Obviously, this banknote is integrated into the power of the powerful law of space, otherwise it won't have such an effect. …

After the people’s dojo, Shen Wuhou said in a deep voice: "You people will practice and train here for three years. After three years, most of you will be sent back to Qiyuan City, unless you can break through within three years. In the realm of earl, then you can stay for another three years, and after three years, there will be another arrangement!" Shen Wuhou’s words were very plain, but after this plain, there was a huge pressure. The expressions of each of these geniuses were solemn. When they get up, no one dare to be the slightest carelessness. If they hadn't come to the God City of Qiyuan and didn't feel the environment here, then they would not care about the three years of cultivation time, but now they all understand the three years. For what it means to themselves, these geniuses secretly determined in their hearts for an instant that they must successfully reach the realm of the earl within these three years and allow themselves to practice for another three years.

Three years of cultivation time, it sounds very short, at least for these practitioners, it is fleeting, but this Qiyuan Divine City is different from the outside world, it is a great opportunity to practice here for three years, no one wants to To waste such an opportunity, only by staying here for another three years will they be able to set foot on the peak. After all, this kind of practice environment is too powerful to accelerate their comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth, and leave here. They want to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, even if it takes more time, the time it takes is probably thousands, ten thousand times to calculate!

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the miss will never come again. There is only one opportunity like this, because they are geniuses in human civilization. If they can’t grasp this opportunity well, they will regret what they committed in the future. error!

Shenwuhou didn’t care about the expressions of these geniuses, because he knew that there was no need to look at them. These geniuses would be desperate. He walked in front and brought these three thousand geniuses to an ancient castle behind the dojo square, and then spoke. "There are 10,000 rooms in this castle. There are more than 7,000 vacant rooms now. You can choose your own room at will. That attic is the Buddhist scripture pavilion, which contains countless exercises and techniques collected by my human civilization. Every one of you can be among them. Everyone can choose one of the major exercises and two minor exercises. After you have selected the exercises and then reassemble here, I will take you to the City Lord’s Mansion Accept true inheritance and practice."

Geniuses listened very carefully to what Shen Wuhou said. I am afraid I missed something, after saying this. Shenwuhou opened the product again and said, "This is your identity card. Take it all, and use a drop of blood to recognize the master."

While speaking, Shen Wuhou waved his hand, and the cards were made from three thousand blocks without knowing what material they were. They were distributed to everyone's hands. When they took the card, Xing Tian and the others did not hesitate to separate them immediately. A drop of blood will recognize it as the master.

After acknowledging the Lord, for an instant, these geniuses could feel the situation from the card, and count in the card. The three years they have had opened up, if they were unable to break through to the earl after three years, then it was the time when they left the source city!

Time waits for no one. No one wants to waste their time. All the geniuses arrived in the castle for an instant, and then everyone chose a room. For the powerful geniuses of Xing Tian, ​​their speed was very fast. Because they can withstand the influence of this gravity, and those weak geniuses are more struggling, but at this time no one will help them. Because everyone's time is precious.

After entering the room door, Xing Tian found out that there was a cave in this room. The structure of this room was very simple. It's just a one-bedroom, one-bedroom structure, but this room is widened by the secret of space. The exterior looks very small, but the internal space has only been expanded dozens of times. Here, you can feel the breath of the law of space, which is very beneficial to those who practice the law of space. …

Although this room is simple, Xing Tian can imagine it. I don’t know how many human geniuses have walked out of this room, and he will become one of them. Going into the bedroom, Xing Tian sees it in this bedroom. It actually depicts a small formation, a small gathering formation, which can accelerate the absorption of the vitality of heaven and earth!


After taking a little look, Xing Tian immediately left the room and headed outside the ancient castle. At this time, Tongtian Guru, Jiying, Zhen Yuanzi, and Xuanming Zuwu also left the room. , It seems that they are similar to Xingtian when choosing a room!

Xing Tian nodded and greeted them: "You have chosen a good room so quickly. It seems that you are all anxious to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to choose your exercises. If so, let's go together!"

When they heard Xing Tian’s words, they couldn’t help but nod their heads. When Xing Tian’s words came to their hearts, for them, they just chose a room, and they didn’t even look at the environment, so they immediately nodded. The reason for coming out is to pick and choose the exercises quickly. After all, these people have a huge gap with the Tianyu in the practice of exercises. It is no wonder they are so impatient, not just the Master Tongtian. Ideas, in fact all geniuses have such ideas.

You know, everyone’s time is limited. If you can have a first-class exercise, you will naturally have to speed up your cultivation, and since this is a place for cultivating human civilization geniuses, there are naturally astonishingly many exercises. , I'm afraid they all come from ancient times, and even the inheritance of many powerful human civilizations.

Xingtian and Tongtian cult leader and the group of five people soon came to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. At this time, many geniuses have entered and exited the Buddhist scripture pavilion. Some people have even selected the right exercises and are overjoyed, and some are still looking for high-level secret methods. Many of these people are even They didn't even choose a room, so they came directly to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. For them, there was more room, so they didn't need to rush to choose a choice, so they all chose the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion first.

When Xing Tian was waiting for someone to step into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the first thing that caught his eye was a counter. There was an old man sitting in front of the counter. Although Xing Tian did not feel the pressure on the old man, they used their wisdom and wisdom. From experience, I know that this old man is definitely not as simple as the surface, being able to guard that is definitely a master of master.

Xing Tian and the others stepped forward and bowed before Tiankou said, "Senior, I'm here to choose the exercises."

When he heard Xing Tian’s words, the old man raised his head and said: "Well, the main practice is in the first room, the attacking secret is in the second room, the defense secret is in the third room, and super secrets such as magical powers. In the fourth room, the ancient forbidden laws are in the fifth room, and other various auxiliary secret laws are in the sixth room. You take out your ID cards, and I will register for you."

The old man glanced at Xing Tian and others. Then he briefed them on the situation of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, his expression was very indifferent. Without the slightest fluctuation, as if he were a real old man, his expression was extremely calm.

Xing Tian and the others quickly handed their cards into the hands of the old man, and then respectfully said, "Thank you for your advice, senior."

The old man did not reply, but calmly began to register for each of them, and then returned the ID card to Xing Tian. They said: "There are three secret patterns of unlocking in the ID card. After choosing the secret method that suits his heart. After that, you can use the unblocking secret pattern to lift the ban on the secret method. According to the regulations, everyone can choose one major practice method and two minor practice secret methods, but for the sake of fairness, we do not limit your choice. You choose which practice method you choose Yes, so it is enough to give you three ways to unban secret patterns. One more thing, you must keep in mind that you are not allowed to exchange exercises with each other. Before practicing the exercises, you must make a big oath of origin and not spread it out. There are countless secret methods in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. If you want to choose, the higher the value, the better. Okay, you are free to choose."...

Although the old man did not say the consequences of violation. But everyone is not a fool, and they all know what will happen if they commit a crime, so everyone nodded! Soon Xing Tian and the five of them looked at each other, and among them, the leader of Tongtian was the most free and easy. The first one opened his mouth and said: "Dear fellow daoists, I will take the first step. I wish all fellow daoists can find the supreme secret method they like." The Master Tongtian walked to the first room to choose the exercises.

Upon seeing this, Xing Tian also said, "All fellow daoists, please!" After speaking, he walked to the fifth room on the right. In Xing Tian's heart, he was very curious. Since the world has gone through so many epochs, I don't know how many ancient secrets have been stored in human civilization. So he was very curious and wanted to know more!

As soon as Xing Tian stepped into the room, he saw a total of two rows, divided into dozens of grids, and each grid contained several jade slips. Xing Tian walked over, looking at the labels of ‘Three Points Return to Origin Qi’, ‘Swallowing God’s Technique’, ‘Nine Turns Promise Immortal Real Body’ and many other secret methods, Xing Tian was a little dazzled!

Although Xing Tian had thought that there would be a lot of exercises here before the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but when he really saw it, his heart was still difficult to calm down. He did not think that human civilization has preserved so many ancient methods, and some of them The method was something that Xing Tian had learned about in the inheritance obtained in the endless void, which were all the techniques of ancient gods and demons.

After being surprised, Xing Tian looked at the introduction carefully. Only then did he realize that among so many secrets, more than 90% are incomplete. They only have reference value and have little value in cultivation. After all, these are the spoils of human civilization. Or it was obtained from the ancient ruins, all of which were incomplete, and of course some of them were intact, but even if they were incomplete, these techniques are all worthless and shocking!

That’s right, these exercises are all named and priced, and the secret methods in this Zangjing Pavilion are open to the entire human race. Even if it is not a genius, as long as it is a human, you can use the contribution points you get to buy here. There are no restrictions on the exercises of Xing Tian, ​​which has to allow Xing Tian to recognize the atmosphere of human civilization. You must know that this is not what ordinary forces can do. After all, there are so many supreme exercises that are very tempting.

In fact, for human civilization, they never worry that the exercises will be spread, and they are not worried about accidents. For them, such an open move can make the development of human civilization more prosperous, and this kind of inheritance can only be achieved. It is possible to unearth the geniuses in human civilization. Although they have been selecting geniuses, no matter what kind of system there will be shortcomings, some geniuses will be buried, and this kind of system is to find geniuses to the greatest extent.

However, the contribution points in this Zangjing Pavilion are not ordinary contribution points, but the highest-level ethnic contribution points, which can only be obtained by people who have made a great contribution to the human civilization.

The ethnic contribution points can be issued by the upper level as a reward, or you can redeem it yourself. For example, if you get an ancient supreme or rare material outside, you can get it to the ethnic redemption point if you don’t use it. Converted into ethnic group contribution points, in order to get a lot of contributions to exchange for what you need from the ethnic group.

For these ancient prohibitions, most of them are incomplete, and the required contribution points are not too many. After all, they are all incomplete, and the value is naturally greatly discounted, and some of them are complete and require different contribution points. , Some ancient forbidden laws that require special bloodlines are naturally greatly discounted. After all, the crowd he has to face is too small, so it is naturally cheaper, and the scope of application is wide, it is naturally more expensive for me, which is more reasonable Thing. (...)

The 983-year period.

The 983rd year period:

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