God of Fishing

Chapter 1165: Koto returns

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Han Fei felt very stressed. There is no unity within Qianxing City, and a group of Venerables are greedy for the chance to become king. Really ordinary people's life and death, they don't care.

In other words, ordinary people are just tools for families to gather money and collect resources. This is no different from those of the justice city in the end of the law.

In my mind, there was a deep voice saying, "Boy, you are not very big in this area, but you are fighting a lot. It seems that you have to run somewhere else to go to the robbery!"

Han Fei whispered: "What's the matter with you? Don't always think that you are very knowledgeable. Who hasn't come from the weak? When I get through the robbery successfully, I'm a strong man anyway."

The old tortoise despised: "What kind of strong explorer is it? It's just a small sky-tribulation. The emperor took a nap, and it passed. What did the small emperor look like? The emperor didn't see it."

Han Fei even more despised: "You blow, you continue to blow. Sure enough, the longer you live, the more shameless."

In the past few years, it's okay, this old turtle will nag.

The big devil is probably an emperor-like existence, and finally shrinks in his body, knowing to blow fish.


Suddenly, Han Fei felt that the dead branch trembled. Immediately, he stopped and took out the dead branches.

The moment Han Fei took out the dead branch, the young leaf fell directly. When the leaves fell on the sea, a vortex appeared gradually within a thousand kilometers. Some yellow roots emerged from the boundary of the vortex.

Han Fei raised his mouth and pierced into it.

After a while, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed.

Large areas of broad-leaved seaweed appeared in Han Fei's field of vision. Han Fei saw a school of fish leaving quickly, and a big octopus got into the cracks of the plant's rhizome.

However, the number of these creatures is not very large and not very strong. No one saw the fisherman's peak.

Han Fei knew that at that time, the Leafless Tree also paid a great price. Most of the primitive creatures here have died.

"Huh! It's kind of interesting, there's a king seal here. Your strength is directly pressed to the top of the dangling angler."

Han Fei wondered: "The seal of the king? Can you feel it?"

"Nonsense, this emperor is a grandeur. Even if there is only the soul, it is also a grandeur."

Han Fei pouted: "You pull a few down! You are now a prisoner. Tell me, is the king's seal so powerful? Can it seal the realm?"

The old turtle disdainfully said, "You don't understand, summer insects can't speak ice, well frogs can't speak the sea. The power of the king is not what you can imagine. Don't try to use the power of the venerable to try to figure out the king. Um, Until now, you are not even a Venerable."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei's face was ugly: "Shut up for me, don't interrupt me next time."


At this moment, the old face of the leafless tree appeared on Hanfei's underwater tree.

"You're here?"

Han Fei laughed: "Senior Wuye, it's pretty fast! It's only five years since I went out to now?"

The leafless tree's face is distorted: "It's not too short. Has the strongman fallen recently? There seems to be a lot more aura and energy coming from outside. Otherwise, it is estimated that it has to wait a year."

Without nagging with the leafless tree, Han Fei was excited: Is the third Koto mature? I'm going to pick peaches now.

Han Fei: "Senior Wuye, wait a moment, I will arrive soon."

one day later.

Han Fei slowly and slowly flew to the leafless tree. Obviously, it only takes a distance of half an incense, but because of the realm limitation, it took a full day to arrive.

In this regard, when the leafless tree saw Han Fei, he also said: "It's coming very quickly!"

Han Fei rubbed his hands and said, "Ha! Senior, where is the vine?"

Han Fei's eyes were low, but he listened to the leafless tree slowly: "In the earth's veins, I can pull it out. However, be careful of the tree demon for thousands of years. The power of that vine's escaping is too scary. It has not swallowed it. Energy and Reiki, so it looks very attractive."

Han Fei immediately cold eyes: "Ten Years Tree Demon?"

Han Fei immediately remembered that he didn't seem to have killed the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon, but just grabbed the fruit of the goods.

However, Han Fei didn't care: "Don't panic, if the Wannian Shuyao dare to come out and make trouble, I will kill him directly."

Han Fei is very confident now. With his current strength, if he can’t even handle a ten-year-old tree demon? What else is it? What else is eligible to be king?

The leafless tree yelled, and the branches began to shake. The ground was trembling, and there seemed to be rhizomes shaking from the ground.

It seems that the leafless tree also wants to get rid of Koto.

Over the years, almost all of the energy and aura of the entire Yaosen Passage have been eaten by that little vine. If there is another few decades, the leafless tree doubts: Then Koto will not **** up the entire demon forest channel?

In Han Fei's mind, the old turtle said leisurely: "What are you talking about? How does the emperor feel that there is nothing but a little tree demon?"

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Where is the tree demon?"

The old turtle said: "It's about 150 miles in front of the left, isn't it? It's leaning on this."

Han Fei swept away, and in a short time, he saw a small tree thorn with only a mass of thorns, which was advancing along with the twisting of algae. Inadvertently, he crossed several hundred meters forward.

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: really dare to come? This thing is here to grab the demon vine with yourself? Is this dizzy?

Han Fei said quietly: "Don't care about it."



I only felt that the ground was shaking more and more. Wherever Han Fei was, the ground began to rise slowly.

Before an emerald green vine emerged from the ground, the old turtle was still wondering: "Why is it so close that the emperor can't perceive it?"

However, when that little vine emerged from the ground, Han Fei only heard a "roar" in his mind: "How is it possible? Isn't this already a complete magical treasure? Why is there still vine outside?"

The old turtle started roaring, panicking.

Two vines have almost killed it. Three vines are enough?

Han Fei said angrily: "Shut up, Master didn't have that idle time to kill you. This is my chance! If you roar in my head again, believe me or not, I will kill you in minutes?"

The big turtle suddenly shivered.

At this moment, Han Fei's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the air.


It was a red spiked, abnormally sharp. Han Fei felt that he was **** with pain, and even his own body was pricked with blood.

"Little Tree Demon, dare to rob things with the young man? Five years ago, you were not my opponent. Five years later, do you still want to turn the sky?"

Han Fei buckled the heel thorn directly, his thoughts moved, and the void line hooked the spike. Suddenly, Han Fei seemed to hook a huge body of soul.

"Good guy, look down on you. But, that's useless, get out for the young man."

"Let me go……"

Under the effect of the Void Line, this Ten Thousand-Year-Old Tree Demon could even contend.

It seems that if it is not the limitation of this piece of space, the strength of this ten-year-old tree demon is not weak!

However, Han Fei does not care about it at all. The thread of nothingness was deducted as much as possible, and Han Fei ignored it.

At this moment, nothing is more important than charging this Koto.

Han Fei's heart thumped.

But he saw Han Fei face up and stretched out, and the green-green gourd appeared. The two vine leaves swayed slightly, and saw the third Koto fly "over".

Seeing this third little vine, when it was about to be combined with the demon pot, Han Fei felt that his arms were shaking and shaking, as if they were sitting down on a hill.

The old tree face of the leafless tree looked at the scene with a serious face at this moment, and the tree's eyes were rounded, and it seemed to be waiting for this scene quite curiously.

At this moment, the oldest tortoise is the oldest turtle. The self-proclaimed emperor shook his head in the black mist turtle shell.


The moment when Koto finally submerged in the mouth of the gourd, the blue light thrived and the ripples oscillated. Han Fei's whole person's spirit was shocked, just like being poured into a pot of ice water in the summer.

At that moment, I didn't know if it was Han Fei's illusion, there was a feeling that this little gourd was alive.

After Han Fei fixed his eyes, he swept his mind and found that there were no special features!

Han Fei swallowed: If the function of the demon pot has not increased, then it must have been enhanced.

For example, when Han Fei looked at his combat skills again, the sentence "Has reached the current deduction limit of the demon pot, and the deduction will involve the heaven and earth mystery and will damage the demon pot." The text description disappeared.

This is also unexpected: At this moment, the demon pot can deduct the superior level combat skills and exercises.

Han Fei suddenly felt agitated. This little vine has finally returned!

When I saw the leafless tree next to me, I was sullied with a hearty face just now, and I took a long breath: "Finally gone."

Han Fei grabbed the demon refining pot.

He urgently needs to do one thing. My fourth contract spirit beast should be able to merge? Fusion of souls, have been lying in the demon pot for a long time.

However, Han Fei glanced at the space in his mind first, and thought about it: "Hulu, let me kill the turtle."

Han Fei doesn't care if this stuff is an emperor.

There is a horrible and evil creature living in his body, what is that?

Only listen to the old turtle roaring: "Bastard thief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You just said you won't kill the emperor."

Han Fei was surprised and said: "I can't hear you if I'm moved?"

The old tortoise continued to growl: "Nonsense, your mind is spiritual knowledge, how could this emperor not hear?"

Han Fei shrugged: "What is Ao? What are you Ao? I just try it. Are you okay?"

Han Feixin said: It seems that the demon pot is still disobedient! It's a pity that this big turtle is not an ordinary species at first glance.

However, Han Fei ignored the roaring turtle, but glanced at the Wannian Tree Demon controlled by himself.

"Oh! I let you go, and you dare to destroy the good man? Well, good, I am missing a soul, I will use it first."

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