God of Fishing

Chapter 1302: War of Kings (Part 1)

As the only king of Baibei King City, Emperor Bai Jia naturally knew: the danger of the town demon tower. But this danger has been silent for too long.

It has existed since it was discovered here, but it never broke out.

Even Bai Jiadi once felt that the danger under the Demon Town Tower might no longer be a threat. Until the moment when the Baijia Emperor became a king, he wanted to enter the town demon tower to find the chance at the bottom of the tower.

However, at that time, he felt a king's breath coming, which seriously threatened him.

At that time, Emperor Bai Jia just entered the kingdom of kings for the first time.

He even thought: If there is a king who has been dormant in the town demon tower for tens of thousands of years, his strength must not be underestimated. So, the last time I made a tentative shot. As a result, it naturally failed.

To this day, Emperor Bai Jia has repeatedly tried to test the danger under the Demon Town Tower.

However, every time he can feel unparalleled horror and vitality. It is precisely because of this vitality that makes him feel terrified. This time made him doubt: the strength of the one below might have reached the end of the king realm.

However, the existence at the bottom of the tower has never really taken a shot, nor has he thought of coming out of the town demon tower, nor has he shown any threat.

Because of this, Emperor Bai Jia hasn't tried to disturb the demon tower.

Even at this moment, when the White Jia first arrived, he was pressing the seal of the Demon Town Tower with one hand, trying to continue suppressing the existence below.

At least, when the opponent did not indicate his identity and friend or foe, he didn't want to let him out.

Shui Mutian is so big in total, and the three kings stand side by side, which seems a bit cramped. If there is another one, it may still be the strongest. Who can stand it?

Emperor Bai Jia is naturally worried: Will this existence seize his own Baibei King City?


Venerable one after another came one after another.

When they saw the surrounding ring mountain range that was about to collapse, and the two chains that had broken off, they couldn't help being surprised: How did the town demon tower move so much this time?

Seeing that Emperor Bai Jia personally took action to suppress the demon town tower, the venerables speculated: Is it the legendary one in the demon town tower who is coming out?

Emperor Bai Jia said again: "This king knows that the demon tower in this town may not be able to hold you down. However, with the help of this big formation, it is not easy for you to break through. Who are you?"

The narcissus said slowly: "Let go, I will return to my wall of death, don't force me to fight you."


Many people took a breath of air-conditioning one after another: Unexpectedly, there really is a peerless king in the town demon tower.

Someone secretly urged the power to the extreme, intending to save themselves in a crisis,

This is the battle of kings! If a great war breaks out, these venerables, if they are the slightest neglect, they will fall forever.

When the Bai Jiadi looked solemn, a clear voice sounded: "Let you go away."

When facing Han Fei, Narcissus may still be a kind teacher. However, Narcissus is a king after all, how can he really talk so easily?

"Boom bang bang!"

In the field of vision of Emperor Bai Jia and many venerables, one could see the cyan demon vines protruding from the ground around the town demon tower. Each vine that stretched out was like a flood dragon swimming from the depths of the sea, tumbling endlessly, clutching the tower tightly. On the 22 town demon chains, there were also vine leaves stretching, and white lotus flowers began to bloom.


Emperor Bai Jia yelled: "You said to go to the Wall of Death, how do I believe you? Moreover, if you want to take the entire town demon tower to the Wall of Death, you will inevitably break a corner of the seal. By then, the demon will go out to sea, How can this king tolerate you?"

As he spoke, Emperor Bai Jia's big grinding wheel stretched out thousands of feet.

Around the town demon tower, thousands of void cracks were pressed.

Just listen to "Boom Boom Boom", and vines burst one after another. Every vine exploded like a magical power in the sea, flying sand and rocks within a hundred miles, raging waves rolled, the seabed sunken, and even the sea backflowed.

Such a terrifying explosion flattened the surrounding ring mountain in an instant.

All the powerful experts who came here were all horrified: Is this the temptation front between the kings? A random blow seemed to have a terrifying power close to the high-ranking state.

Moreover, in their field of vision, the white lotuses that grew around the town demon tower were more terrifying than the green vines. Because under such a terrifying bombardment, those white lotus flowers were not damaged at all.

Even the Bai Jiadi was a little moved: this has exceeded the scope of temptation.

It can be said that if it weren't for the fact that I came personally, even if all the sages of Baibei King City came, I am afraid that they would not be able to completely suppress this force.


I saw three white lotus flowers spinning and flying towards Emperor Bai Jia. The latter's complexion was solemn, and he no longer supported it. Two big white gongs appeared out of thin air.

Emperor Bai Jia: "Retreat thousands of miles."

With the Baijia Emperor's order, everyone retreated: Knowing that this level of battle, most of the venerables can no longer resist.


"Boom bang bang~"

When the three white lotuses burst, the gongs hit together.

A wave visible to the naked eye instantly shattered the surrounding mountains.

The aftermath was not over, under the violent scouring of the turbulent ripples and water waves, within a thousand miles, the gravel was empty. The sea surface was blasted into huge waves, and a terrifying spherical space with a radius of more than 10 miles appeared on the seabed.

This blow was so powerful that Emperor Rao Bai Jia was equally powerful, but his sleeves had been broken and shattered. There were blood stains on both arms.

The surface of the two large snails that had just been summoned turned out to be distorted.

The emperor Bai Jia shouted: "You are serious and I have nothing to do with you? If you are unreasonable, don't blame this king for his all-out effort."

Emperor Bai Jia looked solemn, looking at the nine-story demon tower that had been completely exposed to the bottom of the sea, eight demon town chains had broken.

If the one in the tower is left, continue to make a strong shot. It was only a matter of time before the seal on the periphery of the Town Demon Tower was broken.

However, Emperor Bai Jia was also a little bit horrified by the power of Narcissus. The terrifying power of the three lotus flowers has completely exceeded the limit of the half-king realm, and has reached the first stage of the king.

Don't underestimate this king's first stage, people are separated from the town demon tower, from the inside out. This terrifying power should have been weakened a lot by the town demon tower itself, and such a terrifying power could still burst out.

It can be seen from this, how strong is the one inside?


In the town demon tower.

Han Fei's face was solemn, he didn't know what the fighting was like outside?

Anyway, the pan was fried in the town demon tower, and it was a mess. Since Narcissus shot, the shock has never stopped. The roars from different big demons never stopped.

But what really made Han Fei's expression solemn was that the water nymph was consumed too much.

I don't know how the Narcissus was shot? Anyway, Han Fei saw her lotus flower, one by one withering. At this speed, an hour cannot pass at all, at most half an hour, the body of the Narcissus will be destroyed.

Han Fei: "Teacher, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Narcissus: "In order to condense your external avatar and fall as a teacher. Now, you can only use the power of your body to barely exert the power of the king. If you fight directly outside, it will be fine. However, it is separated from the town demon tower. The seal is somewhat limited to the strength of the division."

Han Fei frowned: "What should I do?"

The Narcissus hummed softly: "Fight for a burst."

outside world.

Suddenly, Bai Jiadi's complexion condensed, and he saw that there were eight flowers and bones, suddenly emerging from the void.

Just listen to him yelling: "Are you crazy? Across the town demon tower, if you act so recklessly, is it possible that you want to die?"

The Narcissus said in a cold voice: "This king wants to open the sky, and wants to return to the wall of death. Just ask you, let me go or not?"

Anyway, this is the body of the narcissus lotus, the last moment of existence.

The Narcissus was also completely released. In her entire life, I am afraid that she has never fought so madly.

Frightened by Narcissus's words, Emperor Bai Jia was shocked: This person wants to open the sky?

Is it possible that the reason why this person dormant for so long is actually attacking the Open Heaven Realm?

Yes, this person has never fallen, and his vitality has always been extremely strong, far better than himself. If not, I'm afraid it would have been shot long ago?

In order to open up the sky, this person dormant for tens of thousands of years, his patience can be called terror.


I saw eight flowers and bones, beginning to bloom, and white light pierced the sea. With brilliance, the lotus once again attacked Emperor Bai Jia.

Inside the tower, the water fairy shouted: "All creatures, help this king to hit the tower."


Emperor Bai Jia was speechless: There was no warning at all. How could such a terrible war happen?

Could it be that the big guy inside has accumulated his strength to the limit, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com is about to open up?

However, even if this big man wants to open the sky, why does he go to the wall of death? Could it be that there is the power for her to open the sky in the wall of death?

Emperor Bai Jia's heart moved, and there were some inexplicable guesses.

Just listen to him bursting out: "Stop, let the king let it go. You are just going to the wall of death, you go. This king has no grievances with you. How can he stop you after being a neighbor for so long? "

Han Fei naturally heard what Bai Jia said.

When Emperor Bai Jia spoke, Han Fei hurriedly said: "Teacher, don't believe it, don't believe it, don't believe it. You can't believe in the sea monster."

The Narcissus's voice trembled slightly: "Are you stupid as a teacher? This person probably doesn't want to head-on with me at this time. It's just, I don't know what he can do?"

But seeing the town demon tower with part of the mountain, flying in the sky, like a fairy mountain crossing the sea, thousands of miles in an instant.

Just listen to the emperor Bai Jia shouting: "Everyone prepares, at the wall of death, there will be a big battle, and we should try our best to punish the enemy."

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