God of Fishing

Chapter 1297: Soaring

It is estimated that the new consciousness of the Narcissus was also stunned, and the heart said: Is this not dead?

Sprinting again, Han Fei's soul was shaken away again. However, Han Fei was already before the seal formation. The time for the second return of Divine Soul seemed to be slower.

When Han Fei returned to his senses, he found vines covered with frost, as if trying to separate the white mist of his incarnation.

Han Fei discovered that once the white mist was blown away, the time for the soul to wake up again would be longer. Therefore, if oneself is killed infinitely, the Gemini Divine Art will collapse by then, and his soul will be more than half converted, and he can barely live in the refining world.

And this newly born consciousness may underestimate Han Fei.

The power of the blue sea smoothie caused the stretched vine to slow down by half a beat, which delayed her a little time.

After all, she is forcibly on the body of a water fairy.

Seeing that he was really about to be separated, Han Fei's heart changed sharply: How can I bring my misty bodies together?

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved, secretly reminding Daozhong.

"I can ignore the space."

Han Fei's eyes were certain, but he saw his body of white mist, directly drilling out from all directions. Some even escaped from the roots of plants.

When the white mist gathered, it is estimated that the new spiritual sense was stunned again: What kind of operation is this special?

However, this time, Han Fei didn't dare to be unscrupulous.

This is so difficult, I've been killed twice just between two breaths. If it hadn't been for precautions, he would throw Xiao Hei's body into the refining world, I'm afraid he would have been cold right now.

Even the old tortoise was so scared. This is so terrifying! An intermediate explorer, facing a king, gave him ten tortoise heads, and didn't know how to fight this battle?

Fortunately, Han Fei cleverly discovered that his Tao can achieve some simple idealized things, such as strengthening strength and ignoring space, which are not too difficult operations.

At the moment when the bodies of the white fog reunited, Han Fei immediately realized: If this new consciousness can block the space, then he might be really difficult.

However, after two lives and deaths, Han Fei finally came before the seal formation.

Among the thousands of white lotus, if you want to find the true body of the narcissus, if you don't have the ability, you can't find it at all.

If the Narcissus doesn't say it, and he doesn't have Xiao Bai's ability, I am afraid that he will not find Han Fei to kill him.

At this moment, Han Fei saw a blooming white lotus with a big palm, with a light blue phoenix circulating.

Just looking at the past, Han Fei discovered that it was not actually a form of formation, but a simple seal power that was repeatedly stacked inside.


This newly born consciousness has never left the town demon tower. Where will she be? Even the water fairy is not proficient in the formation method, can this new consciousness know the formation method?

Han Fei suddenly grinned at the sight of pure sealing power. Taking advantage of the third spirit attack, he quickly responded: "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi."

It's just that such a fight to change the stars is no longer about moving Han Fei himself, but about moving the space not far in front of him.

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, in fact, is not just about moving oneself away. When Han Fei moved, there was an exchange between space and space.

No, the seal is extremely powerful, but what is the use if the seal is wrong?

At the moment that the sealing power was removed, the Narcissus's voice sounded again: "Damn, the mere intermediate sage, also tried to invade the king's body? It's almost death."

In an instant, the void exploded.


Han Fei only heard a scream, and nearly a hundred miles of space seemed to collapse. Immediately afterwards, I saw a large faint blue soul body appearing.

"Forgive me!"

How many tens of thousands of years the Narcissus has lived. How could it be possible for an outsider who wants to occupy his body if he is not relatives or for reasons?

Even if this body is something you don't want, it's not something other people can take away at will.

Han Fei felt: In the space dozens of miles away, there was a "sizzling" sound, as if something was being crushed.

After that, the blockbuster of Unowned Soul appeared.

Just listen to the water fairy said: "Little Wang Han, were you injured just now? Try to swallow this masterless soul."

Han Fei felt a little bit: His soul was indeed injured, but it seemed that he was only injured less than 20%. Moreover, it can be repaired. Therefore, the problem is not very big.

At this moment, seeing so many masterless souls in front of him, how can Han Fei bear it?

But Han Fei said, "Teacher, that new consciousness has fallen?"

The water fairy said: "This time, I made a mistake. I did not expect to be calculated by a new spiritual sense. Don't worry, she has been killed by me. But you, even I just thought it was too late to save you. I didn't expect it. , You can survive this situation..."

The voice of the Narcissus was obviously trembling. I don't know if it was scared or scared?

Han Fei also quickly breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death. I thought I was going to cool down just now. Wait, I was overwhelmed by the uncontrollable soul."

Han Fei still didn't release the deity of Black Mist. God knows if there is any accident?

Han Fei's method of collecting Borderless Souls is also simple, which is to use Soul Breaking. Split dozens of divine souls, merge them into those unowned souls, refine the unowned souls, and then recover them again.

It took a full half an hour before Han Fei swallowed about a third of the Borderless Soul, but he already felt that his soul had risen greatly.

But after listening to the water fairy said: "Well, I know you still have a part of your body. I am very sure for the teacher that the new consciousness has fallen, and you can come out."

The old turtle said: "The emperor didn't feel any threatening consciousness."

Han Fei slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the refining world, the body of black mist appeared. However, Tufeiyuan is still lying in the refining world. That was Han Fei's last insurance, anyway, he had to keep it.

When Han Fei lifted the Gemini Divine Art, the Narcissus said in amazement: "This talented soul beast is surprisingly connected to one another."

Han Fei said, "Teacher, do you want to feel your own body? I'll eat this masterless soul first."

Narcissus: "Can you still eat?"

The old turtle also said, "How can you still eat, kid?"

However, Han Fei responded with a smile: "I have a picture that is very extraordinary and can help me digest it."

After that, more Youlan Souls were split by Han Fei.

After another half an hour, this masterless soul was finally consumed by Han Fei.

Another hour, Han Fei's shocking picture quickly remembered. At this moment, 700 yuan has been revealed, and it is still in rapid memory.

Han Fei never expected: A noble soul can have such a big effect! It is really an extraordinary effect to help me remember such a huge amount of shocking pictures.

It was different from the epiphany in the town demon tower a few days ago. That day, after his epiphany, Han Fei had no time to practice Jingshentu. At this moment, Han Fei practiced specially.

After three more hours, Jingshentu couldn't remember at all, and it was 726 yuan. It seems that Han Fei's memory limit has been reached.

In Han Fei's eyes, information emerged.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 74 (junior explorer)

Reiki: 180,000/180,000

Mental power perception: 3600 miles

Enforcement: King Kong is not bad

Power: 348 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unawakened

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 61]

The second talent soul beast: not awakened

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the sixth layer, "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


Seeing this scene, Han Fei was stunned: his mental strength has increased by nearly 4000 points?

You know, the last time he had an epiphany and broke into the realm of an intermediate explorer, Han Fei only gained 2,000 points.

As a result, it just absorbed a new consciousness of the Intermediate Venerable Realm, and it grew so much?

As for the range of perception, Han Fei is not too surprised. After all, the memory effect of Jingshentu is there, and it's strange that young people grow up! For this, Han Fei is particularly not enough.


Han Fei took a deep breath: It seems that it is worth it to go through the door this time.

Han Fei's power of the soul soared, and the old tortoise was tempted to see him, his heart said: This kid is too enchanting!

However, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Old Tortoise was even more surprised. In fact, it was not the power of the soul, but Han Fei's powerful method of breaking the king's body and the will of the venerable just now.

That can only be a great way. Otherwise, he couldn't figure it out at all: What is Han Fei's ability to block such a powerful enemy and survive?

Seeing that Han Fei had woke up, the water fairy said with ease: "What? Little Wang Han, how about the Lordless Soul of the Venerable Realm? Fortunately, this new consciousness has always been suppressed at the bottom of this tower. Otherwise, , This masterless soul is not so pure."

Han Fei seemed to have a full meal, with a satisfied expression, but his lips said, "Teacher, what about Bai Suzhen? This new consciousness should not have completely fallen. There is still a part of her inside Bai Suzhen's body."

The narcissus's voice floated and said, "It's okay, most of its power was wiped out by you just now, and the little bit that remains has been nurtured for hundreds of years, and the cost is quite high. But since she helped me shape a reincarnation The body is not bad, it saves me a lot of trouble. Otherwise, I have to find a way to be reborn."

When Han Fei heard this, he sighed with relief and immediately rubbed his hands and said, "Teacher, you are reborn, what about your main body? Don't regenerate a new consciousness, I can't stand it!"

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