God of Fishing

Chapter 1292: Born to rebirth

Han Fei was fascinated at the time: what do you mean?

He always thought: The woman named Bai was thrown into the town demon tower when she was born. Why is his father here?


A angry King Kong appeared.

Han Fei stood proudly in the yellow sand of the flying scroll, and the sound of "Ding Dang Dang Dang" struck the golden body like raindrops.

I don't know if it is an illusion. When Han Fei used the law enforcement force again, he found that this Vajra Vajra seemed to have a feeling of being alive.

Normally, the power of law enforcement, to a certain extent, symbolizes a person's path. For example, in this phantom of King Kong, what Han Fei wanted to do at that time was actually the practice of physical training, which was a path toward the invincible road.

But at this moment, his own avenue has become a bridge of white mist, and at present, only a small amount of strength has been revealed. It seems that with the power of law enforcement, Baganzi can't go together.

Han Fei thought that his law enforcement power and his own do not blend together, but it seems that this is not the case. Instead, the power of law enforcement seems to have become stronger?

Because Han Fei has already built a half-gold body, it is said that he also has a half-level body. Even if you don't need the power of law enforcement, let these yellow sand blades strike on your body, you may not be able to break your body.

However, Han Fei considered: the creatures that can survive in the town demon tower have their own unique features, not to mention the powerful creatures that occupy a corner of the land in the first floor. Perhaps there are any special measures?

But when the woman named Bai yelled out her "father," Han Fei knew that the woman seemed not so simple. This town demon tower seems not so simple.

If the woman's parents are in this town demon tower, why would this woman go to the first floor of the town demon tower? Is it possible that someone born on the fourth floor will automatically appear on the first floor without passing through the teleportation array?

Han Fei and the woman with the white surname are waiting, but the yellow attack has not weakened.

But I saw that the woman with the white surname was also covered with a layer of white scale armor, and was also struck by the sound of "Ding Dang Dang Dang".

Han Fei's perception swept over and over again, and indeed did not find any special creatures in this land of sand and sea! Except for some dead bones under the sand sea, there seems to be no living creatures.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Miss Bai, are you sure that your father is here? The power of flying sand is getting stronger and stronger. Didn't he hear it? Or, would you shout twice to see?"

During the speech, Han Fei said to the old turtle: "Lao Yuan, where are the creatures in this sea of ​​sand? Why didn't I notice it?"

The old turtle's voice is long: "Dead, buried in the bottom of the sand sea."


Han Fei's complexion moved slightly, and he felt that he was going crazy under the sea of ​​sand. He only listened to the old turtle and said, "Don't feel it, you're coming out."

At the time, Han Fei felt some scalp numbness: "No, didn't you say it was dead? Why did it come out again?"

The old turtle chuckled: "Your kid wouldn't even see this point in the world, right? Undead living souls chanting... Seeking the pinnacle to rehabilitate undead living souls, is it just dead?"

Han Fei narrowed his eyes and asked, "Change?"

Hearing the word revision, Han Fei knew: there is a big story. The thug ancestor, Li Daxian, is also an undead creature who has been repaired! Both human will and strength are preserved. What is the difference between the so-called undead creatures and living?


I saw the yellow sand uplift, like a hill rising from the ground.

At this moment, in Han Fei's perception, a pretty human corpse finally appeared.

Although the body of the corpse was broken and the face was extremely pale, the sword eyebrows were eye-catching, heroic, and seemed extremely stable and quiet.

"Huh... people?"

Han Fei froze for a moment: Sure enough, the old tortoise was told. Was this woman born of man and Kraken?

Han Fei couldn't help thinking: if the children born of humans and sea monsters can grow up to be like this girl, that's actually acceptable! As soon as I was born, I was full of fairy spirits. What's wrong with raising such a girl?


The sand dunes exploded. The pale and cold middle-aged man in a long shirt stood on the sand sea and looked quietly at the woman named Bai.

At this moment, Feisha stopped suddenly.

Han Fei secretly relieved, this man looks not weak. The picture of the father and daughter meeting is better than the picture of the father and daughter.

The woman with the surname Bai seemed agitated and called out again: "Father?"

The middle-aged man's head lifted a little stiffly, as if trying to think or think hard.

Han Fei found something was amiss and shouted: "Lao Yuan, what's the situation? Isn't this person rehabilitating immortal beings? Why does it look like he doesn't know his girlfriend now?"

The old turtle said: "It should be known, you have to wait patiently."

Han Fei stepped back slightly. When the father and daughter meet each other, it is always not good to be a light bulb beside them.

But I saw that the middle-aged man stared at the woman in white for a long time, and his face began to twist slightly, seemingly painful. Then, among the yellow sand, there were vines stretched out.

For a moment, the vines have covered a space of tens of miles.

Han Fei looked at these vines, dragging a wrapped sphere, slowly rising out of the sea floor.

When the sphere wrapped in vines and algae leaves appeared, Han Fei, the woman named Bai, and the white snake all looked at it.

The middle-aged man slowly walked to the sphere and raised his hand slightly, Tengzao relaxed.

But she saw a woman with a half-human half-snake body curled up in it. The snake demon clenched his fists, as if afraid of cold, and looked very pitiful.

Han Fei felt it for the first time: this man was not dead, but it was already a dying year. The serious lack of vitality seems to be falling at any time.

On this woman's body, the skin of some places was pierced by extremely thin vines and protruded into her body. Ah, among the vines, there is still the power of blood and blood, slowly supporting this woman.

Han Fei took a breath and said, "This man has been repairing immortal souls and using qi and blood to all his life.

The old turtle "huh" yelled, "It should be so. Moreover, this person has been rehabilitating undead creatures, and has been trying to suppress his own cultivation behavior, seal his strength, and let himself sleep."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes: "So he will only shoot at the beginning. After he comes out, he will show the color of pain... In fact, is his seal unraveling?"

Old Turtle: "I'm afraid the seal is lifted, I'm afraid I can't help him anymore. He's afraid that he has to go to the fifth floor, then break the respect, and reach the sixth floor."

At this moment, the middle-aged man gently stroked the snake demon: "Madam...our...girl...Come."

In a word, Han Fei was a little touched: What happened at the beginning? Will it be like this?

The woman with the surname Bai heard a line of tears in her eyes unconsciously. And the white snake, whose body was slowly dormant, slumped on the shoulder of the woman named Bai, looking very sad.

At the call of the middle-aged man, he saw the haggard and thin snake demon, quickly absorbing the blood from the spirit plant, and slowly opened his eyes.

However, at the moment she opened her eyes, Han Fei clearly felt the passing of life. This speed of lapse has already reached the point where Han Fei can perceive it directly.

Not only Han Fei, the woman with the white surname and the white snake can also feel it.

Because the snake demon's hair slowly turned yellow. Although it has not turned white, it should be fast.

The woman named Bai stepped forward to the snake demon, shouting in panic: "Mother!"

At this time, Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Her vitality is passing away. At this speed, she will have to fall within an hour."

The woman named Bai quickly looked at Han Fei, then looked at the middle-aged man in a panic.

But when I saw the middle-aged man, I tried to make a smile appear on my face: "One hour, enough! Girl... I want to see you, but I'm afraid of seeing you. Because I meet, I'll say goodbye. For my father...the dilemma..."

The middle-aged man's eyes were soft, and he looked deeply at the woman with the white surname, and then looked at the snake demon with a look of expression, with a deep sigh.

The so-called farewell is when the snake demon falls and unblocks themselves, and they can gather up to these few hours at most.

Bai Ling swam down from the woman's body for the first time and crawled onto the snake demon.

When the snake demon opened his eyes and saw Bai Ling and the woman named Bai for the first time, he was very happy and the tears flashed in his eyes.

The snake demon glanced at the middle-aged man in shock: "Really girl?"

Middle man: "I know, my son has a blessing."

The snake demon suddenly wept with joy, holding the hand of the woman named Bai, and refused to let go.

Bai surnamed woman, I thought I could find it all the way, so I could get together in a family! Who knows, when we first meet, we are separated from life and death. After all, I am still a girl who has never seen the world before. How can I stand this test?

Woman surnamed Bai: "Why... is this the case?"

But I saw a middle-aged man who reached out and gently touched her hair. Some kind of guilt: "For the father, it is the human arrogance of the human race. It is taboo to combine with your mother. Xu is our union, which violates the heavens and breeds you. When the sky changed, UU read www.uukanshu.com, there was a world of white lotus in the world. To avoid chasing and killing by the enemy, this is the only way to escape from the town’s demon tower to avoid disaster. Who can know, father and your mother, and you, Because of the different realms, it falls on all levels in the tower. The father had to descend to the realm and come to find it. Unfortunately, in the end, you can only find your mother. At that time, you were still in the babyhood, there is no self-protection. The father thought : You may be in danger. But you were born, and you have the luck of the heavens, and you have the blessing. But your mother, the blood is deficient, the vitality is almost gone. For this father, I have to repair the undead, Keep your mother..."

Only the snake demon said with guilt: "Girl, don't blame your dad for coming to you from the realm. If so many realms come from, your dad not only can't find you, but he is also likely to fall."

Bai surnamed woman and Bai Ling python, where will blame now? There were tears in their eyes.

And Han Fei, his brain buzzing, could not help but be surprised: "Zhenshibailian?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Han Fei, because Han Fei had no intention of killing him, and came with his own daughter-in-law, so he said: "Yes, it's a great blessing and a disaster. With Qingniang talent, how can you give birth to Kirin?" Therefore, although the world-famous Bailian was good, it also deprived Qingniang of all her life. So, I was born."

At this time, Han Fei and the old turtle said almost at the same time: "Born by weight?"

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