God of Fishing

Chapter 1294: Another name?

When Han Fei swept over the white lotus, it suddenly felt that the petals of the lotus leaf in the world were shaking.

Han Fei also wanted to put this white lotus into the refining world. As a result, as soon as this idea began, the massive aura in the refining world instantly evaporated, and the King of Fish Dragon was directly frightened.

The old turtle quickly said, "Can't take it, it's alive."

Han Fei quickly cut off the idea.

But Rao is so, and he has wasted nearly 100,000 catties of Lingquan, which is a pity.

However, it is because this white lotus is alive. Therefore, at the moment that Han Fei was preparing to charge, the surrounding space oscillated as if an earthquake had occurred.

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Han Fei immediately pretended to be calm: "Bai Lian changes master, the void trembles, this is nothing."

The snake demon couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She has been alive for more than a century, and the spirit and spirit came back at once. Thank you again at this moment: "Thank you, Engong."

Han Fei shook his head with a smile, and said: If you know that this girl is a reincarnated king, how would you think about it?

But the girl couldn't help but ask, "Daddy, mother...why am I surnamed Bai?"

It seems that it has been a long time, she finally asked this question. Of course, when asking this question, she looked at the white lotus in Han Fei's hand.

This question asked the snake demon and the middle-aged man to look at each other a bit: Surname Bai?

The snake demon was surprised: "Girl, when you were born, we didn't have time to get a name. At that time, you didn't know anything about the world. How could you surname Bai?"

After that, several people turned their eyes to the white lotus in Han Fei's hand.

But I heard that Han Fei's old **** was there: "The white lotus in the world is the soul treasure of heaven and earth, and the treasure bred in the chaos of heaven and earth. White girl, who was protected by white lotus since she was a child, can only survive in the town demon tower. Some of her powers. Therefore, she feels that her surname is Bai, which is also destined to be a matter of course."

Both the white surnamed woman and the white snake are slightly confused: is this really the case?

Han Fei determined: The reincarnation of the water fairy is too small to understand the true and the false.

Zhang Yao and this snake demon, although not weak in strength, must know very little about the power of the level of the water fairy, or the treasure of the heaven and earth spirit treasure level, and they can't stand their own fooling.

But listen to Han Fei said: "If there is no accident, this white lotus body may be in this town's demon tower. Otherwise, this kind of good thing should not be yours. Now, you are connected with the white world of the earthquake world, cause and effect, I see Girl Bai is better named Bai. After all, Bai Lian will bless her."

Han Feike hurled vigorously, and said in heart: The fairy in the water was originally Bailian. Don’t reincarnate for a while, and change the surname to Zhang. When she regains her memory in the future, can't she beat herself?

The snake demon's face slightly condensed: "Eun Gong's words are reasonable. Girl, can you have the secret technique of inheritance?"

The reincarnation of the water fairy, frowning slightly, raised his hand, and the spiritual plant emerged like a waterfall.

Seeing this scene, the snake demon and the middle-aged man looked at each other: Sure enough, as Han Fei said, her own daughter-in-law inherited some of the strength of the world-famous Bailian. This is unavoidable and amazing!

The middle-aged man couldn't help saying: "What's my name?"

The reincarnation of the water fairy, shaking his head slightly: "No name."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, and just wanted to speak, his arm was pulled a bit, but the snake demon pulled his sleeve.

Snake Demon said: "This time, I would also like to thank Engong for bringing the girl here. If I read correctly, the girl has not entered the Tao and has not reached the peak. Engong entered the level with the intermediate explorer state. I want to come , Should this be a method of grace?"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "I ignored it."

The snake demon smiled lightly: "Why don't you ask Eun Gong to give the girl a name... girl, what do you think?"

Although I don't know why, Shuixian reincarnated and nodded slightly, seeming to trust Han Fei quite.

Han Fei twitched his mouth: another name?

However, she will not like her name, will she?

There is no way to dislike it! This is the cause and effect. Who made your reincarnation meet me?

But seeing Han Fei pacing slightly, he said: Don't worry about it, you have to blow it first. Want to hit me in the future? I have to remember that I praised her for a long time before I named her.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "When I first saw you, I thought it was extraordinary, beautiful and gorgeous, beautiful and elegant, bright and eye-pleasing, and bright skin like cream, smooth and crisp... White girl is like a collection of beautiful, elegant and Noble in one. It is really rare in the sky and in the world, an extremely beautiful woman..."

Han Fei didn't blush, her heart didn't beat, and she appeared when she opened her mouth. Even the white snake shivered.

The snake demon secretly heard Zhang Yao: "Husband, Eun Gong... Isn't it a fancy to our girl?"

Han Fei burst out of his head: You can't talk nonsense, sister. If this waits for the teacher to regain awakening, will he still have to shoot me?

Han Fei quickly looked right: "So, I think it's good to call it Bai Suzhen. Bai is the surname of the white lotus in the world's celestial treasure. Su is colorless and can also be called white. The word Zhen is pure and pure. Call it white... Therefore, all three words are white, which is really a good name."

Zhang Yao's mouth twitched slightly: "... indeed a good name."

Snake demon: "Eun Gong is indeed extraordinary, indeed a good name."

Han Fei's gaze aimed at the reincarnation of Shui Xian.

She and Bai Ling are looking at themselves.

Han Fei wondered: Why is Bailing not a green snake? This is more perfect, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are all complete. After a while, a man named Xu Xian appeared, so he could play a white snake biography.

Sure enough, the reincarnation of Shuixian, gently nodding, seemed to like the name quite. Meiyu opened some of them.

The pro also recognized, the life continued, and the name was taken.

Han Fei didn't want to watch the family drama here, but saw him quickly said: "That, Senior Zhang Yao, do you know how to leave the town demon tower?"

Zhang Yao was slightly surprised: "Huh? Eun Gong didn't have the means to go out?"

Han Fei did not answer directly, but said: "I came in from the forbidden land of Baibei King's Palace and tried the secret realm. If I go out there, there is a danger of being seen through. I don't know if there is any other way to leave the demon tower in this town. ?"

But I saw Zhang Yao's face with a bit of a wry smile: "It's true, Zhang really doesn't know how many floors are there in this town's demon tower? I only know that there are many dangers here, one layer after another, but I have never found a way to leave. I This time we are awake and the power returns, we may be restricted by rules and have to enter the next level."

Han Fei was surprised and said: "Has this rule?"

Zhang Yao nodded slightly: "Forcibly staying on this floor, it is not impossible. However, it will be accompanied by misfortune. There will be chaotic void in the tower, let the strong enemy attack, and force me to go to the next floor. This should be the town demon tower. A way to maintain your balance."

For the first time, Han Fei knew: Zhenyao Tower, with such a magical function, will there be a chaotic void?

Therefore, the strong cannot do it at the weak level, the weak can do it at the strong level, after all, the weak cannot break the balance.

But I saw Bai Suzhen frowning slightly: "Is it dangerous?"

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly: "The girl is at ease. It's also an arrogant thing to be good for the father. In the past, it was possible to be self-cultivated to come here. What's the point of coming again?"

The snake demon couldn't help but look stiff: "Yao..."

Zhang Yao looked slowly: "Qingniang rest assured, I will come back soon."

It's Han Fei, what is in his mind: the chaotic void? How to use this white lotus in my hand? Not surprisingly, this is a part of the water fairy. Otherwise, there cannot be such a strong force that can keep a person alive for so long.

Moreover, the demon pot can't see through any information of this white lotus, and it further shows that this white lotus is much higher than the level you imagined.

If the body of the water fairy is really at the bottom, then you can't go down! Even if you have been able to do those half-level creatures, you can't do it.

Just as Zhang Yao's family sighed, Han Fei suddenly interjected: "Wait. Senior Zhang Yao, you will stay here for the time being. I think this white lotus, I can explore it first. If Senior can hold it for a few days , I can try it to see if I can find a way to leave?"

If it is an irrelevant passerby, even if this Zhang Yao is a human race, then Han Fei will certainly not help.

In this world, there is no such thing as a fellow who sees a fellow in tears. There are so many races, I can’t help because everyone is a human race, right?

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the father of the reincarnation of Shui Xian. This causality is not small at all. Unlike the father who had crossed the river, he was still born.

Moreover, if this piece goes to other levels, the snake demon's strength has not been fully restored, it is not easy to carry it. After all, at this level, most of them are the souls who seek the pinnacle of the Dao, and they are all enlightened.

After all, the water immortal did not enter the Tao, nor did he awaken. Facing one or two might not matter. Faced with three or four, maybe you can fight. But if there are ten or eight monsters who seek the pinnacle, it is really not easy to fight.

Even if he is outside, he is not the strong man who has not hunted the peak of seeking. However, it is no better than the town demon tower.

Outside of the world, the pinnacle of seeking is not necessarily the way to go. However, in the town demon tower, this ratio may be very high.

Moreover, when he hunted the peak of his own way, most of them also attacked himself, and then cooperated with the old turtle, which killed the other party. Not a positive bar!

Thinking this way, Han Fei felt: For the safety of the teacher, this white lotus must be the key.

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