God of Fishing

Chapter 1299: Lotus Root Body

In fact, Han Fei is very clear: if he chooses the second way, then he is almost immortal under the king.

However, that way also lacks experience, and there is a feeling of lying down and winning. And lying to win, sometimes not seeing is a good thing.

With the lotus seat, I am not afraid of being beaten by others when fighting with others. But under the same circumstances, how can I ever fear others? And if he can beat himself, he has an extra lotus seat, and he is also beaten.

After Han Fei firmly chose the path of external incarnation, he suddenly realized: "Teacher, if you can reshape a new body, why don't you rebuild with a new body?"

Just listen to the water fairy said: "I was originally going to rebuild, but it was not a way to reshape the body, but a new beginning. As a teacher, I will turn a seed into a new growth and bloom."

In Han Fei's heart, the old tortoise's voice leisurely admired: "What a great courage. After breaking and standing, this is the great ambition of preparing for another life and taking a long life!"

Han Fei was also slightly stunned for a while. From the words of the narcissus, you can hear: How much courage is needed! Even the body of the king is not needed!

Han Fei couldn't help saying, "What about Bai Suzhen?"

Narcissus: "Like you, when the teacher has purified the ray of new consciousness in her body, she will still be the reincarnation of the teacher. It's just different from your external incarnation, she now has her own independent will. When she gets stronger, she will return eventually."

After hearing this, Han Fei was relieved.

After all, no matter what, Bai Suzhen is the reincarnation of the water fairy after all, so there is nothing wrong with helping herself.

It's just that Bai Suzhen is a game created by the new consciousness, intending to regenerate. However, she did not anticipate the existence of narcissus. Otherwise, it is really possible to be counterattacked by the new consciousness.

Narcissus: "Since you say you are short on time, don't delay it. By the way, if you split your soul, can you still suppress the evil thing in your body?"


Han Fei's eyes glared, and the old turtle was also stunned: He was actually seen through?

Just listen to the Narcissus with a light smile: "It's nothing. My body is almost half dead, so the spirit is extraordinarily powerful. The last time I met you, I felt a little bit. This time, I am more and more Confirmation: There should be a boss in your body."

Han Fei shrugged: "It's okay, teacher, you should know that I have a special divine soul treasure. The old tortoise is not being pressed by my own divine soul, but by my divine soul secret treasure."

The Narcissus faintly said: "That's fine. Being a teacher is afraid that you can't hold him down. However, he knows all your secrets. Don't give it a chance to come out easily in the future?"

In Han Fei's heart, the old tortoise roared at that time: "Is the emperor the tortoise that made such a mess? The emperor has his own way."

Han Fei said with no anger: "Old Yuan, you're almost done! Even my teacher can't hide it, so you are called the emperor? You really lost the title of the emperor."

Old tortoise: "..."

Although Narcissus didn't know who the old turtle was, she knew Han Fei. A person who can cross the long river of time back and forth, a person with a horrible powerhouse behind him, will never let a horrible powerhouse hide in his body.

Therefore, since the strong man was already in Han Fei's body, most of it was suppressed. Sure enough, as expected, this has already been suppressed!

With Wang Han's personality, that's not good. However, with Han Fei's current personality, he shouldn't be fooled by that creature.

Water Immortal said: "Wait for three to five days as a teacher, I need to mobilize the power of my body."

Five days later.

In just five days, the Narcissus body shrank more than doubled. However, under the cover of one of the white lotuses, a rosette appeared, and a lotus root grew under it.

Han Fei had already guessed: Co-author, my external incarnation is made of lotus root?

In Han Fei's eyes, related information appeared.

【Name】Hunyuan lotus root

[Introduction] The lotus demon in the king's realm, with massive vitality and chaotic air, has spawned your Hunyuan lotus root, with broken roots, broken weight, and has the miraculous effect of preventing evil from invading, immune and avoiding poison, and specializing in conquering the soul. Can refine the external avatar.

[Level] King Level

[Quality] Supreme

[Contains the air of chaos]? ? ?

[Effect] If eaten directly, the explosive body will die under the half king. Above the half king, it can protect against evil, immune to poison, and conquer the soul.

Upon seeing this message, Han Fei felt that his saliva was about to fall off. This is really strong! Never thought that I would become like Nezha.

Han Fei wondered for a while: Is it okay for Nezha's lotus root body to have its own? I'm afraid not necessarily. This is a body made by a real king, almost like a fairy.

At this time, Han Fei's heart suddenly moved: Since the external incarnation is not originally a human body, why stick to the human form?

Han Fei immediately said, "Teacher, can you squeeze three heads and six arms out for me?"

Narcissus: "???"

Han Fei said: "Teacher, I feel that since I no longer stick to the human form, I should maximize my combat power. I am good at too many combat skills, and I can't use two hands. If there are three heads and six arms, I think one can fight. numerous."

Narcissus: "..."

The water fairy said: "Try as a teacher."

Han Fei said again: "I'm talking about when I need three heads and six arms, then three heads and six arms. When I don't need it, I still have one head and two arms."

The Narcissus was not angry: "You ask so much, if you get a cheap one, you still sell good..."

Three days later.

Han Fei saw a lotus root appearing in the water. His body and appearance were based on Wang Han, which made Han Fei look rather embarrassed.

On the ears of the lotus root body, there are two lotus earrings. Han Fei can't help but resent: "Teacher, I am a boy. It's not appropriate to wear earrings?"

But seeing that the Narcissus didn't feel good about it, "What do you know? Those are your other two heads."

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei thinks: I might take it for granted. Nezha's three-headed six-armed kung fu can actually be found, and it is not a particularly advanced combat skill.

However, the three-headed six-arm combat technique is different from the three-headed six-armed main body. That must be because the body has three heads and six arms. Otherwise, if you use combat skills, you can only use it as a secret method. There is always a time limit.

Han Fei has already planned: Qiankun Circle, Huntian Aya, Hot Wheels, Fire-tip Spear, Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover, Golden Large Bricks and so on. At that time, one will not fall to the ground, and all will be given to his external incarnation. Arranged.


Just thinking about it, Han Fei felt that he would be overwhelmed by his demeanor. When he was born outside his body, he would surely shock the world. To enter the yin-yang sky is like entering the land of no one.

In the past few days, whether it was an old tortoise or a daffodil, Han Fei felt strange. Every now and then, just giggle, don't know what to expect?

According to the logic of these two people, you are somehow a powerful person who has entered the Tao. After comprehending the Dao, becoming a respect is a matter of time, so why are you always happy and angry?

But Han Fei didn't care, except for half of his soul, he didn't have any loss to himself.

Furthermore, the spirit can be made up. However, how much luck does it take to meet a powerful external incarnation?

Just listen to the water fairy yelling: "Little Wang Han, listen to my command, split the soul...begin."

Han Fei's face condensed immediately, as if torn apart. A large swath of faint blue spirit, like smoke coming out of the body.

In this scene, the Narcissus was immediately shocked: "You are so powerful?"

After all, he is a strong man at the king level. The strength of Han Fei's soul can be seen by the Narcissus at a glance.

Right now, the amount of the soul that Han Fei split up, I am afraid that it has all the power of the soul of an ordinary Taoist-seeking realm powerhouse.

Only seeing Han Fei's face twisted, he continued to separate until: "It's not good yet, wait a moment."

At this time, Han Fei was separated from the soul, and there was no initial tearing pain. However, too many spirits separated would still make Han Fei feel dizzy.

The old tortoise didn’t know that Han Fei’s power of soul was so strong. At this moment, seeing this endless separation, he couldn’t help sighing, “This evildoer? How many years has this kid cultivated? How can he be so strong? Soul power?"

When a full half of the soul was stripped away, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Han Fei felt that his body was suspended, his face became extremely pale, and he managed to stabilize his figure.

The Narcissus took a deep look at Han Fei. While enveloping Han Fei’s soul with a ball of blue light, he poured it into the body of the lotus root, and said, “Xiao Wanghan, your power of the soul has reached half. level?"

Han Fei grinned with difficulty: "I don't know how strong the power of the half-level soul is!"

The water immortal said helplessly: "Then you recover first. Suddenly, the loss of such a spirit, you need to adapt. Your external incarnation still needs to be refined."

After Han Fei saw his soul submerged into the incarnation of lotus root, there seemed to be weird and huge powers gathering in all directions. That power presents a faint gray color.

Han Fei's heart moved, not knowing why, but he felt like he wanted that kind of power.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Teacher, what power is this?"

Narcissus: "Aura of Chaos."

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