God of Fishing

Chapter 1183: Flame sea

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Han Fei's speed was so fast that Shu Xiaoman felt terrible.

She felt for the first time: under the same circumstances, the speed of speed is so important.

After running for more than an hour, Han Fei did not know how far he ran. According to Han Fei's own estimates, he figured out that he had flew more than 200,000 miles at full speed.

At this speed, he didn't even dare to think about it when he was in the realm of submerged anglers. I can run so far in one hour. Therefore, those Fengshenzhou are of little use.

Of course, he is still just a law enforcement situation, but only forced into the void by speed.

Otherwise, the explorer's understanding of the torn space will be faster.

On the sea where there is no ice, a one-horned red shark is biting the corpse of an unknown creature.

Suddenly, a touch of Jianmang split from the void.

"Pouting", directly split this shark, which already has Hailing's initial realm, into two halves.

From beginning to end, this big shark didn't know that he was just eating a meal. In the end, who was the one who caused the trouble? Why was he hacked to death?

But seeing the cracks in the void, Han Fei and Shu Xiaoman came out.

Shu Xiaoman looked at the shark chopped to death by Han Fei in amazement, and shocked: "How do you know that there are sea creatures outside?"

Han Fei said leisurely: "I said I feel by feeling, do you believe it or not?"

Shu Xiaoman shook his head immediately: the sea area is so big, you can hack dead sea creatures blindly? Then you have to break the sea every day.

Han Fei put the shark into the refining world without hesitation: "The fuss. It's just a shark that has just broken through. The temperature here is indeed a bit high. I guess it's a bit, and I should be there after flying again."

This time, Han Fei took out Fengshenzhou. In doing so, I don't want to go to the sea of ​​flames so anxiously.

Moreover, here is the junction of the ice field and the sea of ​​flames. He wants to see if there is any sea monster nest in the vicinity.

On the Fengshen boat, Han Fei lay on a special large sofa and said lazily: "You tell me about the sea of ​​flames again! Are they just fighting? Didn't you even take the seashells?"

Shu Xiaoman said with a black face: "Be sure to bring it, but there will not be many good things in it. You think, they must have used that good thing. They feel that they are very powerful before they go to the sea of ​​flames to fight. It's impossible for anyone to take a baby to fight for it? If it's dead, isn't it a gift to others? So, there are really good things, it must be used in the first time!"

Han Fei frowned: "This is also the case. If this is the case, it just doesn't make much sense."

However, Shu Xiaoman added: "However, there are many special marine creatures in the sea clan fighting in the flame sea, and the mermaid only accounts for a small part."

Han Fei wondered: "Why?"

Shu Xiaoman explained: "Because the strong mermaid, although it can resist the high-intensity flame, it is not very suitable. Except for a few mermaids who specialize in this path, the sea of ​​flames has a limit to their ability. The same is true for our human controllers and tree monsters, who generally don’t want to go to the sea of ​​flames."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Who will go there?"

Shu Xiaoman: "Zerg! There is also a sky family with fire attributes. The sea monsters are mostly creatures that are extremely resistant to high temperatures or have the same attributes. They like to go to the sea of ​​flames."

Han Fei took a breath and said, "That's not what lives in that place. Are monsters playing monsters? Humans, aren't they?"

Shu Xiaoman: "The Zerg are not monsters. Most of the Zerg creatures are very cute!"

Han Fei pouted, he really couldn't connect Zerg and cuteness together.

Shu Xiaoman quickly said: "Han Fei, you should not engage in racial discrimination. There is a firebird sitting on the side of the flame sea. Be careful to be heard by the adults and leave a bad impression."


Han Fei sprayed at that time, he wondered: "After the bug? Is the queen still there?"

Han Feixin said: If you have a good memory, when you first came to Mizuki, it seemed that you heard a child talking about the queen. Even if it is not a king, it must at least be the pinnacle of Venerable Realm?

Shu Xiaoman waved his hands again and again: "No, the queen of insects is a pronoun. The growth of the zerg, before the king's realm, there is no barrier to the avenue. They are all going to the role of the insects. The Zuzu Venerable of Shuimutian has 28. . Except for one insect king, the rest are all queens."

Han Fei was dumbfounded at that time and took a deep breath: "So many respecters of the Zerg?"

What kind of Zerg did you not know before? A bit fierce!

Shui Mutian is not a Jinger, only 72 in total. A Zerg accounted for 28.

In other words, the Zerg is the race with the most Shuimu Tianzun. The number of Venerables crushed the human race, sky clan and tree demon.

Han Fei controlled the Fengshen Zhou to fly into the flame sea, and asked, "How many queens are there in the flame sea?"

Shu Xiaoman said: "No more than five. They are all around the fire tree and rotate once a year."

Han Fei wondered: "What about other bugs? Are they all in that dark war port?"

Shu Xiaoman shook his head: "No. Half of them are in the Dark War Harbor, and most of them are in the south of the cave."

Han Fei frowned: "Don't you say that the sea of ​​caves is a place where ordinary creatures experience? So many respecters, what are you doing in the sea of ​​caves?"

Shu Xiaoman also slightly sighed and said: "Explosive soldiers! Zerg is the strongest group in Shuimutian. His Holiness is only responsible for crazy exploding soldiers."

"Wait a moment, you wait a minute... I ask, what is the explosive soldier?"

Shu Xiaoman said with a "oh", and quickly explained: "This...you are not our Shuimutian people, it may sound a little surprised. The insects can devour energy, give birth to a variety of lower-level Zergs, or spend It is a great price to directly breed the Zerg at the peak of law enforcement. It is said that after the strongest worm, more than 300 angling fish bugs can be born in one day, or more than 50 submerged fisher bugs can be born in one day. It can be less than 5. If it takes time, some insects will spend nearly half a year or even longer to breed a law enforcement environment with high potential..."


Han Fei was embarrassed at that time: This is too much! What kind of fairy race is this? I was hit by life and death, and after several deaths, I arrived at the realm of the dangling fisherman.

As a result, after one worm, 300 babies can be born a day. How can there be such an unreasonable race in this world?

Co-author, this is the explosive soldier?

What's more, if you put it on the yin and yang days, I am afraid that it will only take three to five years. These worms will explode the soldiers, and they will explode the Wannian Valley. It's terrible.


Han Fei swallowed and snorted, his eyes glanced around the void, and whether he noticed himself or not, he directly said: "Zerg are good."


Shu Xiaoman smiled and said: "Actually, it's not that exaggerated. The Zerg occupies the waters of the cave, mainly for training. Although the Zerg breeds quickly, like other creatures, they also need to experience. For example, the strongest insect After that, although one can explode 300 bugs in the dangling fisher's realm, one-fifth of the people who can actually live in the submarine fisherman's realm are good. They can survive the submarine fisherman's realm and grow into the law enforcement realm. There are only four or five at most. But the remaining few bugs, but they are all really strong, grew up through experience."

Shu Xiaoman crackled and talked about the Zerg's growth and history, but Han Fei felt that there were ducks in his ears, "quack".

From the beginning to the end, he understood that the insect was very viable.

If it is not the explorer who needs to cross the robbery, I am afraid that there will be insects that will directly produce bugs in the realm of the explorer.

one day later.

Han Fei they completely entered the sea of ​​flames.

The so-called sea of ​​flames, it is really no matter whether it is in the sky or in the sea, it has been burned into a red.

Have you seen the sea burning?

Han Fei saw it. In Han Fei's perception, the mountains here are undulating and the magma in the belly is surging.

But this is not the origin of the name of the flame sea.

The flame sea actually originated from a big tree. That big tree is naturally not as tall as the Yunhaishen Tree, nor can it cover such a large area.

In comparison, the size of that tree may be only one percent of the size of the Yunhaishen tree. But even so, it is not small.

Han Fei did not understand: Why is there a tree here? Isn't Yunhai Shenshu afraid of heat?

Watching the air have flames floating.

The temperature here jumped directly to a terrible level, I am afraid it is no less than the temperature of magma. This is just that Han Fei has just entered the flames.

Shu Xiaoman's face was solemn at the moment: "If we want to enter the Sea of ​​Flames from the outside, we need to break through the wall of flames in one fell swoop. The Venerable Hai Clan will not shoot. This is the tacit agreement between Shuimutian and the Hai Clan. Once the Venerable Hai Clan takes action, The queen will also shoot."

Han Fei frowned: "What about the Hai family at the peak of the Dao Realm?"

Shu Xiaoman took a breath and said, "Maybe. So, we need to find a relatively weak place and rush over. After all, the pinnacle of seeking Dao Realm cannot be like the Venerable Master, and can cross the void."

The tree is full of dignity.

Although she felt that Han Fei should be able to rush into the wall of flames. But in all things, who can be sure? You have to be ready to fight.

Han Fei's first thought was to ask the old turtle. But then, I thought about it: What would this old turtle do if he pitted himself?


Han Fei thought, Xiaohei and Xiaobai appeared.

Shu Xiaoman wondered: "This is, the legendary spirit-eating fish?"

He raised his eyebrows with Han Fei: "You need legends to swallow spirit fish?"

Shu Xiaoman shook his head again and again: "Oh no, I know that there are such creatures, but in the sea area of ​​Shuimutian, I rarely see the swallowing fish. Because they are difficult to survive here."

Han Fei: "Oh! That's right, the swallowing fish is indeed very weak. I usually only let my girl find my way."

In Shu Xiaoman's doubtful eyes, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Han Fei immediately touched Xiao Bai's head and said: "Girl, do you feel, which side is the least dangerous?"

Xiaobai made several rounds before flying to Han Fei's cheek: "Dad! Both are dangerous."

Shu Xiaoman's eyes widened: "You can speak without swallowing the Lingyu!"

Han Feidao: "Where, relatively speaking, is the least dangerous?"

Xiao Bai glanced at the direction of Han Fei's 30-degree left angle: "There!"

"Go! Go back first, and Daddy will let you come out to play later."

Shu Xiaoman was stunned: "That's all right?"

Han Fei grinned: "My daughter-in-law speaks a word, accurate!"

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