God of Destruction

Chapter 988: Trial

The 980th Trial

In the past, Xing Tian did not contemplate refining tools and alchemy, but after he came to Tianyu, after he was in Qiyuan God City, Xing Tian had to change, especially after the shopkeeper he met before, Xing Tian understood that he wanted Tianyu. It’s not easy to gain a foothold among the human races. You need to have your own skills. Although the combat effectiveness, some of the auxiliary skills are also very good, and these auxiliary skills can bring yourself a source It is not a wise choice to put all hopes on the cultivation of the human race.

Xing Tian still has some understanding of refining tools, but his understanding is limited, at least it can’t be compared with Tianyu’s refining techniques. All the treasures in the heavens are no longer equivalent to what Xingtian knew before. In the domain, there are only very different divisions for the weapon of the gods, the supreme, the ancient, and the treasure of the Tao.

And what Xing Tian can refine is only that there is still a huge gap from the top, but fortunately Xing Tian’s natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" can evolve on its own, and his previous natal soldiers have also been integrated into his own. There is nourishment in the body, but now Xing Tian does not have a magic weapon to protect him.

Xing Tian put his focus on the refining class and alchemy class. Because there are so many things to learn, this makes Xing Tian feel dizzy, but fortunately, Xing Tian can use his clone to learn about refining tools and alchemy without affecting his own practice. Although it seems that doing so will affect the practice of his clone. In fact, this is not the case, you must know the two major clones of Xing Tian. One is the way of life, and the other is the way of destruction. As a life clone, Xing Tian can allow him to understand the path of alchemy. Using the talent of the clone in the path of life is naturally much stronger than other people, while using the black lotus clone who cultivates the path of destruction to understand the refining device Daoxingtian's divine weapon refined can contain a trace of destruction, with amazing power.

In this way, Xing Tian used his two major clones to truly achieve it, while practicing. While trying to comprehend the Tao of Alchemy and the Tao of Refining Artifacts, Xing Tian realized the benefits of this divine spirit space at this time, and there were many things that could be used.

Xing Tian did not forget to improve his fighting ability when he was practicing. He constantly went to the second floor of the God of War Tower to improve his own strength. Not only was he comprehending his own laws, he was also polishing his own body. Under the pressure of that horror, it was transformed and able to go further.

But the second floor of the Tower of War is too difficult, and it is not easy to get past it. At least Xing Tian doesn't have such ability yet, of course, if it is the enlightenment of Xing Tianyi's law, if it is to let go of his hands and feet to attack with all his strength. It's not that there is no such opportunity, but that is not what Xing Tian wants to see!

For Xing Tian, ​​even the speed of his practice can be slowed down. But he couldn't shake his foundation either, otherwise Xing Tian wouldn't keep pressing his realm without breaking through. You must know that within less than a month of arriving at Qiyuan God City, other geniuses in this year have already broken through the Viscount. Among these geniuses, only Xing Tian still does not have the realm of a viscount. He is still suppressing his realm and constantly polishing his own power.

Regarding Xing Tian’s crazy squeeze of his own potential, when he saw Xing Tian’s crazy behavior in the Tower of Wars, the King of Earth Splitting who guarded the Tower of Wars was shocked and horrified by Xing Tian’s crazy actions. I was shocked. After seeing Xing Tian sharpen himself so madly and persistently, there was only one thought in the heart of the King of Earth Splitting. Xing Tian would definitely become the pinnacle of human civilization in the future, and even the Lord of Era, because he was in Xing Tian’s body. Saw the uncompromising spirit. …

Time flies and it is a year. In one year, there are a hundred people who have broken through the first floor of the God of War Tower. Although among the number of more than 3,000 people, these 100 people are not many, but this is also true. It’s not a small breakthrough. At least there are so many geniuses in the past, but there is no one. However, although there are hundreds of people who have passed the first floor of the Tower of Wars, none of them have passed the second floor of the Tower of Wars. How fast your strength has increased, how amazing is it, but those geniuses have been stuck on the second floor of the God of War Tower, and they are unable to break through.

It was another gathering. Xing Tian, ​​Master Tongtian, Xuanming Ancestral Witch, Jiuying, Zhen Yuanzi, and Tie Zhan gathered together. Everyone exchanged their own cultivation experience with each other. Originally, such gatherings were only Xing Tian and the others. People in Honghuangtiandi are communicating, but the iron war is gradually added. For such gatherings, there will be once a month, so that everyone can exchange their experiences with each other and exchange what they know. information.

Information is very important to these geniuses. It is of great help to their practice. At least it can let them know many things they didn't know before, and they can understand the things taught by the strong human race.

"How is it, what has everyone gained recently?" The iron war that has been integrated into the small group of Xingtian and the others, broke through to the Viscount Erzhongtian during this period. He has just left the customs, so he has become very much. Active, I asked Xing Tian and the others loudly at the beginning, wanting to know Xing Tian's gains.

The Lord Tongtian smiled calmly and said: "I feel that I am already breaking through, and it will not be long before I can break through to the Viscount 2nd Heaven!" Although Lord Tongtian's expression is very flat, everyone can learn from the words of Lord Tongtian. Feel the joy in his heart!

"It won't take long for me to break through." The Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming and the lead, Zhen Yuanzi and others said equally flatly. They are all the same people who came from the prehistoric world, and their aptitudes are not much different. So in practice, their realm has always been above the same level, there is not much difference!

Hearing what everyone said, Xing Tian smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations to fellow Taoists, this is a great thing."

At this time, Tie Zhan couldn't help asking: "Xing Tian. You have successfully overcome the calamity before arriving at Qiyuan God City, why do you keep suppressing your realm? What exactly do you want to suppress your realm to? At that time, if you continue to suppress this endlessly. I am afraid that it will not take long to open up the distance between you and everyone. Although the foundation is very good, you can't suppress it without restrictions. After all, we only have three years. Time, if you cannot break through to the realm of the earl within three years, then you will miss your chance!"

Three years have put tremendous pressure on everyone. For these geniuses, they are desperately increasing their realm and strength, and they can break through the realm of the earl in three years. However, Xing Tian went the other way, suppressing his own realm all the time, which made Tie Zhan and them very worried.

Xing Tian could feel everyone’s kindness, he smiled calmly and said: “You don’t need to worry about me, I know it in my heart, but it won’t take too long. I have already felt that my body has reached its limit, and it won’t take long. , Then it will change. Then is the time for me to break through the realm!"

"Hey, let alone you, you have all heard that the **** without Meng Yi has broken through to the third heaven. With his speed of practice. I'm afraid that it would be a good idea to suddenly reach the earl in three years. I didn't expect his cultivation speed to be so fast, he has already walked ahead of us!" Tie Zhan said suddenly with jealousy. From his tone, it can be heard that he has no good feelings for Meng Yi. …

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Well, don't care about the speed of other people's cultivation. Although his early practice speed is very fast, it does not mean future achievements. If the foundation is not stable, it will suffer when breaking through the great realm. For serious impacts, everyone should do it one step at a time. Don't blindly improve your realm, that is not a good thing!"

auzw.com Xing Tian is right. The speed of early practice is not. The key lies in the breakthrough of the great realm. You must know that many people have been stuck in the Viscount Nine Heavens for their entire lives. , Can't break through the earl, so no matter how fast the front speed is, it is illusory, as long as it does not break through to the earl, everything is illusory.

Master Tongtian nodded and said, "Xing Tian makes sense. I have been practicing several secret methods recently. I feel good and it is very helpful for law enlightenment. When I have accumulated enough, I plan to go to enlighten the law **** monument again. , In order to be able to make yourself a step beyond the understanding of the law, and then to attack the second floor of the Tower of War."

Speaking of this, the Lord Tongtian suddenly spoke and asked: "By the way, Xing Tian heard that you are studying alchemy and refining, and I don’t know what you can gain? In this city of Qiyuan, whether it is pill or **** Weaponry is very popular!"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and replied: "It's not considered alchemy, and refining tools, it can only be regarded as ordinary cultivation. After all, these two auxiliary technologies require a lot of energy. I now spend most of my time polishing the flesh. Above, there is very little time to specialize in these two auxiliary skills. At most, you can only just get started, and it is far from success."

Just when everyone was able to chat, all of a sudden everyone received an email saying, "Two days later, the first subsidiary interview will be launched and the people will be prepared carefully. This trial is at an intermediate level of risk."

When everyone read the email, they looked at each other, and everyone saw surprise and fighting spirit in each other's eyes. The task of testing is an indispensable part of the genius cultivation system. No matter which civilization, when cultivating its own genius, in addition to internal competition, it also needs external pressure to catalyze it, that is, trial.

The level of danger is intermediate. For these geniuses, it is already very high. After all, these geniuses are only the cultivation base of the Viscount 2nd Heaven. There is still a long way to go before self-preservation, but this is They cannot refuse the mandatory task! Of course, no one will refuse, because rejection also means leaving this genius training.

"Everyone, it looks like we can only stop here. I will take advantage of this time to break through the cultivation base, so that I can have a little more control." The Master Tongtian was the first to react and immediately bid farewell to everyone. Preparing to use two days to break through his own realm and strength, he can have a better grasp of this trial.

"Taoist Tongtian is right. We have to prepare separately. After all, this is the first trial. It is related to our future opportunities, so everyone must do their best to pay." Xingtian and the group soon disbanded. . They had to prepare for their upcoming trial missions, after all, there was not much time left for them.

Xing Tian also thought about it a bit. Then I have to prepare for it. After all, this is a dangerous task of a medium level, and it is not so easy to complete, so Xing Tian also has to be careful not to be careless.

You must know that such trials will all be in the secondary planes. As long as someone with a little brain knows what they are going to do when they hear it, and since it is a trial, it is going to the true body, and naturally there will be life threatening. Danger. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a protective treasure. Although Xing Tian has the ultimate treasure of his life, "Eternal Shenzhou", he can escape with this treasure when he really encounters the danger of falling. It is much better than others, but since it is a trial , It’s not enough to escape for your life, you need to have a means of self-defense. …

The central area of ​​the universe is divided into the main space and countless subsidiary planes. The main space is dominated by those powerful continents, and the subsidiary planes are the strange planes that exist in the main space. What's inside is not something outsiders can know. Only those who have mastered those continents can know, but human civilization has many subsidiary planes. Some have been developed into the plane of spiritual medicine planting, some have been developed into the plane of spiritual material excavation, and there are military research and development bases and so on. Of course, some are used to cultivate talents. After all, if a race wants to be strong, it cannot do without talent!

Xing Tian also has a lot of understanding about this subsidiary plane. For these subsidiary planes, there are also levels. Evaluate the level of this face according to its rich aura, plane environment, spatial stability, gravity, amount, etc., to determine the purpose of this face.

After receiving the information, Xing Tian immediately used his consciousness and spirit space to understand a lot of information on that subordinate plane, fascinatingly absorbing a lot of knowledge, so that he could have a deeper understanding of the subordinate plane.

Xing Tian’s situation is still relatively good. At least he has already begun to cultivate auxiliary skills. He has gained a certain amount of alchemy and refining. Therefore, he is much stronger than other geniuses. So Xing Tian tried this time. There won't be too many rushes during training, and there is no need to go crazy buying bodyguards, as well as gods and so on.

Two days passed, and the agreed trial period was approaching. Xing Tian quickly got a detailed explanation of his trial mission! When he saw the detailed explanation of this task, Xing Tian was a little dumbfounded. The task made him very surprised, and it should not be said that it was shocked and shocked.

Xingtian's trial mission: in the monster beast plane of the subsidiary plane, hunt down a hundred Viscount level monsters or hunt down a half-step Earl level monster. The plane of monsters is a group of civilizational relics raised by our human civilization after human civilization has destroyed some of the auxiliary forces of the orcs, and is the deadly enemy of human civilization. This race is a relatively rare race in the universe. It is somewhat similar to the fierce beast Xing Tian encountered in the endless void. It will only activate its spiritual wisdom after reaching adulthood.

In the plane of this monster beast, there is no god-level powerhouse, so the degree of danger is medium. Although there is no god-level powerhouse, Xing Tian dare not care about it. After all, his current strength is still Not to the Viscount.

After reading this information, Xing Tian's heart could not help but moved. This orc civilization is one of the six super civilizations in the universe. It is a deadly enemy of human civilization. They have always wanted to destroy human civilization, but it is a pity They couldn't do it, no matter whether it was human civilization or orc civilization, the lives in both civilizations were flesh and blood, and both possessed powerful background and strength, and both possessed the master of the era.

Although in this year’s time, Xing Tian has also learned about the many civilizations in the central area of ​​the universe, knowing that the six super civilizations of the universe are: human civilization, protoss civilization, spiritual civilization, orc civilization, zerg civilization, Demon civilization. Among the six super civilizations, the relationship between human civilization and orc civilization has always been in a state of hostility, protoss civilization and demons civilization are in a state of war, and spirit civilization and zerg civilization are also in a state of struggle.

There are many oppositions and hostility, so these six civilizations will try their best to stifle the geniuses of the hostile forces, so this kind of trial seems to be carried out in the subsidiary planes of human civilization, but the danger is always there, whether it is Whether it’s in the secondary planes of human beings or other planes, there are hidden spies and assassins from hostile forces, so the battle of races is always going on, and it’s never interrupted. The war of civilization has never ended!

If someone thinks that he is trying out in the subsidiary plane of human civilization, so he will be taken lightly, then his will only be a dead end. In fact, in every genius training, many geniuses will fall in In the many trials, it was not natural forces that caused their deaths, but the assassinations of hostile forces! (...)


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