God of Fishing

Chapter 1152: Ready to escape

After briefly explaining the reasons for the escape, Han Fei went directly to the back hill of the Thug Academy.

At this moment, Han Fei crouched beside Jiu Yinling, his face dignified.

Jiu Yinling was seriously injured, her internal organs were severely injured, and there were signs of being abandoned. However, apparently someone has rescued her, she should have eaten a lot of Linguo. Otherwise, it should have been abandoned by this time.

However, even if it is not abandoned now, it also damages the foundation and requires time to warm up.

When he saw Han Fei, Jiu Yinling's complexion said "I'm fine."

"What a fart!"

Han Fei frowned, Shen Yushu lost a few out, only to see Jiu Yinling's face improved again.

Luo Xiaobai said, "Because Jiuyin Ling shot, Jiuyin's family was attacked by his clan. I heard that senior Jiuyinlie was scrapped."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly and pressed his anger. "I know. I should remember the hatred, and I will get it back at once."

Next to the hot pot.

Han Fei picked up a large piece of fish, stuffed it into his mouth, and buzzed, "Like you came out of the ideal palace and can't remember anything, I can't. But, I'm strong anyway."

After all, Han Fei entered the Ideal Palace with them. What did you experience? Luo Xiaobai did not know that, Han Fei Ke Jiner blowing, no one knows anyway.

At this time, the family clan did not know what Han Fei experienced in the ideal palace? Why did Han Fei become so strong? People who have no choice but to enter the ideal palace do not remember everything inside after they come out. Therefore, those families can't investigate.

What kind of chance did Han Fei get inside? Everything is a mystery.

However, it is obvious that many aristocrats died in the ideal palace.

Because of this, the current family clan also has a lot of suspicion. It is quite controversial whether there is anyone, and who is joining forces with the Thug Academy.

At this moment, Han Fei felt around him and suddenly said, "Release your soul, I will teach you a new language."

Luo Xiaobai was puzzled and looked at the void, then nodded slightly.

After a moment.

Han Fei said in a giant way, “Don’t worry about how this language came from. In the past few days, we have to find a way to run. Because I am at the peak of law enforcement, although this balance seems to be still there, it is actually broken . I have to run, if I don’t run, I can’t break through the explorer."

Luo Xiaobai "I think so. Your growth rate is too fast! If it is me, I will watch you for the first time. Now, there must be someone staring at you."

Zhang Xuanyu said, "How to run? Does Ren Ren come to help us run?"

Le Ren said madly, "Isn't it possible? So many Venerables are watching."

Han Fei shrugged. "I don't know. He said let's wait for being rescued."

Jiu Yinling's eyelid twitched slightly, she didn't speak, but just listened quietly.

She just saw the scene where Han Fei shot. However, because of the injury, she did not go out. She still couldn't believe that in such a short period of time, has Han Fei become the strongest in the Thug Academy?

She wondered what those people said they were practicing fast, but Han Fei was the fastest.

It is precisely because of Han Fei's extremely talented talent that he is less tolerated by the family clan of Qianxing City. Can you really get involved in this level of battle?

Han Feidao "So, how to do it? Let's wait."

Luo Xiaobai was silent for a while and said, “Can’t sit still. There are a few venerable people in Qianxing City, and no one can say badly. Uncle Han can contain a few? We don’t know. Senior Ren should be able to hold three! , May come... However, they are useless by themselves, there are many explorers in Qianxing City. Therefore, once they come, it means that they also have a short-term strength against the Venerable."

Everyone looked at Luo Xiaobai.

Han Fei's face was covered in circles "So?"

Luo Xiaobai "There is not enough strength, can we rescue us, or two. The other point is that the purpose of the Thug Academy to let us come should be to find a way to enter the Immortal Palace. It seems that we have not done it?"

Han Fei hesitated. "That, actually...I think it might be done."


Everyone looked at Han Fei what did you do? Where did you do it?

Han Fei smiled and said, "It's complicated. The so-called road has never been complicated. The problem is that Xiangong can't go in casually. Old Han has told me that there are explorer-level puppets everywhere. The problem is, you I feel that the old man Bai really let us find a way to Qianxing City?"

Luo Xiaobai's heart moved, "How to say?"

Zhang Xuanyu wondered, "Otherwise?"

Han Feidao "I always feel wrong... Actually, I feel more, he still wants us to go to the ideal palace? You talk about it, what happened when you came out of the ideal palace?"

Luo Xiaobai "After I came out, I broke through the law enforcers, but I don't know how to break through?"

Han Fei scratched his head and wondered why?

He always felt that this matter was still related to himself.

Han Fei can be sure that his reincarnation and the so-called reincarnation soul are not a place at all.

For Luo Xiaobai, the ideal palace may be a place to experience. Perhaps the real reincarnation of the soul should be to break the law. But for myself, this is not the case.

If there is no chase by the clan, then if you enter the fifth soul realm, you will still meet Simon Linglan.

Simon Linglan's battle of robbing the mountains was unsuccessful. Human beings will fail. After losing, what story will follow? Will you be recognized? In the end, do I have to enter reincarnation?

Moreover, the human beings in samsara, as well as other ethnic groups, should there be follow-up stories afterwards?

After all, there was no statue of Poseidon in the City of Justice that I snatched, so what the **** are you doing at that level?

In addition, in the prehistoric soul realm, when you turned into a great ape, how could the orcs fight against the fleeing humans? It stands to reason that with its own appearance, 100,000 mountains is the first to know some of the later generations.

Since there is a battle, the human ship that I saw at that time seems to have found a way out...

What kind of people and ethnic groups have escaped the disaster of extinction? Han Fei is unknown.

What is the fate of Simon Linglan, Han Fei is also quite sighed at the moment. Because no matter what, everything she has experienced has happened in the past. Even if Han Fei regrets, he can't change anything now...

The ideal palace has left many unsolved fans...

Han Fei didn't understand.

When there is a chance, I still have to go to the Ideal Palace to take a look. If you can enter the fifth soul realm, will it form a paradox of time?

"Han Fei, Han Fei."

Hearing Luo Xiaobai calling himself, Han Fei suddenly looked back, "Oh, oh! Let me put it this way, the principal may just see that your broken Star Island has little effect on our experience, just to let us find a safe place. Experienced, but I didn’t expect my breakthrough to be too fast, which has affected everyone."


Zhang Xuanyu shot on Han Fei, "My brother, what's the problem? The Qianxing City has come, the law enforcement has broken, and the three holy places have also been to two, no loss."

Le Ren nodded again and again, "I still don't want to come, I still want to stay at sea."

Luo Xiaobai glanced at another pot of hot pot next to it, but all looked at Yi Xiyan and others, and said, "The problem is, we are waiting here, it seems that it is not the way. Since today, it has If this is the case, I don’t know if there is a way to create a greater turmoil? Give seniors a chance to create them?"

Zhang Xuanyu said suspiciously, "Can you run away under the eyes of His Holiness when there is a turmoil?"

Le Ren said madly, "Change your face! We can change our face and go."

Zhang Xuanyu was speechless. "Are you an idiot? That's Venerable. Are you still changing your face? You can't run away if you become an ironhead fish."

Han Fei pondered for a long time, and suddenly beckoned to Yi Xiyan, "Yan Yan, come here."


Several people in Yixiyan have been paying attention here. They are really stunned. They have just entered school, and the school has been working with the family and family of Qianxing City.

"Brother, what is it?"

Han Fei rubbed his lips and said, "Yan Yan! Can you still contact your father and your mother?"

Yi Xiyan shook her head. "They ran and went to have a second son. That would definitely not let me find it."

Han Fei said, "Is it?"

Han Fei waved his hand and let Yi Xiyan continue to eat hot pot.

After thinking about it for a moment, Han Fei took a breath. "Xiao Bai, if you return to the Luo family, will you be in trouble?"

Luo Xiaobai frowned. "What do you mean?"

Han Feidao "Arrange one by one! Actually, I want to go, it's not difficult to say. The difficulty is with me, not you. If you can go away, I can feel at ease and find a way to run."

Zhang Xuanyu said, "That's not possible. Let's go together."

Le Ren nodded again and again. If a few of them left, Han Fei wanted to leave again, then he could not go to war?

Han Feidao "wait and see."


After a meal.

Han Fei was lying on a tree trunk, and was very worried.

He is now more suspicious of himself and others, what is the purpose of coming to Qianxing City? I am afraid it is not so simple to find the entrance to the fairy palace?

After so many years, the real powerhouse of Qianxing City actually said that there are countless ways to go to the fairy palace, which is definitely impossible.

I’m afraid it’s not that they don’t know how to get there, but that they don’t have the ability to go!

Just now, listening to Ren Tianfei's breath, the appearance of an old **** does not seem to worry much.

So, Han Fei swept away the haze of his heart and stopped thinking about this problem, or just look at the movements of the past two days...

In other words, since Han Fei came out of the Ideal Palace, he has not fully understood his own situation.

After glancing at the mind, a small vine in the refining demon pot was already withered, which made Han Fei's heart sink. It seems that the cost of forcibly deducing the sixth layer of "Void Fishing" is not small, and I don't know how much aura I have to consume if I want to return this little vine green.

At this moment, information came to mind.

Han Fei

Level 69 peak law enforcement)

Reiki 432568199999)

Mental Strength 1869618696

Wisdom 942

Law enforcement is not bad

Power 52 waves

First Spirit Vessel Grade 9

The second spirit is not awakened

On the first day, the soul beast twins yin and yang swallow spirit fish level 59

The second talent, the soul beast, is unawakened

Majoring in the skill of "Void Fishing", the sixth level of "Sky Stealing"


When he saw this information, Han Fei froze for a moment. During the reincarnation, he was actually a rebuild.

Since it is a recultivation, he has not cultivated many things. Therefore, at that time, regardless of aura, mental power, perception range, or strength, there were relatively differences.

Especially when he misunderstood the results of stealing his veins, he discovered it only after he was sober. I don't know if I was a coincidence, or I was destined to take this spirit fruit, so that my spiritual veins became the ninth level unconsciously.

Once, UU reading www.uukanshu.com once wanted to pursue the improvement of spiritual veins, but now it's okay, no need to chase, the spiritual veins are full.

However, after the fusion of Wang Han and Ontology, his own strength has not increased much. Especially in terms of strength, it is more than ten times stronger than when entering the ideal palace, but it is only a bit more enhanced than in the reincarnation.

The same is the peak of law enforcement. In fact, the power of normal arrogance can also reach more than 40 waves.

Han Fei initially suspected that he had not fully adapted. Perhaps it will take a while for the precipitation to fully stabilize itself.

Since precipitation is needed, Han Fei is not in a hurry now. This is the first time I have reached the peak of law enforcement, and there is still some way to go. In the future practice, there is still no time to study "Stealing Sky", or I will wait until I leave Qianxing City.

After experiencing a life cycle, Han Fei clearly saw the nature of the family.

Therefore, these big clan must be destroyed!

These big clans, like the tumors in humans today, have almost dried up all the fishermen under the rule of Qianxing City.

Han Fei wants to be king and wants to rule this domain, this tumor must be removed! Ximen Linglan's City of Justice set Han Fei an example!

In a sense, Simon Linglan's way is not the way to go?

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