God of Fishing

Chapter 1194: Ice and Fire 2

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In a cry of exclamation, a blue arc fell into the sky. Han Fei stood on the surface of the sea, as if unconsciously, let a thunder bombard himself.

At that moment, Han Fei was above his arms, between his eyes, all over his body, and the arc flashed.


Both Mizuki Sky side and Siren's side heard a thick gasp from the field.

Someone exclaimed: "His...he is devouring the power of Heavenly Tribulation?"

A Zerg was shocked and said: "Gosh, can Heaven Tribulation also swallow?"

There is a big bird horror: "Crazy, this son is a lunatic."

Looking back at the Kraken, everyone looked dignified: Sure enough, there was no vacant person under the prestigious reputation. There can be no weaker if you can compete with each other. Although Han Fei showed too much bells and whistles, the strong man was still the strong man after all.

In Han Fei’s heart, the sound of the old turtle sounded: “The so-called thunder, but it’s just a test of cultivating against the sky. Since it’s a test, of course, there are benefits, that is, the thunder itself is the purest kind of energy. Unfortunately, you grab it This Thunder is too weak. If you are strong enough in the future, you may be able to grab a really superior Thunder. Under that Thunder, you can be tempered for a hundred years."

Han Fei sneered: "Then wait until the future."


Another thick thunder slammed down, only to hear a click, and Han Fei's body was suddenly covered with several cracks, and pale golden blood overflowed.


Han Fei is still madly swallowing the power of this thunder.

At this moment, all of his limbs, bones, and flesh and bones had arcs.

Han Fei didn't care. Finger Hai clan Tianjiao shouted in a dazed gaze: "Different days of catastrophe, what can bear me? Who dares to enter and fight me again?"


Another thunder crashed straight down, making Han Fei so soft that he almost sat on the sea.

However, among the seven or eight meters thick mine column, Han Fei stooped and gave out a weird grin of "桀桀桀": "It turns out that the feeling of crossing the robbery is like this. Is this the sky-tribulation?"

Everyone: "..."

In the void, Wu Xiexue's mouth smoked: "I really want to smoke him."

Jing'er was surprised and said: "Well, what's the situation? He went through other people's robbery? Is that what he did?"

Insect King's voice sounded here: "Of course not, it is not that he survived other people's heavenly calamities, but that he forcibly swallowed other people's heavenly calamities. There is an overbearing body-building technique here, which is only used to quench the body ."

Jinger: "..."

Here, when thousands of souls were stunned, above those nine days, in the Mizuki Immortal Palace, the Queen of Life looked at the Void Sky Mirror and murmured in his mouth: "The body of war, the beast king's tactics, the act of heavenly emptiness...Yin Yang Over the sky, why had this opportunity?"


That is to say, the old turtle reminded himself that Heaven Tribulation is also a kind of power. If you go all the way through physical training, you will not be afraid of such things as Heaven Tribulation.

In other words, this is indeed Han Fei's first thunder robbery, oh no...

This is the disaster of ordinary people.

However, the third Thunder of Pei Ying is indeed a bit stronger.

I saw that Han Fei's body softened. In a flash, there were hundreds of cracks on his body, which shocked him to bleed.

However, the body of war is accelerating.

Han Fei did not feel better than his body, but felt that if he was in a robbery, it would be better to push the body of war and the indestructible body to a new height at once.

At this moment, Han Fei felt that the power in his body had swelled to the point of nowhere to vent. The whole person was red and blood was dripping.

Han Fei did not sit cross-legged, but stood on the sea surface and gasped violently. Every breath is like thunder and thunder and blood and blood.

On the other side of the Kraken, someone sipped: "No, this person is a pure stream of physical training. He is borrowing Beiying's Heaven Tribulation to practice, which means that he hasn't repaired his law enforcement, and he quickly shot to stop him."


His ancestors moved their hearts and looked at the pinnacle of a group of sea spirits. These people were originally arranged in advance, intending to do everything possible to harm Han Fei before Han Fei's robbery.

At the moment, these people felt cold, looked at each other, and stepped out together.

There was a half mermaid drinking low: "Han Fei, don't you want to fight? Then come to fight."

A shrimp soldier screamed: "Kill!"

Baizhang Dajiao roared: "Humans, dare to fight?"

At this time, on Shuimutian's side, all creatures had just reacted.

Han Fei has just carried someone else's catastrophe, and now it's popping up again... Seven peaks of sea spirits, it's so deceiving.

A large winged worm stood up: "Hai thieves, dare to fight?"

There are cyan giant gulls, set off Tao Dao tornado: "There is a species and come to fight."

"Jin Jie..."

Suddenly, just above the sea surface, the tide of blood and blood produced by Han Fei's breathing began to subside gradually.

I saw Han Fei grinned: "Aren't you going to stop me from going through the robbery? I'll give you a chance today. In the same realm, my Han Fei comers don't refuse. I can wait together."


Suddenly, countless people change: here, it is really proud.

On the other side of the Hai tribe, there are still some extreme arrogances of the peak of the sea spirits.

A strong Hai clan shook his head: "Mo Ji, no matter what path he takes, it is impossible to cross the robbery today."


I saw seven sea spirit peaks and broke up at the same time.

The big jelly giant tail slapped, and the law of gravity condensed on its tail.

There are shrimp soldiers on the awns, bright red blooms, and a strange power to provoke Han Fei's blood, trying to devour Han Fei's vitality.

There are half mermaid hands holding a youth group. When the youth group blooms, Han Fei's heart slightly shakes: This is a magic lamp for bones? The strange power that can hemolyze bone and blood.


Han Fei's body twisted, and in a moment, he avoided the illuminated area of ​​Huagu Lingdeng.

However, even so, a layer of skin was taken for half of the picture.

At the moment Han Fei flashed out, a frost covered the sky. Han Fei felt that the soul was slightly sluggish. This frost seems to have the power of the frozen soul...

On this occasion, a giant tail flicked and a spear stabbed.

Han Fei grinned: "Are you waiting for it, is it limited to this?"

Suddenly, Han Fei stepped into the void, and a stamp of his body punched out. Any giant tails and gun marks, wherever the fist marks passed, were crushed.




Only listening to the clear Fengming, the ice spreading in the void 3000 feet. The frost just now was frozen by the more solid frost.


A sea of ​​fire was burning, the surrounding temperature soared a thousand degrees in an instant, the space was burned to a distortion, and the sea surface was burned with a lot of white mist.


It can be clearly seen that in the void ice mist, a sea cucumber was burned out, and the body was twisting at the moment.


In the stunned eyes, a giant flame mouth opened, chewing the void, and swallowed the sea cucumber directly.

Siren King City, the Seven Heavenly Pride, just shot, and one person fell. Moreover, the fall technique is so strange that both Mizuki and the Kraken are a little horrified: what is this means?

"The lamp waits..."

Suddenly, in the sky, the weird rhythm oscillated, and its sound was faint, like a fairy sound.

However, I saw that the snake roared, the ink-jet color venom, the sharp teeth tear the sky, and the tail was like a gold fine chain, drawing to Han Fei.

Some people shouted: "Not good, close the perception, the sound is strange."

Han Fei grinned: "I only know now? Don't you think it's late?"

I only saw Han Fei's body twisting, and he was standing in front of the big Jiao brain. With his hands clasped, "chirping", the 100-meter-long body of the big Jiao was torn in half by Han Fei.

For a time, blood rain poured into the sky.

Han Fei is like a butcher walking out of a slaughterhouse and a tiger-eyed man. This is all learned from the tiger king. King Tiger called it imposing.

At the time of the nine-tone concussion, the shrimp soldier burst into drinking, using his shrimp spear as a gun: "Sky thorn prohibition."

Faced with this shot, Han Fei held the blood-drinking knife in his hand and said, "Sorry," the knife burst into thousands of voids.


Immediately following, all beasts phantom shadow, hoof step into the void. The non-Daojing Realm Demon can't stop the sound of Beast Roar from the Soul Roar of the Beast Town.

But seeing the shrimp soldiers stagnation in the air, it seemed that the whole person was ignorant.

Han Fei pierced it with a knife, and breathed into his body, bursting open.

This is just a face-to-face, the Siege King City, the seven Tianjiao, directly fell to three people. It was not until this moment that the creatures of all ethnic groups on Shuimutian's side marveled at Han Fei's power.

A strong person of the sky family is sighing, "That's my soul of the sky family? Can the ice soul be frozen directly?"

There are Zerg creatures, surprised and said: "Where did the fireball come from? Is it the flame of the sea of ​​fire?"

Shuize and Tinder are like two red and blue lights and shadows, circling out, slaying towards the mermaid who can control the "Bone Spirit Lamp".

According to legend, under the same realm, can the so-called Wangcheng Tianjiao be comparable?

The fire was turbulent, and the sea in ten miles was blushing.

The true talent of Shuize is water, not ice. At this moment, the sea water is uplifted and the cage is blocked.

Including Han Fei, he was surprised to find that both the water and fire had disappeared, only two pieces of light were formed.

It depends on the half mermaid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was frightened to traverse the four sides, but it was not useful at all.

In Zhu Qiang's perception, he saw that the surface of the half mermaid dried up quickly. Not old, but dry. The water in his body seemed to be pumped away and became like a mummy!

It was also the first time that Han Fei saw Shuize and Tinder cooperate, and was so terrified that he directly drained away his body.

Of course, Han Fei also knows that there are three others, and they retreated when the Soul Roar of the Beast Town appeared.

Xu Shi knew that Han Fei was extraordinary, so when the three men attacked again, they showed a triangle trend, enclosing Han Fei, and at the same time spurred Heaven Tribulation.

At that moment, the three looked at each other, their strength soared, and no longer suppressed.

Someone shouted: "Han Fei, we are a robbery, you try to swallow one."

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