God of Fishing

Chapter 1143: Time Ring (2 in 1)

The City of Justice, including the surrounding seaside islands, has opened a trial battlefield.

The so-called trial battlefield is to open up all the beaches in the city of justice and the seaside areas of the surrounding villages and towns. According to the distance of the sea, it is divided into different levels.

For example, the reef beach can be called one of the lowest-level trial battlefields.

Han Fei's idea is very simple, and it is different from going directly to the sea for fishing in future generations. At this time, there were no so-called safe areas in the sea area.

Therefore, he directly adopted the battle mode on Broken Star Island.

Of course, after formulating various policies, Han Fei and Simon Linglan went to sea again. There is no other reason. The resources of the Avengers have been consumed more than 60% as early as one month after the establishment of the City of Justice.

The low taxes of the City of Justice can only maintain a daily balance of supply and demand.

The Avengers fleet is like a ghost walking on the sea. It will come back about every other year or so. Under normal circumstances, the ordinary Avengers return, and the main ship does not return.

But Jia Wuxing, because he broke through the explorer, was left to sit in the city, but he could suffocate the goods to death.

At this moment, the Avengers fleet is almost one year. The ten large ships that accompanied him have basically gone back once.

Unlike the previous Avengers fleet, at this moment the Avengers fleet has changed. The prototype of the tyrannical big ship has appeared, and this is due to Han Fei.

Han Fei was engraving at the bottom of the ship at this moment, but no creature dared to come close.

Simon Linglan appeared next to Han Fei. "The family clan, now seems to be really quiet. After many collisions with the City of Justice, Europe, it is said that the family clan will explore the direction further north."

Han Fei carelessly said, "No, this is just the forbearance of the clan. I said that we have 500 years. In fact, if we can have 50 years, it will be good. If the revered ones, the clan will inevitably penetrate the city of justice again. "

Simon Linglan "50 years, so fast?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "For Venerable, what is 50 years? If things are necessary, let alone 50 years, even if it is 500 years, 5000 years, they can bear it. Although the people are in my mind, the strong still live Less, you need to break through as soon as possible. "

Simon Linglan frowned. "As long as I can completely devour the venerable Dao Yun, the peak law enforcement is only a matter of time. 50 years, maybe it is possible."

Han Fei smiled and said, “Mo Yao wants to underestimate his own potential. His spirit is strong and weak, but he is innately cultivated. But diligence can make up for it, and you have the bones of the Venerable. Two major breakthroughs in breaking Zun. That is what you really need to understand. Your path has been confirmed, and the peak explorer is not obstructing you. The Venerable Realm is your key. "

Simon Linglan said indifferently, "What about you? Are you suppressing and repairing again?"

Han Fei smiled, "Used."

Simon Linglan wondered, "I haven't quite understood why you should suppress cultivation? If you break the explorer, I'm afraid the explorer's environment is rare."

Han Feixin said that if I continue to make breakthroughs, there will be too many changes. At this moment, the City of Justice has just entered the right track, I dare not!

Han Feixiao "Because, I take a different path. This path is extremely difficult, and you need to practice every state to perfection."

Simon Linglan's eyes were dignified. "So difficult to walk? What is the way?"

Han Fei glanced at her and casually said "invincible."

Simon Linglan just thought a mountain hit his chest invincible? In this world, who dares to say invincible? Han Fei is going to take such a path, isn't that the strongest way?

However, witnessing many miracles of Han Fei, she feels that Han Fei has always been the strongest.

Simon Linglan "I believe in you, I will wait for you to become a king. However, we have time, now it's time to go back and take your time."



Justice City Port.

Someone was at the port and Sayya ran "Avenger is back."

There were brigades of law enforcement and submarine anglers who came and greeted them.

Everyone shouted "Welcome the city owner back to the city."

Jia Wuxing stood on the deck. "How is it? Captain, handsome, is there anyone who breaks the explorer? Every day I sit in the town and my brain is already big."

But I saw a thin man who was pushed out of the previous Avengers, and he was speechless at the moment.

Jia Wuxing exploded and said, "Yang Xiaogao, your special mother's broken explorer? Well, from now on, you will be in the town, and I will return to the boat. Hahaha, it really is a good brother."

Yang Xiaogao was speechless. "No, Lao Jia! You are so familiar with the City of Justice, I can't get started!"

Jia Wuxing said angrily, "Fart, I do n’t do anything except seal and sign every day. I ’ll do whatever I want. I ’ll come to you as a brother. I promise, I ’ll make you a new explorer next year. come out."

Simon Linglan said with a black face, "Yes, your voice is loud. Is there anything serious in the city this year?"

A Wuxing waved his hand, "Captain, don't worry, you have nothing to do. Han Shuai's plans are all being implemented. This year, 356 new law enforcement officers and 3108 submarine anglers were born. Below, we also I ca n’t remember. Anyway, many people have improved. This is all due to you and Han Shuai. "

As soon as Han Fei heard, this data was already quite a lot. In such an era, it is already an exaggeration to have so many strong men born in a year.

Of course, this is the first year and the result of the integration of a large number of resources. It may not be so good in the future.

Simon Linglan's eyes lit up and looked at Han Fei "a lot."

Han Fei smiled faintly, "It's okay, this is the first year, and it will last for 10 years, and there will be explorers."

Jia Wuxing wailed, "Unfortunately, the explorers are going to go through the thunder robbery. This year, three people went through the robbery and all died."

Han Fei frowned, "The next time someone wants to cross the robbery, you let them press for a year, and wait for the Avengers to return and help them cross."

Jia Wuxing nodded again and again, and suddenly said, "Oh, yes, Hanshuai. Do you know someone named Cao Xuan? This person said that there are your father's wishes and relics to give you. But he insisted on seeing you My talent. Lao Tzu detained him directly in the city's main palace. "

Simon Linglan wondered, "Who are you talking about? Wang Han's father?"

Han Fei frowned slightly. "Take me to see."

The main palace.

Cao Xuan is not in a hurry. He knew that as long as Han Shuai did not return to Dahuang Village, he would definitely not find the existence of his father's relics. This is an opportunity to see Han Shuai's talents.

Moreover, although staying in the city's main palace, the city's aura is rich and can help him continue to polish the realm. Once breaking through the submarine angler, he is definitely not weak.


Suddenly, three figures appeared in Cao Xuan's small courtyard.

Jia Wuxing shouted, "Hanshuai, this is the kid. He didn't trust me and said he would not give anything."

Cao Xuan was shocked that if there was no accident, the young man and Lengao woman in front of him were Han Shuai and Ximen.

Cao Xuan quickly got up and respectfully said, "Cao Xuan, I have seen the city owner, and I have seen Han Shuai."

Han Fei said lightly, "You said, do you have my father's relics?"

What Han Fei can think of is the wood turtle and a bag of things that he forgot to take away.

Cao Xuan quickly said, "One year ago, I received a teaching mission from Dahuang Village. Since the former residence of the city owner and Han Shuai became a place where people yearn for, they dared to live in Han Shuai's house and accidentally found a secret. Should not know. "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly. "What?"

Cao Xuan quickly said, "The thing is actually on me, and I always carry it with me."

Jia Wuxing stunned. "It's impossible. I've seen it all. How can there be anything?"

Cao Xuan smiled ashamedly. "Actually, that's not a strange thing. Therefore, Master A didn't pay attention."

With that said, Cao Xuan took out the letter and ring from his own house in several cases.

Jia Wuxing said "You don't even hide such an important thing?"

Han Fei patted Jia Jiawuxing's shoulder and said, "You don't understand. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Your attention is put on the most valuable place on him."

When Han Fei saw the ring on the letter, he suddenly saw his pupil shrink. Is this ... time ring?

He has always overlooked a question, thinking that he is only wearing soul, how can the time ring come with him? But you are limited. When the time comes to quit, he immediately has some insights in his heart.

Han Fei quietly turned over his hand, put the ring away, and then opened the envelope and looked at it.

Simon Linglan and Jia Wuxing both looked at Han Fei, because Han Fei's brows were always frowning.

In fact, Han Fei imagined thousands of reincarnation secrets in his heart, and it was no surprise that he was picked up.

He has been thinking about reincarnation of soul, how to get out? But at this moment, he suddenly remembered the simplest question. Did you come by yourself?

After all, there are ways to get out of the top five soul realms.

However, this round of Soul Realm, I don't know how to go back. Thousand Star City lord Tianjiao, there are not many who have entered, but have you met yourself?

"No, there is no one time, and there are no signs."

Han Fei was thinking about the Beastmaster at this moment. They said that time is extremely difficult to cross. So, if time is long and normal samsara is two places?

Suddenly, Han Fei took a deep breath, the entrance where he came in ... is in the fifth soul realm!

At this time, when seeing the time ring, Han Fei will necessarily think of the time dragon carp. Is it true that you are wrong, but you are not in the soul realm?

If this is the case, will there be a change in this time? Will this be the way out?

Simon Linglan "What's wrong?"

Han Fei did not care about Simon Linglan and handed the letter directly to Simon Linglan.

In the stunned eyes of Simon Linglan, Han Fei looked at Cao Xuan and said lightly, "It's good, it's very important. I can give you a few options. One is to board the Avengers, but it won't give you any compensation; It's a body-building technique that teaches you a heaven-level divinity; the third one is up to you. "

Han Fei probably knew that Cao Xuan had to wait for himself for a year, and he must have something to ask for. This is human instinct. Just don't know when to start, you have become someone's chance?

The time ring brought by Cao Xuan is indeed extremely important. He is willing to give this opportunity.

Cao Xuan's body suddenly stretched upright and upright.

Board the Avengers? That's not casual. It is said that there is no weak on the Avengers.

However, the celestial genius technique is still the physical exercise technique, and this revenge is extremely high.

Even in the third kind, it is sufficient for itself to require a large amount of resources. With the handsomeness of the Han Shuai and the city master, the **** of the city of justice, as long as it is given, will definitely be given.

However, Cao Xuan saw the hope of a truly strong man from the first choice. Compared to the last two temptations, it is temporary, but if you can enter the Avengers ...

Cao Xuan's eyes were firm. "I chose to board the Avengers."

Jia Wuxing rubbed his head, and immediately wailed, "Boy, if you choose the two after the election, I really want to shoot you. This still needs to be considered? Special lady, you are definitely the weakest one on the Avengers."


Since the rise of the city of justice, the level of human life has risen even though it can't be said to "shoo". However, a series of bells and whistles in urban planning have brought the city and surrounding villages to life.

The reef beach has become a place for the young villagers to practice. And this practice, from the beginning of training, has become actual combat. A strong man will take over the task and sit down to prevent accidents.

After a year of development, a reward hall was built next to the village head's house. Various reward missions began to gradually shift from the city to the village.

People in the City of Justice no longer adhere to the City of Justice, but will travel to the surrounding villages and towns to see if there is a suitable task?

This morning.

Dahuang Village, at the door of Han Fei's house, under the peach tree.

When Yu Shuai heard a chattering chatter outside, he pushed out the door impatiently and said angrily, "What are you shouting about? It's only half an hour before you start the trial ... Hey, who are you?"

Yu Shuai suddenly glimpsed, standing under the peach tree at the door, two men and one woman. The woman was standing, and the momentum was daunting.

The man squatted and was carving a stone tablet. It's just that there is no text on the inscription, and complicated lines are drawn on it, like a formation.

But he saw that the man looked back at him. Suddenly, Yu Shuai shivered, and exclaimed directly, "The villain Yu Shuai, I met Han Shuai, and I saw the Lord Ximen."

Yu Shuai came down with cold sweat.

A year ago, the Avengers entered the city, but he watched the whole journey! Did n’t the teachers mentioned live in Han Fei ’s house? How did you get here, these two came?

"Ah? City Lord?"

"Hanshuai? Are you Hanshuai?"

"Wow! Did I see Han Shuai?"

A group of children were frying pan. What they admire most now is Han Shuai. Because those people on the Avengers can boast the most is the story of Han Fei.

After all, Han Fei needs to be more violent, tearing up the enemy, everything will happen.


A child ran and told, "Hanshuai is here, Hanshuai is here."

Han Fei smiled slightly and engraved a name in his hands-Wang Lun.

Han Fei lowered the stele and placed it halfway into the soil, laughing, "It's okay, you continue to live here, and I probably won't be back in the future."

Yu Shuai did not dare to speak, mainly because he did not know what to say.

But seeing Han Fei glanced at the big house next door, said lightly, "Go and take a look!"

Simon Linglan nodded slightly.

I only saw Han Fei stepping on the formation method, a line of mysterious mystery, supplemented by the appearance of Juling Array, and the time of the breath was drawn, and a small formation was formed.

However, Yu Shuai did not dare to underestimate this formation, the aura here instantly became rich several times. Moreover, he can see with naked eyes that there is a knife intentionally circulating in the formation, it should be that the killing formation has not run away.

Outside the killing line, there is a prohibition barrier. This barrier alone cannot be broken by ordinary people.

And this is just to keep a monument.

When Yu Shuai was still staring at the stone tablet for a while, when a group of children were still excited whether they wanted to come and say hello, they saw the two of them "brush" and disappeared.

Next door, the library mansion was not open, but an old man was already sitting in a chair with no waves on his face.

When he saw Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, the old man smiled and looked up, "Miss is amazing, this is the master of the city."

Simon Linglan's eyes are complicated. "Grandpa Xu, I just learned that you have the strength of a peak dive angler."

The old man smiled haha, "Do not hurry, do not hurry. Mr. Wang Han, the spirit has come to light?"

Han Fei nodded slightly and dropped a magic healing technique on the old man. Unfortunately, it had no effect.

The old man shook his head and said, "No more effort. I'm too long for it to be cured. Moreover, it is cut off by the strong, unless the strength of the Venerable Realm."

Simon Linglan suddenly said, "So, Grandpa Xu, did you know everything?"

The old man grinned and said, “At that time, Wang Lun was a soldier under my command. I asked me to take a look at this kid. I came here, and I realized that this kid was amazingly talented. Wang Lun had tested his spiritual veins, level 7 spiritual veins. . But when I came to see it, it became a ninth-level spirit vein. But then, when the Ximen family affairs happened, I was thinking about it. Both I and the young lady were abandoned, so I came here. In case, this kid rises , Miss still leans a little. "

Just listen to the old man whispering "Who knows? When we first came, you met ..."

There are a lot of old men, and finally slowly said, "The clans will not give up, Miss, you are not growing enough. Only when one day, you are not afraid of the Venerable, you can really guard the city of justice."

Simon Linglan nodded. "Even if I can't do it, Wang Han can do it."

The old man was noncommittal and said lightly, "Come back! The city of justice has just begun to improve. The old man is waiting for its glory."

Simon Linglan said, "Grandpa Xu, don't you go back with us?"

The old man sneered, "Dahuang Village is very good, really good. I used to live without a battle at sea, so I can spend the rest of my life with peace of mind. Miss, do you want me to go back?"

Simon Linglan "Someone can take care of you."

The old man shook his head. "I won't cause trouble to others. Everyone has their own things to do. Me too, old man. If there is a sea monster in the future, I dare to set foot in the big deserted village. I still mention the knife."

Han Fei smiled slightly, "It's good."

The old man smiled and glanced at Han Fei, right? Your kid understands me ... Go, do your own thing, I'm waiting to see.

Later, the children did not see Han Fei and Simon Linglan again. Instead, the tombstones and peach trees in front of Han Fei's house have become holy places in the future, and people often come to observe.

After leaving Dahuang Village, Han Fei and Simon Linglan only spent three days in the City of Justice, made an urban planning arrangement, and went out to sea again.


Twelve years later.

In the waters outside the City of Justice, Yiyue flew to "Captain, the ship of the Oriental family. They seem to have encountered a great demon in the realm of explorers, and they are now fighting."

Simon Linglan's eyes were cold.

Yiyue has already reached the peak of law enforcement at the moment and sneered. "It's only 12 years have passed. They have started to move and cross the border repeatedly. Especially in the past two years, they have robbed us of many resources."

Simon Linglan said, "This is the personality of the tribe. Now it is just fighting for resources. Once they have enough confidence to plunder resources, the internal war will start."

Han Fei swept from a **** ship and said lightly, "The City of Justice has become a scale. They just want to pick fruit. The civil war has been turbulent for up to a few years, but now the City of Justice has been different than before. Once it succeeds As long as the existing model remains unchanged, they have hundreds of years to slowly make people forget the existence of the Avengers. "


Han Fei shook his body slightly, so that Simon Linglan shook his heart and quickly said, "How are you doing?"

Han Fei shook his head, "It's okay, it may be some of the remaining memories."

Simon Linglan said, "Isn't it a bit overwhelming?"

Han Fei smiled slightly. "Fortunately, it's okay. After this incident, I will go to the 100,000 mountains and look for the Beastmaster."

Simon Linglan nodded, "I will go with you."

Han Fei waved his hand. "No, there can't be no one on the Avengers. I'll go as soon as I go, at most ten days and a half months."

At the other end, huge waves raged, the sword light covered the sky, and a mussel girl was bombing each other with a human.

"Hey! How many years has it since the Battle of His Holiness? Dare to come to my human territory? The shell on you is good, I want it."

The mussel girl was unwilling to read the war and was in a situation where she was fighting back.

Suddenly, the clam girl was shocked, put away the filament in her hand, and closed the shell directly.


However, she was one step late. A black light suddenly appeared, before the clam shell closed, rushed in.

"Ah ~"

Just listen to the clam shell, there is a wailing cry "Don't eat me ~"

At the other end, Dongming Ming's expression changed greatly, and Daoman slashed into the void, blasting away with two scimitars.


"What? Senior Explorer, Simon Linglan?"


The beasts turned out, Dongfang Ming's brain was shocked, and the thought quickly flashed a thought "Wang Han also came, the Avengers?"


A huge blood shadow shark, thousands of blood stains appeared in the air, seems to be blocking Han Fei and Simon Linglan.

However, he is only an intermediate explorer, how can he be the opponent of such a person? Han Fei's sword-drawing technique is like breaking bamboo, and the line of nothingness is directly connected to the blood shadow shark.

And Simon Linglan, who is already a senior explorer, turned into fog and penetrated the battlefield, and the double-edged sword instantly penetrated Dongming Ming.



Dongfang Ming exploded in half of his body, but used this block of the Blood Shark to carry the blow.

Of course, as a result, his talented soul beast died. When the strong men engage in battle, they are in a blink of an eye, not to mention he was attacked by the two big men?

Dongfang Mingbu burst out, "Simon Linglan, the clan has already moved away, so you don't need a killer to compete for resources?"

Han Fei's endless hydration knife instantly smashed a void that was just torn apart by Dongming Ming, and coldly said, "It will be killed if you cross the border. Recently, many ships of the City of Justice have disappeared. kill."

Han Fei's voice, rolling like thunder, could spread out hundreds of kilometers away, and no one dared to get close in the distance.

"Wang Han, you are provoking war."


The response to him was still a roar of the beast town. When the black mist hit, the two sides cut again, Dongming Ming no longer had a chance to speak, and fell directly.

On the other side, Yiyue took the people and had already slain the enemy's ship.

As for the mussel girl, Xiaohei swallowed for a moment, but Han Fei suddenly felt Xiaohei's crisis and immediately took Xiaohei back.

"Humph! Find death."

Han Fei's body punches broke out, and the terrifying energy escaped, and the fist blasted the mussel into the sea.

"Boom !!"

Just as Han Fei was ready to continue his shot, energy escaped from the only big hole, causing Han Fei to tremble slightly.

Simon Linglan saw this scene "I'll come, you rest."

Han Fei didn't care anymore, but frowned, he knew he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Alas, it won't last long."

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