God of Fishing

Chapter 1148: Challenge you all

At Chunyang Island, in front of the Thug Academy, Han Fei kicked the **** armor box under his feet and stepped out of the big pit.

At that moment, Han Fei was not wearing a strong armor, nor was he holding a sharp blade. But in that step-by-step posture, like a king rising from the throne, his eyes were squinted.

Han Fei: "I heard that you blocked my thug academy for many days and seriously injured many people in our academy. Since you want to kill me so much, now I will give you a chance to go together, both to win and lose, and to make a difference between life and death. all."

Han Fei's voice was not loud, but she was very far away.


"Bold fanatic, you are looking for death."

"Han Fei, don't be too arrogant to be a man."

I saw Han Fei grinned and laughed loudly: "I am arrogant? Yes, I am arrogant! Then are you fighting? I ... you few, do you want to come together? See your strength should be strong A chance to kill me. "

However, the scene where Han Fei retired as a explorer just now is still in everyone's mind. This represents: Han Fei is comparable to the explorer in strength.

This is also why Han Fei wants to challenge them all.

Han Fei's eyes fell on Chu Qingyan and others.

At this time, I should not know them. Otherwise, you can bring out the things of the ideal palace with memory, but are you exposed?

Zhang Xuanyu's face changed drastically, and he quickly heard the voice: "No, you'll wait for a while before picking. Those are all strong on the Tianjiao list. Here are no fewer than 50 strong Tianjiao lists. We can't pick."

Luo Xiaobai's voice: "Han Fei, you just came out, you don't know the situation, just drink them first."

"Ao ~"

Suddenly, he watched a fat man get out of the teleportation array.

I only saw Yueren limping with legs and swollen face, and seemed to cry with tears: "No, you are finally back."

Han Fei rubbed his lips: How did this fat man get into this virtue?

Followed by the madman came out, and shrimp every day.

The goods "whooped" and ran across Han Fei, rubbing against Han Fei's leg.

Han Fei didn't have time to take care of the shrimp every day, thought about it, and collected it directly.

In his mind, Shrimp Ritian still seems to say, "Master, how come you come back?"

Han Fei turned his back on Luo Xiaobai and shook his head without looking at the explorer in the air: "I killed the people of the family clan. Do you not want to take revenge? Oh, the so-called Tianjiao strong, the clan Son, are you so counseling? Let a group of you, beat me alone, dare not? Really a waste. "

"Fuck, what are you talking about?"

Han Fei sneered at the person who spoke, and then looked around: "I said, you have one, what kind of clan Tianjiao? What Tianjiao strong? All are waste."


Yang Nanxi was the first to bear it.

Being so ridiculed by Han Fei, he was furious at that time, holding a sledgehammer and yelling: "Han Fei, are you looking for death?"

Many people's faces changed dramatically: "Han Fei, do you know what you are talking about?"


On the sky dome, the explorer sneered coldly: "The peak of law enforcement, the use of secret methods, can take me a blow, it is nothing."

"Slap ~"

Han Fei smiled and clapped his hands: "Yes, I didn't expect that even the explorer is also talking on the mouth. Gee ..."

I saw a sudden change in Han Fei's complexion, and yelled: "In a word, can't you fight? If you don't fight, just leave for Lao Tzu! Afterwards, where my thug academy passes by, you a group of waste, you will hide for me."


The musician swallowed and murmured, "When can I be like this? Full of momentum!"

Luo Xiaobai frowned: Han Fei's strength became stronger, why did he become so much stronger? He has been in the ideal palace for so long, did he encounter any special adventures?

At this moment, not only Luo Xiaobai thought so, everyone here thought so.

Suddenly saw Sun Wu stand up, the sound waves came: "Don't be bluffed by him. The law enforcement peak is only here, here the peak law enforcement is no less than 30, why fear him alone? What's more, even Han Fei Against the sky, within two months, the strength has increased so much ... the state must be unstable. "

Sun Wu saw no one moving, even Yang Nanxi was thinking, she had to stand up.

The reason is that she learned Chu Qingyan's method and entered the ideal palace several times in a row, trying to judge one thing by the number of times.

She wondered: Did Sun Mu kill Han Fei?

As a result, the answer is clearly visible. What Cao Qiu said is false.

Han Fei tilted his head and glanced, then immediately pointed at Sun Wu: "What's the matter? There are so many so-called Tianjiao here. Isn't there a lady who has the courage? Just your group of rammed goods, and the special lady who followed me to the mob college Shouting? Believe me or not, squeeze you? "

Zhang Xuanyu's mouth twitched, looking at Luo Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, do you mean it's pretend or dare?"

Luo Xiaobai glared at Zhang Xuanyu.

You can hear you here, there are not a few, do you have no points in your heart?

The voice of the old Su family sounded in Han Fei's mind: "Han Fei, Mo Yaozhen is really out of control. After you return, the situation may return to the previous balance."

Han Fei looked cold, and he said: Balance?

Oh, Simon Linglan was right. The tribe ruled a city, and ordinary people had no chance of turning over. Even though Qianxing City looks extremely prosperous on the surface, how about that?

The more prosperous the Qianxing City is, the more details the monks have accumulated.

Moreover, through the experience of reincarnation of the soul realm, Han Fei knows the so-called big clan, but it is just a group of bullying and fearful things. If the four statues of the Hundred Thousand Thousand Mountains are here at this moment, who would be the Chumen and Suns, who would dare to make them?

I saw Chu Qingyan's eyes lit up, and she immediately heard everyone: "Everyone, even if Han Fei becomes stronger? Xingzhu must be on him. Do you really think that he can be against so many of us? As long as Xingzhu When you get it, what is the means? "

Chu Qingyan took the lead and stepped out: "War!"

She can't remember what happened in the ideal palace.

However, in the ideal palace, he definitely fought Han Fei. Not just yourself, many people here have fought Han Fei.

At the moment, Han Fei, the so-called peak of law enforcement, seems to her too false.

According to the normal truth, no one in Qianxing City has ever entered the ideal palace. After coming out, the strength has soared directly into three small realms, spanning eight or nine levels.

Yang Nanxi held the hammer out and said: "War, I want to smash his fish teeth."


"Just hit it. I haven't heard such unreasonable demands for years."

"Hey! So many people, can I be afraid of him?"

In heaven, the explorer frowned slightly.

Just now, the power of my own shot was too small, and I haven't been able to measure Han Fei's strength. However, in terms of feeling, Han Fei does seem to have the peak strength in law enforcement.

However, he also does not think that Han Fei can challenge so many law enforcement peak alone.

The great arrogance of the family clan, do you mean defeat?

As for who Han Fei killed in public, let him be. As long as the current clan Tianjiao wins together, who will care about this matter? At that time, they began to compete for stars. The sacrifice of one or two people is normal.

Han Fei grinned: "Are you really here? Hey, then try it. Is it true that you dare to kill me?"

Han Fei seemed to flinch a bit, but in fact it was just retreating in order to lure the enemy.

From the ideal palace, Han Fei hurried back to the Thug Academy. However, those who are outside the ideal palace must go back to the clan first. Well, in fact, I took the lead. As long as you are fast enough, you can directly kill a batch.

Luo Xiaobai shouted: "Han Fei."

Han Fei waved his hand, instructing Luo Xiaobai to stop talking.

I only saw two war hammers in Han Fei's hands, and the whole body was full of waves: "Come on, let me know today, the power of my thug academy."


Han Fei figure, skimming the sky.

Luo Xiaobai and others followed up.

Su Daji took the Su family explorers with one hand and seemed to want the explorers to take them up to see.

However, the old Su family said: "That is the battle of law enforcement, even if it is shown to you, you can't see it with your naked eyes, waiting."

Above the sky.

Han Fei's wings spread: "How come, are there only 47 people participating in the war? Do you look down on my thug academy, or look down on me Han Fei? Or is your clan no one?"

"Roar! Damn, I will fight you too."

"Wait for me, I will kill you."

Suddenly, more than 30 people took off.

Han Fei is so crazy, what if you have the best law enforcement? At the peak of law enforcement, do you think you are invincible?

Han Fei grinned: "Is there any more?"

Han Fei's blood boils at the moment.

He really wanted to have a good fight. Since he recovered his memory in the reincarnation of the reincarnation, he felt inexplicable anger in his heart and he needed to vent.

Han Fei yelled: "Is it gone? It seems that there are not many so-called clan Tianjiao, even 100 people."

"Nonsense, I want to beat you up."

Yang Nanxi screamed, the giant hammer turned out, and immediately shot.

Han Fei grinned: "Ji Jie, Xiao Bai, remember to catch people."


I saw Han Fei's figure and disappeared without a trace. The speed is so fast that Yang Nanxi and everyone are directly forced. Isn't it so fast to tear the void?

In the sky, the explorer suddenly shouted: "No good, all retreat."

However, Han Feike is not ready to really hide anything.

Heavenly Deficiency, Magical Change, and Windy Speed, the UU reading book www.uukanshu.com is launched at the same time, and the speed can be several times faster than the Yejia Tianjiao in the same realm.


Yang Nanxi, holding a double hammer, suddenly felt his arms weak. Look again, what about his own hands? Why did you fly out?

"Boom ~"


He heard Yang Nanxi's bones break and blood ran wildly. Half of his body, crazy blood, was smashed towards Luo Xiaobai's side.

Luo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and immediately summoned the Void Vine and a hundred species of demon plants to directly buckle Yang Nanxi.

"Boom boom!"

I saw that the sky is full of hammers in the void, and the whirlwind of energy circulates in the sky.

The body of war can quickly absorb energy from the void, this is the secret of Cao's family, he will know it. Under these tactics, with the Hundred War Hammer, how terrifying is that power?


Seeing the void, like fireworks, bursts of blood mist.

That scene really stunned countless people. It wasn't an iron-headed fish. It was a big clan Tianjiao that burst out one after another!

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